Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #7

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Anyone notice someone screaming in this video??? It sounded more then just the ladies telling the camera guys to knock it off. Sounded like it came from a different direction, then from the camera mans way.
Sure did, that's why I mentioned IF there could have been a problem. I noticed they all looked in a different direction than where the camera crews were located at that point.

Again I MADE THIS from the info available to the public and seen in videos, laid over an actual aerial shot of the area. It is not official, just an educated guess as to the location of the crime scene.

There is no "pasture" or field near where the girls were found on that side of the road - one across from the location (sort of). The side where they were found is heavily wooded from the aerial view.

My Opinion
Is there anything that can be heard that would be beneficial to us? As I mentioned earlier, videos is not something I can do with relative ease.

If I am reading Tom'sGirl post right, this was from Topix?? I have all the page numbers and post #'s along with identifying information on vidoes that have been posted here, and this is not one of them.

Can someone post a synoposis of this video?

Here you go, the synopsis.

  • Taylor’s father/gfather says “All I want to know is why, why would someone do something like this.”
  • I miss her, I miss her being around. Whenever I look around I expect to see her there.”
  • (Taylor/Sklyla) When they weren’t spending the night at each other’s house, they were on the phone constantly.
  • Taylor was the quite one – wanted to be a forensic scientist. Skyla, a veterinarian.
  • Taylor asked her family to move to the country.
  • “After I got a place, I drove back and forth from here to the city, every day. Just so she could be out here.”
  • “That girl had me wrapped around her finger, I guess you could say. I’d do anything for that little girl.”
  • I want them caught. Don’t get me wrong, I want ‘em caught. But that’s not going to bring back my baby girl.”

Again I MADE THIS from the info available to the public and seen in videos, laid over an actual aerial shot of the area. It is not official, just an educated guess as to the location of the crime scene.

There is no "pasture" or field near where the girls were found on that side of the road - one across from the location (sort of). The side where they were found is heavily wooded from the aerial view.

My Opinion

Thanks very much!
Is there anything that can be heard that would be beneficial to us? As I mentioned earlier, videos is not something I can do with relative ease.
Here's a screen cap for ya LD of Peter Packer if you can't see the video
I just wanted to say you all have done some great investigative work here. I think the family background and links to each other, as well as other individuals, give us a different version of the story than the media has portrayed. Taylor was surrounded by activity and at her age, had to have an idea what was going on. I agree with the posters that feel this is not a family that's going to want the cops poking around in their business and family history. (Although I'm sure they know.)

This thread needs to be organized in it's own forum section. There's so much information and so many links that it takes a long time to get through it. I HOPE the admin. of this site will see the importance of your work.

Again I MADE THIS from the info available to the public and seen in videos, laid over an actual aerial shot of the area. It is not official, just an educated guess as to the location of the crime scene.

There is no "pasture" or field near where the girls were found on that side of the road - one across from the location (sort of). The side where they were found is heavily wooded from the aerial view.

My Opinion

What is that on the left by the bridge? It looks like a lot of cars are parked there. Maybe a junk yard? Those are not the friendliest of places if that's what it is. It looks to me as if the trees thin out where the girls were found.
Just a thought if you were a killer and the cell phone held any information that might link you, would you leave it? The killer /killers had plenty of time to search the bodies. But chose not to hide them, move them why? The killer/killers didn't worry about being caught why?

I believe its 2 killers-2 different guns--I just can't believe someone would take the time to put one down and pick up another. The killer/killers looked at these little girls and felt nothing while they shot them to death.

It had to happen quick because they didn't have time to run. Which leads me to believe they knew their killer/killers. Didn't feel in danger. They didn't take the cell phone out to try to call for help. Why? Is it possible it was somebody wearing a police uniform? Or somebody that wa son the police force in regular clothes that day. A policeman and someone else doing a drug deal?

Whyd di the grandfather take so long to call I know the shock, but your instinct would be to get help, if he ran to get help I would understand but he didn't.

I think more is going on than we are told. Possible grandfather was worried that he knew killer--a relative?

Just wondering out loud.

I agree. I think this killer or killers have no attachment to the girls. Imo they meant nothing to them.

I don't think the cell phone meant anything to killer. I believe when it rang the girls were already dead.

The one or two shooters is debatable. He simply could have only had six bullets in the first weapon, used those and used another weapon that was ready to fire, to make sure they were dead. Both of these actions would not take any time at all.

Taylor's father rushed to comfort a very shocked and most likely hysterical mother. I am sure that took time for them to calm down in order to call 911 especially with Peter so distraught himself so the time just shows what all was happening on that road concerning these poor families.

1. Peter seeing both his child and her friend riddled with bullets, dead in a ditch.

2. Almost right after then he sees the mother coming toward him of the other deceased child.

I cannot begin to imagine the anguish, shock and horror these families were having to deal with at lightning speed. I am sure it is as if their worlds had stopped turning.

I also think that Peter Placker wants to know who could have done this to his youngest daughter and her little friend. Imo, he has no clue who in the world would do such a senseless thing.

That's true RR, but it is the State in which your connection is routed.

I am in Nevada, just 2 miles from the CA state line but still in NV. It states my IP as in somewhere in CA that I have never even heard of let alone been.
IIRC a few years back I mapped it and it was like 600 miles from my property. Just sayin'

I just wanted to say you all have done some great investigative work here. I think the family background and links to each other, as well as other individuals, give us a different version of the story than the media has portrayed. Taylor was surrounded by activity and at her age, had to have an idea what was going on. I agree with the posters that feel this is not a family that's going to want the cops poking around in their business and family history. (Although I'm sure they know.)

This thread needs to be organized in it's own forum section. There's so much information and so many links that it takes a long time to get through it. I HOPE the admin. of this site will see the importance of your work.

Thanks, and welcome, Gonetothebeach2!
Thanks cloudajo. This just breaks my heart!! No doubt Peter loved this beautiful child!!!! I can't even imagine how he is doing today.

Here you go, the synopsis.

  • Taylor’s father/gfather says “All I want to know is why, why would someone do something like this.”
  • I miss her, I miss her being around. Whenever I look around I expect to see her there.”
  • (Taylor/Sklyla) When they weren’t spending the night at each other’s house, they were on the phone constantly.
  • Taylor was the quite one – wanted to be a forensic scientist. Skyla, a veterinarian.
  • Taylor asked her family to move to the country.
  • “After I got a place, I drove back and forth from here to the city, every day. Just so she could be out here.”
  • “That girl had me wrapped around her finger, I guess you could say. I’d do anything for that little girl.”
  • I want them caught. Don’t get me wrong, I want ‘em caught. But that’s not going to bring back my baby girl.”
I am in Nevada, just 2 miles from the CA state line but still in NV. It states my IP as in somewhere in CA that I have never even heard of let alone been.
IIRC a few years back I mapped it and it was like 600 miles from my property. Just sayin'

I understand, mine is no where near where I live either, but to take things from another place such as Topic and take anything someone who constantly changes their name and settings isn't worth posting here IMO.

Thanks for the screen capture from the video!! The first thought I had was that Peter's hair doesn't look at all like it did in the picture of him at the church. His hair there was all scattered around, (IIRC), whereas in this picture, it's been combed back behind the ears!!

Amazing, what a difference it makes in how he looks!
Rather than try to wade through the eight million posts or so on this topic, des anyone know the addresses (general or specific) of these two girls? Well, more specific at least than Henryetta and Weleetka?

E1130 rd & N3890 rd
Weleetka, OK
House was on 3890 (County Line Rd).
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