Teresa Neves - Statements About Arrests & Her Opinion

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Poor Teresa, she's been bamboozled by Ron.

Just like he tricked all his other women.

Bamboozler does seem to match up with Ron's nature, however, I sincerely doubt his momma is one of dupes. More likely, imo, Ron has "something" on her that he uses for leverage-- thus reducing Teresa to her current status of back peddling media mouthpiece.
Bamboozler does seem to match up with Ron's nature, however, I sincerely doubt his momma is one of dupes. More likely, imo, Ron has "something" on her that he uses for leverage-- thus reducing Teresa to her current status of back peddling media mouthpiece.
I am pretty sure what ever he is holding over her head is enough to have her locked up right beside him.
But according to Ronald's recent interview with Dana Treen, she has the honor of gracing his body along with Haleigh. "I don't have no woman's name on me but Haleigh and my momma!"
well, that's one of Ron's biggest problems. He doesn't know what a woman is. Haleigh is a little girl. Misty is a teenaged girl. Neither is a woman.
[quote=Pondering Mind;4750701]I was wondering what that reason is debs..so TN's vehicle is not recognized on TV? I know we have pics of it here and I have to imagine that everyone in Satsuma knows what she drives if they know her anyway. Or is it because it's the newest vehicle 'in the family' and she thinks it looks most respectable, lending credibility to her BS? All these reasons seem ridiculous, lol..I can't figure it out..

Something I find even MORE strange though,..wonder why we haven't heard anything from GGMS (unless we have and I've missed something new!) :crazy: It seems awfully quiet @ GMS's....hmmm..

Wasn't that a red (?) pathfinder under the carport? Ut..oh, now that will disappear..
You may have to drive to Fruitland Park to see tn's car.[/QUOTE]

Whisperer, I'm glad you brought up GGMS and the lack of hearing from her regarding the recent development of jail for Ron.
Do you supose GGMS has been undergoing some serious questioning and searches of her home from LE and this has prompted her to keep quiet. I see her as readily speaking out when it comes to protecting Ron, but I don't image she would want to answer questions concerning her and LE approaching her and involving her in a follow-up investigation on this drug bust. Ya think?
:clap::clap::clap: Well Said!

Baz, I tried so hard to give TN and GGMS the benefit of doubt up until a couple of months ago. Finally it just become too much to ignore..

What is it with some of these parents? (mothers in particular) Their precious grandchildren are missing (or deceased as in Caylee's case) and the grandmothers appear to not want the truth to be known if it involves their own children...Blows my mind I tell ya! I love my children with all my heart and soul ..nothing would ever change that. I have lost 2 children as well, so I know first hand what that is like..But, there is no way on God's green earth that I would stand in the way of justice for any of my 5 innocent, beloved grandchildren, (God forbid, I ever be faced with anything like that) even if it meant my child going to prison. I could never live with myself, never!

Pondering, I just wanted to point out that your post shows the vast difference between you and TN when it comes to parenting skills. You are an honest person who instills honesty in your children and family. The truth is always the right thing to do.
TN, on the other hand, is only doing what she's always done - impress upon her children that covering up and lying is the way to handle something that can get your into trouble. She probably was raised that way and is just doing what she learned in life and how she has led her life.
You see the truth as the right thing to do. TN considers lying the only way to survive. There is no way you can compare yourself with TN.
I'm sticking with this: TN and GGM Sykes have known from the beginning what happened to Haleigh. They've been in on it since the very first moments. jmo
OT - sorry about the loss of your children.
Oh thank you AZ and LilMomma, I think we all get fed up at times. NG and her soft spot really got to me last night. I'm not going anywhere, I may disappear when I get busy with work at times, but I'll always be back.

TN will always spin for RC and that's to be expected. Little of what she has to say carries any weight with me. You know, she doesn't appear to be a stupid woman, so I have to believe she thinks the public may fall for this bs she's spewing.

I know how you feel SoSueMe, it gets very frustrating seeing this BS for more than eleven months now. It just keeps getting deeper. Maybe we can all pitch in a get a case of Rolaids and a case of wine and get through this together. Hang in there.
Nancy Grace was "banmboozled" by Ron.

I think because he was raised by women and started intimate relationships with them very young, that Ron is very good at manipulating and understanding what they want to hear. "Poor baby, you got cramps? You know how much I love you. You are the only one for me." All the love and care and understanding we want to believe we can get from a man.

Teresa created the perfect little man for herself, IMO. I only say this because I have known women who have done the same with their sons/faux husbands. I think she will stand by him forever and ever. I think it's called being enmeshed.

I think GGM is actually more realistic, but she is stuck in the game and can't/won't ever leave it. But I think she knows. That's why she went to the Mondex pond and why she insisted Misty take those tests and so on. She knows.
Just speculation on my part.
I agree with you about GGM. She seems as hard as nails, but o.k. I don't have any idea what she thinks-she's a tough one to read-but I do think if she thought Misty was responsible, she wouldn't have allowed her in her house. more like met her in the drive way with a shot gun. I think she played a big part in Misty leaving. She was probably sick of their fighting. Who knows...maybe she was even looking out for Misty's well-being? She knows that Ron & Misty together is NOT a good combination & may have gotten sick of their constant drama. She may have just gotten sick of Misty's refusal to open up. I don't think she suspects Ron-probably thinks there was an accident & if she did lie about going to the trailer, it was probably to bolster Ron's alibi-who she completely believed was innocent. But she's a realist & blood is thicker than water........When the pond was drained, she seemed genuinely distressed & confused. After all of this happened, she, not Teresa, was the one who cared enough to put a roof over her grandkid's heads.
Bamboozler does seem to match up with Ron's nature, however, I sincerely doubt his momma is one of dupes. More likely, imo, Ron has "something" on her that he uses for leverage-- thus reducing Teresa to her current status of back peddling media mouthpiece.

How did I miss all this?! [sorry, rhetorical - I still think Mz Teresa deserves more than the cursory glance that has been allowed.]
Bamboozler does seem to match up with Ron's nature, however, I sincerely doubt his momma is one of dupes. More likely, imo, Ron has "something" on her that he uses for leverage-- thus reducing Teresa to her current status of back peddling media mouthpiece.

What Ron has on his mother is guilt. Plain and simple. She's trying to make up for all the times she wasn't there for him.

What Ron has on his mother is guilt. Plain and simple. She's trying to make up for all the times she wasn't there for him.


I think she's willing to hang him out to dry, just as long as he keeps his mouth shut about her.

Just my own gut reaction, hunch. No evidence I can point to.

Why would she suddenly transform into mother-of-all-mothers? jmo - she wouldn't.

Maybe if we knew a little bit more about her past and Ron's past, I could come up with a different opinion about her, but she is too enigmatic - by choice.
I think it may just be that these parents can't handle the possibility that their kids killed and they raised them... how could that happen? Where did I go wrong?.... than its a NO! Not my child! No way! Then they go into protection mode and do, say whatever it takes to prove they didn't do it..... even at their own cost... IMO

Exactly! Well put. It's very, very difficult for a mother to actually see and believe that their child could kill another human being, particularly their own child. They can't LET themselves believe it. Once they allow that thought process into their brains, they can't cope with it, it makes them a failure as a mother. Even if they do allow themselves to think it... they're not going to admit it to the rest of the world because that means they will be looked down on by everyone else. They will lie themselves rather than come out and say, "my child did this." Mothers have a built-in protective mode, and even if they don't play a big part in raising their kids, they still want and need to protect them.
I hate to see someone say they would NEVER support their child if that child would be accused of murder. You think you could be that strong, but you might not be. Sometimes doing the right thing takes a back seat to loving your child, and not letting the world see that they made a horrible mistake. It's just easier to go into defensive mode and keep believing and protesting that your child COULD NOT have done this.
re: mothers refusing to accept or see that their son or daughter could have done something so heinous.

I hope my own Mama raised me better than that.

jmo - you can love your child without this defensive [offensive?] posturing.

No, I take that back... you cannot love your child and help them cover up their misdeeds, especially something as big as this. That's not what love is about, imo, especially parental love.

You sure as hail cannot love your grandchild and still carry on with this covering up.

LSS - this would be love of SELF, not love of your child.

(Least I hope that's right cuz it's MOO.)
I am probably late reading this, and if this is the wrong place mods please feel free to move.

Haleigh’s father, Ronald Cummings, is in jail on drug charges and could not attend the event. Her paternal grandmother, Teresa Neves, read a letter from Cummings about how much he missed Haleigh.

Cummings has put Haleigh’s picture on the wall of his jail cell and it’s the first thing he sees in the morning and the last thing he sees at night, Neves said.

“His greatest wish is to see Haleigh again,” she said.


This is sickening and I imagine it was all Crystal and her family could do to keep quiet when hearing this crap.
Speaking of Teresa.. Did she honor Haleigh at that vigil the other night? No, she showed up to honor her son...JMO
Speaking of Teresa.. Did she honor Haleigh at that vigil the other night? No, she showed up to honor her son...JMO
Exactly, she used her time to try and convince people that Ron was missing his children and has their pictures up, right at his bedside. She wants to direct this play, but we have already heard Ron's phone calls from jail (no mention of Haleigh or JR). I can't imagine being Crystal and having to hear that made up crap at a vigil for my missing daughter..I would loose it.
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