Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #19

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I believe that the show was on that evening. However, it was on a satellite station, not a mainstream station. It may be hard to research. The name of the show is simply titled, "The Bachelor".

I think it was LE that made us think PP called 911. I believe he actually called Vicki on one of the girls' cell phone.

I believe Vicki was on her way to the scene when she called 911. The girl in the background told her, "He says they're dead."

I think you are right. I think Vicki was on the phone when she was leaving their home going down the road toward the girls. She can be heard saying to someone "Run!" iirc.

Here's something that I keep remembering- Taylor's little dog was found at the bridge the next day. I can't believe that that tiny little thing ran/walked/toddled all the way back to the bridge instead of heading for the driveway a short distance ahead. That dog was put or left at the bridge by someone. (IMO). I can just imagine some smart aleck youth taking the dog from Taylor and laughing when she protested. I believe that this is a major clue as to the nature of the crime.

I can see this happening..... I also really think that she put her little doggie & girlie things in her purse.

If the girls are anything like we were growing up they probably were up late.. talking,hoping, dreaming...that is what just breaks my heart & I am starting to cry typing this.. their little dreams & plans & I wanna do this or I would never do that...
anyway I am thinking they slept in till about noon.. but if taylor had animal chores like feeding a horse then I don't know. Do horses have to be fed in am or do you just put out the hay & sweet feed anytime & they munch?

I also remember someone saying that evacuation time after eating in relation to their ages & metabolism might explain empty stomach contents.

Great suggestion about tracks at Plackers but with all the confusion I highly doubt it.. I just don't think they were that precise. I still want to know about the report of a prowler being @ Plackers after the fact in the middle of the night.
Well Rose said she talked with Skyla at 4:30 and they were at Taylor's home. So it had to be after then and when Rose tried to call again 5:08 there was no answer and she called PP and he tried to call Taylor around 5:10. And the witnesses said they heard the gun shots around 5:15. So even if they left shortly after talking with Rose that would give them around 45 minutes on the road. Since there was no answer by 5:08...... I think they were dead by then.

The guy on YouTube said it would take 15 minutes to walk to the bridge and then 15 minutes back. He also says they did not stay at the bridge long but I don't find that unusual. If that was their target when they got there they could have just swung around and started back.

I don't think they were delivering anything. The bag was still on Taylor's shoulder and I think it was nothing but girly stuff in there. If the guys grabbed the purse to get the contents then the purse would have been beside their bodies not still on Taylor's shoulder imo.


But couldn't they have just told Rose they were at Taylor's house, especially if they were up to something secretive?
Yellow Dog, All very good questions that need answers...

I have never understood why on a sunday the girls had not eaten in 12's very unusual in my family to not have breakfast and lunch on Sunday.

I have also thought T. sleeping in a sleeping-bag seems suspicious, as if a way to protect herself. Now and then seems o.k... BUT all the time, seems strange to me!.....Had some other person moved into her bedroom?.

No one has said WHO was at the P. house that Sunday.

Something could have happened and the girls was waiting for Rose, possibly because someone very negative was at the P. house.

Could the killer been at the P. house that day looking for someone or something ???

Another possibility is, someone at the P. house got into a bad argument/fight/maybe drugs involved/,
with a male, and that person, upon leaving the P. house mad, shot the girls to get back at the person they were arguing with.

I question WHY P.P. lied about getting the cell phone from Taylor's pocket and making the 911 call, the reason behind this should be looked at more closely.
Maybe he was 'covering' for checking T.'s Purse for 'something' ....jmo

Good ideas, Letsthink. I keep coming back to Uncle Joe who was so visible right after the murders. Was he trying to deflect attention from himself? Could he have known the girls were home alone and paid a visit, the girls got scared and ran off, he pursued them and............

Or could they have been paid to unknowingly serve as mules delivering drugs to someone?

Someone in that area knows more than they're telling and I suspect it's because they are involved in some way even if it's not the killing.
But couldn't they have just told Rose they were at Taylor's house, especially if they were up to something secretive?

Yes YD they could have. Especially if Taylor's gp's were strict with her, she could have been testing them especially if they were not at home. How easy could that have been? The People magazine article indicates they were recently allowing her to "spread her wings".
Good ideas, Letsthink. I keep coming back to Uncle Joe who was so visible right after the murders. Was he trying to deflect attention from himself? Could he have known the girls were home alone and paid a visit, the girls got scared and ran off, he pursued them and............

Or could they have been paid to unknowingly serve as mules delivering drugs to someone?

Someone in that area knows more than they're telling and I suspect it's because they are involved in some way even if it's not the killing.

The whole "Uncle Joe" thing has really bothered me from day one. Very good point about them wanting to leave the house especially if they felt uncomfortable around Uncle Joe. But why would he stay that long at the house if no one was home? Has it ever been proven that anyone else was in the house at the time of the murders?

I completely agree with your last statement. Someone does know something. Why else would they resort to play an excerpt from that 911 tape?
This was in the Crimes thread on the front page.. maybe this kind of testing could help with case...

technical aspects of new procedure:
"New study will make criminals sweat
Dr John Bond, a researcher at the University of Leicester, has developed a method that enables scientists to 'visualise fingerprints' even after the print itself has been removed. He and colleagues conducted a study into the way fingerprints can corrode metal surfaces. The technique can enhance – after firing– a fingerprint that has been deposited on a small calibre metal cartridge case before it is fired." ... snip.... goes on to explain how salts excreted through fingertip pores are detected & an
"indirect link therefore between obesity and the chances of being caught of a crime. "Other research has drawn links between processed foods and obesity and we know that consumers of processed foods will leave better fingerprints," he said. " ... thus the title of the article.

Fingerprint Breakthrough Hope In US Double Murder Probe
does anyone know if the show, "The Bachelor" or something like that, was on tv that day? I really would like to know this, and if so, what time did it go off? I heard that someone else heard the shots, but this was not reported. That they heard they at 5:30 or very near to that after the show went off. It could be a rumor, but I heard that and they were very adament about it.

I believe "The Bachelor" didn't come on until 8:00 where I live.
Every day I say a prayer for these girls ... I'd give anything for closure.

OT but wanted to mention pics to CM

I want to tell you, these pictures are absolutely gorgeous! can I save them?
I have never gotten into the Casey case. I am just too soft hearted. I wish I didnt hurt so easily, but I do. Well, about things like this, I do. This is why I have never sleuthed, and probably never will again. It just makes my heart break!

And every day, I too pray for them ALL!
But couldn't they have just told Rose they were at Taylor's house, especially if they were up to something secretive?

I really don't know, YD. I am just going by what Rose was supposed to have said. Maybe the Plackers have a land line and she called there? Maybe she could hear the tv playing in the background or something?

Good ideas, Letsthink. I keep coming back to Uncle Joe who was so visible right after the murders. Was he trying to deflect attention from himself? Could he have known the girls were home alone and paid a visit, the girls got scared and ran off, he pursued them and............

Or could they have been paid to unknowingly serve as mules delivering drugs to someone?

Someone in that area knows more than they're telling and I suspect it's because they are involved in some way even if it's not the killing.

But isn't he Vicki's own brother in law or brother? I would think he would be one of the first ones down there knowing it involved one of his nieces.

This was in the Crimes thread on the front page.. maybe this kind of testing could help with case...

technical aspects of new procedure:
"New study will make criminals sweat
Dr John Bond, a researcher at the University of Leicester, has developed a method that enables scientists to 'visualise fingerprints' even after the print itself has been removed. He and colleagues conducted a study into the way fingerprints can corrode metal surfaces. The technique can enhance – after firing– a fingerprint that has been deposited on a small calibre metal cartridge case before it is fired." ... snip.... goes on to explain how salts excreted through fingertip pores are detected & an
"indirect link therefore between obesity and the chances of being caught of a crime. "Other research has drawn links between processed foods and obesity and we know that consumers of processed foods will leave better fingerprints," he said. " ... thus the title of the article.

Fingerprint Breakthrough Hope In US Double Murder Probe

I wonder if OSBI is familiar with this new test and the testing of touch DNA too?

Maybe you should forward it to them, GS. Sure wouldnt hurt.
The Bachelor comes on here (Tulsa area) about 8:00 p.m. on ABC. An old rerun may have been on a cable station at that time of day but I have never seen it. We have a tv guide type of thing that comes out in print for the week in every Sunday paper of the Tulsa World. I can't think of what it is called off hand but will know tomorrow when I get one. I would think they would have an archived listing - it wasn't that long ago. It shows cable stations also.
I'm not positive that was the show she was talking about, but the person who told me said it was a show about a guy who picks a girl from a bunch of girls, and it's real popular. So I am assuming that it was The Bachelor. Anyway.... she said the friend watched the show, and then when it was over, went outside, and heard the gunshots. So it was very near to 5:30, give or take a few minutes depending on if any commercials came on after the show before 5:30. It could have been 5 minutes before or after, but she swears she heard them. I havent found out what she said they sounded like, but I will try to. so........... if this is correct, the girls were shot right at 5:30 give or take prob 5 min at the most....unless someone is fibbing, and I didnt take it that way.
Hey guys this is my first post in this forum, Do you all think the sketch of the POI is a real person that was actually seen there or someone that the "witnesses" made up to throw LE off
Hey guys this is my first post in this forum, Do you all think the sketch of the POI is a real person that was actually seen there or someone that the "witnesses" made up to throw LE off

Hi Black Poodle! Your nic reminds me of my precious little dog, Ruffles.

I do think he fits into the case somehow but I am not sure where.

The artist said he interviewed several witnesses that helped him with the composite sketch.

Oh My Gosh I love your avitar Black poodle.
I loooove poodles and had 3 of them until just recently.
Oh and Welcome to WS
Hey guys this is my first post in this forum, Do you all think the sketch of the POI is a real person that was actually seen there or someone that the "witnesses" made up to throw LE off

I know for a fact he was actually seen... but may not look much like the sketch. Oh... and welcome to this forum. =)
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