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DNA Solves
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DNA Solves

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If being an IDI isn't about supporting the Ramsey's then I can't understand why they aren't concerned,I would they really think that waiting for a dna match will solve this case?Even if IDI,there is MUCH more work to be done in order to get the guy/guys.
Do they agree with how LE/DA are handling this cold case?
While every scenario in this baffling case has holes in it, I think that the evidence is overwhelming that no "intruder" wrote that ridiculous, overdone ransom note. It is the longest ransom note in criminal history, by a wide margin. Most kidnappers presumably come prepared with their own pen and paper. No one would use the term "foreign" to describe themselves. No kidnapper would take the time the use such colorful, dramatic language. And, the most important point of all- no kidnapper would leave a ransom note at the same scene as the dead body. That alone disproves any notion that a real "kidnapping" was ever intended.
If being an IDI isn't about supporting the Ramsey's then I can't understand why they aren't concerned,I would they really think that waiting for a dna match will solve this case?Even if IDI,there is MUCH more work to be done in order to get the guy/guys.
Do they agree with how LE/DA are handling this cold case?

I don't think waiting for a DNA match will solve the case.

There is very little likelihood this case will be solved by BPD. The FBI might solve it. Why? Because it links outside this country. How could BPD peer outside Boulder or Colorado, let alone outside the US? The solution for this case is outside the scope of the BPD. Need evidence for this? Just read the note. Keeping in mind that most other infamous writers like Zodiac and Unabomber rarely lied in their notes.
While every scenario in this baffling case has holes in it, I think that the evidence is overwhelming that no "intruder" wrote that ridiculous, overdone ransom note. It is the longest ransom note in criminal history, by a wide margin. Most kidnappers presumably come prepared with their own pen and paper. No one would use the term "foreign" to describe themselves. No kidnapper would take the time the use such colorful, dramatic language. And, the most important point of all- no kidnapper would leave a ransom note at the same scene as the dead body. That alone disproves any notion that a real "kidnapping" was ever intended.

They did not use the term 'foreign' to describe themselves. Instead, they used the term to describe a faction. They wrote that the faction was small and foreign, not that they were small and foreign. According to the RN author, the small foreign faction didn't kill JBR, a group of individuals representing one did. We should at least strive to comprehend the note and its contents, if nothing else.

I suggest reading up on some other infamous writers like Zodiac and Unabomber. Decide for yourself that they didn't use colorful or dramatic language.
I don't think waiting for a DNA match will solve the case.

Finally we agree on something.

There is very little likelihood this case will be solved by BPD.

I totally agree.

The FBI might solve it. Why? Because it links outside this country. How could BPD peer outside Boulder or Colorado, let alone outside the US? The solution for this case is outside the scope of the BPD. Need evidence for this? Just read the note. Keeping in mind that most other infamous writers like Zodiac and Unabomber rarely lied in their notes.

Yes but in order to do that they would have to put under the microscope Access Graphics (A-Z) which I don't think it's possible for several and different reasons.

IF and this is a huge if it was indeed a SFF (last scenario on my list) then don't you think it would be a waste of time?It;s been too long since it happend.But if SFF did it then it's obvious they have to start with JR and it's also probable JR himself suspects who and why. IMO


SFF and DNA left at the crime scene .....don't think so....the DNA (IF IDI and if it's the killers points definitely to a pedo....why?Because only that type of person would remove his gloves while redressing/undressing the victim....he just COULDN'T resist touching her,feeling her skin,etc) all imo
Finally we agree on something.

I totally agree.

I'm awestruck.

Yes but in order to do that they would have to put under the microscope Access Graphics (A-Z) which I don't think it's possible for several and different reasons.

No they wouldn't. The RN author told JR to use that good southern common sense of his. JR's not southern, therefore the RN author only had superficial knowledge of JR.

IF and this is a huge if it was indeed a SFF (last scenario on my list) then don't you think it would be a waste of time?It;s been too long since it happend.But if SFF did it then it's obvious they have to start with JR and it's also probable JR himself suspects who and why. IMO

JR does suspect who. He said a monster who has issues with capitalism, and I had already said that.

SFF and DNA left at the crime scene .....don't think so....the DNA (IF IDI and if it's the killers points definitely to a pedo....why?Because only that type of person would remove his gloves while redressing/undressing the victim....he just COULDN'T resist touching her,feeling her skin,etc) all imo

Nobody messes with a sleeping 6 year old girl thats not a pedo pervert. Were you thinking that pedo perverts are exclusive to this country, or that a SFF representative didn't want to be seen as 'owning' this little girl for an hour or two? Or that we know all there is to know about what happened during that time? That there are no latent effects?
They did not use the term 'foreign' to describe themselves. Instead, they used the term to describe a faction. They wrote that the faction was small and foreign, not that they were small and foreign. According to the RN author, the small foreign faction didn't kill JBR, a group of individuals representing one did. We should at least strive to comprehend the note and its contents, if nothing else.

I suggest reading up on some other infamous writers like Zodiac and Unabomber. Decide for yourself that they didn't use colorful or dramatic language.

I don't think you can logically defend the ransom note as being written by any true would-be kidnapper. The note has been scrutinized thoroughly many times, and I'm satisfied that Patsy wrote it. Again, there are so many impossible things about it; the absurd length, the emotional tone, the dramatic expressions and of course, the fact that the body was left there along with the note. There is no ransom note, nor any alleged "kidnapping" like this in the history of crime. I'm not the first one to find the use of the word "foreign" curious. My interpretation is that the kidnappers are representatives of-in other words, a part of-that small, "foreign" faction.

I don't think the comparisons to serial killers like Zodiac and the Unabomber are appropriate. That is, unless one believes the murderer(s) of JonBenet were serial killers themselves. I don't think that's possible, because I think the one(s) responsible for her death lived in the house.
I wrote my "e" similar to that for a long time.
I don't think you can logically defend the ransom note as being written by any true would-be kidnapper. The note has been scrutinized thoroughly many times, and I'm satisfied that Patsy wrote it. Again, there are so many impossible things about it; the absurd length, the emotional tone, the dramatic expressions and of course, the fact that the body was left there along with the note. There is no ransom note, nor any alleged "kidnapping" like this in the history of crime. I'm not the first one to find the use of the word "foreign" curious. My interpretation is that the kidnappers are representatives of-in other words, a part of-that small, "foreign" faction.

I don't think the comparisons to serial killers like Zodiac and the Unabomber are appropriate. That is, unless one believes the murderer(s) of JonBenet were serial killers themselves. I don't think that's possible, because I think the one(s) responsible for her death lived in the house.

By this logic, if the RN had read '...that represent Switzerland..." we wouldn't bother to call up Switzerland and ask hey whats up can you check for this DNA? Because we've already 'scrutinized' it?? Since it only says 'foreign' we can assume there is no foreign involvement? Why would the RN author name the country, to say 'here I am'? Taunting and additional threats, giving 'some information,' is a trait shared by other infamous writers. Both taunting and additional threats are present in the ransom note.

Hey, we don't know who killed JBR, how she got pineapple, who owns the cord, who broke the paintbrush, what smashed JBR's head or why, but we know all there is to know about the note? I don't think so. Thats pretty arrogant.
Suitcase in basement filled with her things.What did the parents say about that?TIA
I don't think waiting for a DNA match will solve the case.

There is very little likelihood this case will be solved by BPD. The FBI might solve it. Why? Because it links outside this country. How could BPD peer outside Boulder or Colorado, let alone outside the US? The solution for this case is outside the scope of the BPD. Need evidence for this? Just read the note. Keeping in mind that most other infamous writers like Zodiac and Unabomber rarely lied in their notes.

Hi Hotyh.

"Just read the note."

If you just read the note, the embellishment, the threefold embellishment of a the classic/ generic rn text which runs vertcally through the text, then the 'embellishment', the patterns of vocab within the note might become apparent.

Maybe, consider that the text is driven by an artificial construct, mean sentence length, a pattern of distribution quite similar to the classic distribution curve (bell curve) or maybe, even the expression of a binary equation to create an 'artificial' construct, of mean sentence length.

Note that the 'threefold' repetition pattern, is evident in the rn text, in observing the repeated blocks of sentence length distribution.

Maybe you should have a RElook at the rn.
Maybe have a look see, at how Mean sentence length is determined within the rn text? That 3/4 of the rn text has a mean of 11.5, and the remainder of the distribution serves to increase that mean, might be of interest to you.

* Maybe the rn text is not spontaneous but driven by the construct determined by mean.
Suitcase in basement filled with her things.What did the parents say about that?TIA

I don't think this was the case. There was a suitcase in the basement belonging to JAR that contained a comforter/blanket from his college dorm room and a Dr. Seuss book. So that wasn't filled with her things.
There were suitcases filled with clothes for the entire family, including a suitcase for JB, because they were leaving for a family vacation. First to Charlevoix for a Christmas visit with JR's grown daughter and her fiance, then on to a Disney Cruise.
This may be the suitcase you refer to, but it wasn't linked to the crime, not was it unusual to be found in the home the day before they were to leave on a trip.
As far as I know, there was not much said about the CONTENTS of the basement suitcase. It was described by the Rs as a suitcase that JAR used to go back and forth from the University of Boulder and that the comforter (which has also been described as a blanket) was from his dorm room. As far as the children's book- I have not seen where the Rs were asked about that.
Hi Hotyh.

"Just read the note."

If you just read the note, the embellishment, the threefold embellishment of a the classic/ generic rn text which runs vertcally through the text, then the 'embellishment', the patterns of vocab within the note might become apparent.

Maybe, consider that the text is driven by an artificial construct, mean sentence length, a pattern of distribution quite similar to the classic distribution curve (bell curve) or maybe, even the expression of a binary equation to create an 'artificial' construct, of mean sentence length.

Note that the 'threefold' repetition pattern, is evident in the rn text, in observing the repeated blocks of sentence length distribution.

Maybe you should have a RElook at the rn.
Maybe have a look see, at how Mean sentence length is determined within the rn text? That 3/4 of the rn text has a mean of 11.5, and the remainder of the distribution serves to increase that mean, might be of interest to you.

* Maybe the rn text is not spontaneous but driven by the construct determined by mean.

This is probably significant. I think what you've noticed about the ransom note is a rhythm.
This is probably significant. I think what you've noticed about the ransom note is a rhythm.

Hiya Hotyh.

Yes perhaps, Hotyh. I had searched for compartive patterns in classic verse, a sort of template for sentence length?

also I had considered that given the distribution, words per sentence, lays between 0 and 30, with 29/30 sentences having a total words per sentence length of less than 21, the distribution would have repetitive patterns; obviously that is the case, observable in the repetive pattern 7,12,13, 14. with a mean of 11.5.

IMO the rn text is the basic bare bones classic rn, total words approximating 100, embellished with layer upon layer of gibberishs, one hundred words embellished threefold? with multi thematic vocabulary.

Although I've never had the pleasure of attending a 'Who done it? Mystery Dinner-Theatre. that's what the rn resembles, IMO.

I can not read the rn with an air of legitimacy?
I can not read the rn with an air of legitimacy?

Of course you can. The legitimacy of the RN has not been ruled out.

Many claim to know what the RN means and what it doesn't mean, claim to know who killed JBR and why. We're all just guessers here.

When all is said and done, it will be interesting to see how much of the RN was legit.
I'm awestruck.

No they wouldn't. The RN author told JR to use that good southern common sense of his. JR's not southern, therefore the RN author only had superficial knowledge of JR.

JR does suspect who. He said a monster who has issues with capitalism, and I had already said that.

Nobody messes with a sleeping 6 year old girl thats not a pedo pervert. Were you thinking that pedo perverts are exclusive to this country, or that a SFF representative didn't want to be seen as 'owning' this little girl for an hour or two? Or that we know all there is to know about what happened during that time? That there are no latent effects?

So basically you're saying that BOTH top IDI experts Lou S. and Douglas were wrong in their profiling?One said it was a sadistic pedo the other one was sure someone who hated JR did it.None of them ever mentioned the SFF.
By this logic, if the RN had read '...that represent Switzerland..." we wouldn't bother to call up Switzerland and ask hey whats up can you check for this DNA? Because we've already 'scrutinized' it?? Since it only says 'foreign' we can assume there is no foreign involvement?

I agree.Doesn't matter if LE thought that the rn is bogus,they should have checked that avenue as well,you never know.
Okay,the FBI said right from the start that something's strange about the note but this was only an opinion(that's why the FBI was there in the first place,right?).I blame LE re this one.They should have investigated the SFF scenario(in order to exclude it,if nothing more came out of it),no matter how improbable it sounded.But the Ramsey's weren't much of a help here either."I have no idea who could have done it,I don't know anyone that evil.Period."
I don't think this was the case. There was a suitcase in the basement belonging to JAR that contained a comforter/blanket from his college dorm room and a Dr. Seuss book. So that wasn't filled with her things.
There were suitcases filled with clothes for the entire family, including a suitcase for JB, because they were leaving for a family vacation. First to Charlevoix for a Christmas visit with JR's grown daughter and her fiance, then on to a Disney Cruise.
This may be the suitcase you refer to, but it wasn't linked to the crime, not was it unusual to be found in the home the day before they were to leave on a trip.
As far as I know, there was not much said about the CONTENTS of the basement suitcase. It was described by the Rs as a suitcase that JAR used to go back and forth from the University of Boulder and that the comforter (which has also been described as a blanket) was from his dorm room. As far as the children's book- I have not seen where the Rs were asked about that.

I've always suspected that Patsy used JAR's suitcase deliberatly. To possibly frame him. If I remember correctly, I believe a jacket or coat of his was found in the kitchen. Laying on the wet bar or something like that, which of COURSE would have been uncharacteristic for Patsy, the neat freak. (she would have removed it, hung it up, whatever.)ring a bell for anyone else?

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