The death of Princess Diana

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scandi said:
Good Girl Darki_Shadows! WOW! Now that's gonna make big news after just hearing that Henri's driving so drunk is what caused him to crash. I thought that was a pot of crock, personally.

DS, do you read from the way this article is written that this kid was part of a conspiracy? Or do you think the kid just had an accident and painted the car so he wouldn't be charged by LE for negligent driving?


It is very nice to see you. Thank-you reading the thread.
I did read the way that the article was written.
This part says alot......

Speaking publicly for the first time, Le Van admits he was driving his car in Paris on the night Diana was killed and, in an exclusive interview, his father Francois has provided the most compelling evidence yet that his son was involved in the crash and took part in a cover-up after fleeing the scene.

Lord Stevens;

His published report gives the names of dozens of witnesses and other parties.

Bizarrely, Le Van is the only person referred to but not named - Lord Stevens simply calls him "the second Fiat Uno driver".

Asked why the report did not name Le Van, a Met spokeswoman said: "There is nothing sinister about it - it was just not considered relevant.

Our focus was on the actual car."
First off, I have NEVER heard of someone being named Dung....hopefully it doesn't mean the same thing in UK as it does in the states.....

Also, if the car was 15 years old at the time of the accident, that would mean the car was made for the 1981 year, but the first year that Fiat Unos were made was in 1983.....?? Maybe he just misspoke?

Either way, good find d_s!!! Thanks for posting this.
Le Van, who now works as a Paris taxi driver, told The Mail on Sunday: "I just want the whole thing to go away. I am a father with children now and have had enough of this saga.

"I don't want to say exactly what happened. It would cause too many complications," he said.

"The police have been involved and so have many other powerful people. They have tried to get me to help them, but this is not my job.
dark_shadows said:
Le Van, who now works as a Paris taxi driver, told The Mail on Sunday: "I just want the whole thing to go away. I am a father with children now and have had enough of this saga.

"I don't want to say exactly what happened. It would cause too many complications," he said.

"The police have been involved and so have many other powerful people. They have tried to get me to help them, but this is not my job.
What a jerk! "not his job" to help the police and investigators find out what happened? I hope he's charged properly for what he did!
Let me tell you girls that Mr Dung is gonna be dang well driven to decide to co-operate! LOL They have been looking for him for 9 years, and they're not going to let it slide.

I did think this was kind of neat - from Father to Father, out of the love and concern for their sons, are going to end up getting this case solved.

Nitey Nite Scandi

PS: I just knew you had posted DS. I logged out and then thought, oh well, could just give it a quik-like check! :D YaYa
dark_shadows said:
Le Van, who now works as a Paris taxi driver, told The Mail on Sunday: "I just want the whole thing to go away. I am a father with children now and have had enough of this saga.

"I don't want to say exactly what happened. It would cause too many complications," he said.

"The police have been involved and so have many other powerful people. They have tried to get me to help them, but this is not my job.

Oh I think he is going to talk. How can anyone live with themselves knowing that such a beautiful lady and others were killed in an accident.

Wouldn't you think the fact that he painted his car within hours shows he knew something about the occupants in the car. IMO

"Not my job" isn't goiong to get him very far...especially with Dodie's dad on his heels. :crazy:

I have a lot of respect for Le Van's dad commenting that he felt something was wrong and the fact that his son was making statements...what did he think when his son's white car suddenly turned RED? Where have all of these people been for all this time and just how good was that investigation....Nope sorry Le Van - this isn't going to go away. Being a father NOW won't get you off of the hook.
When it happened he shot straight out of that tunnel and disappeared like a flash. I've been there, and the tunnel curves at the spot where the crash was, and then starts to straighten before you exit.

This is probably the tip of the iceburg. The kid was shaken as per his Dad's statement. I think it is because he knew his error caused that car to crash and he probably thought they were all dead. He didn't want to be charged with manslaughter which is what it was at the minimum.

If he were part of a conspiracvy to kill Diana, he would have already had everything organized to fix the car, and wouldn't have been rattled or have to speak to his brother as his father said he did.

Who knows? But it evidently was not caused by a drunk driver, and I think there is an apology due to his estate.

The father should have taken the kid in as soon as he felt something was wrong.
Where is the lesson here? He had answers to unknown questions..........
It was wrong to hide this for so long. Its equally wrong to say, I'm tired of all of this now.....and I am not talking. The car getting painted was the big clue, who all saw that happen. It was a part of the mystery that should not have been witheld. This will be big news for all the papers now won't it?
Thanks DS, have you heard anything else? I am anxious to hear more......
cheko1 said:
Thanks DS, have you heard anything else? I am anxious to hear more......
Hi Checo1,:)
How are you?
Maybe he left the scene because he knew that some or all in the vehicle were dead, like it was said already on here..or maybe he was involved in this;
Fiat Bravo Boys

He could have had drugs in the vehicle and did not want the vehicle searched.
If he had nothing to hide, he would not have fled the scene. Any thoughts?

That was my input Amraann,

Last week I think a very important report came out on the case saying the accident was caused by her driver being too drunk. Ofg course that was before this revelation.

The car was going fast through the tunnel, yes, but if this car hadn't clipped their car it wouldn't have gone careening into that huge post which stopped the car dead in its tracks.

I guess I don't understand, as I think their car being clipped caused it to go off a straight, or curved path with the road, and caused the crash which made them die.

And I had heard opposing reports as to how drunk he really was. He drank a lot all of the time I guess, so had a very high tollerance.

xoxoxo Scandi
Well, this has nothing to do the topic of this thread, but I found the eerie;

Washington Post Foreign Service Saturday, August 9, 1997; Page B01

The news broke this morning in the British tabloids, one of which quoted Diana, 36, telling friends that "it's time I started getting a life" and that Fayed "is the man who will take me out of one world into another. I trust him. I think he can provide everything I need." ("Telling friends," incidentally, is generally the code here for Princess Diana telling a reporter.) She was described as "deeply in love," indeed "besotted" with love for Fayed.

Princess Diana died shortly after this article.

I am sure this is a hoax. The driver was found a long time ago and was later found burned to death in his car. It has been docmented many times. Will try and find a link.
eastender said:
I am sure this is a hoax. The driver was found a long time ago and was later found burned to death in his car. It has been docmented many times. Will try and find a link.

I remember THAT! :doh:
No, the guy who was found in the burned car was NOT the one who was in the tunnel that night! Different Fiat Uno.......not the one that struck Diana's car. They proved that long ago.

"British scientists commissioned by Scotland Yard's Operation Paget inquiry re-examined forensic evidence collected by French police and contradicted their findings, suggesting Le Van, 31, should not have been eliminated from inquiries.

Following publication of the 833-page dossier, which dismissed conspiracy theories that Diana was murdered and the driver of the Fiat Uno was part of the assassination plot, a Mail on Sunday investigation in Paris has dramatically shed new light on the mystery surrounding the car eyewitnesses reported seeing in the tunnel.

Speaking publicly for the first time, Le Van admits he was driving his car in Paris on the night Diana was killed and, in an exclusive interview, his father Francois has provided the most compelling evidence yet that his son was involved in the crash and took part in a cover-up after fleeing the scene.

He recalls Le Van, then 22, returning home from his job as a night-time security guard in a frightened and bewildered state but unwilling to tell his father what was troubling him.

Instead, he had a whispered conversation with his brother Dung, who worked as a mechanic, which culminated in the brothers rushing off in the middle of the night to radically alter the appearance of Le Van's 15-year-old car.

During the next two hours, and with no one else around, the brothers resprayed the white Fiat a bright red.

Breaking a nine-year silence, Francois said: "I do not want to believe that Le Van was in the tunnel that night but I know as a father that he has said things which just do not add up.

"He behaved very strangely at the time and has behaved strangely since.

"Dung helped with the respray of the car but he will not talk to me about it. What I do know is that the Fiat was resprayed very soon after the crash that killed your Princess - only a few hours later.

"Police became involved and everything became very serious afterwards."

When the black Mercedes was examined by French forensic scientists, they found scrapings on the right rear wing of the white paint from the Fiat Uno it struck moments before it crashed.

Analysis subsequently showed that it was most compatible with the Bianco Corfu 224 paint scheme used by Fiat on its Unos between 1983 and September 1987.

This immediately excluded French paparazzi James Andanson, whom Mohamed Al Fayed named as an assassin, because his nine-year-old vehicle was first registered in 1988, a year after Fiat stopped using Bianco Corfu 224.

The Paris Criminal Brigade, however, continued to investigate Andanson - and the Operation Paget report has also pointed out that the Bianco 210 paint on his car was almost indistinguishable from Bianco Corfu 224.

However, inquiries about Andanson ended when it was established that his Fiat Uno was off the road at the time - resting on bricks at his home 170 miles away from Paris.

In his report, Lord Stevens dismissed suggestions Andanson had been part of a murder plot against Princess Diana by pointing out that if he had been, he would hardly have used a vehicle registered in his own name.

French police tracked down more than 4,000 white Unos before narrowing the possibilities down to just two - one belonging to Andanson, the other to Le Van.

Le Van told detectives the respray had been done a few hours before the crash, on the afternoon of Saturday, August 30.

He was allowed to go free after six hours of questioning - despite the white paint underneath matching that found on the wrecked Mercedes.

In his report, Lord Stevens wrote: "The French experts ruled the car out because they could find no trace of damage at the likely point of impact and the rear light fittings showed a date of manufacture which matched the vehicle."

But Lord Stevens suggested the driver could simply have bought a second-hand light. Crucially, Le Van's brother was a mechanic and there was also a two-month gap between the crash and interviewing him - ample time to find an ideal replacement.

The Stevens report also says the Operation Paget team spoke to a friend of Le Van who said the respray took place after the crash - conflicting with what Le Van told them in a brief phone conversation.

Le Van also told French investigators that he could not have been at the Alma Tunnel at the time of the crash because he was working as a security guard at a Renault factory in Gennevilliers, just outside Paris, between 7pm and 7am.

But although he gave police the address of the car plant, his family say neither the French nor British police spoke to colleagues to verify his alibi.

The crash also occurred almost half- way through his shift - when he would have been entitled to a break, with his father's home just a short ride away.

Tellingly, he also admitted to detectives that he had his muzzled rottweiler in the rear of his car - eyewitnesses to the devastation in the tunnel described the Fiat Uno as having a large dog wearing a muzzle or bandana in the back.

Parisians Georges and Sabine Dauzonne are quoted in the report saying they joined the westbound carriageway of the embankment expressway after the Alma underpass and saw a white Fiat Uno driving erratically as it emerged from the tunnel.

Mr Dauzonne said: "I noticed that the car was zigzagging as it came out of the tunnel, so that it almost touched my left-hand side as we were travelling side-by-side.

"I said to myself, the driver must be drunk and I was afraid he would hit me, so I sounded my horn.

"The man, who was adjusting his rear-view mirror, slowed down enough for me to overtake him.

"I had the impression he was going to reverse because he was paying so much attention to his rear-view mirror.

"A large dog was on the rear seat and, although it was sitting, I could see its head.

"It must have been an Alsatian or a black Labrador, wearing an orange muzzle or bandana."

When French police finished their investigation, they had not established the identity of the Uno driver.

Had they found him, he would almost certainly have been charged, as it is an offence in France to leave the scene of a crash."
Thank-you for the post AlwaysShocked.:)

Hi Eastender, if you read the links and AlwaysShocked post, you will see that Le Van was questioned for 6 hours and then released when authorities checked owners of Fiats shortly after the accident. 9 years ago. He did not just pop up. It is not a hoax. Le Van's father is just now speaking after years.

Has anyone else been watching the concert? I think it has been wonderful.
:HappyBday Princess Di! :)

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