The Phone Calls in the early morning of Dec.18, 2013 (both PayPhone & cells)

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Sorry I wasn't more clear. I was inferring that someone OTHER THAN TM sent that in someone else from the home (which is what we can't discuss). Maybe someone else in the home was trying to 'help' SM out by alerting Heather. by the way no longer owns a phone.

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That's the best explanation I've heard so far for the "dad" text. Another possible explanation is that we are only seeing selected texts and missing context, such as either Heather or TM making sarcastic reference to SM being old enough to be Heather's dad in an earlier text, and TM simply continuing the convo in that vein.
If she was strangled from behind and then pushed to the floor of the truck,she wouldn't be seen.

or... wasn't there a statement that they had Heather leaving with them? what if she WAS seen... in that video... ?

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Have they explained the timeline of the date verses the phone log? Also, is there a timeline of the indecent expo's?

I have seen in the media that they (LE) believe the date was mistaken about the time he dropped Heather off at her apartment.
HRE is so gorgeous, such a catch for SM. I don't see HRE "settling" for trysts in a car when there are so many motels and hotels all over. Add in the difficulties with logistics regarding trysts at SM's compound or HRE's apartment.

It's definitely possible they used hotel rooms sometimes. I wouldn't be surprised though if she did "settle" for trysts in a car though. After all, she settled for an older married guy who wasn't nearly as attractive as she was. Settling for a car vs. a hotel room isn't much of a leap. I say that out of compassion, as someone who also made very poor decisions regarding men at that age.

Plus if part of the appeal of the affair was that it was exciting and illicit, I can see the car (and possibility of getting caught?) as adding to that, especially for SM. Hooking up in a car is usually something teenagers do because they still live at home or with a bunch of roommates. I sense that he was trying to recapture his lost youth w/ this relationship, so rushed trysts in a car might have especially appealed to him. KWIM?
I am wondering if the reason the truck was going so fast on the way back from PTL is so that HE count jump out of the vehicle. If she jumped in the truck & then TM was in the back seat, she could have tried to escape. IMO if the truck was going 30 mph, opening the door & jumping out would cross my mind. If truck was going 55-70 let's say, I don't think i would even consider jumping out.

I haven't used a pay phone in years. Unless things have changed, I don't think more $ would be asked for unless the caller was calling long distance. IMO

Actually, and you just made me realize this, most I see have signs that say .25 per minute, and yes, you do get a break-in recording that will say, "deposit another .25 if you wish to continue the call" when you have about ten seconds left.... Did SM break a dollar, 4 quarters, accounting for the 4 minute phone call and then after 4 mins (call was over 4 mins, I know, but the time recording breaks in is 'deducted') it abruptly ended because he had no more quarters to feed, no more dollars in his pocket to get change from the store.....just pondering. While 4 minutes is a decent amount of time spent on the phone, it's relatively short compared to what has been reported as 'no contact' since Oct between them, for a call out of the blue....

Further leads me to believe this wasn't meticulously planned, etc....I think he'd been holed-up w/ TM in that God-awful Mickey camper for 3 weeks, cross country with her constantly in his ear....this trip seemingly on the heels of TM discovering the affair and probably thinking change of scenery/get away - TM hoping for SM, out of sight/out of mind would apply to HE, and I think they got back and he was chomping at the bits to get to Heather.....I think he called her from PP so it would be undetected by TM on cell records/tracker, OR because he didn't have his phone at all, but kink came when HE called that cell # back....I think TM was home monitoring his phone and actually ambushed BOTH of them by busting them together, or just Heather waiting for SM at PTL, maybe after she texted him telling him to meet her there to talk further - Heather not knowing either he didn't have his phone and/or any monitoring TM had on it.

I have a friend whose husbands phone, she can go on account, see every up to the minute call, text and GPS location of that phone. There is seriously a 'timeline tracker' she can pull to any minute of the past 30 days and pinpoint with INCREDIBLE accuracy where this phone was. I was AMAZED....I'm talking 4:00 front door of his workplace, 4:03 pushpin points to the back of the building on smoke break.

ETA: More and more I think, I don't think SM had his cell phone that night.
It's definitely possible they used hotel rooms sometimes. I wouldn't be surprised though if she did "settle" for trysts in a car though. After all, she settled for an older married guy who wasn't nearly as attractive as she was. Settling for a car vs. a hotel room isn't much of a leap. I say that out of compassion, as someone who also made very poor decisions regarding men at that age.

Plus if part of the appeal of the affair was that it was exciting and illicit, I can see the car (and possibility of getting caught?) as adding to that, especially for SM. Hooking up in a car is usually something teenagers do because they still live at home or with a bunch of roommates. I sense that he was trying to recapture his lost youth w/ this relationship, so rushed trysts in a car might have especially appealed to him. KWIM?

Seems as if SM liked to fool around in vehicles judging from the IE charges he got.
And speaking of the "no longer owns a phone" text, I find it interesting HRE texted back a single period. Is that text-language for "stop?" As in, stop texting me? Or is it just an acknowledgement like, Roger that, message received?

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I've thought about that too & think it's probably a little of both. I don't know if its a text-language type of thing but that's definitely possible. It's hard for me to figure out the text acronyms most of the time. I can't even tell you how long it took me to figure out what smh meant when I saw it used on FB!

I tried to think of a scenario that would lead me to reply with a period. The only one I can think of would be if I was arguing with someone... & had already said whatever I needed to say to get my point across. But for whatever reason, they wouldn't let it go and kept on and on about it... & I wasn't going to waste my breath arguing about it anymore.

In other words, if I was in Heather's shoes & had already told TM she didn't need to worry about me... Yet she continued to text me about it... telling me that SM didn't have a phone anymore, etc., my response with a period might have meant...
"OK lady. I get it. I'm not arguing with you anymore because I don't care. Stop texting me."
... because I was tired of arguing w/her about it & I certainly wasn't going to add more fuel to her fire...I just said "."

I hope that made sense...

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And speaking of the "no longer owns a phone" text, I find it interesting HRE texted back a single period. Is that text-language for "stop?" As in, stop texting me? Or is it just an acknowledgement like, Roger that, message received?

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I asked my 14 and 19 yr old daughters if they ever use just a period in text conversation. I asked them separately so they couldn't influence each other's responses. They both said yes. They have used it to end a conversation. To them both it means "I'm done. I'm out. This is the end." They both said they've used it in arguments or conversations they wanted out of. HTH

Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
I asked my 14 and 19 yr old daughters if they ever use just a period in text conversation. I asked them separately so they couldn't influence each other's responses. They both said yes. They have used it to end a conversation. To them both it means "I'm done. I'm out. This is the end." They both said they've used it in arguments or conversations they wanted out of. HTH

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Yes, i don't think it was any deeper than that.
I asked my 14 and 19 yr old daughters if they ever use just a period in text conversation. I asked them separately so they couldn't influence each other's responses. They both said yes. They have used it to end a conversation. To them both it means "I'm done. I'm out. This is the end." They both said they've used it in arguments or conversations they wanted out of. HTH

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Thank you. I continually learn new things here on WS. I think this maybe why the post was made that way.
So what do we know about the pay phone in question (or perhaps several pay phones in question)?

The one at the Kangaroo station on 10th Ave in N. Myrtle Beach is not working now, per Cujenn81's updates yesterday. However, that phone very well could have been working 4 months ago. A lot can happen in 4 months.

Or, it could be some other phone in the area, but it doesn't sound like Cujenn81 found any working ones during her travels.

Obviously there was at least one working pay phone in the early hours of 12/18/13 because SM used it to call HE, as detailed in the hearing testimony for bail last week.

So, as before, SM used a pay phone to call HE's cell phone in the early hours of 12/18/13. And that's exactly all we know.
For some reason I thought the text was (.)

That's what I recall too SStarr, hence my earlier, now deleted post, but it may have been just .

It is what it is I guess and we can't speculate the meaning or message behind HE's response to that text from TM.
or... wasn't there a statement that they had Heather leaving with them? what if she WAS seen... in that video... ?

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Or her body seen in the bed of the truck.
It was on the comments section of one of her posts. I believe it was the running in the Forrest one. Someone tells her they hope nobody messes with her and she goes on a tagent about (presumably) TE.

Are we saying this info came from TM's facebook page that is no longer up?
I am wondering if the reason the truck was going so fast on the way back from PTL is so that HE count jump out of the vehicle. If she jumped in the truck & then TM was in the back seat, she could have tried to escape. IMO if the truck was going 30 mph, opening the door & jumping out would cross my mind. If truck was going 55-70 let's say, I don't think i would even consider jumping out.


Plus, in cars with auto door locks, rapid acceleration triggers the locks to engage, I believe they are programmed to engage at 30 mph or so. By flooring it as soon as she got seated, she is pressed back into the seat and down go the locks...
So what do we know about the pay phone in question (or perhaps several pay phones in question)?

The one at the Kangaroo station on 10th Ave in N. Myrtle Beach is not working now, per Cujenn81's updates yesterday. However, that phone very well could have been working 4 months ago. A lot can happen in 4 months.

Or, it could be some other phone in the area, but it doesn't sound like Cujenn81 found any working ones during her travels.

Obviously there was at least one working pay phone in the early hours of 12/18/13 because SM used it to call HE, as detailed in the hearing testimony for bail last week.

So, as before, SM used a pay phone to call HE's cell phone in the early hours of 12/18/13. And that's exactly all we know.

Just to clarify & I won't say another word about it...

There is ONE phone that currently works on 10th Ave North--at the Circle K gas station. There are two other phones on 10th Avenue North--one at the Kangaroo Express & one at Family Dollar. As of today's date, the phones at Kangaroo Express and Family Dollar do not work.

YES, there is no way to definitively know if the other two phones on 10th Avenue North worked on December 18, 2013.

My initial goal was not to determine if (or which) phone/s currently work but to determine if the phone would ring when someone called it. The only working phone I found can make outgoing calls, but it cannot receive incoming calls.

So IF this particular phone was the one SM used (& again, I'm not insinuating that it is) and IF he had asked Heather to call him back at that number... he wouldn't have known she called... even if he was standing by the phone waiting for her to... because the phone doesn't ring.

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Actually, and you just made me realize this, most I see have signs that say .25 per minute, and yes, you do get a break-in recording that will say, "deposit another .25 if you wish to continue the call" when you have about ten seconds left.... Did SM break a dollar, 4 quarters, accounting for the 4 minute phone call and then after 4 mins (call was over 4 mins, I know, but the time recording breaks in is 'deducted') it abruptly ended because he had no more quarters to feed, no more dollars in his pocket to get change from the store.....just pondering. While 4 minutes is a decent amount of time spent on the phone, it's relatively short compared to what has been reported as 'no contact' since Oct between them, for a call out of the blue...
Respectfully snipped by me.

Yes, this is what I was thinking. That he ran out of change for the call and thus she had to call him back...but it didn't ring or go through for some reason.
Why would SM have been free of the handcuffs and out of the house at the pay phone on that evening? I just can't figure it out.

Did he 'escape' or was he 'freed' by TM in order to participate in her evil plan?

That's a really good question!

I do question whether he truly was handcuffed for a "probationary," period, or if that is a bizarre ploy on his or his attorney's part to get sympathy and evade responsibility, if TM and SM did do this horrible crime.

If he was "freed" to participate, that to me is even more reprehensible than choosing to do something horrible on your own.

If he "escaped," did he then decide to participate, or is he unjustly accused?

At this point, although in the minority position by far, I cannot judge the Moorers "guilty," yet, just because they don't seem at all sympathetic or "likable."

All the presented "evidence," so far, has come from one side, the police and solicitor's side. It will be very interesting to see how some of the more damaging-seeming evidence like the calls on the morning of the 18th, the videos, and the purported DNA, and other physical evidence, is viewed when the defense gets to see it and analyze it with their own experts.

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