Spain Spain - Ana Knezevich, 40, from Florida, going through divorce, missing under suspicious circumstances on trip to Madrid, 5 Feb 2024 *Arrest*

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Many of us who hold more than one passport choose to use the passport that is most appropriate for the context/situation. Safety while abroad is an issue, the political situation, and of course legalities often dictate which passport should be used.

The U.S. doesn't require that a naturalized citizen give up citizenship in another country, although they don't recognize that citizenship.
so is that a yes or a no?
I'm referring to this article.
It sounded to me like Ana needed her space and to get away for awhile, and her family and mental health professionals agreed that she needed this time away without contact with her husband. The article seems very poorly written (few sources given, lots of interpretation and not all facts, etc.), and don't know if it is from a mainstream media source in Madrid or other news source. Maybe someone here knows.

In 'TardeAR' we spoke with Joaquín Amills, spokesperson for 'SOS Desaparecidos' , who confirms that Ana Knezevich came to our country in 2023 following the advice of those around her: “She came to Spain because of the separation, it was a recommendation from the family and also “The doctors tell him to stay away.”
so is that a yes or a no?
I was quoting your post that asked - "what about all of his various passports and identities?"

My response is that it could have been normal and natural to have at least these two passports if both the U.S. and Serbia both allow dual citizenship. Who knows which passport he used if he drove to Spain. Seems like he would have had a choice, unless there were some legalities with crossing into EU and/or other jurisdictions.

Not sure what you are asking regarding wanting a "yes or no" response. If you rephrase the question, perhaps I can oblige?
It sounded to me like Ana needed her space and to get away for awhile, and her family and mental health professionals agreed that she needed this time away without contact with her husband. The article seems very poorly written (few sources given, lots of interpretation and not all facts, etc.), and don't know if it is from a mainstream media source in Madrid or other news source. Maybe someone here knows.

In 'TardeAR' we spoke with Joaquín Amills, spokesperson for 'SOS Desaparecidos' , who confirms that Ana Knezevich came to our country in 2023 following the advice of those around her: “She came to Spain because of the separation, it was a recommendation from the family and also “The doctors tell him to stay away.”
I would translate the last bit as: "from family as well as from doctors that she should distance herself".
I would translate the last bit as: "from family as well as from doctors that she should distance herself".
Thanks, that's what I was thinking (with my limited rusty Spanish) - in this form 'le' is used to mean either him or her, you know which gender from the previous part of the sentence. Online translators usually mangle gender this way.

Also, I get the impression from the web that the Serbian land border is very strictly monitored, unlike the EU countries around Spain. So I expect police will be able to nail down his location at the key times, and if not, that will jump out.
There could be a possibility of blanks spots jumping out regarding returns to Serbia by a Serb.

In general, I dont know how cooperative Serbian authorities are regarding inquiries made by western police forces. I can imagine that following NATO intervention in Kosovo and recent Serbian vs Albanian disputes regarding who is, or is not, the real mayor of municipality "M", the relationship maybe..... polite but frosty?

But who knows, maybe they are cooperative? Or, maybe the Spanish police are seen differently? Then again, the Serbian police could be operating under the idea of "Once a Serb is home, he is truly home- free."
"Until now the husband does not collaborate in anything, neither with the family nor with the Police. His way of expressing himself, because he has hired a lawyer in the United States, is defensive, and he says “why are you coming to Spain?” Joaquín Amills also reports on Knezevich's disappearance."
No, it translates as "Why would he go to Spain?"
It appears that the husband doesn't speak to Ana's family any more, but how can we have two opposite claims about his level of cooperation with police, his lawyer's and that of the association SOS for the disappeared?
The lawyer is there to control the narrative. I would believe her family more than <modedit: no one has been named a suspect by LE> him + his lawyer.
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It appears that the husband doesn't speak to Ana's family any more, but how can we have two opposite claims about his level of cooperation with police, his lawyer's and that of the association SOS for the disappeared?
For example,

Feb. 6th - Ana's brother told police that David went to Serbia on January 17th.

Feb. 6th - Ana's brother calls + texts David. David made it seem like he was still in Serbia.

Yet, on January 25th, David was actually in Florida and filed a police report in person.

Feb 7th - David told Sanna he was in Florida + does not want to go with her to Spain to help Ana.

Feb. 9th - David told Sanna he is in Serbia.

Feb 19th - Lawyer says David has been living in Serbia for months and has not returned to the USA, but he plans to.
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It appears that the husband doesn't speak to Ana's family any more, but how can we have two opposite claims about his level of cooperation with police, his lawyer's and that of the association SOS for the disappeared?
Agree. Taking everything with a pinch of salt for the moment. Family and SOS very critical of the police when we know Spanish police are bound to discretion during their investigations.

I was listening to a radio news interview with brother Felipe Henao (W Radio) a few days ago. He said more or less, that police were not doing anything.

One of the interviewers based in Madrid commented that on the day Ana went missing, police had received another 17 missing persons reports for the city.

Will see if the interview is on-line.
Agree. Taking everything with a pinch of salt for the moment. Family and SOS very critical of the police when we know Spanish police are bound to discretion during their investigations.

I was listening to a radio news interview with brother Felipe Henao (W Radio) a few days ago. He said more or less, that police were not doing anything.

One of the interviewers based in Madrid commented that on the day Ana went missing, police had received another 17 missing persons reports for the city.

Will see if the interview is on-line.
The building superintendent and two other people with knowledge of the situation told CNN that

Police had entered Ana Knezevich Henao’s apartment on February 12 with judicial authorization

Accusations of infidelity and mistreatment surfaced. Apparently Ana confided in one of her female friends (Google translation):

"He had a lover in Bogotá who went and was with her even while I was with him trying to fix things with the couples' therapist and while he was yelling at me that I was a b**** for putting him on trial in front of others, and he was making plans with her. I realized later that he left me like a dog on the street in Belgrade. I don't think I can forgive that anymore and the sex, I don't even tell you, terrible for me. I was already being abused at that point. It was very aggressive."

The building superintendent and two other people with knowledge of the situation told CNN that

Police had entered Ana Knezevich Henao’s apartment on February 12 with judicial authorization

Not doubting you but....several contradictor reports surrounding this case IMO

CNN has its dates wrong. Saying the Ministry reported Ana missing on 2nd Feb.

Will see if there is any other confirmation of the date the firemen entered the apartment.
Dialetcs. More akin to a jumper vs a sweater or a winter hat vs a toque. All are english, but words are used differntly. "Gas" vs "petrol" ec.

Here, a jumper is someone who leaves a building without using the stairs or elevator ... or a girls dress.
The original comment: the idea that there is very little linguistic difference between 600 million Spanish-speakers across the world, across 21 countries where it is the official language, many of which are located in Latin America, where Spanish has been filtered through and percolated in 600 indigenous languages long before it ever arrived -- it's so deeply wrong, I don't know where to begin. I'm not trying to be disrespectful, it's just startlingly misguided.
About Ana's last confirmed contact with a friend (Google translated):

Joaquín Amills, president of the SOS Disappeared Association and spokesperson for the family of the missing woman, confirms that Ana María was at her house until half past eight on the Friday she disappeared. "She was talking to a friend for almost an hour on the phone and confirmed that she was no longer going out that night and that she was very excited about the trip she had on the 5th, Monday, to Barcelona."
what do they mean "the doctors told him/her to stay away" ?

los médicos le dicen que se aleje”.
No, it's closer to the doctors recommending that she gives herself some space. It also says the ex-husband has not "collaborated with" the Spanish police or the family. When faced with the prospect of coming to Spain to assist with their enquiry, his response was apparently: "for what?" which can also be read as "why bother?"
"Different identities" could refer to a Serbian passport using his Serbian name and his U.S. passort using the name "David," his American name. When you become a U.S. citizen, at that time you are asked if you want to change your name. He may have officially chosen "David" (hence a passport in that name).
Yes. This would literally be a different identity.

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