Sources detail Terri’s timeline day Kyron disappeared #2

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We know or suspect from the press her timeline doesn't compute. We know from the press she is good on a timeline until 10:10. A pick-up truck is high to see in (as you are walking by) & it would depend where you park in the parking lot (who would see you); in reply to others saying "high risk".

As far as the timeline goes; the PTA president saw her at shorly after 8...IS she is that last known person (adult person) to see her (that I am aware of)??? Terri must have known a large number of people, like someone stated earlier "why didn't she ask then when to pick-up the project from a fellow parent?" Perhaps they have asked Terrie that later, but I would not in any case take that "last person seen with a childs word for it" explaination. There should be lots of
people that saw and talked to Terri, maybe they have not spoken out publicly though?

ETA * But I am sure they have now all talked to LE, so they must have an accurate time-line and we need an update on...who they are focasing on. "could be that simple"!!! One hopes~~~
I've only seen a brief outline of verifying her alibi and I'm sure the investigators obtained more information about the stores she visited on her shopping trip. Like what she bought while in the stores.

I've seen the stores offering to help LE with video which can be iffy at times but one thing that's not iffy is sales transactions. Every receipt during the time in question can be re-created by the stores book-keeping and accounting. They have to keep these records to make sure they are reimbursed if transactions are challenged at a later date.

The receipts would be stamped with dates, time, cash register used and how the transaction was paid for and how it was paid. Cash, debit, credit, check ect.

So when investigators say her timeline doesn't add up. They may have different reasons for saying so. For one, the items she may have claimed to purchase during a particular time did not match the receipts from that time period. Then there's the claimed baby ear-ache drive. I'm also wondering if investigators were able to find sand or debris on the truck that matched the dirt road location on the island. Gah, I think too much.
He said this recently but has he since changed his answer to this question about the vehicle exchange? Sorry if I missed this, it is extremely difficult keeping up with what Kyron's parents are saying. TIA's very easy to keep track of what TH is saying, on the other hand :)
She could have given Kyron some sort of medication that would make him sleep, or even an overdose that would kill him. Maybe the purpose of all that driving around wasn't to soothe the baby........maybe it was waiting for the medication to work. I hate to even think of this..............:(

I hate to even think of it, too, Leila, but this is where my mind's been going with it as well. IF (and I stress the "if") she took Kyron from the school, she could have given him either a dose of some sort of drug or put it in a drink or such...then waited for it to take effect.

Much easier to deal with a compliant, sleepy (perhaps unconscious...or worse) child than one who's awake and talking and squirming.
respectfully snipped

Again, her husband Kaine does not believe the exchange of the vehicles was in any way suspicious, why make an issue of this if her husband clearly does not? JMO

Because some people need a house to fall on them before they see anything. Clearly he is not a suspicious person so he needs things directly pointed out to him. I think that Desiree is helping in this area. In fact, I'm sure of it.
respectfully snipped

Again, her husband Kaine does not believe the exchange of the vehicles was in any way suspicious, why make an issue of this if her husband clearly does not? JMO

Kaine may not have initially thought the exchange of vehicles was suspicious, but now, after more than 8 weeks have elapsed since Kyron's disappearance and all that's happened in that time, I would suspect that he has questions about everything, including the exchange of vehicles.
Yes, I remember that from the audio interview. But I don't remember whether he was saying that he had personal knowledge she was teething, or whether he said TH said she was teething.

I thought he said it in the direction of just supposition, not as fact.
It doesn't sound hokey to me. It sounds like a nightmare. Maybe my children were different, but the only way they fell asleep if something is wrong is screaming themselves to sleep.

Necessary for difficult times. But if a child seems ill rather than colicky, then why would a caring mother act this way? OK. Drive around to get her to sleep. But then bring her to a gym daycare when the child's resistance is down? She could come down with anything. I know an earache doesn't necessarily mean infection, but it could.

Since Terri is portrayed as such as a loving, caring mother, I am surprised, especially as this probably would be her last child because of Terri's age.

Yes Human......the whole driving around to soothe the baby thing goes right out the window when she dropped her off at the gym daycare. And for that matter, I am sure LE has interviewed the gym and daycare to find out if she was there and if baby seemed not to feel good.

These are the kinds of things that LE I feel is keeping to themselves....little inconsistencies that just don't add up.
Kaine may not have initially thought the exchange of vehicles was suspicious, but now, after more than 8 weeks have elapsed since Kyron's disappearance and all that's happened in that time, I would suspect that he has questions about everything, including the exchange of vehicles.

IIRC, he said this not more than a week ago about the vehicles - this is not some willy-nilly comment he made back in June when Kyron first went missing! Please someone, anyone, provide a link to Kaine's changed opinion on this "issue" - I have not read this anywhere in MSM!
He could be under a blanket or a pile of stuff such as her gym bag, etc. Who pays attention to that?

She was driving the truck and had baby K with her. A truck doesn't leave much room to hide a dead body, so she was driving around Portland with her baby and dead stepson? Yikes. If Kyron was dead in the truck, there'd be physical evidence, IMHO.

I have no idea what Skyline would do, but as a teacher of 30 years, there is no way that children would be wandering around by themselves. Hence, the chaperons who led the groups.


What about TP's statement that Kyron was going to see a "cool, electrical project?" What about the other boy's statement that he saw Kyron in the gym with his friends?
Originally Posted by Leila

Since her reason for borrowing the truck that day was to bring the science fair project home, and since she wanted to drive baby K around in the truck to soothe her, wouldn't it have made sense to return to the school during those 89 minutes she spent driving aimlessly on rural roads, and pick up the science fair project? She could have called the school and asked someone in the office when the projects could be picked up.

nonfictionrocks reply to Leila

respectfully snipped

Again, her husband Kaine does not believe the exchange of the vehicles was in any way suspicious, why make an issue of this if her husband clearly does not? JMO

you both are correct in what you are stating, yes Kaine displayed IMMENSE suspicion and very ADAMANTLY spoke about the suspicion in the 25 min audio interview last week.

He says that when the asking for them to exchange vehicles occurred that he had no reason to be suspicious AT THAT TIME. That Terri had used the truck to "take the project" to school to set it up on Thursday, so when she asked that next day (Fri. the 4th) to once again use the truck to "bring home the project" from school when the fair concluded that morning, THAT AT THAT TIME there was nothing to be suspicious about..

In the audio Kaine then continues on with the subject and very detailed about his suspicions completely UNPROMPTED by the reporter. He seemed quite anxious to tell what all happened to explain that in hindsight it WAS EXTREMELY suspicious and DID NOT ADD UP AT ALL. He said the reason it DID NOT make sense nor add up, thus leading to him being VERY suspicious was because Terri had been adamant about "that"[bringing project home] being the sole reason for needing the truck that day. He said that he was under the impression that she'd stay thru the end of the fair and then "bring the project home" in the truck, but she instead only stayed a few mins at the fair[nowhere near thru til the end] and did not bring the project home... Which he reitterates was her only reason for using the truck, he said it made no sense..

In the audio Desiree states the latest info we know about the short and to-the-point emails she received from Terri that day[out of the ordinary from her usual quite
"wordy"[<--DY's wording]and lengthy emails.] Desiree says that in the email Terri said she would contact the teacher to see when the projects would be available for "pick-up" and let DY know so that she could see Kyron's project, this adding even more to the already suspicion about Terri's use of the truck that day, as per her very own words in her email yto DY she's stating that Terri did not even know of a time when the projects would be released and available to be "picked-up"..

So, Leila's post concerning aspects of having the truck that day and the suspiciousness of such IMO is correctly assumed. Kaine and Desiree clearly state their major suspicions and the inconsistencies in the audio...

nonfictionrocks post is correct in its own way too because(and plz cotrrect me if I'm wrong in my assumption)I assume she is referring to the PC last week where all of a sudden it seemed as tho they were(IMO)being asked to "backtrack" to the media of the major suspicions of which they had "openly" and "wantingly"[<---is that even a] spoke a VERY GREAT deal about in a very open and honest demeanor[IMO]... So, yes nonfiction I see where IYO that completely negates all of what Kaine and Desiree so openly stated in that audio...

But IMO it negates nothing for me. I believe that LE is trying desperately to keep the integrity of this case COMPLETELY ON THE UPMOST OF THE "UP&UP (meaning that they don't want any unneccessary added probs to an already extremely difficult case, IMO by possibly DY&KH getting way too open with possibly important aspects of the case that LE do NOT want out there for the public and MAINLY for Houze to know, read, and hear about.. IMO)

That in my opinion is why those few words about those certain aspects were addressed at the last PC. I do realize that some will agree with me and some will NOT. This is just my opinion on the matter (I wholeheatedly feel like what Kaine so openly spoke about the truck, suspicions, etc on that audio was 100% how he and Desiree feel and see that situation with the truck)...
And others can believe the few words that were scripted for the PC... We're each entitled to own separate opinions and views on this aspect as well as all others in this case...
IIRC, he said this not more than a week ago about the vehicles - this is not some willy-nilly comment he made back in June when Kyron first went missing! Please someone, anyone, provide a link to Kaine's changed opinion on this "issue" - I have not read this anywhere in MSM!

It's here in the video link, starting at about 4:15 and continuing. He now questions her story about needing the truck.
nonfictionrocks reply to Leila

you both are correct in what you are stating, yes Kaine displayed IMMENSE suspicion and very ADAMANTLY spoke about the suspicion in the 25 min audio interview last week.

He says that when the asking for them to exchange vehicles occurred that he had no reason to be suspicious AT THAT TIME. That Terri had used the truck to "take the project" to school to set it up on Thursday, so when she asked that next day (Fri. the 4th) to once again use the truck to "bring home the project" from school when the fair concluded that morning, THAT AT THAT TIME there was nothing to be suspicious about..

In the audio Kaine then continues on with the subject and very detailed about his suspicions completely UNPROMPTED by the reporter. He seemed quite anxious to tell what all happened to explain that in hindsight it WAS EXTREMELY suspicious and DID NOT ADD UP AT ALL. He said the reason it DID NOT make sense nor add up, thus leading to him being VERY suspicious was because Terri had been adamant about "that"[bringing project home] being the sole reason for needing the truck that day. He said that he was under the impression that she'd stay thru the end of the fair and then "bring the project home" in the truck, but she instead only stayed a few mins at the fair[nowhere near thru til the end] and did not bring the project home... Which he reitterates was her only reason for using the truck, he said it made no sense..

In the audio Desiree states the latest info we know about the short and to-the-point emails she received from Terri that day[out of the ordinary from her usual quite
"wordy"[<--DY's wording]and lengthy emails.] Desiree says that in the email Terri said she would contact the teacher to see when the projects would be available for "pick-up" and let DY know so that she could see Kyron's project, this adding even more to the already suspicion about Terri's use of the truck that day, as per her very own words in her email yto DY she's stating that Terri did not even know of a time when the projects would be released and available to be "picked-up"..

So, Leila's post concerning aspects of having the truck that day and the suspiciousness of such IMO is correctly assumed. Kaine and Desiree clearly state their major suspicions and the inconsistencies in the audio...

nonfictionrocks post is correct in its own way too because(and plz cotrrect me if I'm wrong in my assumption)I assume she is referring to the PC last week where all of a sudden it seemed as tho they were(IMO)being asked to "backtrack" to the media of the major suspicions of which they had "openly" and "wantingly"[<---is that even a] spoke a VERY GREAT deal about in a very open and honest demeanor[IMO]... So, yes nonfiction I see where IYO that completely negates all of what Kaine and Desiree so openly stated in that audio...

But IMO it negates nothing for me. I believe that LE is trying desperately to keep the integrity of this case COMPLETELY ON THE UPMOST OF THE "UP&UP (meaning that they don't want any unneccessary added probs to an already extremely difficult case, IMO by possibly DY&KH getting way too open with possibly important aspects of the case that LE do NOT want out there for the public and MAINLY for Houze to know, read, and hear about.. IMO)

That in my opinion is why those few words about those certain aspects were addressed at the last PC. I do realize that some will agree with me and some will NOT. This is just my opinion on the matter (I wholeheatedly feel like what Kaine so openly spoke about the truck, suspicions, etc on that audio was 100% how he and Desiree feel and see that situation with the truck)...
And others can believe the few words that were scripted for the PC... We're each entitled to own separate opinions and views on this aspect as well as all others in this case...

Thanks SmoothOperator! I thought I remembered Kaine's suspicions about the exchange of vehicles but couldn't place where it was said. I do remember that Kaine seemed definite about his suspicions and not vague.
Having a fussy baby along might easily explain why someone chooses to leave a school fair early and not pick up a project that she had intended to but in that case it should have been relatively easy for her to explain satisfactorily, at least if any moms were interrogating her. But I can't find it anywhere that Terri has said it so it may not be her explanation at all. It doesn't really fit that she went grocery shopping, driving about and to the gym instead of home if the baby was so fussy.
from the first article. I think acetaminophen is out as well, but how could Terri accomplish the other three while driving?

* Over-the-counter medications. If your child is uncomfortable, ask the doctor about using an over-the-counter pain reliever such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others). Use the correct dose for your child's age and weight. Don't give aspirin to anyone younger than age 16, due to the risk of Reye's syndrome &#8212; a rare but serious condition. Giving over-the-counter cough or cold medications is also not recommended for children age 2 and younger.
* A warm compress. It also may help to place a warm, moist cloth over the affected ear.
* Distractions. When caring for your child, plan some low-key activities, such as reading books aloud or playing board games. And don't underestimate the benefits of some extra cuddling.
* Home monitoring. If your child has repeated middle ear infections, you might consider getting a monitor, such as EarCheck, to check if your child has fluid in his or her ears. To use these monitors, you place the probe of the monitor in your child's outer ear canal. The monitor will make several chirping sounds that will reflect off the membranes inside your child's ear. Based on the reading, you can figure out if the fluid level in your child's ears is cause for a visit to the doctor.

I'm not sure Terri has read this article because I wouldn't call either a busy science fair, a noisy gym day care or shopping a low-key activity (not knowing the school, the gym or the particular stores she went to I might be wrong though).


What about TP's statement that Kyron was going to see a "cool, electrical project?" What about the other boy's statement that he saw Kyron in the gym with his friends?

I don't think that either child's statement excluded Terri or other supervising adults being close at hand.
respectfully snipped

Again, her husband Kaine does not believe the exchange of the vehicles was in any way suspicious, why make an issue of this if her husband clearly does not? JMO

He did not say it wasn't suspicious in any way. He said that the stated reason for the switch was not suspicious, since the science fair project would not fit in her car. But he said it it didn't make sense that she would choose to take the truck in order to bring the project home, when she did not in fact bring it home. (
He said this recently but has he since changed his answer to this question about the vehicle exchange? Sorry if I missed this, it is extremely difficult keeping up with what Kyron's parents are saying. TIA

Sorry--didn't see this before I posted my reply.
Having a fussy baby along might easily explain why someone chooses to leave a school fair early and not pick up a project that she had intended to but in that case it should have been relatively easy for her to explain satisfactorily, at least if any moms were interrogating her. But I can't find it anywhere that Terri has said it so it may not be her explanation at all. It doesn't really fit that she went grocery shopping, driving about and to the gym instead of home if the baby was so fussy.

Also, she might have taken the truck with the idea that she might need to bring the project home, without having any definite knowledge of when that would be (which would explain the email to the teacher).

ETA: The teacher's response to such an email [if she did indeed sent it] would be significant. Because if she said, "Come get it now," or "Pick it up at the end of the day when you get Kyron," we would wonder why she didn't do that. But if the teacher either didn't respond yet or said, "Pick it up next week," then there is really nothing suspicious about TH not having picked it up.
Also, she might have taken the truck with the idea that she might need to bring the project home, without having any definite knowledge of when that would be (which would explain the email to the teacher).

ETA: The teacher's response to such an email [if she did indeed sent it] would be significant. Because if she said, "Come get it now," or "Pick it up at the end of the day when you get Kyron," we would wonder why she didn't do that. But if the teacher either didn't respond yet or said, "Pick it up next week," then there is really nothing suspicious about TH not having picked it up.

Every time I think about the science fair project I can go either way re: understanding an innocent Terri's actions as well as seeing the suspicious patterns involved.

Innocent: she honestly believed that since the project presentations, etc., were held on Thursday, that Friday morning's fair was just a way for parents to see the projects on display and then pack them up and bring them home. So Terri arrives with K and Kyron, walks around, takes a few photos and realizes that the fair is still going in full swing, K is fussy, Kyron is headed back to class and there would be group kid-tours of the projects still left to go. Baby K has had it for the morning, so Terri shrugs it off and tells herself she can always collect the project later - and she leaves.

Suspicious: since she had the truck anyway, and since it was a special enough day that Kaine was coming home early to hang out and get ice cream with Kyron before Kyron left for Desiree's, logically she should have suggested to Kaine that they pack up baby K and all drive up to the school to pick up Kyron, let him show off the project to Kaine, pick up the project and pack it into the truck so he could bring it to Desiree's house and show it off, and get ice cream on the way home - taking care of all needs in one trip.

I find it suspicious that she didn't head to the school to pick up Kyron and his project after school. Desiree wouldn't be able to see it as planned and Kyron would have to take the bus home, only to be packed into the car and driven back to town for ice cream. It just doesn't make sense from a family schedule arrangement standpoint.
We know or suspect from the press her timeline doesn't compute. We know from the press she is good on a timeline until 10:10. A pick-up truck is high to see in (as you are walking by) & it would depend where you park in the parking lot (who would see you); in reply to others saying "high risk".

As far as the timeline goes; the PTA president saw her at shorly after 8...IS she is that last known person (adult person) to see her (that I am aware of)??? Terri must have known a large number of people, like someone stated earlier "why didn't she ask then when to pick-up the project from a fellow parent?" Perhaps they have asked Terrie that later, but I would not in any case take that "last person seen with a childs word for it" explaination. There should be lots of
people that saw and talked to Terri, maybe they have not spoken out publicly though?

ETA * But I am sure they have now all talked to LE, so they must have an accurate time-line and we need an update on...who they are focasing on. "could be that simple"!!! One hopes~~~

But wasn't she on the computer at 8:01? How far of a drive is it to the school? I'm not sure any exact times before shopping (if that was in fact proven) or going to the gym (my understanding is that that part is corroborated) are verified...She was seen, yes, but as for corroboration of exact times...I still there there's a lot of squiggle room in the time line at many different parts of the morning...

Originally Posted by wondering1
It was 8:01...the time that comes up on FB depends on what time zone the VIEWER is in. Not on what time zone the poster is in. Whoever posted that info was not in PST when they looked at/screen captured her FB

Originally Posted by nosysw
Now I'm confused...I thought she would have been at the school at 8:01 for the Science Fair...She left the school at 8:45...How long was she supposedly there?

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