SIDEBAR #6- Arias/Alexander forum

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Don't know how to carry posts over but in response to discussion about CMja killing in past and repeating in future, just want to emphasize how the torture component really sets her apart, I think, and makes this so much more likely. Okay, the run of the mill sociopath kills to get rid of obstacle that stands in his/her way----e.g., Scotty Peterson, FCA. But Travis wasn't in CMja's way. She just enjoyed inflicting pain and torture onto him and now enjoys the pain his family suffers.

This is why she is not the run of the mill reprehensible killer....

This is something I posted on the media interview thread relating to this:

OMG. The Ryan Owens interview had by far been the best...only one who challenged her and called her out.

The part that got me the most was when he said "so you think ppl will be safe with Jodi Arias out of these 4 walls"...and she said, "yes, if you don't abuse me or attack me or threaten to kill me, then you're safe." WTF, who talks like that????? OMG I wish the jury could have seen that. Basically, what she's saying is that if I perceive that someone is abusing me or attacking me, I am capable of doing the same thing again. WTF???? Omigosh, I just can't wrap my head around that. She IS a danger to society if let out.

And as we know, she perceives unreal things as being real. So let's say if she ever gets out, let's say she's with someone like her mom. Her mom says some innocent thing, but Jodi gets it in her head that her mom is verbally "attacking" her...well then by her own admission her mom, or whoever, better be scared for her life. B/c Jodi just might go and "defend" her self again. I'm sure Juan and Flores and the Mesa PD nearly jumped out of their skins when they heard that.


Continue discussion here...

sidebar #5

Way to go, Harmony! Glorious Good Morrow to All! :seeya:
Why would they begin again today at 11 am ? Why that extra hour off? It's like they want it to go beyond the 3 / 4 day weekend. Grrrr

They aren't starting till 11? I thought they were starting at 10?
My 20 year old wayward daughter called to say she will be coming I won't be here for long. We'll be having shrimp cocktails for lunch along with a salad.
Salmon tonight for dinner with the husband...

Okay here y'all go .. a little thing called

Spring Water ( for your party pleasure)

2 liter Sprite
1 5th Vodka
1/2 liter Mt. Dew
5 tablespoons lemon juice
4 scoops Country Time lemonade mix with sugar.

Best served chilled out of a steal bucket and big dipper spoon over a glass of ice! Add a few lemon slices for garnish.

In the last thread, Rosemary Pierce said she was in a foul mood (I meant to comment on that but then came over here and forgot).

Must be something in the air because I'm about ready to stab someone in the face. Hopefully we get a verdict and it uplifts us all.

There's an expression about being so mad you could kick a kitten through a fan.... :floorlaugh: I think we're all hanging on pins and needles waiting for a verdict. How many days did we get all set for testimony only to have court cancelled? That kind of breeds tension and frustration. I'm hoping this is nearing the end and I can relax again...whatever that is. kittens were harmed in the use of that expression..... :floorlaugh:
Do we stay here till the jury officially starts deliberating today or do we move over to that thread now? :scared:

I just want a verdict today. The right one!
Good morning! Thinking of the Alexander family today. Praying that the jury can come to a verdict today. If they have to select a new jury and do this phase all over again, it's going to be awful for the Alexanders. They've been through enough :(

O/T Sad morning for my hubby and I. Our kitty passed away. She was diagnosed with Feline Leukemia a couple of years ago, and had been healthy up until a few days ago. She lived a long time (almost seven years) with the disease, and was such a ball of love <3 Going to miss her so much.

So sorry about your kitty. :( :hug:
My favorite :rolleyes: was a clip from the interview where Jodi uses the word contemporaneous and quickly asks the reporter if she understands what this means. :banghead:

Me too! She was SO hoping she would have to explain to the reporter, and SO disappointed when the reporter nodded that she knew what it meant !
Shot down in flames again JA! :floorlaugh:
I thought the use of "contemporaneous" in that statement was really weird.

Not only weird, but entirely grammatically inappropriate. Of course, I don't expect much from her at this point in any case. BetteDavisEyes, on the other hand, may have a stroke before her massacre of the language is complete.
Do we stay here till the jury officially starts deliberating today or do we move over to that thread now? :scared:

I just want a verdict today. The right one!

You can move over whenever you'd like, or stay here with the bad kids. ;)
I have a venison roast in the slow cooker along with beef broth, onions, garlic, bay leaf, tomato paste, salt, pepper, hot sauce.....gonna have french dip sammichs tonight. I already have homemade buns to go with.... ooooooooooh and some melty provolone cheese.

OMGNESS ! **Drool*** Got room for one more? :)

There is no reason at all to believe she will give LWOP. None. She bent over backwards for the DT ad nauseum, greenlighting endless sidebars, giving them surrebuttal, letting them have ALV provide hearsay testiphony, allowing them to play the EDITED phone call just to name a few.

Lifting the ban on interviews for this remorseless murderer was the final straw.

I'm not advocating one way or the other for a sentence (it's the jury's discretion, but I'd vote DP)- but should the jury come back with life, I am firmly convinced JSS will opt for LWP.

:seeya: I totally agree !

BBM: That was one of the worst decisions she made -- this trial is FINALLY at the Penalty Phase and the jury is NOT sequestered -- and she lets a Convicted Murderer give interviews ? And NOT just one interview, it was a media fest for the CM !

She and Sheriff should NOT have allowed that -- they know the CM and her felon friend have been 'Tweeting' as well and that should not be allowed !

I hope and :please: this jury comes back with the Death Penalty ... which is the ONLY choice, IMO !

Mikee Daniels singing JA's version of 'I think I love you' is hilarious! 'I think I love me...'

I am curious! How can anyone say they will not support this jury if no death penalty is given? This is the same jury who convicted her of premeditated murder with aggravation. This is the jury who has been in that courtroom for five months. And this jury didn't get to see all of Jodi's recent interviews. They do not know all the evidence and stories from friends that we know about. We don't know why they weren't told Jodi had two knives and a gun with her upon arrest. We dont know why they did not see her parents being interviewed. There was a lot kept from this jury. Why? I don't know. But all of you who were glowing about this jury when they came back with murder one, now want to give them a hard time when they haven't even reached a verdict! They know Jodi is evil. They may give her the dp. They may also think she is crazy sick and deserves life in prison. It is their decision.
Judgmental much?

I support them either way, just please, dear God, don't hang,,:please:
Watching Jodi Ann lightly and jovially banter with the bailiff yesterday, I gotta think that's she's been seriously deluded since childhood. If her mother wrote a tell-all about her, that seemed to be truthful, it would make a TON of money. In a perfect, or even a good world, she'd give a humongous hunk of that money to the Alexanders.

I mean, when somebody's this bad, it behooves us to study it, and make sure it never happens again, if at all possible! :facepalm:
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