the question phase continues: Arias on the stand for the 18th day #85

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I like when JM says "sure!"...

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I agree with you except he could have stopped the sex at least 7 months before when she moved if not before and the excuse he's a man doesn't fly with me.

I think it's a moot point in terms of relevance to his murder and his trial. He did what he did - and nothing he did or didn't do has any bearing on how his life was viciously taken imv.

If it did - heck, he never should have introduced himself to her... that sort of idea could be taken even further back to even more remote levels. It's not a factor. imv.
No I think Straitfan is referring to Jodi testifying that he was watching youtube when she got there and they went to sleep until 1pm the 4th.

It is clear she arrived there at approx. 4am.

Is it?
Can you please tell me how you insert the You Tube video like that?

I just copy / paste the URL into the copy and it pops up like that .. I have no idea why it works for some people and not others, except it didn't work for me like that when I first started posting here, and then it did ... :waitasec:
I just copy / paste the URL into the copy and it pops up like that .. I have no idea why it works for some people and not others, except it didn't work for me like that when I first started posting here, and then it did ... :waitasec:

Yeah it is kinda goofy like that, sometimes it does and
An order of protection does squat...especially if the stalker lives out of State. Trust me, I know. It didn't prevent mine from doing many hateful things to hurt me. I was lucky that I had an entire country separating my stalker/sociopath. Was I still scared. Absolutely! I don't think this is about Travis not trying hard enough (because he liked having sex with this sociopath)...IMO, that's victimizing Travis all over again.

It is victim blaming whether the author of that posts denies it or not. It is unrealistic and shortsighted to blame the victim of a psychopath for not controlling the psychopath's behavior. If it were so easy to enforce boundaries with psychopath's; if it were so easy to recognize their true nature and immediately break all contact with the psychopath; if one could stop a psychopath by getting a protective order -- there would never be victims of psychopaths.

Jodi's actions -- planning and then carrying out a brutal stabbing, shooting and throat slashing -- are the reason Travis is dead. NO ONE EVER thought Jodi was capable of such brutality; NO ONE thought Travis was in that kind of danger, and it's nuts to attribute any responsibility for Travis' death to anyone besides the person who committed the acts that killed him.

Naturally, if Travis could be resurrected and get a do-over, knowing what ultimately happened, I'm certain he would protect himself in any way that he could. One does not remotely consider that an ex-girlfriend -- even a crazy ex-girlfriend -- will brutally murder you if you let her in the door one more time instead of throwing her out and calling the police.
I know nearly nothing about Mormonism except what I've seen on South Park, some vague memories from the early 90's when some missionaries visited me and my flatmate so that she could run rings around their logic until they gave up and went away, and this ...

The Osmonds - Love Me For A Reason - YouTube

However, I didn't see the point of the religious questioning at all, because I think it's fairly obvious that Jodi's conversion was just a load of BS. Mormonism might have been relevant to Travis, but not to Jodi IMO.

OMG!! Love the video. I was supposed to marry Jay!!
I am having a problem with the extremely long winded sex texts supposedly sent by Travis explaining every detail of what he was going to do to her. All of it fitting right into her little "demeaning" story and other things she has brought up in court.

Travis complained about her hacking his personal accounts including facebook and Myspace. I beleive it was said she got into his bank accounts as well. We know she got into his voicemail. She even snooped into his phone while he slept to find out who he was talking to and went as far as texting a girl from his phone acting as him.

I can easily see her getting into his AT&T account too to see who he was talking to. However at that time you could also send text messages via your online account and they would deliver as if it was sent from your phone. You think she could control herself from not sending texts?

Jodi did some really wacky things that make into a list a mile long. One of them includes secretly recording phone conversations where she, in my opinion :moo: brought up their times together and got him riled up into phone sex.

He was no saint but he never did wrong and he was never the psycho that Jodi is. I can't say 100% that those texts were not Jodi.
This makes sense to me as well. Mr Martinez has to juggle facts all over the place to keep her off balance, meanwhile keeping it all organised in his mind, his script and his strategy. He has to finesse her. It's like the most delicate and complicated dance. It takes one hell of a nimble mind! The usual, in her case, does not apply. I think he's a genius at it in consideration of her extreme pathology. His aim is true, always.

I find him effective and that's all that matters. It really doesn't matter how he gets there. He exposes her to the jury. Just remarkable.

Most people know I'm active in a support group helping people keep their families together after leaving Mormonism. So I have experienced personally and heard stories about the underbelly of the Mormon Church.

Frankly, whatever religion or ideology it was that had conventions in Las Vegas and Oklahoma with wild parties (remember that digusting smile on Gus when he talked about the parties?) where Jodi could meet rich, naive men, THAT would have been her religion of choice. Her history shows her switching to match the man she's after. She is a sexual predator and if she has to say she believes in Scientology, or Heaven's Gate, she will pretend to be that.

She only stayed with Mormonism so she could crawl along her web to the next man she had bundled, ready to suck his life out. This Black Widow was going merrily along moving up her PPL web to the next victim struggling in her web, Ryan B. She would not have stayed Mormon without PPL.

Remember the activities the Mormon Singles did? We watch movies. We bake cookies. We hang out. We go to Chili's. No alcohol, no fancy coffee drinks, no sex. I don't think so.

Holy WOW!! What a great post, thank you so much!!
Sometimes things such as pieces of paper, changing locks, or whatever DON'T stop everyone. It's hard to say now if any of that would have stopped her, but she is the type of crazy that I wouldn't be surprised if it hadn't. Without hardcore proof, LE won't take much action on stalking either. Calling 911 wouldn't have helped. What proof did he have to show LE? Pictures? A log? A paper trail? Recordings? Probably not. They couldn't just take him at his word without proof, and without that stuff LE couldn't have done much. He also had NO clue what kind of crazy she was and figured he could handle it.

Many women have found themselves in the same situation as well....yet many people don't blame women victims for a crime like this-I guess men are maybe stereotypically supposed to be less easy to manipulate and they are supposed to be able to be more aggressive and to nip things in the bud without any trouble and the female in question is supposed to go away meekly. Sociopathic/psychopathic stalkers of any gender don't work like that, and unless someone has actually dealt with it for themselves no one has any idea what it is like to deal with a person like this.

You also have to remember that none of us have a clue whatsoever as to the type of person he was in general...Yea we hear his friends, but whose friends wouldnt do that in the circumstance. There is really no true insight into him from what I've seen, therefore based on the things I have seen, I don't know for a fact it's not all true.

And so you don't beat me up, YES I do believe Jodi is guilty of murder...............All JMO
It's not really the same mindset when SHE offered herself to him. See the difference? It was probably her idea to seduce him and take his virginity. They didn't even become a couple until 5 months after they met. But careless, I can agree with. That and not realizing sooner his life was at risk.

He became concerned, he became upset, he worried about an "axe murderer" in his final blog. But he was too nice a guy who saw the good in others. He didn't file police reports, get restraining orders, lock his doors, or hire more security. And in hindsight, most of us can agree it's best not to insult nutjobs, which only inflames their anger.

I hope Travis' own words will be used in closing arguments, so that Travis and his family will finally see justice, and he will have the last word.

I believe travis was a virgin! This girl was out looking for a naive male mormon meat market ! She was impressed with the home ! travis had money! A home ! Personality! charisma! And she wanted all he had!
So she set out to present him with kinky sex!
Thinking that would suffice! And hook him! When the real arias started to rear its horns! She wanted total control!of him! She was super ! Clingy! She began Stalking him! So now He begans to have second thoughts! Not good vibes from her! he knew he didn't want her as a wife.
She couldn't accept the fact that he DIDNT want to take it any further with her! So she resorts to sending made up emails supposedly sent by accident! Meant for other men!
To make him jealous! Instead it angered him!
by the way these men DIDNT exist! He began to wear thin on patience! He tried to get rid of her! By than her obsession ! jealousy! was out of control! She began making up stories! About women or someone telling her negative things about travis! That of course were made up! He begans to see the sociopath in her!
By the way He never was in love with her! He was in lust! She thought that if she gave up the Coochie! She could score the Gucci !
She moves to Mesa after the breakup! Who does that! Similarities to her behaviours with her other men! Travis had more going for him! Than any of the men she ever been with. She DIDNT fit in with his friends nor his lifestyle!
She basically DIDNT have a personality DIDNT have a life! She wanted his life! And than she took it!
Most people know I'm active in a support group helping people keep their families together after leaving Mormonism. So I have experienced personally and heard stories about the underbelly of the Mormon Church.

Frankly, whatever religion or ideology it was that had conventions in Las Vegas and Oklahoma with wild parties (remember that digusting smile on Gus when he talked about the parties?) where Jodi could meet rich, naive men, THAT would have been her religion of choice. Her history shows her switching to match the man she's after. She is a sexual predator and if she has to say she believes in Scientology, or Heaven's Gate, she will pretend to be that.

She only stayed with Mormonism so she could crawl along her web to the next man she had bundled, ready to suck his life out. This Black Widow was going merrily along moving up her PPL web to the next victim struggling in her web, Ryan B. She would not have stayed Mormon without PPL.

Remember the activities the Mormon Singles did? We watch movies. We bake cookies. We hang out. We go to Chili's. No alcohol, no fancy coffee drinks, no sex. I don't think so.

EXACTLY! She was the ultimate temptress. She knew that she could manipulate the hormones of Travis. I can't even articulate what I wish to at this time because I would curse and blame and it won't bring Travis back and it won't ever ever reveal the truth of what happened on June 4th. And to add a bit of misery to the table..."Hey Jude" is playing on Pandora! ACK......why???? Why is life so Eff'ed up!!!?!?!?
Not sure regarding Martinez having any DV experts scheduled to testify, however, why should he? He is totally going to disseminate whoever the defense calls. There is absolutely no self-defense, and no abuse.

No comparison to the other case you mentioned. We all know how Travis died and who killed him.


And this jury is not sequestered either. They go home at night and on weekends.

I love the Psychologist Nancy Grace just had on, and did not catch her name?

Anyone? A lady blonde hair.

Dr. Leslie Austin, phd.
Am I mistaken or when Jodi first told us how she shot him, I could have sworn she told us that as she was pointing the gun at him, he tackled her and they were wrestling on the floor and it just "went off". Does anybody remember this or am i just confused because today she says she is standing pointing the gun at him and then shot him while standing.

I may have this wrong but could have sworn she changed this up on us today.
Well I mean this in a good way!

I hope Travis got layed besides Jodi and I hope a lot. I would hate to think that Travis died only knowing sex from Jodi. I hope he had a few other experiences.

Variety is the spice of life and I hope he got his share.
Actually what I said was "lets not go into detail", but the point being yes I too believe consensual sex took place on 06/04.

I know you did and I apologize for going there, but I felt TA's own words gave the clearest look into his mindset.

My bigger point is this:

On the 4th I think she waited until the roommate left about 1130 and came to the door. I think she talked her way into the house. To JA I believe it was pivotal to get him to bed and then into that shower. Thus the sex pics with his new camera and then the CK photo shoot. TA wouldn't be suspicious, JA was always taking pics including his facebook shot. Plus the shots were with HIS camera and wouldn't be in her possession. The roommate returns between 3 and 4pm and then leaves never realizing JA is in the house. I believe the other roommate was scheduled to return at 6 or 6:30pm which she may or may not have known. The shower is important to minimize the cleanup. The attack I believe started in the shower or as he was getting up or out. Personally I think it was the knife first (quieter). The ME believed if either the gun shot or throat cutting had occurred first, TA wouldn't have the defensive cuts on hands because he wouldn't have been able to raise his arms. He did say with the most severe stab wound (the one severing the vena cava) he would be able to defend himself and move around for several minutes. I don't think she expected him to leave that shower, but he did explaining the remaining wounds.

Her perfect murder fell apart. She was rapidly running out of time before someone came home and the mistakes started piling up.

The report I saw believed the initial stab was to the heart. The shower pics make the shower appear bigger than it is. It is a REALLY small space; in the last photo of him alive, he is seated on the drain. I suppose he could have agreed to the shower pics, but I have always felt those 8 minutes were under duress with a gun pointed at him. If I were a juror that would be my #1 question!

Somewhere I saw a report that he'd told someone--a roommate?--that he'd been up most of the night trying to protect against demons. There's a lot of misinformation out there so who knows.

I know a little bit about handwriting analysis, and Jodi's small d's scare me. The looped d stem show she is highly sensitive to criticism; the loop-within-a-loop of the round part show her sneakiness and deception, and the loop-within-an-OPEN loop shows she sets traps, that she "appears" to be chatty and open but is just the opposite, secretly plotting.

Here is one expert analysis of her handwriting. Not as complete as it could be--more samples of JA's writing are available--but very well done, imo:
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