Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #7 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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So forgive me if this has been addressed before but it just bugs me so:
“Authorities” acknowledge that he was on their radar and they interviewed him couple years ago. Two days later they release the video footage claiming to need “the public’s help” in identifying them. IMO There has to be a lie imbedded here – or a game as usual.

How could they need help to ID them when they claimed they INTERVIEWED him? What, you (The FBI??) do not know what someone you interview looks like??? Something amiss. They know you went to Amazon and bought ant spray but can’t identify him?

Yeah it does seem odd. Initially the pictures they released were VERY grainy and then later much better photos came out. Did they not have those good photos to begin with?

Maybe the FBI has files on half of the US population so there were just too many potential suspects to search through?? Even thought they could narrow it down by age, gender, and ethnicity and they supposedly have facial recognition software?
I think it's interesting that people are trying to claim TT brainwashed his brother and wife. From all accounts he does not seem to have much of a personality. Aren't brainwashing types usually very charismatic, dynamic personalities? I don't buy it.

I'm not buying it either. Not directed at anyone here, but just a general rant: I am tired of hearing how everyone thought JT was such a sweet kid and how everyone thinks TT might have become "disaffected" with his life in America. People thought the BTK killer was a nice family man. Ted Bundy volunteered on a mental health helpline. Obviously, these perceptions were wrong. These men (tired of hearing them called boys, too) are criminals, and whether acting alone or in concert with others, their ideology is pretty clear, at least to me, Jihad against infidels. All MOO.
Yeah it does seem odd. Initially the pictures they released were VERY grainy and then later much better photos came out. Did they not have those good photos to begin with?

Maybe the FBI has files on half of the US population so there were just too many potential suspects to search through?? Even thought they could narrow it down by age, gender, and ethnicity and they supposedly have facial recognition software?

After they released the initial photos, public send them the photos that were more clear. As for facial recognition software, it didn't work with the photos they originally had.
I'm not buying it either. Not directed at anyone here, but just a general rant: I am tired of hearing how every thought JT was such a sweet kid and how everyone thinks TT might have become "disaffected" with his life in America. People thought the BTK killer was a nice family man. Ted Bundy volunteered on a mental health helpline. Obviously, these perceptions were wrong. These men (tired of hearing them called boys, too) are criminals, and whether acting alone or in concert with others, their ideology is pretty clear, at least to me, Jihad against infidels. All MOO.

I couldn't agree more. It's getting exausting. JT wasn't a little boy. He was an adult male.
Yeah it does seem odd. Initially the pictures they released were VERY grainy and then later much better photos came out. Did they not have those good photos to begin with?

Maybe the FBI has files on half of the US population so there were just too many potential suspects to search through?? Even thought they could narrow it down by age, gender, and ethnicity and they supposedly have facial recognition software?
Yeh, there is something that common sense just aint workin!
After they released the initial photos, public send them the photos that were more clear. As for facial recognition software, it didn't work with the photos they originally had.
My deal is why would they need the public - they claimed they interviewed him, which implies they knew something about him. So how on earth do they need the public help in identifing them - they had the same (better I would hope) video capabliites as bystanders?
My deal is why would they need the public - they claimed they interviewed him, which implies they knew something about him. So how on earth do they need the public help in identifing them - they had the same (better I would hope) video capabliites as bystanders?

Completely agree
What does this tweet refer to? Who will spend their money? *confused*

I took it to mean the stupid "adoptive country" (the US) that they despise will spend their money on them via scholarships and support only to be defeated by them.
Tamerlan called his mother Thursday morning, just hours before his death in a shootout with police, and told her he had received a call from the FBI, she said.

“He would call me every day from America in the last days,” Zubeidat Tsarnaev said Sunday in a telephone interview with The Times from her home in the Russian republic of Dagestan. “During our last conversation on the morning [before the shootout], he was especially touching and tender and alarmed at the same time.”

Her son, she said, told her that he “got a private phone call” from the FBI. Agents told him that he was “under suspicion and should come see them.”
“ ‘If you need me, you will find me,’ he said, and hung up,” she recounted, beginning to sob. “You know the FBI followed him for several years, and when he got back from Dagestan last year, they called him and asked him what was the purpose of his visit to his homeland.”

Yeh, there is something that common sense just aint workin!

Plus the fact is if they had looked through their OWN FBI files and found them then they wouldn't have had to post their photos all over the news they could have just picked up these guys at their apartment (where they were apparently quite cozy and living life as usual, cooking dinner, going to parties, etc...).

If that had happened the MIT officer would not be dead.
Okay, given our understanding of DT's current inability to vocalize, this is pretty gross thinking on my part, but couldn't help noticing his tweet of April 16, the day after the bombing:

Sick, but hmmm

Dang it, I couldn't get what you were quoting in, but I think I know it - everybody's got something to say they are moving their lips but nothing comes out but a bunch of gibberish.

That's from an Eminem song. Those aren't his words.
So the wife was working 70-80 hours a week, while Mr. Mom was making bombs while watching the Baby? I assume she was living in the apartment where they found all the explosives...but she knew nothing?

I believe she had been living with her parents for the past year. Seems to me she may have moved in with them when he left for Russia but then never moved out. JMO

Some neighbors of her parents were quoted as saying that TT would come and visit on the weekend but that he had not been around recently.
Plus the fact is if they had looked through their OWN FBI files and found them then they wouldn't have had to post their photos all over the news they could have just picked up these guys at their apartment (where they were apparently quite cozy and living life as usual, cooking dinner, going to parties, etc...).

If that had happened the MIT officer would not be dead.

They looked through databases but software didn't work.
I believe she had been living with her parents for the past year. Seems to me she may have moved in with them when he left for Russia but then never moved out. JMO

Some neighbors of her parents were quoted as saying that TT would come and visit on the weekend but that he had not been around recently.

Her own laywer says she was working 70-80 hours while TT stayed home with the child. Doesn't fit at all with the idea that she lived with parents.
Hospitalized suspect in Boston bombings awaits charges
1 hour ago

BOSTON — The ethnic Chechen college student suspected with his deceased older brother in the Boston Marathon bombing faced federal charges as early as Monday as he lay hospitalized under armed guard, severely wounded and unable to speak.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, was captured with throat injuries that, coupled with sedatives administered at the Boston hospital where he is being treated, had left him incapable of speech and initially prevented authorities from questioning him.

Late on Sunday, media reported he was awake and responding in writing to questions at Boston's Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. But Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis told CNN he could not confirm that.

"We're very anxious to talk to him and the investigators will be doing that as soon as possible," Davis said.

Tsarnaev's capture on Friday night ended a manhunt that virtually shut down greater Boston for some 20 hours. His older brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, was pronounced dead after a gunfight with police a day earlier.

Investigators are seeking, among things, to determine whether the two suspects acted alone...

If this report is true, it would seem that perhaps it's simply being sedated and intubated that would prevent his speaking and not his injuries. I wonder how serious what was initially reported as a gunshot wound to the "head/neck area" was. That would seem to be a grave injury in most cases.

Must admit that I am struggling to accept the credibility of some of the information coming forth.

As Tsarnaev was cornered on Friday, it was reported that the boat in which he was hiding was very bloody. Speculation was that he had been injured during the previous confrontation with authorities 16 to 18 hours earlier. Once the boat was surrounded, there was a reported exchange of gunfire. At some point negotiators were involved and the initial reports indicated that Tsarnaev did not verbally respond.

There is one still image of Tsarnaev climbing out of the boat unassisted; I am unaware of any other images. As he was being transported from the scene, initial news reports indicated a neck wound.

CBS’ “60 Minutes” reported the 19-year-old suspect was shot through his mouth and throat. On ABC’s “This Week,” U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee member Dan Coats (R-Ind.) said, “The information we have is that there was a shot to the throat. And it’s questionable whether — when and whether he’ll be able to talk again.”

Without a medical background, I am having difficulty believing that a person who sustained significant blood loss from injuries incurred more than 12 hours previously could then shoot himself in the mouth and throat and be able to self ambulate out of a boat sometime during the next 95 minutes.

I do believe that this young man was involved in the bombings, but I am skeptical of some of the information now being reported.
Snipped and BBM I wonder if the agents who interviewed him have since transferred out of the bureau or to another city? Not much of an explanation I know, but I was trying to come up with a reason for the dithering and that's the best I could do. :desert:

Is there some belief that there are so few agents and so few cases that they investigate, this one would have immediately sprung to mind? We dont even know which office investigated him. A routine investigation, mind you. Not an investigation where someone said "Hey we have proof or chatter that this guy is going to come your way and attempt mass murder." A simple "Hey we think this guy is interested in radical Islam."

The bomber in question was wearing sunglasses and a hat-facial recognition software would not have worked.

Please correct me if I am wrong, but at this point there is no stated motive for this bombing, right? So we are all speculating that the deceased bomber was motivated by a religious ideology.
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