State rests rebuttal case - thread #169

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All the panic over 1 typo is much ado about nothing.

Does 1 typo mean that it's okay to murder someone? No it does not. Because the M.E. made a typo that said the dura matter was not damaged (and it was) does that mean Travis was not murdered? No it does not. Testimony was clarified. Question got answered.

This jury was 'done' 6 weeks ago and they were ready to deliberate then.
I like this witness saying there is no problem with waiting for the newest test version to be tested out before using it/ wait until you know it's reliable. To me (and maybe some jurors) it's the same as waiting for all the kinks to be worked out before downloading a new computer operating system.
Everyone is struggling in there .. can hear it in all their voices .. hard day.
this testimony is just beating a dead horse. get on with it. i think for the jury this is just all blah blah.
Kudos to the WS'ers from Europe and Australia for hangin' tough today! :takeabow::takeabow::takeabow:
Maybe I'm just tired and frustrated, but couldn't JM find an older (read more experienced) psychologist? JW will prolly try to discredit her due to this alone--as she tried with Dr. D.
She graduated from college in 1990--23 years ago; so she's 40+. How old is old enough?
I do hope the jury had some snacks on the last break. I heard a snip of some guy on HLN saying the appellate lawyers have their antenna up over this long day already: jury fatigue, appeal

Luckily, the witness for the defense was early in the day. The only people on now, while the jury is tired, are the states sur-sur-rebuttals. So I don't think the DT could appeal with the fatigued jury excuse. JMO
anyone else get the feeling that this witness might be backfiring on Juan a little?

I am thinking this witness was unnecessary. Juan has a strong case, and I don't think he needs to, at this point, refute the DT's lame-o witness with another expert of his own. He should have brought back Dr. DeMarte to refute what the DT tried to trash about her assessments in a few quick questions. In...out.....over.

I'm sure Juan's closing will sew it all up, and I have absolute confidence that he has done an awesome job in putting forward a strong case to the jury. I don't think this witness will hurt his case, but I'm not feeling like it's going to help it any either. It's time to stop the back and forth bickering between the two sides, and for them to close up their cases and leave it to the jury. Enough.Is.Enough.
Re-posting, since so many are concerned:

ANY bullet wound through the skull with brain adjacent to it would HAVE to penetrate the dura simply because the skull, dura (plus two other membrane layers: arachnoid and pia mater) and brain are like layers smack up against each other.. Too bad the ME was on autopilot (IMO) when he dictated a phrase he has probably dictated 1000's of times ("dura mater is intact"), but given the number and severity of wounds he had to document, it is a relatively minor error since common sense tells anyone who knows any basic anatomy that ANY bullet wound through the skull with brain adjacent to it would HAVE to penetrate the dura. MOO

I am not worried about it anymore...for this reason and for many reasons others have stated...
She seems like she's walking on eggshells... and this is Juan's witness! Weird.

Yes, and compared to the errors the DT experts made (ALL of them had HUGE snafus), it's really not that big of a deal.

She strikes me as very wary. Like she doesn't want to be ambushed or something. Which is weird because she is on direct.
The dura mater is the covering of the brain itself. The bullet passed through the bone, then would have to pierce the dura mater to enter the brain. There are cases where low caliber bullets can enter the bone and not pierce the dura mater. This is not a trivial error in typing. Common sense should prevail, but there are cases out there where the common sense result was not what happened.

But in those cases, would the bullet be able to then travel through the sinuses to the opposite cheek, or is it kind of lodged in the bone without totally piercing it? Wonder if a picture of the skull with the bullet entry point was ever entered into evidence. If so, might be a good idea for JM to show it to the jury during closing to reiterate that the bullet clearly pierced the skull and therefore had to also pierce the dura mater.
I wonder if Jodi Arias has even the teensiest sense that there is something wrong with her perceptions about and interactions in the world? Just some tiny sense of thinking "hey maybe I really do have a personality disorder?"
I hope Juan cuts this short. Time to tuck the jury in for the night. :eek:fftobed:
The dura mater is the covering of the brain itself. The bullet passed through the bone, then would have to pierce the dura mater to enter the brain. There are cases where low caliber bullets can enter the bone and not pierce the dura mater. This is not a trivial error in typing. Common sense should prevail, but there are cases out there where the common sense result was not what happened.

The cases you mention don't have the bullet ending up well within the skull. There's only one way for it to get there. Through the durameter.
Dr Horn's typo doesn't give Jodi a free pass to murder. At the end of the day you have to look at the big picture. She murdered Travis. No question about it. Not self defense. It was murder. No personality disorder excuses murder and allows the perp to walk free. The only legal 'out' is if the defendant is determined to be legally insane and that is not a factor in THIS case.

JA admitted to killing TA..
JA admitted to killing TA..
JA admitted to killing TA..
JA admitted to killing TA..
JA admitted to killing TA..
JA admitted to killing TA..
JA admitted to killing TA..
JA admitted to killing TA..
JA admitted to killing TA...................That IS Murder!!

MOO :moo:
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