State vs Jason Lynn Young 2-16-2012

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I am convinced MM knew something about the murder, either before it happened or right after it happened. Even if she denies it, the sheer number of calls between her and Michelle's Slayer, all within those few hours, indicates something was up. IMHO.
Someone asked about the Craig's List ads, depicting Cassidy, which JLY used to solicit internet dates. I searched the archives at NCWanted (which is a site belonging to WRAL) and I have linked it below:

The last image is his response to someone who had placed an ad. Gag me with a spoon! She could have been victim number 2!
This is what I get from today , so far.

CAS at least made it to the witness stand before crying, last time she was still in the courtroom, I think she is torn in her loyalty to all the years she knew Jason before this, then the fact they slept together, and I think it's safe to say she may have other personal issues, I went back and forth feeling sorry for her.

Gen Cargol, I missed today's, so I can only go by last time, I know she has married and moved on. I think we will hear more about the hotel incident from Josh Dalton, if I remember right.

MM confirmed that Jason told her about leaving the purse papers in the printer while on the phone...... I think that helps him.

I also think she is a little more subdued this time, and BH is coming down harder on her,.
Would an abuser allow their wife to see a therapist alone?

Wouldn't they want to be there to control the session ?
wasn't she in his house as a houseguest when he drew on her face?

that is not even in the same zipcode as funny...

I think, as part of the generation that recently came through college, and NCSU particularly, I can offer a bit of insight.

Having been to two of the three major universities in the triangle, I can attest to the fact that students can be stupid in general. Not intellectually mind you, but on a common sense level. It was not uncommon to see all sorts of displays of this type in the dorms, on campus, around town. While I never participated, found it humorous, or wanted to be around the people who acted like JY and his partying friends, it was not uncommon by any means.

To be clear, I think the peeing on the floor, swallowing rings, drawing on each other's faces... I think they're all ridiculous, and out of line. But they are not uncommon for the crowd that JY never seemed to grow out of. For instance, my sister, whom I love dearly, and is a truly wonderful person, has a tendency to pee on the floor when she drinks. She once did this in front of my parents. My point from this anecdote is not to make excuses for JY's behavior, but to point out that it's not a factor that plays into whether or not he murdered his wife.

There are plenty of other things that can be used to ferret out his guilt, or innocence, such that his party behavior actually detracts from the points to be made.
I think its unclear to some that abuse isn't always physical. Mental abuse can be just as bad, if not worse in some cases.

The therapist testified that Michelle told her there was no physical abuse.

There has been no testimony that there was physical violence in the household.

Michelle didn't die from emotional abuse, she died from physical violence.

Would an abuser allow their wife to see a therapist alone?

Wouldn't they want to be there to control the session ?

Anything is possible. Not to mention MY (who told the therapist she was verbally abused).

I am a nurse and in my profession we don't second guess claims of abuse. Michelle is now dead so we cannot talk to her... but what her therapist says... that is like a voice for Michelle.

As for putting all abusers into a neat cut and dry category I feel that is impossible to do... While it may help identify who is at risk and study patterns I do not believe it is an absolute.

I just relistened to MM's testimony about her finding out that Michelle had been murdered. Something struck me.

It was interesting the words she used. She ended up (paraphrasing) "speaking with her husband and Lisa, and went onto the internet and finding out that they 'found Michelle'.”

Not finding out that “Michelle was dead” but that they “found” Michelle. Subtle difference, but significant to me b/c IMO just as JY was waiting for MY to be found by Meredith, so was she waiting for the news, not that Michelle was dead, but that she was FOUND. At this moment (I reserve right to change my mind) it sounds to me like this “broad” knew something at the time.
I hope Genevieve Cargol goes home and says thanks to God every night for getting away from him. It could have been her. He was horribly emotionally abusive to her before he became physical (jealous, leaving her at events to find a ride home, etc).
I'm dying to know just WHAT any of these women saw in JY????? The rat like face? The shifty beady eyes??? The whiny mommy's boy??? Wth??!

It doesn't take much to charm folks. Especially if they are in a state where they are welcoming to that charm.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Someone asked about the Craig's List ads, depicting Cassidy, which JLY used to solicit internet dates. I searched the archives at NCWanted (which is a site belonging to WRAL) and I have linked it below:

The last image is his response to someone who had placed an ad. Gag me with a spoon! She could have been victim number 2!

Disturbing. Surprised he didn't say, "When you respond pls send pictures of yourself, preferably including your friends and sisters too. I think it's very important for my future interest to have several attractive female friends who I can also spend time with. I love giving surprises like rings or e-bay print outs of nice accessories. If it is a ring, though, and I want it back, I hope you'll understand that I may have to beat you if you won't give it back. I wouldn't normally be violent unless drinking, but don't worry I don't do that ALL the time! LOL! That shouldn't spell the end of our relationship though; I mean we could still have sex once you're over it. I've got a funny bone that makes a T-Rex femur look like a toothpick. At any moment I might draw on your face, pee on your floor, spray fart juice at you, or simply make every effort to bang your friends. LOL!!!! Anyway, I want a response back asap. If not, you'd better pray the beer kicks in before I meet you."
Beauty's only skin deep, but ugly goes clear to the bone!
JY not only didn't have an issue with MY seeing a therapist, he told her to go and "work on HER issues." He had her convinced their problems were ALL her fault, ALL hers to deal with. Emails corroborate this. He would not go to counseling with her--he threw it on HER. Blaming. Projection. Classic abusive behavior.
The therapist testified that Michelle told her there was no physical abuse.

There has been no testimony that there was physical violence in the household.

Michelle didn't die from emotional abuse, she died from physical violence.


I believe the ex-fiance of JY has already testified that JY can be abusive physically. She lived to tell.

We don't know about Michelle, she's not here to speak up........or maybe she told us already, no words necessary. :(

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