State rests rebuttal case - thread #170

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The new medical term for the day: dura meter! LOL!

If I remember correctly, dura mater translates to hard mother!

ETA: seems my CRS isn't so bad:Word Origin & History


dura mater
"tough outer membrane surrounding the brain," c.1400, from M.L. dura mater cerebri, lit. "hard mother of the brain," a loan-transl. of Ar. umm al-dimagh as-safiqa, lit. "thick mother of the brain." "In Arabic, the words 'father,' 'mother,' and 'son' are often used to denote relationships between things"
IMO, most of her questions were just totally off the wall. It was like she had no direction on what she was even trying to prove.

I have to give her credit for one thing only. But it was a juror that helped her out. The juror asked about the dura mater and she followed up about that and asked the ME about the report having the error. That did show a mistake in a critical report. But have to credit the jury member for finding that and the only thing she did was make it more of a point.

When JW was questioning Dr. RG, she said, "But let's assume he (dr horn) was wrong, and the bullet DID penetrate the (whatever it's called) and the brain....what types of effects would it have....?" or something like that is what she asked.

So it seemed like she was setting up for that, in my opinion. But I haven't watched the whole thing yet.
Juan will remind the jurors in closing the defense expert didn't see inside Travis's skull, wasn't handling what was left of Travis's brain, didn't see the damage done inside the skull after brain was removed, never attended a single autopsy. He apparently also pretend not to know the severely of Travis's neck slash...and the fact Jodi dragged him back after that wound and stuffed him in the shower. There would be no blood in the head after all that when she shot him.

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Ya know to me it really makes no difference. I could care less what came first. She savagely killed him, and I believe she laughed and tortured him while doing so besides. It was total carnage. I would love to know all the creepy things she said to him as he lay there dying. :maddening:
If Travis were alive after the gunshot, why did she grab a knife and kill him? I fail to see testimony proving he was abusive except for what 3 if that out of 80,000 emails, texts, im's? hmmm It all happened from the June 26th email to JA to expose her. What the heck did she do? I think it's worse than exposing him on the sex tape. She had to be kiting checks & messed up several bank accounts or a combination of things like adding stalking & whatever. He finally understood her evil. RIP Travis. xo

I don't disagree that with her stalking, her tire slashing, her stalking again, ha ha, sneaking into his closet & lurking, playing cleaning lady etc...would drive Travis to a point of being fed up and telling her off if she clings like Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction, His friends talked to him too. I think the 6pm conference call he would have talked about this torture he was under. She stopped that.

Glad the people who mistrusted her have spoken up, even if it didn't get into trial. Their memories are helpful. She's one dangerous person. I don't need her in my state.
Dr. RG acts like there's no such thing as "immediately incapacitating" meaning "Travis would pass out." Very simple.
Good grief. Sorry I'm so far behind the crowd.

The defense would have you believe that the bullet sort of grazed Travis' forehead, and he was totally unaffected by it. An INTRACRANIAL GUNSHOT WOUND. Good grief. I am simply stunned at all this. The man was shot IN THE HEAD. The bullet did not graze his scalp. It was an INTRACRANIAL GSW, above the right eye. This is NOT hard to explain to lay people!

I absolutely cannot believe what I'm hearing in a court of law. The defense wants us to believe TA was just tapped a little on the forehead. Omg.

And I know this was discussed before, but the word is "Dura Mater" (rhymes with potter!) Good grief!! Nearly 30 years in health care (in many states, and countries with the military), and I have NEVER heard " dura mater" pronounced that way! Holy cow.

Jmo-- but it sounds uneducated/ academically ignorant to me. I have to wonder about the lack of health care and anatomy experience of someone who pronounces "dura mater" that way.

ITA, Like a V-8 tap....being a severe head trauma survivor I can tell ya you don't function real well immediately following much less decide to attack someone! The whole attack was 60 seconds or so and the DT wants us to believe Travis had time to shake it off.... Jeez
I'll trust the dude that held the skull, cut it open and actually looked inside and examined his brain.

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"Dura mater and falx ceribri are intact"
perhaps, He should have said something like...the dura mater and falx ceribri show no evidence of other abnormality or natural disease..or except for an entrance wound from the bullet as noted, the dura mater...
He didn't even report the semi solid state of the brain

This mentions dura mater and person was not shot
This mentions the state of the brain and wounds but does not mention dura mater at all.

oh well it does not change the fact that JA had very few injuries and premeditated the murder.

I'm watching Dr. Horn now... JW is questioning him like he's a gunshot expert.

Come on really? The bullet went through his skull, therefore through his brain.

JW acts like a spoiled brat - just like her MURDERER, i mean client!! Juan has been professional and I think his witnesses have been a wonderful reflection of the proper way to try a case - CLEAN AND WITH CLASS all while seeking justice against the evil of the world. I think Juan put on a JUANDERFUL CIC and looking forward to CA tomorrow!!!!

**The only thing I think we need more of is the HORRIFIC, BLOODY pictures!! Jurors have to focus on the crime, not the toblorone's and wooden spoons!!
I :eek:fftobed:

Still buy ME's testimony and loved Dr. Hayes. Great day!

Cya all tomorrow !
The guilty vote would be the right vote in my opinion, but they can also take all of this to vote not guilty. One of the questions, possibly the one I responded to, sounded sympathetic to Jodi and that's alarming to me at this point. Phrases like "publicly accused" and having her privacy "invaded" being used when coming to their own diagnosis sounds dangerous for a guilty verdict.

I would think the juror detected she didn't flinch at the right moments. She never really convinced anyone of her shame with the "j" on the face comments etc.. To me she's obvious, maybe not to others. Jodi had something to feel proud about because it was probably true, once...
Wait till you see her w dr Hayes.

My first thought was "NO! Don't tell me she was snarky with Dr. Hayes!"

Then I came to my senses and realized that of course she's going to be snarky with Dr. Hayes. :facepalm:
I'll trust the dude that held the skull, cut it open and actually looked inside and examined his brain.

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Call me shallow, but I'd also trust a man who reminds me of Rob Lowe circa late 80's (St. Elmo's Fire, About Last Night...) ♥
I don't think it's awfully dangerous. If you know more than the average person about some mental condition but you could be a bit one sided? Common sense will either be plentiful or lacking in the final decision. Somehow, I don't see it happening. The explanations were very broad and informational to a point.

My first instance with any kind of odd behaviour/outburst was alarming. Over the years, you read & you put it together or you experience similar to compare it to. To understand the level presented (except Dr. D's she understands) you could be arguing for another 100 years without helping those inflicted with their 35 year old theories. Out with the old and in with the new. You keep on top of it, with the jurors they can take what they might have experienced and help that to make their guilty vote. jmo

And what if they're like the CA jurors? I don't think I had as visceral a reaction to CA as I do for JA. :banghead:
Yay Dr Hays lives in LA! Holla!

She does? I thought she lived in Phoenix or Scottsdale. A link posted earlier was from her CV I think and was to Steven Pitt & Associates in Scottsdale. So she lives in Lousiana, but practices out of Scottsdale?
I would think the juror detected she didn't flinch at the right moments. She never really convinced anyone of her shame with the "j" on the face comments etc.. To me she's obvious, maybe not to others. Jodi had something to feel proud about because it was probably true, once...

I'm not sure how you gathered that from the question, but I see sympathetic words being used in the question.
She does? I thought she lived in Phoenix or Scottsdale. A link posted earlier was from her CV I think and was to Steven Pitt & Associates in Scottsdale. So she lives in Lousiana, but practices out of Scottsdale?

Shaaaaady :facepalm:
I would think the juror detected she didn't flinch at the right moments. She never really convinced anyone of her shame with the "j" on the face comments etc.. To me she's obvious, maybe not to others. Jodi had something to feel proud about because it was probably true, once...

No shame either when she snapped back at JM and said well the sex was good, or something to that effect and smiled. :facepalm:

If I were a juror, this would be my argument to others who couldn't get over the gunshot last theory:

It doesn't matter if the GSW was first or second. What exactly are you hung up on? The fact that she shot, stabbed and slashed his throat, or that she stabbed, slashed, and then shot him?

To me, the fact that she's saying he was lucid/concious during the second phase of her attack makes it look even worse, he suffered immensely.

If someone believes the gunshot first theory, it does not mean that Arias is automatically telling the truth, it just means that the order of the murder was not clear.

To me, the fact that she murdered him is NOT the question. What she used is NOT the question, the fact that she may or may not have BPD or PTSD is NOT the question, the fact that she has anxiety or derpression is NOT the question.

Gas Cans
Cell Phone Turned off
Rental Car
Pre-meditated alibi (that actually backfired)
Telling DB she was going to Mesa
Granpa's gun

Given the above premeditation outlined above, all of this other stuff is just about being "right" and not really about what matters.

I think DT wants to "smoke and mirror" everything to try and get some humanity for their defendant, and Martinez can't (and shouldn't) let it go. It was time (a long time ago) to reign in the DT, but in a Murder1, JSS is being cautious.

The cost for this defense is outrageous, and it seems like they have a blank check to do anything and everything that they want to do - irregardless of the quality of the experts or the value added to the defense. Where are the checks and balances here? Who authorized all of these wasteful tactics? In all of that, there wasn't a single ME to speak on her behalf.

I would be livid if I lived in Arizona. Murder1 or not, you should have to show prudence and responsible spending for your defense. Just think of the money they could have saved with ALV alone. Dr. Geffner..... $14,000 - and he was called last week????
She does? I thought she lived in Phoenix or Scottsdale. A link posted earlier was from her CV I think and was to Steven Pitt & Associates in Scottsdale. So she lives in Lousiana, but practices out of Scottsdale?

She explains this in her testimony. It's legit.

If I'm on that jury, I don't give a toss about the sequence of events. She cut his throat while he was still alive. That is NOT self defense. That is NOT manslaughter. It is murder.

Gun shot first, gun shot last...TA knew he was dying. He suffered severely as we've seen by the defensive wounds. Change of weapons after he's already shot (if we go gun first), tells us all we need to know.

There is no fog. There is no PTSD. There is no BWS. This was a premeditated assassination. Period.

Bravo! I could not have said it better.
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