The Female Bounty Hunter

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me too ss.... if she has something that could be considered witholding evidence, I cannot see any reason on God's green earth that LE would not give her immunity and take her statement.

I don't know how a confidentiality agreement would play into this. Any legal eagles out there who know?
I can't imagine why Baez would ever agree in a million years to having a member of LP's staff in the house with KC and family 24/7. Although, I think that was part of the bond deal - if they didn't agree, he would not post the bond. KC and the family must have pushed hard for it. Still, very very risky.
From Orlando channel 6 news:

"Mr. Padilla and his co-workers left Orlando rather rapidly and we did not have a chance at the time to interview him,"

Orange County Commander Matt Irwin said. Investigators spent Thursday speaking with Padilla in closed-door meetings.

"They've had contact with the family and we are just trying to lock down their statements at this point," Irwin said.

Padilla said the 22-year-old kicked him out of the home after talking with her for 10 minutes, D'Onofrio reported. Padilla eventually revoked Anthony's bond because he said he believes the child is dead and that she had something to do with her daughter's disappearance.

The bounty hunter also said he believes that murder charges are coming soon.

Investigators may also talk with a friend of Casey Anthony while out west, Local 6 reported.

Officers said they have received more than 4,000 tips concerning the case.

It's an article on the Guardian Angels........scroll down to a long paragraph on the interviews with LP by Orange Co. detectives.
me too ss.... if she has something that could be considered witholding evidence, I cannot see any reason on God's green earth that LE would not give her immunity and take her statement.

I don't know how a confidentiality agreement would play into this. Any legal eagles out there who know?

Breach of confidentiality is a civil matter, not criminal, so immunity would not be offered.

IMO, she knows/witnessed/overhead something illegal and probably got a lawyer knowing she'd be talking to LE and if you're in that situation, it's simply the smart thing to do.

I think this info is huge. I don't think it's the location of a body. (TES found the body already, IMO)

That said, odds of this info being admissible in court are about zero, but hopefully it's information that can be used to lead to something admissible in court.

Hopefully that explains... it's late...
My memory's crap - did LP actually use the words "immunity" - are we 100% on this. If so, immunity, to me at least suggests I've done something illegal and am concerned charges will be brought against me.
Wanted to mention -- Yes, LP is a self-professed "media *advertiser censored*."

That doesn't stop him from being an honest guy with good intentions who got into this with the genuine belief from years of experience that he'd be able to crack CA. If anyone could crack her he'd be the guy.

I believe him when he says murder charges are coming. That's the best thing I've heard about this in weeks.

All just my opinion. I do not know him.
My memory's crap - did LP actually use the words "immunity" - are we 100% on this. If so, immunity, to me at least suggests I've done something illegal and am concerned charges will be brought against me.

Quite honestly, what I'm working off of is what was posted on the bottom of the screen on the NG show: "former security guard wants immunity before speaking with law enforcement."
My memory's crap - did LP actually use the words "immunity" - are we 100% on this. If so, immunity, to me at least suggests I've done something illegal and am concerned charges will be brought against me.

It was used in a banner on the Nancy Grace show tonight. Last night's show is already transcribed so I went to see if he said anything about immunity and he did not.

Here's a bit of what was said:
Padilla: "Now, something that came up earlier about the investigators that are out here right now. One thing that I do want to mention that took kind of a strange turn. The attorney for the young lady that was with Casey for nine days in the house and rode with her to the attorneys and back and forth, her attorney won`t let her discuss anything with the investigators that are here from the FBI and Orlando Sheriff`s Office because she didn`t discuss it with Orlando Sheriff`s Office before she left and he`s afraid that they might want to prosecute her for withholding information on some of the things that, I guess, Casey had told her."

Here is a link to the rest of the interview:

The transcript of tonight's show is not available yet but I don't believe that LP actually used the word "immunity". It looks like this discussion is based solely on the banner used on tonight's show.
Okay, sit back; take a sip of your coffee, or whatever beverage you're partaking of, and indulge me for a little bit -- please? I've read back through this thread, and have a couple more things to toss your collective way.

One thing I want to remind everyone of is this: with the lady BG, we're dealing with someone affiliated with a bounty hunter. She is not LE; I don't believe she's bound by the same 'ethics', for lack of a better word, as LE is. She is, more than likely, not only a BG, but also a BH. (Don't you love acronyms?) So, with that said, just think of everything you know about bounty hunters. Their mission is to get information to get bad guys and girls. Kinda like LE, yes, but again, not bound in the same way. Several have said they believe the LBG (that's what I'm gonna call her for now...lady body guard...) formed a relationship or friendship with KC. Well, isn't the appearance of a friendship one of the best ways to get info from KC? It's my opinion that BHs have to take on the characteristics of a chameleon (sp?)...change to fit the environment. Too many books? Too much tv? Maybe. But a few years back I was a licensed private investigator, in VA, and at that time you had to be a pi to be a bounty hunter. That's just an aside, mind you.

And I posted earlier on this thread that I wonder if she had some type of recording device. Well, I've thought more about my own post and I've decided h3ll yes, she had something. She was in the house with at least 3 As -- and the 'guys' were outside in the RV. What if there had been a problem? You think she'd have to make a phone call to get the guys inside if something had happened? The more I think about that, the answering is a resounding no way. Perhaps she didn't have the recording device. Maybe it was LP. But I think she was the 'feed' to the recording device.

And I agree with the many who have said, sure, lawyer up. I think I would too, as many people as there are who've already been thrown under the bus. I think it's a proactive move. Just so whatever information she has can be channeled properly.

As far as her going to JB's office with KC, I under no circumstances envision her sitting in JB's office while they were having discussions. I envision her sitting outside the office, out of eavesdropping range.

And finally, if she's good at her job, one of the chameleon's colors would have been invisibility...sit in a corner, be really quiet, and listen. Absorb. Take notes. You know?

Thanks for the indulgence. :)
I agree with all the posts speculating that the body guard probably wore some sort of wire for her own protection. If the audio revealed evidence that Casey or any Anthony family member had committed a crime, the BG could potentially be prosecuted as an accessory after the fact because she either concealed or destroyed the audio record of those admissions when she left FL without speaking to LE. It doesn't matter that the audio would be inadmissible as evidence at trial.

I'm almost positive she would never be prosecuted as an accessory after the fact, but it's wise of her to have an attorney, regardless of what info she does/doesn't have. I would imagine she will cooperate with LE and also that the info she provides will be significant.

(also, if you read the statutory provision above and grew as alarmed as I did-- please note that the Florida statute does NOT shield family members of the principle (aka Cindy, George, Lee) from being classed as accessories in cases involving child abuse and aggravated child abuse, should that become an issue.)
BG and a confidentiality agreement- the P's have said they didn't sign a confidentiality agreement and I tend to believe them since L, T and Rob have all been on TV talking about the case. Besides that I think a criminal case trumps a confidentiality agreement, all they would have to do would be to issue a supeona.

Having an attorney present while being questioned by police is unusual. But perhaps might be thought that it was needed due to the high profile nature of the case.... esp. if the person wasn't real trusting of LE. But still immunity wouldn't be needed.

Immunity.... immunity wouldn't be needed to break a confidentiality agreement, and LE couldn't give permission to break it anyway... only one of the parties in the agreement could give permission to break it. But LE could break it with a supeona. The only reason I can think of where immunity might be needed would be if the BG had participated in a crime.

Eg if evidence was disposed of in front of her, as long as she did not participate and told LE about it, then she wouldn't be held responsible. She was only a witness and not charged with protecting the evidence.

Withholding evidence- did LE attempt to talk with her and she refused or hid from them? That could be criminal, but unless she got a specific request to talk with them, I don't think she could be charged. Or if she did talk with them and didn't tell them about everything or lied to them, that would be withholding.

Wearing a wire. I'm not sure of Fla. rules on that. But if it is illegal to tape a conversation if the person is not aware it is being taped then yes, that would be an illegal act. In that case, when they left they may very well have slipped away without offering anything to the police and waiting until they came to her asking- that way she could negotiate immunity for the wiretap.

I too believe that they did have her at least wear a wire that LP could monitor from the RV, and my guess is that it would have been taped also. Otherwise there would have been no reason for LP to have been on the premises at night. He could have stayed in a hotel and just gone back to the house during the day or whatever.

During TP's time here he was very careful not to discuss anything that Casey was saying to either Rob or the female. But after leaving, Rob began talking- I don't think he was wired. Also his name has been known since the beginning.

The female though- her name has never been disclosed, her identity protected and she has not been in the public eye. It is like the P's are saying if you want to know who she is and what she knows, you will have to give her immunity. So if she was involved in a criminal act- it was one that was ok'd by the P's because they are protecting her.

But I am curious about LP. If he is the one who was listening, he also would be involved in wiretapping- he also would need immunity. Of course he may have just said that was ok, give him the ticket.
I agree with all the posts speculating that the body guard probably wore some sort of wire for her own protection. If the audio revealed evidence that Casey or any Anthony family member had committed a crime, the BG could potentially be prosecuted as an accessory after the fact because she either concealed or destroyed the audio record of those admissions when she left FL without speaking to LE. It doesn't matter that the audio would be inadmissible as evidence at trial.
removed picture

I'm almost positive she would never be prosecuted as an accessory after the fact, but it's wise of her to have an attorney, regardless of what info she does/doesn't have. I would imagine she will cooperate with LE and also that the info she provides will be significant.

(also, if you read the statutory provision above and grew as alarmed as I did-- please note that the Florida statute does NOT shield family members of the principle (aka Cindy, George, Lee) from being classed as accessories in cases involving child abuse and aggravated child abuse, should that become an issue.)

I'm not positive but I think that as long as LE hadn't yet requested to speak with her, they couldn't hold her responsible. IOW if while Casey was headed to the jail, the BG was slipped out the door and taken to the airport, then she wouldn't be considered withholding. She didn't refuse to talk to LE and she didn't hide anything from them. She had the defense of she didn't know LE wanted to talk to her. So that wouldn't be withholding. Yes, they had to keep any records they had from the time she was with Casey, and will have to turn them over at some point. But not until LE asked for them.
I agree with all the posts speculating that the body guard probably wore some sort of wire for her own protection. If the audio revealed evidence that Casey or any Anthony family member had committed a crime, the BG could potentially be prosecuted as an accessory after the fact because she either concealed or destroyed the audio record of those admissions when she left FL without speaking to LE. It doesn't matter that the audio would be inadmissible as evidence at trial.

I'm almost positive she would never be prosecuted as an accessory after the fact, but it's wise of her to have an attorney, regardless of what info she does/doesn't have. I would imagine she will cooperate with LE and also that the info she provides will be significant.
Nancy, govt publications might be ok, but we shouldn't post printed material here. So I removed it and will put it back if I can confirm that this may be an exception.
Okay, sit back; take a sip of your coffee, or whatever beverage you're partaking of, and indulge me for a little bit -- please? I've read back through this thread, and have a couple more things to toss your collective way.

One thing I want to remind everyone of is this: with the lady BG, we're dealing with someone affiliated with a bounty hunter. She is not LE; I don't believe she's bound by the same 'ethics', for lack of a better word, as LE is. She is, more than likely, not only a BG, but also a BH. (Don't you love acronyms?) So, with that said, just think of everything you know about bounty hunters. Their mission is to get information to get bad guys and girls. Kinda like LE, yes, but again, not bound in the same way. Several have said they believe the LBG (that's what I'm gonna call her for now...lady body guard...) formed a relationship or friendship with KC. Well, isn't the appearance of a friendship one of the best ways to get info from KC? It's my opinion that BHs have to take on the characteristics of a chameleon (sp?)...change to fit the environment. Too many books? Too much tv? Maybe. But a few years back I was a licensed private investigator, in VA, and at that time you had to be a pi to be a bounty hunter. That's just an aside, mind you.

And I posted earlier on this thread that I wonder if she had some type of recording device. Well, I've thought more about my own post and I've decided h3ll yes, she had something. She was in the house with at least 3 As -- and the 'guys' were outside in the RV. What if there had been a problem? You think she'd have to make a phone call to get the guys inside if something had happened? The more I think about that, the answering is a resounding no way. Perhaps she didn't have the recording device. Maybe it was LP. But I think she was the 'feed' to the recording device.

And I agree with the many who have said, sure, lawyer up. I think I would too, as many people as there are who've already been thrown under the bus. I think it's a proactive move. Just so whatever information she has can be channeled properly.

As far as her going to JB's office with KC, I under no circumstances envision her sitting in JB's office while they were having discussions. I envision her sitting outside the office, out of eavesdropping range.

And finally, if she's good at her job, one of the chameleon's colors would have been invisibility...sit in a corner, be really quiet, and listen. Absorb. Take notes. You know?

Thanks for the indulgence. :)

Love this post....great job, love your opinion :)
lol, in the state of florida, it is against the law to record someone without there permission. If she actually admitted this in court, and or produced a tape she would be arrested right there in the court room

It could be used for purposes of impeachment?
She is the only smart one of the bunch!!! She isn't a media *advertiser censored* and she laywered up.
Nancy, govt publications might be ok, but we shouldn't post printed material here. So I removed it and will put it back if I can confirm that this may be an exception.
I screen-capped 1/4 of the text from a page publicly available in Google Book's preview feature. The first blurb was Florida public law. The second blurb was from the MPC-- which exists, in part, to facilitate discursive understanding of such public law. I think this is a Fair Use situation, but I'm sorry if I violated the TOS.

@ Mysteriew-- I was thinking that if the BG was wired 24-7 for the many days she was in the home, the probably didn't retain a full and complete copy of all recordings bc they likely looped their tape and recorded over earlier footage-- which could be considered destruction. The statute proscribes the act of concealment, which would include taking it back to CA and keeping it in a private office. Again, I don't think there's any reason she'd be prosecuted if this charge even applies to the specific facts. I was just speculating re: what charges she might reasonably fear.
Thanks, East, for the compliment! Now, another question: You think she might just have lawyered up (I love that phrase...) to protect herself from potential media fall out? And A fall out? And I'd be curious to know if she just took notes of conversations and what the ramifications of Florida law would be about that. I'm still hanging my hat on the belief that what she did was perfectly legal but that she didn't talk to LE before she went back to Cali, 'cause she so effectively flew beneath the radar that LE hadn't gotten around to talking to her!
Hey, RR -- you decided to come over and check this one out, huh?
Maybe she put a keylogger or trojan on the A's pc. The keylogger would record Casey's computer activities while the trojan would provide a backdoor for a hacker to see what she is doing. Either way, they are both an invasion of privacy thanks to the Privacy Act. She could face a trial in a criminal court, and serve jail time for it. Also, she might have recorded some audio or video on KC. It would be funny if it was the former because I told someone that it would be a smart move to find out where Caylee was; however, I followed that remark up with a desire for an immunity deal. If it were me, I would have went to a lawyer and asked for help before I went to LE to spill the beans.

On the other hand, say they placed malware on the PC, and do not have anymore knowledge about Caylee's whereabouts. Then, it would be best to play dumb about the situation.

I am now wondering if this body guard has a good lead, and wants to put her neck on the line...

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