Sievers Sidebar #1

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One thing I find interesting is with all our digging around we still haven't hit on what screen name he was using on some of the chat/forum "swinging" sites. I just know he had to be out there participating and getting his kicks.

If there are any girlfriends of MS's out there we would appreciate hearing from you about his use of the Internet in his love adventures or at least his screen name so that we could as they say, "read all about it"!
I recall SMS saying that they never came up with a plan if they got caught so these were post-crime emergencies that were pretty much botched because they were acting on the fly as issues came up.
I recall SMS saying that they never came up with a plan if they got caught so these were post-crime emergencies that were pretty much botched because they were acting on the fly as issues came up.

Yep, good point, just like I think AW's accident with the car necessitated the car rental and boy did that leave a smoking trail.
One thing I find interesting is with all our digging around we still haven't hit on what screen name he was using on some of the chat/forum "swinging" sites. I just know he had to be out there participating and getting his kicks.

If there are any girlfriends of MS's out there we would appreciate hearing from you about his use of the Internet in his love adventures or at least his screen name so that we could as they say, "read all about it"!

I think all will be revealed in the next document dump. I would hope LE would have checked all the swingers/lovers that MS copped to even though he stated none of them would want to harm TS.

I think people have probably found out MS's screen name on the swinging sites but since LE has not named him a POI, he is off limits for sleuthing here on WS. MOO
I think all will be revealed in the next document dump. I would hope LE would have checked all the swingers/lovers that MS copped to even though he stated none of them would want to harm TS.

I think people have probably found out MS's screen name on the swinging sites but since LE has not named him a POI, he is off limits for sleuthing here on WS. MOO

Oh rats! Doesn't "envelope of suspicion" count? :D
Don't they need CWW to say MS hired him?

Cww could say anything to JR and its not direct knowledge.
Just like the GF saying MS hired them.

Unless MS directly spoke to JR about it I'm not sure if it will stick.

I don't know how that works.
Isnt it hearsay?
I think all will be revealed in the next document dump. I would hope LE would have checked all the swingers/lovers that MS copped to even though he stated none of them would want to harm TS.

I think people have probably found out MS's screen name on the swinging sites but since LE has not named him a POI, he is off limits for sleuthing here on WS. MOO

Oh rats! Doesn't "envelope of suspicion" count? :D

Oh he is definitely full-out sleuthable now. No need for verbal confirmation from SMS as the docs released make it abundantly clear that Mark is a major suspect. He was even referenced as "Suspect 2" in the Investigative Report released. Heck, I don't have time to cite the Bates #s of all the passages in the report that indicate LE believes he hired CWW to murder Teresa. So, to be clear, Mark Sievers is a suspect and can be sleuthed until your hearts' content.
So spill the swingers site, Sulamith.
I'm so naïve that I didn't realize there even was such a thing as a swingers list
I know we have to be very careful with others on the list, but can you just give us a site to go to, and a username? All I can think of is Dodge.
Don't they need CWW to say MS hired him?

Cww could say anything to JR and its not direct knowledge.
Just like the GF saying MS hired them.

Unless MS directly spoke to JR about it I'm not sure if it will stick.

I don't know how that works.
Isnt it hearsay?
This is a little tricky, so bear with me -

It is hearsay, as far as MS is concerned. However, if JR testifies at CWW's trial that he [CWW] told JR that MS hired them, then it is not hearsay.

Specifically, if CWW is on trial and JR is testifying -
Prosecutor: What is your understanding of why you were going to Bonita Springs, FL?
JR: CWW told me that Mark Sievers hired us to murder his wife.
That testimony would stand. It is not hearsay because JR is testifying to exactly what the defendant told him.

If MS is on trial and JR is testifying, that same info would be considered hearsay and not admissible because it would be considered third party.

At least that is my understanding of it. AZ or creepingskills, please correct if I am wrong.
I feel absolutely dirty just looking at some of those Florida swinger sights. I'll pass on sleuthing this angle.
Oooh...I just got a good thought about the van license plate now.
1 PM =
1 NIGHT (as in 1 night stands)
Could it be????? Wow that goes where I never thought of before.

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Dmacky, hubs says "my feeble mind" and he is sharp as a tack. I thought he was the only person who used that phrase. What a hoot! I always laugh at him too.

ETA: I am not laughing AT you, I am laughing WITH you.

LOL Caroline, I laugh at myself all the time. I have definitely turned into my Mother! :eek: I picked up a lot of words from her that I STILL find myself saying, that I KNOW now are not even real words. Like washing clothes, I'll say warshing clothes. There is no R in washing :smile: and her standard for toilet was torlit. ( sometimes tarlit :giggle: Again no R...and definitely no A.
I sure do miss my mom, she was a southern lady through and through.
LOL Caroline, I laugh at myself all the time. I have definitely turned into my Mother! :eek: I picked up a lot of words from her that I STILL find myself saying, that I KNOW now are not even real words. Like washing clothes, I'll say warshing clothes. There is no R in washing :smile: and her standard for toilet was torlit. ( sometimes tarlit :giggle: Again no R...and definitely no A.
I sure do miss my mom, she was a southern lady through and through.
Aww, I love "torlit"! What a wonderful word!
At first I thought you must be one of my sisters! But, my mom is still living and still says "warshing" and "torlit."

LOL Caroline, I laugh at myself all the time. I have definitely turned into my Mother! :eek: I picked up a lot of words from her that I STILL find myself saying, that I KNOW now are not even real words. Like washing clothes, I'll say warshing clothes. There is no R in washing :smile: and her standard for toilet was torlit. ( sometimes tarlit :giggle: Again no R...and definitely no A.
I sure do miss my mom, she was a southern lady through and through.
I know a couple of liars and I have personally diagnosed them as sociopaths/ narcissists/ psychopaths. Whatever.

No, I have zero credentials.

Anyway, they lie even when the lie is preposterous. People are usually too polite to confront a liar.

They get away with their lies, they think.

So MS has no reality by which to gauge his actions He has gotten away with stuff for years and I bet he thinks he is golden.

Oh he is definitely full-out sleuthable now. No need for verbal confirmation from SMS as the docs released make it abundantly clear that Mark is a major suspect. He was even referenced as "Suspect 2" in the Investigative Report released. Heck, I don't have time to cite the Bates #s of all the passages in the report that indicate LE believes he hired CWW to murder Teresa. So, to be clear, Mark Sievers is a suspect and can be sleuthed until your hearts' content.
Woot woot!

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I am still stunned that CWW didn't stop JR from buying the Ft. Myers Beach t-shirt to take back to his gf in MO.
They take the colloquial saying "Been there, done that, got. the tee shirt." to a whole 'nother level. They LITERALLY bought the tee shirt. A t-shirt proudly advertising that he had been to the area. Hello? Anyone home? :facepalm:
Since the docs have come out, two things have struck me most (generally speaking): 1) the amount of evidence incriminating MS, and 2) how utterly stupid and careless CWW was (considering we had all been told of his brilliance). Now I'm left wondering how on earth he has been able to get away committing so many other crimes (inc murder) and not been caught before now.

bbm ^ Someone told me many yrs ago: We are all ignorant, just about different subjects.

In reading hundreds, maybe thousands, of true crime books & following cases in MSM, I've found that to be true.
Seems to apply to the two under arrest here and will probably apply to future arrestees in this case too.
JM2cts, could be wrong.
I was born (many yrs ago) in a small town (pop. 6,000) and understand 6 degrees of separation can become 2 degrees in a small town. With that said, I still find it a little strange how many of the characters connect. How MS introduced his fiance' SF to his friend CWW (CWW ultimately marries SF's niece AW). After MS and SF go their separate ways she marries Greg Bolin with GB's brother, Ronnie, officiating the wedding ceremony prior to disappearing (CWW being POI in the disappearance).
In my mind I was imagining CWW in high school as one of the quiet kind of guys lurking in the back of class not participating much when, very surprisingly, I read CWW was voted senior class president and in superlative voting voted most dependable. Maybe boredom in a small town lead CWW in direction of drugs.
With CWW,s wife # 2 KB stating CWW and MS talked with each other about once a month sort of makes me think they didn't stay in as close of contact as I had originally believed ( I had thought almost daily contact) up until MS decided he would use CWW in his slow strategy of purchasing a few life insurance policies as MS watched TS figure his weak game and knew his time married and meal ticket would end.
Of course this is all pure speculation while I surf information overload.
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