Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #6 *SUSPECT APPREHENDED*

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hahaha, Unfortunately I've seen some women's places that make you tiptoe, and keep your hands in your pockets! I get your point though, but I'm wondering if this was their mother's place? Looking at the forth pic down, I see a women's flat with a bow under the beige gym shoe.
In another article it was said the family moved to the house in 2003, and the two brothers stayed living there when the parents went back to Russia. I'll find the link.
What kind of information are you looking for? I thought the reporting of this has been as straightforward as anything we could expect during an ongoing investigation. The feds believed that #2 lived part time with these guys and was clearly friends with them if he had pics of their car on his fb/twitter. And as their car had "terrorist" (in bright blue bubble letters! fgs) on the license plate, it makes sense that the feds would bring them in for questioning.

If they are here on student visas, etc., then of course their embassies would get involved while they are questioned as part of a terror investigation.

As I recall reading it, they were first questioned, then LE came back and brought in/arrested some subset of them.

When the entire LE effort was going down on Friday, I was near New Bedford and saw a huge convoy of maybe 30 marked and unmarked police cars, SUVs, etc all with lights on and driving super fast. Maybe around 3pm. Shortly after we read that they took these boys in, ziptied hands, etc. I don't expect the feds to announce all the leads they are following - clearly they are looking for accomplices or people who knew or helped or contributed. They will probably keep that info under wraps until they are more informed.

I'm sorry, but I don't think you can assume that because they are foreign the Mass taxpayers are footing their tuition. I'm not sure how you would make that leap.

I work at UMassD, and it is one of the more diverse universities I've worked for or attended. A huge proportion of the students there are foreign, or citizens who are first generation in the US. And yes, you'll see Mercedes in the student lots and old Hondas in the Faculty lots, as in most Universities, lol. It's one of the truisms of colleges and high schools everywhere - students driving more expensive cars than their teachers/professors.

I totally agree that a "real" terrorist wouldn't drive around with, essentially, "I'm a terrorist" vanity plates. And the bright girly bubble letter font it's printed in! Omg, no, I don't think this was a secret cell. I agree that it's boys playing tough-guy, the way guys used to dress like mafia dons and hang on corners smoking, looking shiftily up and down the street in my old neighborhood where the mafia hadn't been an issue since before they were born.

Not assuming,I have a question mark,just wondering. That's why I moved it to the PP. I think its worthy of discussion. Based on my own experience with my children,to encourage diversity, a lot of the foreign students are paying nothing or very small amounts. Meanwhile, US citizens are paying full price. Like I said,a better topic for the PP.
As for what I want to know about the consulate van,I just thought it was strange that it was not being reported,but I guess it must be standard procedure. I have never had any dealings with embassys and stuff so I thought having a van pick you up was odd. I guess not.
That often happens when its lawyers or doctors from other countries, specifically those with very different systems. You will find them sweeping floors at mcdonalds in the US unless they have lots of money with them to study and pay for the US qualifcations to the boards. Language is an issue too it isn't as if they can just walk in and take the boards they need to get the language down, specific legal and medical terminology, be up to date on laws and practices in the states etc. All costing money. They are willing to give up their careers for democracy. Some manage to get licenses here and continue to have a great life, others it takes decades if at all.

So true. We know a dog walker who was actually a veterinarian in his home country (South or Central America), whose degree nor license is recognized here in the US.
I don't know. I think it could be argued that Cambridge is the most elitist city in America. Watch "The Social Network" for a great examination of the resentment felt by outsiders. Mark Zuckerberg burned with hatred for the high status males at Harvard. His motivation, in the movie anyway, was to tear down the establishment. Zuckerberg's partner in crime, Sean Parker (Justin Timberlake in the movie) is a nihilist, wanting nothing more than to destroy the snobs who think they are better than him.

The entire city of Cambridge is not Harvard. Nor are most students at Harvard actually from Cambridge, for example Zuckerberg is from California. I didn't want to bring up such an old post but this post was just too funny to me. I won't say Cambridge is an amazing open minded place because I can't really say if it is or not but still. Also the post this quoted called Rindge and Latin a prestigious school, I know it's been mentioned here before but R&L is Cambridge's public high school. It's not a bad public high school but it's nothing extra special. The part of Cambridge they lived in was definitely working class. Also not that far from a mosque and a pretty big Muslim community, I don't know if it's the one they went to or not though.

About the Terrorista license place, I don't know if it's been posted here or not but one of the first results I got when I searched about it was: http://littlegreenfootballs.com/article/41904_About_That_Terrorista_-1_License_Plate... they seem to think it's a reference to that Harlem Shake song.
these nutters have an agenda and a message they are trying to send-and use a purposeful terrorist attack to send their crazy azz message.

Yup that is the definition of terrorism, random violence to further a change in the government or in society.

What was their message? And if their message is discovered (in evidence, on a computer etc....) will the public be told about it?

I have to suspect there is a long rant somewhere saying how the US faked 911 and abused/waged war on Islam etc.....and maybe the powers that be don't want that message to come out because it would be "awkward".
Most likely. They gig was up.
I really think they believed LE wouldn't be able to find them out.

I agree. I can really see them thinking no one would find out because of the crowds that day.

She is divorced. He mostly lived in "Russia"
He was getting medical treatment for a brian tumor... cough cough

Why cough cough? If he had a dual nationality or only Russian he could most probably get free medical care in Russia, while having to pay large sums in the US.
She is divorced. He mostly lived in "Russia"
He was getting medical treatment for a brian tumor... cough cough

Is anyone surprised both parents left the US? prior to this?
Also dad said TT never went to Chechnya -sp he was just visiting family for 6-7 months. leaving his wife here to work with a baby.

kinda messed up. yet the aunt says he was a stay at home dad and babysat his child while mom worked. NOT
Every quote from the parents and aunt make me angry. Why do we NEED to prove to THEM before they will believe their "ANGELS" are not being set up? It speaks volumes about the paranoia and anger. Sorry, I don't see this as a mother's love, or a stage of grief.
It angers me that they appear to be trying to foment distrust. No I am not surprised both parents left.

I haven't seen this...and a comment at Huff Post was saddened that only the WSJ seemed to carry the story prominently...so I'm posting it here.

Florida's Muslim leaders that represent over 100,000 Muslims today issued a joint statement condemning the tragic bombings in Boston and the loss of innocent lives. Events such as this remind us to stand firm in our religious and American principles of pluralism and justice. No political position, no grievance can justify any act of violence or indiscriminate loss of life.

American Muslims are following American laws and the constitution and trying to raise good families and reject these extreme acts of terrorism; these terrorists have no room in our communities.

We are a peace loving community and we extend our hand of friendship and offer assistance to our Law enforcement officials to make sure these terrible incidents never happen again.
And I really think there is nothing that can "prove" it to them anyway.
They are convinced that these two were "set up."
I dont' think any evidence will convince them otherwise.
Messy House-Police went through the apartment. I don't think they put everything carefully back in the drawers.

We have no idea what the apartment looked like and what was present before the police came. I suspect the rice cooker sitting on the chair was pulled from the cabinets as a "suspicious device". It does look a little like a pressure cooker.

I think terror acts often are just to induce terror. These bombings put a great American city on lockdown for 2 days. To our enemies, this is a great accomplishment. A few deaths, a lot of fear....Americans ill at ease in their own cities and neighborhoods. The pyschological damage to us is a stellar achievement.

The reason need be nothing more than that.
That often happens when its lawyers or doctors from other countries, specifically those with very different systems. You will find them sweeping floors at mcdonalds in the US unless they have lots of money with them to study and pay for the US qualifcations to the boards. Language is an issue too it isn't as if they can just walk in and take the boards they need to get the language down, specific legal and medical terminology, be up to date on laws and practices in the states etc. All costing money. They are willing to give up their careers for democracy. Some manage to get licenses here and continue to have a great life, others it takes decades if at all.

So true.

I grew up in Florida and had quite a few friends who were first generation Americans of Cuban descent. Their parents had fled Cuba in the early sixties after Castro took over.

Most of them had been professionals in Cuba; doctors, engineers, lawyers, university professors, etc. Once in Miami, they were no longer licensed, accredited professionals, but refugees seeking asylum. They took whatever jobs they could to feed their families.

To be fair, most of the families I knew had been affluent in Cuba and were able to take at least some of their money with them. So that at least they had some capital to start up businesses, for example. And they mostly spoke perfect English, too, so there wasn't a big language barrier. But for the most part, their former lives and careers "did not translate".

I am still in awe of those parents of my friends. I cannot imagine having to leave my country and everything I had worked for, only to start all over. And yet they never seemed to pity themselves, but rather seemed grateful that they were able to "get out".
Every quote from the parents and aunt make me angry. Why do we NEED to prove to THEM before they will believe their "ANGELS" are not being set up? It speaks volumes about the paranoia and anger. Sorry, I don't see this as a mother's love, or a stage of grief.
It angers me that they appear to be trying to foment distrust. No I am not surprised both parents left.

easy to say unless one has actually been in their shoes.

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Another question that's stuck in my craw: what was the purpose of the marathon bombing? Was it intended to send a message? I suspect it was, but can anyone define it? I can't. No declaration. No manifesto. So they screwed up there, too, and I'm even more sickened by the senselessness of it all. Innocent people murdered and maimed, and for what? Absolutely nothing.

They likely didn't publish a message because they hoped to carry out more bombings.

I don't doubt that they left some type of message/manifesto though, either written or through what will soon be known associates or the surviving suspect himself. I do doubt whether it would be politically correct/convenient for the government to share the message with the public.

I think Washington is all over this and controlling all of the information that goes public from this point on.

I also question the morgue photos super fast timely release, darn fast that, and possibly quite intentional. That body would have been overseen by very few people, leaking a photo that fast to several sources without authorization seems unlikely. I can't help but think the message is: See! One is dead, be happy and move along!!!!
Really does anyone need to convince the family that their boys are murderers? One is dead, the other's life is over. There is no love for these two on earth, except from their parents. Let them have it.

What is the motivation for convincing the parents? To make us feel better? To make the charges more substantial? To remove doubt from our minds?

As the case unfolds, we will learn the truth and the parents opinions won't matter.
easy to say unless one has actually been in their shoes.

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2

I'll give the mother a pass for her denial, because no matter what her own political views were, it must be impossible to imagine that your children would do something like this. But the aunt? She hasn't even seen them for five years. Her behavior is completely inexcusable.
Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who died early Friday after a shootout with the police in Watertown, Mass., spent six months in Dagestan in 2012, and analysts said that sojourn might have marked a crucial step in his alleged path toward the bombings.

Well, if FBI's goal in quesioning the older brother was to prevent setting off bombs on the steets of Boston, then it appears they failed misearbly.

"The Russian state news agency RIA Novosti quoted the father of the Tsarnaev brothers recalling the F.B.I.’s close questioning of his elder son, “two or three times.” He said they had told his son that the questioning “is prophylactic, so that no one sets off bombs on the streets of Boston.”

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