Ted Kennedy

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My father died of this same type of tumor-and his started with him having a seizure suddenly, just like Mr. Kennedy.

It's a very horrible way to die, the tumor caused my father at age 54 to lose his speech, be unable to walk and left him like a child for the last 8 months of his life.

There are new surgical options and treatments, and I hope one of them helps the Kennedy family thtough this awful disease...

I'm sorry to hear about your father :( and from what I've read so far today this doesn't seem like a peaceful ending for Sen. Kennedy, in fact it seems far worse than the prison sentence that probably would've gone with Mary Jo Kopechne's death 40 yrs. ago. In other words, punishment may have been delayed, but it has come.
You all are so focused on a single issue-that is all the man's life is to you, that is your set of blinders. Don't denigrate me by assuming i walk in your shoes by stating I have a hatred of a political party by bringing up Pat Tillman and Laura Bush-that was your characterization not mine. You have not one single idea of my ideology or voting record. I appreciate the supreme hand in the life of Ted Kennedy, the way I also appreciate a higher power bringing about the pariah's life for OJ. As I said in an earlier post, God chose to let Ted make amends by his devotion to public service, and that I do not doubt. OJ has NO desire to make amends, and he walks the earth despised. He would have been revered in prison; I can now appreciate the irony whereas when he was acquitted I was sorely grieved. This state is not the only recipient of Ted Kennedy's expertise, but the rest of you will see that as his influence, which you cannot even conceive of, wanes.
You know if this "single issue" was someone you loved, you too would be focused on it! I am sure Mary Jo's family do not think of her as a "single issue".
As far as Laura Bush and Pat Tillman going, I said nothing to you about them and I dont even understand how you are comparing them to the incident with Mary jo.
Oh give me a break! He could not have earned a living nearly as well doing ANYTHING ELSE. He's not competent enough to make it in the private sector.

public service, my a$$

Ahhh-here is the true voice of reason-I am sure that you have a number of successes under your belt that would allow you to make such a statement about someone in the political arena. Undoubtedly you are uniquely qualified to judge this man on his foibles and accomplishments.

Enjoy your bashing, guys-someone mentioned earlier that karma is tough to dodge...I believe that implicitly. Before I sign off, let me bring up the actor Charles S. Dutton, a TV and Broadway actor who served 7 1/2 years for stabbing someone to death in a street fight. If I measure him with your yardstick, where is the outrage? How dare he exist in the public sector? Why shouldn't he be struck down and vilified? Because he did the time in jail rather than in the eyes of the public? Is it ok for him to lay down the burden of having killed someone and to contribute to us in the world of entertainment?

Oh but not to build infrastructure, or champion health care mind you...not to take people like my employee's husband and change the lives of the first Gulf war vets ACROSS THE BOARDS for the better...none of those things are noteworthy because Ted Kennedy killed a woman in a long ago act of supreme cowardice. I see.
Ted Kennedy is going to meet his Maker; it's his time IMO. Just like it will be for all of us. Few of us are without faults, mistakes, etc; nor are we perfection either. We are human.

I don't remember the whole story, but did not Mary Jo choose to party with married men, politicians, drink and ride home with someone who may have been drunk? Of course she was young.

For all his misdeeds, Ted had to become the "rock" in the family for Jackie after Jack and Robert died, for his son who lost his leg to cancer, for his children when his wife became alcoholic and was unable to cope, to Caroline when John Jr. died, to Ethel, to Rose as he was the only son left.

Obviously he is now respected by colleagues, from John McCain to John Kerry. He evidently got alot accomplished in the Senate. That was his work. Now he's going to die, knowing his accomplishments and his failures.

Don't let my karma interfere with your dogma
Ahhh-here is the true voice of reason-I am sure that you have a number of successes under your belt that would allow you to make such a statement about someone in the political arena. Undoubtedly you are uniquely qualified to judge this man on his foibles and accomplishments.

I've never murdered anyone, so ok, you caught me. I'm just guessing at what a gutless coward he'd have to be to do that. :eek:

He was kicked out college twice for cheating, once himself and another time asking someone else to sit in on a test for him. Do you honestly think he could earn $165,200 (plus perks) a year doing anything else?

Enjoy your bashing, guys-someone mentioned earlier that karma is tough to dodge...I believe that implicitly. Before I sign off, let me bring up the actor Charles S. Dutton, a TV and Broadway actor who served 7 1/2 years for stabbing someone to death in a street fight. If I measure him with your yardstick, where is the outrage? How dare he exist in the public sector? Why shouldn't he be struck down and vilified? Because he did the time in jail rather than in the eyes of the public? Is it ok for him to lay down the burden of having killed someone and to contribute to us in the world of entertainment?

So your point is that Charles S. Dutton served time for his crime and then was accepted back into society? ...what was your point again?

Oh but not to build infrastructure, or champion health care mind you...not to take people like my employee's husband and change the lives of the first Gulf war vets ACROSS THE BOARDS for the better...none of those things are noteworthy because Ted Kennedy killed a woman in a long ago act of supreme cowardice. I see.

You've been paid to forgive the murder of an innocent young lady. Again, what was your point?
As far as Laura Bush and Pat Tillman going, I said nothing to you about them and I dont even understand how you are comparing them to the incident with Mary jo.

There is no comparison.
What happened to Laura Bush could have happened to any of us as inexperienced teenage drivers and I'm sure she has wrestled her demons because it was an accident that she caused. I can't even imagine the guit I would feel.
However, the accident that he caused, he chose to run away from, then floated to dream land on his fluffly, gilded pillow and to this day has never shown even a hint of a guilt for what so ever, caused a girl - whose bright future floated away with the air from her lungs - to die in a watery grave when he could have saved her. NO comparison!

As for Pat Tillman....don't even go there. I knew Pat and his wife before Marie was even his wife. I worked with her at a Mexican restaraunt in Awatukee, AZ and became friends with her. I can tell you that he was an amazing, brillant, compassionate person with a soul so deep....and for there to be any comparison to what happened to him and what Ted Kennedy caused to happen is ludacris! What Pat did for his country, he did with his heart. What Mr. Kennedy did for his country, he did for his wallet. Huge difference!

Besides, even if Mr Kennedy has spent the remainder of his life after MJ as a public servant...so what? Is that really pay back for a LIFE?
Haven't you ever heard the old saying "One Oh S*t wipes out ten atta boys"? His "Oh !" wiped out like a million atta boys, imo.

What I said in my earlier post was not judgement, it was fact. Everything in a circle....what comes around, goes around....

Still as I said before, I wouldn't wish this on anyone and I feel sorry for his family and for him as well...but I think that the laws of attraction have just decided what his punishment should be, imo...and it isn't the demons he may have faced. Nope, this demon is a whole lot scarier.

NOTE: not at you Michelle! I'm just sayin'

Edited to take God out and put laws of attraction in. My use of "God" was being misconstrued as I don't believe that "God" holds the reins to our lives. I believe that we do with the decisions that we make.
I don't remember the whole story, but did not Mary Jo choose to party with married men, politicians, drink and ride home with someone who may have been drunk? Of course she was young.

That you could even begin to blame her for her own death says way more about you, than even you can imagine.
However, the accident that he caused, chose to run away from, then floated to dream land on his fluffly, gilded pillow and to this day has never shown even a hint of a guilt for what so ever, caused a girl - whose bright future floated away with the air from her lungs - to die in a watery grave when he could have saved her. NO comparison!

QFT. :clap:
Ted Kennedy is going to meet his Maker; it's his time IMO. Just like it will be for all of us. Few of us are without faults, mistakes, etc; nor are we perfection either. We are human.

I don't remember the whole story, but did not Mary Jo choose to party with married men, politicians, drink and ride home with someone who may have been drunk? Of course she was young.

For all his misdeeds, Ted had to become the "rock" in the family for Jackie after Jack and Robert died, for his son who lost his leg to cancer, for his children when his wife became alcoholic and was unable to cope, to Caroline when John Jr. died, to Ethel, to Rose as he was the only son left.

Obviously he is now respected by colleagues, from John McCain to John Kerry. He evidently got alot accomplished in the Senate. That was his work. Now he's going to die, knowing his accomplishments and his failures.

Don't let my karma interfere with your dogma

A more than excellent post!!
Ted Kennedy is going to meet his Maker; it's his time IMO. Just like it will be for all of us. Few of us are without faults, mistakes, etc; nor are we perfection either. We are human.

I don't remember the whole story, but did not Mary Jo choose to party with married men, politicians, drink and ride home with someone who may have been drunk? Of course she was young.

For all his misdeeds, Ted had to become the "rock" in the family for Jackie after Jack and Robert died, for his son who lost his leg to cancer, for his children when his wife became alcoholic and was unable to cope, to Caroline when John Jr. died, to Ethel, to Rose as he was the only son left.

Obviously he is now respected by colleagues, from John McCain to John Kerry. He evidently got alot accomplished in the Senate. That was his work. Now he's going to die, knowing his accomplishments and his failures.

Don't let my karma interfere with your dogma

Martha, I agree with you; he is far from perfect, as most of us are. I just pray that he repents and is able to go to be with God. Forgiveness is still out there for him as it is for all of us. Prayers for him and for his family.
I hope Senator Kennedy survives and if he does not I hope his passing is gentle. I have no grudge with the Senator.
I don't remember the whole story, but did not Mary Jo choose to party with married men, politicians, drink and ride home with someone who may have been drunk? Of course she was young.
Ouch... that was harsh. This is websleuths.. we could probably easily get to the bottom of what happened that night. From my memory, she was campaigning for Kennedy, and she trusted him to drive her home.
Ted Kennedy is going to meet his Maker; it's his time IMO. Just like it will be for all of us. Few of us are without faults, mistakes, etc; nor are we perfection either. We are human.

I don't remember the whole story, but did not Mary Jo choose to party with married men, politicians, drink and ride home with someone who may have been drunk? Of course she was young.

For all his misdeeds, Ted had to become the "rock" in the family for Jackie after Jack and Robert died, for his son who lost his leg to cancer, for his children when his wife became alcoholic and was unable to cope, to Caroline when John Jr. died, to Ethel, to Rose as he was the only son left.

Obviously he is now respected by colleagues, from John McCain to John Kerry. He evidently got alot accomplished in the Senate. That was his work. Now he's going to die, knowing his accomplishments and his failures.

Don't let my karma interfere with your dogma

Granted, the guy probably can lay claim to some positive accomplishments. Because I disagree with his politics, it's hard for me to objectively evaluate his career. Nor can I call his glioma his just dessert. What I can say here is: Yikes!
Because Ms Kopechne:

1. was at a party with, quelle horreur, married men

2. had the audacity to actually drink there

3. and got into the car with a respected authority figure who may have been drinking

she deserves what befell her?? And it somehow makes Teddy less guilty of a crime and a better person to devote himself to a life of hair shirts and gruel in the US Senate?
After reading this thread and some of his apologists, I have actually come to feel some pity for the man. His farce of a life is indeed what he had to live, and his ultimate expression. That is truly sad.


I don't remember the whole story, but did not Mary Jo choose to party with married men, politicians, drink and ride home with someone who may have been drunk? Of course she was young.

Mary Jo was attending a regatta weekend with five friends. The party (with married men) was arranged by Ted & his cousin.

Knowing Kennedy's character, there's little doubt why he left the party with Mary Jo. But there's no reason to impune her reputation. In fact by all accounts she was not the "partier" type. You can't fault her beyond a lapse in judgement in accepting a ride without properly considering the state & character of the driver.
Ted Kennedy is going to meet his Maker; it's his time IMO. Just like it will be for all of us. Few of us are without faults, mistakes, etc; nor are we perfection either. We are human.

I don't remember the whole story, but did not Mary Jo choose to party with married men, politicians, drink and ride home with someone who may have been drunk? Of course she was young.

For all his misdeeds, Ted had to become the "rock" in the family for Jackie after Jack and Robert died, for his son who lost his leg to cancer, for his children when his wife became alcoholic and was unable to cope, to Caroline when John Jr. died, to Ethel, to Rose as he was the only son left.

Obviously he is now respected by colleagues, from John McCain to John Kerry. He evidently got alot accomplished in the Senate. That was his work. Now he's going to die, knowing his accomplishments and his failures.

Don't let my karma interfere with your dogma

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