Terri's friends want to distance themselves after being dragged into investigation

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Misty Croslin-Cummings also sat for a voluntary lie detector test. Sitting for one does not an innocent person make.

Well, we'll find out in time who is innocent or guilty. Lie detector tests are only one thing the police use to find the truth.

Someone who has failed a lie detector test twice might be guilty also - one fact doesn't rule out another. Could be a false double negative, I guess???
How is Dede's interest in healthy foods connected to what Terri fed the kids? My best friend has a Mac Attack at least twice a week, but I don't feed my children what she eats. I'm interested in her Mac Attacks, would love to have them myself. But her interest and my interest in her interest doesn't make it follow that I do as she does.

My interest in this is when something doesn't make sense, I wonder why?

I am sorry that I cannot give the quote, but it said that Dede was friends with Terri because of their interests in working out, healthy eating and gardening.

I was wondering because I see no evidence of gardening in the home pics, and I see evidence of unhealthy eating for children (whether people choose to see that as unhealthy, it is my opinion that it is).

I can't imagine what any of it has to do with anything with Kyron, but then the most innocuous of things sometimes end up having meaning.

I am just curious.

( I eat many things when I go to friend's homes. I never make an issue of anything. What people want to eat is their own business. I even know of people who drink their own urine in the morning as a health thing. No thanks.)
Can I ask why the issue of whether or not someone is a vegan or healthy eater has anything to do with Kyron's case? Did I miss something here?
Terri's friends want to distance themselves. Topic please. Thanks.
Can I ask why the issue of whether or not someone is a vegan or healthy eater has anything to do with Kyron's case? Did I miss something here?

I am trying to figure out how good of friends Terri and Dede actually are.

Does Dede have anything to do with this at all? She hasn't been in any family pictures I have seen when the family is with others.

They had working out interests, but until January, Dede worked during the day when Terri was at the gym.

On an interest survey, Terri did not indicate that Dede was the person that she called in the middle of the night.

I just wonder how really really good friends they are.
Now that might be a good idea!

Personality I think Dede is probably taking the advice of her father. I would imagine with his knowledge of LE and the legal system he is the one that advised her to insist on a search warrant and to get a lawyer.

Many times on various legal shows and blogs they have said that anytime you a questioned in a criminal case you should have a lawyer. Just look at the Anthony case, almost every witness big or small there has an attorney. I see nothing wrong with this. Of course I think KH & DY may see this as not cooperating.

I also wonder whether LE in requesting a search could be looking for items that Terri may have stored at her friends' homes when she moved.

I don't see any evidence KH & DY see warrants as uncooporative. On items seized this says they took computer & phone from her friend's home.

I am trying to figure out how good of friends Terri and Dede actually are.

Does Dede have anything to do with this at all? She hasn't been in any family pictures I have seen when the family is with others.

They had working out interests, but until January, Dede worked during the day when Terri was at the gym.

On an interest survey, Terri did not indicate that Dede was the person that she called in the middle of the night.

I just wonder how really really good friends they are.

I thought it was an interesting note that news reported phone records showed an inordinate amount of calls between Terri and Dede the day Kyron went missing. Just got in on the end of the report. Fox News

It's difficult to say how good of friends any two people are. Probably few are aware but those involved and sometimes even they are duped; such as Terri's husband was.
I don't see any evidence KH & DY see warrants as uncooporative. On items seized this says they took computer & phone from her friend's home.


IMO, I've suspected from the minute I heard about warrants for Terri's friends that LE wanted to see Terri's communications to her friends, ie emails and text.

IMO, it is much quicker to check Terri's friends computers/phones for saved emails/texts. I would think that computer forensics to recreate possible deleted information on Terri's computer and/or warrants on Terri's cell phone records and/or internet providers.

IMO, I hope I'm wrong.
The simple thought that every hour counts to find a child could lead to a situation such as this would cause me to welcome LE in with open arms. They can't find anything that implicates me unless I am involved somehow. I have more faith in LE than to believe they are in the business of finding something on an innocent person just because.
Maybe in another circumstance I would be different, but in the case of a missing child, who knows? Like I said before, shoot me before I get to a point in my life where my rights mean more than a childs.

Most of the time, LE is operating with the best intentions on the best information they have.


Sometimes it just ain't so. Are you familiar with the case of Kathryn Johnston? She was a 92 year old woman who lived by herself in a somewhat scary neighbourhood. She had a gun because she was afraid that someday, someone would break in and threaten her life.

Sadly, that's exactly what happened. The police lied to a judge to get a no-knock warrant. Three plainclothes officers went to her house, ripped out her burglar bars, broke open her door and then identified themselves as LE.

At 92 years old, it's reasonable to think that her hearing may not have been as acute as a younger person's hearing. She used her gun to fire a single shot over the heads of the incoming cops. They fired 39 shots in response; six or seven of those bullets hit Ms Johnston and several of the officers fell to friendly fire.

As she lay bleeding and dying on her floor, an officer handcuffed her.

By all accounts, she had led a life full of hard work and kind deeds. She did not deserve to die in terror.

And then the police planted three bags of marijuana in her house to justify the raid. The police department vilified her in the press. One article I remember reading was disputing her age, claiming she was "only" 87 years old rather than 92 (as if that made any difference!).

It turned out that there was absolutely nothing in her house or in her life to implicate her in any crime. What she did "wrong" was to be afraid of crime, to put burglar bars on her doors and windows, and, after another elderly woman in her neighbourhood was raped, buy a gun.

I can't get over the image of her lying bleeding on the floor, no doubt feeling terrible confusion and fear... and rather than receiving comfort in her last moments, a police officer handcuffed her.

The federal probe revealed that police "routinely lied" in order to get search warrants and often falsified affidavits.

If the police are acting on the up and up, my exercising my right to representation by a lawyer is not a problem. If the police are even thinking less than virtuous thoughts, well, maybe my lawyer can convince them they'd better straighten up and fly right.
IMO, I've suspected from the minute I heard about warrants for Terri's friends that LE wanted to see Terri's communications to her friends, ie emails and text.

IMO, it is much quicker to check Terri's friends computers/phones for saved emails/texts. I would think that computer forensics to recreate possible deleted information on Terri's computer and/or warrants on Terri's cell phone records and/or internet providers.

IMO, I hope I'm wrong.

I'm not sure what you hope you're wrong about. Don't LE usually take people's computers during investigations?

You'd be surprised how long the technology has existed to retrieve info from computers even with someone's best efforts to destroy it. Cinnamon Brown case. If You Really Loved Me
No one can hide info anyway. It's out there in many places.
I still am mystified why the other woman who went through 5 hours of polygraph and apparently was not worried didn't invoke her "rights", but Dede is.

What is the difference here?

I don't know.

But I have to wonder if the difference is that the two unnamed friends are saying "we're distancing ourselves from TMH because this is more trouble than it's worth to us" and DDS apparently not willing to distance herself from TMH.
No criminal so bad as rogue cops. Most major cities have histories of it. Those tragedies will never not be true. There's bad people and some of them become cops.

Not all cops are bad.
I skim and if the subject is about food I just skip it!! Way off topic....
If the emotions in one case can give the right to run roughshod over people and their rights, then why not every case that touches someone's emotions? There are people raped, murdered, kidnapped, assaulted far too many, every single day and there are emotions for those involved.

So is it all right then for each of those cases to get an exemption from our rights and how people are treated?


This is why they are considered constitutional rights rather than constitutional suggestions.

This is why they are considered constitutional rights rather than constitutional suggestions.

I don't see anyone trampling on anyone's constitutional rights here. LE is doing everything by the book asaikt. The constitution doesn't prevent the general public or the victims from speaking their mind about someone's decision to invoke their constitutional rights If they cross the line, than that's a civil matter. Not a constitutional issue. jmoo
I don't know.

But I have to wonder if the difference is that the two unnamed friends are saying "we're distancing ourselves from TMH because this is more trouble than it's worth to us" and DDS apparently not willing to distance herself from TMH.

It's just something we don't know at this time & may never know. But you've brought up some valid points. It seems to me Terri & DeDe haven't been close friends since (for example) early childhood. I'm thinking of friends I would stand in front of a bullet for. But others with something this serious not so much.
Maybe the friends who stepped away read the news too. With school officials and even the other children having been informed by Terri Horman Kyron would be out of school that day. With witnesses saying Dede Spicher left work at that time when Kyron VANISHED for 90 minutes. That Dede couldn't be reached via phone during the time Kyron vanished. But that phone records show inordinate number of communication between Spicher and Terry Horman in the hours following Kyron magically VANISHING.

well maybe the two friends that stepped away read the news also. Everyone else might be lying, but I doubt it.

IMO, I've suspected from the minute I heard about warrants for Terri's friends that LE wanted to see Terri's communications to her friends, ie emails and text.

IMO, it is much quicker to check Terri's friends computers/phones for saved emails/texts. I would think that computer forensics to recreate possible deleted information on Terri's computer and/or warrants on Terri's cell phone records and/or internet providers.

IMO, I hope I'm wrong.

I'm not sure what you hope you're wrong about. Don't LE usually take people's computers during investigations?

You'd be surprised how long the technology has existed to retrieve info from computers even with someone's best efforts to destroy it. Cinnamon Brown case. If You Really Loved Me
No one can hide info anyway. It's out there in many places.

The reason I hope I'm wrong is because that would mean Terri's "friends" were only "guilty" of receiving electronic communication from her. LE could have received the same information without risking the privacy and/or rights of Terri's friends. Yet one has been publically named and vilified as a result.

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