The Female Bounty Hunter

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@ Mysteriew-- I was thinking that if the BG was wired 24-7 for the many days she was in the home, the probably didn't retain a full and complete copy of all recordings bc they likely looped their tape and recorded over earlier footage-- which could be considered destruction. The statute proscribes the act of concealment, which would include taking it back to CA and keeping it in a private office. Again, I don't think there's any reason she'd be prosecuted if this charge even applies to the specific facts. I was just speculating re: what charges she might reasonably fear.

Per the link that Leila posted above, the P group hightailed it out of there before LE had the chance to interview them.

Per the 5th amendment no citizen is required to tell LE about any illegal act they may have committed themselves as they have the right not to incriminate themselves. And there is no statute that says that any citizen is required to go to LE if they learn of an illegal act. However, if LE questions them about an illegal act they do have to tell LE or they could be accused of withholding evidence. So by leaving quickly, the P's kind of delayed the questioning, they didn't withhold or refuse to answer.

When a company has a security camera up they do often have it on a loop and tape over the old. But I suspect that if there was any taping done, the P's most likely saved all of it, because any taping that may have been done would be for a different purpose than security tapes.
Later on today, I will go through all the media threads and hopefully, Patti put a link to the short interview that LP and Casey's attorney gave after LP decided NOT to revoke the bond in which Casey's attorney stated that they had worked things out with the issue regarding safety and that LP was satisfied with the new arrangements, and that he signed a confidently agreement. I got the impression that LP was surprised that Casey's attorney released that info and was embarrassed. I also got the impression that Casey's attorney said it on the camera for a reason. If LP is now saying he did not sign anything, I was be curious to know why he did not say something at the time that Casey's attorney said this. Especially since he said it for the media when the camera was running.
BG and a confidentiality agreement- the P's have said they didn't sign a confidentiality agreement and I tend to believe them since L, T and Rob have all been on TV talking about the case. Besides that I think a criminal case trumps a confidentiality agreement, all they would have to do would be to issue a supeona.

Having an attorney present while being questioned by police is unusual. But perhaps might be thought that it was needed due to the high profile nature of the case.... esp. if the person wasn't real trusting of LE. But still immunity wouldn't be needed.

Immunity.... immunity wouldn't be needed to break a confidentiality agreement, and LE couldn't give permission to break it anyway... only one of the parties in the agreement could give permission to break it. But LE could break it with a supeona. The only reason I can think of where immunity might be needed would be if the BG had participated in a crime.

Eg if evidence was disposed of in front of her, as long as she did not participate and told LE about it, then she wouldn't be held responsible. She was only a witness and not charged with protecting the evidence.

Withholding evidence- did LE attempt to talk with her and she refused or hid from them? That could be criminal, but unless she got a specific request to talk with them, I don't think she could be charged. Or if she did talk with them and didn't tell them about everything or lied to them, that would be withholding.

Wearing a wire. I'm not sure of Fla. rules on that. But if it is illegal to tape a conversation if the person is not aware it is being taped then yes, that would be an illegal act. In that case, when they left they may very well have slipped away without offering anything to the police and waiting until they came to her asking- that way she could negotiate immunity for the wiretap.

I too believe that they did have her at least wear a wire that LP could monitor from the RV, and my guess is that it would have been taped also. Otherwise there would have been no reason for LP to have been on the premises at night. He could have stayed in a hotel and just gone back to the house during the day or whatever.

During TP's time here he was very careful not to discuss anything that Casey was saying to either Rob or the female. But after leaving, Rob began talking- I don't think he was wired. Also his name has been known since the beginning.

The female though- her name has never been disclosed, her identity protected and she has not been in the public eye. It is like the P's are saying if you want to know who she is and what she knows, you will have to give her immunity. So if she was involved in a criminal act- it was one that was ok'd by the P's because they are protecting her.

But I am curious about LP. If he is the one who was listening, he also would be involved in wiretapping- he also would need immunity. Of course he may have just said that was ok, give him the ticket.

If you go to the thread titled "live chat with BH" and click on the first link, you will see Tony discussing the confidentiality agreement. He states it is in effect until "this is over with"
Didn't LP once refer to her as Mandy...I know there is a Mandy with TES, but for some reason I think he refered to the BG as Mandy. Then again it is
There are so MANY issues in this case that I have gone through with my own daughter that it is scary. I worry sometimes that I don't come across the right way, or come across as knowing it all :( I just really try and give some insite on someone like Casey......and even then it is hard to do because our normal perspective in life does not allow us to even begin to understand someone like Casey.

If I think I know Casey.........she ran her mouth to the female BG......she can't help it, someone like her NEVER knows when to shut up and just continues to bury themselves, thats how they get caught with so many of there lies, they can't NOT TALK .

Plus, just under normal situations, not being able to have friends over, lol....not having friends extended family to speak of......stuck in a home not being able to go out......
This certainly goes along with what Rob said. He said something along the line that she was always talking, mostly about things irrelevant (or seemingly so) to Caylee, but a motor mouth nonetheless.
But Did't LP sign a confidentiality agreement with Caseys attorney? I remember we were all confused as to why he did this. So if he did, I am sure the female BH did.

I have mentioned previously, if you look at the tape of when Casey was arrested and at one point Cindy is standing outside on the phone, the female BH is there and Cindy turns towards her and they embrace, and wrap there arms around the back of each other in support. At the time, I remember th
inking that she had crossed the line and got to personally involved in the case

I think that woman was with Tim Miller. She went over to him after she left the house.
It was used in a banner on the Nancy Grace show tonight. Last night's show is already transcribed so I went to see if he said anything about immunity and he did not.

Here's a bit of what was said:
Padilla: "Now, something that came up earlier about the investigators that are out here right now. One thing that I do want to mention that took kind of a strange turn. The attorney for the young lady that was with Casey for nine days in the house and rode with her to the attorneys and back and forth, her attorney won`t let her discuss anything with the investigators that are here from the FBI and Orlando Sheriff`s Office because she didn`t discuss it with Orlando Sheriff`s Office before she left and he`s afraid that they might want to prosecute her for withholding information on some of the things that, I guess, Casey had told her."

Here is a link to the rest of the interview:

The transcript of tonight's show is not available yet but I don't believe that LP actually used the word "immunity". It looks like this discussion is based solely on the banner used on tonight's show.

Here is Friday nights NG show for reference.
September 19, 2008 - Friday
Nancy Grace

Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Part 5 -
Part 6 -
You know what? After reading and ruminating over the excellent posts in this thread, (especially ezryder's) I have come to the conclusion that LP and his gang have been working with LE from the beginning. I think LP is one sly fox.
You know what? After reading and ruminating over the excellent posts in this thread, (especially ezryder's) I have come to the conclusion that LP and his gang have been working with LE from the beginning. I think LP is one sly fox.
That has been my belief for quite some time.
I have posted this on several threads and I am just going to put as much info as I can here to clarify because I noticed that many people seem to still think that since the FBG is not LE, she is not required to give LE any information. She can plead the fifth for anything that could incriminate her of being involved in the crime and she could plead the fifth on misprision, but if she is seeking immunity, she wants to talk. They even mentioned it on NG last night.

NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE OR WHAT YOUR JOB (Not yelling, just emphasizing) if you have information on a crime that has been committed, you MUST report it to the proper authorities as soon as you are physically able. If you do not, you are guilty of Misprision of a Felony.

U.S. Code, Title 18, Part I, Chapter 1, Section 4

Misprision of a Felony

Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

From here:


MISPRISION OF FELONY - Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the U.S., conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the U.S. 18 USC

Misprision of felony, is the like concealment of felony, without giving any degree of maintenance to the felon for if any aid be given him, the party becomes an accessory after the fact.
What we know so far is that she spent nine days with the POI.

Nine days is not a lot! What "bombshell" news could she have gotten out of the Anthonys in nine days? Wow...

The female bounty hunter was probably told a pack of lies and everyone will fall for them for awhile.

Txsvicki, that's a good thought. If the female guard is on the Anthony's side, her information might be bogus or might be better used by the defense, IE where the Anthonys think a live Caylee is? I personally don't think she's on their side, but it's an interesting possibility.

Could her request for immunity be something along the lines of, oh, maybe she had some type of taping device and recorded all her conversations with KC, maybe without the appropriate 'authorization'? Kinda out of left field, but so much of what's going on in this case is out of left field, why not?

ezryder9, another really good thought. But I'm not convinced she was wired, because it seems like this would have all come out a lot earlier if that were the case. EG she would have known if anything incriminated were taped she should have a lawyer on backup all along...which I guess is possible. Just not convinced of the wiring angle though-would she have done it alone with her own equipment?

How about something she saw--like when Casey was on computer?
How about overhearing a phone conversation...Casey and someone else?
Does not have to be anything told TO her in confidence by Casey.
Might not even be directly related to Casey. Could be something she overheard between Lee and Cindy, etc.

Karenmamo- I agree. Everyone is saying Casey is a “talker” in this thread but while she’s been said to chatter a lot by her friends, she seems very, very capable of talking without actually revealing anything true or relevant. I very highly doubt Casey told the bounty hunter anything or anyone in that house anything. I tend to think maybe something incriminating about one of the other Anthonys could have come out…

The only type of immunity that could be granted would be for criminal prosecution of a crime she committed. What type of crime could she possibly have committed? Breach of a confidentiality agreement is civil not criminal, so that's not it.

Socalsleuth- Here are my thoughts…the female guard was sort of a link to the outside. She would have been in a perfect position to help the Anthonys dispose of evidence. Especially if she was at one point on their side-she could have maybe gotten rid of incriminating documents or items? It’s a thought.

I have mentioned previously, if you look at the tape of when Casey was arrested and at one point Cindy is standing outside on the phone, the female BH is there and Cindy turns towards her and they embrace, and wrap there arms around the back of each other in support. At the time, I remember thinking that she had crossed the line and got to personally involved in the case

Mitchlite- Very interesting! My thoughts are the the female guard was at one point either actually on the Anthonys side (possibly still) or a very good actor…seems clear that at least Cindy trusted her. After all she was a BODY GUARD…a person who would take a bullet for their daughter presumably… If she were to betray that trust by talking, could it be that she fears legal action by the ANTHONYS instead of LE? I know I’m afraid of what Cindy and George might do with their lawyers…!
It was reported by one of the local channels in FL that a spokesperson from TES said that new developements would be surprising...something to that effect. One of our fellow websluethers spoke with this person from TES and said that what was reported was taken a bit out of context.

this is the link to the thr

Read the last post by Blink34
In MY opinion LP speaking out on NG and other public forums is a welcome break in the nonstop secrecy. I personally like the guy.

I like him too, I have from the beginning.

You know what? After reading and ruminating over the excellent posts in this thread, (especially ezryder's) I have come to the conclusion that LP and his gang have been working with LE from the beginning. I think LP is one sly fox.

I think so too. And, I tend to believe that what he says is not necessarily for our benefit. I think it is meant to keep a certain group of people in a certain comfort zone. He's very cagey: TP has said that he is good at what he does.
I wonder if the female could have found something in the trash - maybe computer printout - and taken it to us as evidence.

Possibly when Casey was spending all those hours at the office of JB, she may have mentioned something that she should have not been doing - like a phone call to someone, or an E-Mail - possibly someone met her at his office who knows more about what happened to Caylee, and she let it slip and was overheard.

There are also those small listening devices she could have used. These A's love to talk, and maybe they said something incriminating. Would it be illegal if she had
these conversations on tape? Don't you have to get an order from a Judge to do this?

Could one of the family or JB have purchased one of the thow away cell phones for Casey to use, and the woman
guard found out about it? I can't see Casey without a cell phone for any length of time.
I think the female Body guard is on the side of the truth. I think this firm and business in general would have lawyers on retainer all the time. I think she probably did sign a confidentiality agreement of some sort to stay in the house. You know, so she wouldn't go around telling personal things about the family, like when or what they eat and other personal details that don't affect the case at all. I think, according to LP, she left Orlando without being debriefed by the Orlando LEOs. Once she got back home, she realized she needed to talk to the cops, because of what she heard.

She had a couple of problems though. One, she signed that confidentiality agreement, and doesn't want to open herself up to any civil action for breaking it. Two, she heard something she NEEDS to tell the local LEOs. So she has to have a lawyer to advise her how to get the information to cops without exposing herself. I don't think she is intentionally withholding information, but my guess would be she might be worried about the misprison of a felony. She would know that is a real possibility if the cops decide to use it.

Honestly, if you knew any of these players, would you give a statement without private counsel? I certainly would not because of all the stories and theories these people make up and jump on.

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