The Rumor Mill -- unsubstantiated, yet possible relevant information

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A sex worker went to LE with info she believed was useful. Wasnt she called a LIAR? Wouldnt LE simply thank her for the info if they thought she was mistaken? Calling her a liar raises a red flag for me. I think its the same sex worker that spoke to James Ford from WPIX. She said the Feds shut her down too. So much for tips.
A gal I knew of comes home one day and sees her boyfriend filling in a big hole in her backyard. She asks him what was he doing. He tells her he is a hit man for Gotti and he killed someone and is now burying him. She goes to the FBI. They laugh her out of the building. She goes to the local precinct. Cops go home with her and guess what they find in the backyard.

Another gal gives me a very hysterical account of a murder she saw. She was a crack-head prostitute. She named the killers because she knew them from school days and the neighborhood. They would send her home. She wouldn't leave the precinct and stayed downstairs all night until the A.M. crew came in. She had the right guys and she testified in the grand jury.

A very serious wise-guy now doing life in federal prison once told me they went to D.C. to talk to the 'head of Congress' to fix a criminal case in NYC. I corrected him and asked was it The Speaker of the House. Yeah, that's the guy. Get the F out of here, I said. It turned out to be true. Not that anything came of it, but the people around the Speaker started getting arrested for this or that.
PUGGLE, there is a person who's opinions I trust. She is very good with research and financial matters. She has written there are a lot of curious real estate transactions at OB. She told me she believes Coletti once lived in Lindenhurst, or said he did and he declared himself dead. He was supposedly a retired insurance fraud investigator and if it could be done he could do it. She said he is also someone known as Gus Segretti. I have no way of verifying this information, but that is what I was told.

Joe Calise is supposedly connected with Brewer as he has interests on HIgbie Ave., Babylon

Thanks for the clarification Hawk .... Mmm well we are aware of at least one questionable realestate transaction in the area .... so one never knows!!!

I saw you have mentioned you have spoken with the author of the Confessions of oak beach drifter.

Can you confirm the authors name as being W, Roller Sammons. I have seen where another person called Vito Sarafati has made a FB claiming the work.....As I haven't read it I may be getting confused.....Is Sammons the author and Vito simply the name of the Character?..... also is the book a biography or fictional?
Pretty sure W. Roller Sammons is a pen name and I thought Vito was as well, although I remember someone posting photos of a vito sarfati who into the bbondage scene, he had piercing and tattoos. I'd be curious to know the author's real name although I don't believe this guy was the one there that night. On your blog he claims his mom is the one was called and that through me off. I'd always thought the drifter's mom lived in Massapequa, as I believe the LISK is from Massapequa. I'm curious about what W/Vito's real name is and how Todd H Y fits into all this. Zero any info on THY?
Pretty sure W. Roller Sammons is a pen name and I thought Vito was as well, although I remember someone posting photos of a vito sarfati who into the bbondage scene, he had piercing and tattoos. I'd be curious to know the author's real name although I don't believe this guy was the one there that night. On your blog he claims his mom is the one was called and that through me off. I'd always thought the drifter's mom lived in Massapequa, as I believe the LISK is from Massapequa. I'm curious about what W/Vito's real name is and how Todd H Y fits into all this. Zero any info on THY?

Yeah your right lyndsay.....just a pen name...same W author now has two other books to his fame.......which are totally unrelated to a "Drifter growing up hard in the Bronx"........ would be interesting to find out how the person got in contact with the writer write a book on his behalf...

Ahhh the Todd one is easy....... grew up in East Islip.......went to school with Brewer and his friends at West Islip High School......

Just wished I had a copy of the ........semi autobiographical. ....somewhat grandiose fictional..exaggeration book...confessions..cough!!....

Main things Id like to know.....what precipitated the character of vito to go to the beach house....who he associated whilst at the beachouse...and where he went..what he supposedly did immediately after leaving.....although probably a watered-down version of the truth.......Im still curious...
Lyndsay......I think you got stuck on the name Lenny...... but Lenny might not have even been this boarders name..its his face you have to find. Did someone say they saw his girlfriend.....what did she look like?

On another note......if anyone has further investigated Pak.....where the hell does this dude have contacts that see him flying to Sri Lanka to Zurich onto Dallas fort worth to bring in a chinese national.....seems rather organised if your using false American passports to do so...what further History prior to him being Shannans driver was found.....grrrr....suspecting no one knows... was he part of an agency...who were his other girls he worked for...

Also adding to the Fiengold connection...apart from Brewer and Marc owning businessess side by side...they both went to West Islip high school....years apart though...

Lyndsay.....your Mr Yaskel.....forget...the Harrison...might be a middle name...Yaskel is his last name......why he has associated himself through FB as a friend with the false name of Vito Sarafati....who is not real....thats a big question....

Ohhh so many thoughts....who was this Bangladeshi friend that suggested the room for rent to Melissa. ......what nationality was VIPS that maureen had placing her ads??

What part does Model Mayhem play.....connection between all the girls? Did they all at some point in time place their biography on that site?.....I sure as ..... hope someone has investigated that aspect.....because I can link someone on that site directly back to a friend of brewers...a few of his friends....and yes Lyndsay to your Mr Yaskel....friend of Oak Beach Drifter....
Lol....can't sleep. ...

They need to release Shannans cant understand the hold up....

Id be fighting tooth and nail.......what possible rational, reasonable, logical, reason is it that they can't???....

Arrgghhh....they haven't. ..??????

Something to hide?

I want to hear if it is actually Pak asking Shannan has she seen Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas....or someone maybe someone who had a bit part in the movie.....was Pak simply a money man? many times has he been to Oak Beach.....I want that guys phone records ......right from when Maureen went missing.
Brewer is friends with people from of them had a bit part in the movie...Fear and Loathing in las Vegas. ..Coincidence.??

Maybe.....Todd real friends via FB with this previous West Islip High School person who had that bit part.....Todd...friends with Vito Sarafati....grr oak beach drifter....

This person ...has a high profile since 2011....BIG PROFILE....before that nothing....curious. .....
I'll give my 2 cents on the drifter, but it's not a lot. I spoke to him a few years back it was through Facebook and reached him through the book authors page. Was it really hope him? Well I'm not sure, but I did feel it was the author of the book. to be honest I was looking at a group of people and so I asked him more about that then the actual case. Back then I rarely talked to people about the actual case but the people I felt had questionable "inside" info. I mainly asked him about MM7 and DPH. Both had been in contact with this person I was talking to. He told me when his book first came out DPH sent him hundreds of emails trying to show him connections between Her ex husband and Brewer and the Doc. He seemed to be genuine n not really having info on what happened at oak beach that night. I read the book and we discussed it a little. From reading the book it seems like it was written before what happened and had nothing to do with the LISK case. He sang d I was correct and that it was just a book he had been writing about his life. In my opinion once the guy heard about what happened he saw it as a way to sell his book. If you read it there is just a little bit about having some time at the oak beach house where he was hiding from drug dealers, Brewer had let it out that he (the drifter) was staying there so he left. All the stuff about the night Shannan disappeared seemed to be put n the book as an after thought. So for me it seemed unlikely someone would write a book about their life in the drug and criminal scene that had nothing to do with LISK, and then decide now that the story is out there might as well cash in even though it could incriminate him. I don't know if that is clear, but what I mean is it was far more likely he had know real knowledge of what happened to Shannan and therefore had no worries about putting it in to end his book. It makes more sense to me that he saw t as a way to sell his book and probably had no reason to fear disconnect. These were my thoughts after reading the book and talking to him on Facebook. He told me at the time no one had figured out his real name yet, and at the time there were lots going around. MM7 had the pics of Vitto and YouTube videos from the body building s and m guy. The drifter I spoke to said MM7 had it all wrong and that vitto was just a made up name for the book and that guy was not him. But. Have to admit some of that stuff MM7 posted see me to show some connection to the YouTube Vito and the guy who the book is about. Once I heard Flukes stories of Hackett being at Brewers party I decided to once again contact the drifter. I had only asked him questions about the people contacting him and putting themselves in the case because that what I was writing about back then, but also because it was easier for people to talk about. If some guy from Vegas just started asking questions abortion their involvement in the case and I wouldn't have gotten to talk to so many people. Plus I wasn't trying to sleuths the case just understand if any of these people had real info or if it was all just crazy influence on misguided internet junkies. But I thought it would be fair to ask him about what kinds f people were at Brewers participants especially when he was there. Was it just friends like him (the drifter did indeed go to school with Brewer according to his book) or if there were neighbors such as the Doc. I was hoping to credits t or discredit Flukes stories of neighbors being at Brewers house from some one who actually partied there. He told me he had no problem answering me but said he would rather discus it by phone instead of the back and forth of Facebook. I gave him my number.And that was that. I doubt nth think he called me, but if he did I missed it. Unfortunately the Facebook I was using (it was not my real name, sorry but I was not about to use my Facebook to talk to some of these people) was reported as a fake account (wonder who did that.... my guess is it was DPH, but I don't want to get into all that) so I had no more contact with him and didn't learn much. I'd like to reach out to him again, but don't know if he would react to a different Facebook. Nothing against the guy,but I think he liked how many friends I had with that account and had asked me to post a link to his book which I did ( which caught DPHs eye and she said nasty things about it, so that's why I think she reported my account,lol) I know, not much, but it was enough to give me the idea that this guy saw an opportunity to sell his book, in my opinion. Then I saw LL6's comment about the group who knocked on Brewers door and "Lenny" and I realized I had heard that story and chased it down. Again not much more from what I know about that is much help or anything new, but I might as well explain that because it does fit in to the conversation. Give me a second to go read an old email and I'll be right back.
Man sorry about the typos in that. I wish she goes could go back and correct things, lol. I'm to fast for these little tablet keys. Hope it was all readable even with the typos.
Brewer is friends with people from of them had a bit part in the movie...Fear and Loathing in las Vegas. ..Coincidence.??

Maybe.....Todd real friends via FB with this previous West Islip High School person who had that bit part.....Todd...friends with Vito Sarafati....grr oak beach drifter....

This person ...has a high profile since 2011....BIG PROFILE....before that nothing....curious. .....

THY is a photog, but he got in a fight on some youtube comments. Do you remember the youtube video with the photo of the dismembered woman with chainsaw? I assumed this was a prank but wasn't THY in the comments? he also has burlap coffee sacks as his cover photo
So back before I corresponded with the drifter I had heard about those who knocked on Brewers door one day and "the drifter" answered. I had heard it from Jen ( JJ the cab driver, sorry I know you will read this and hate me even more, but I'm just trying to get to the bottom of these stories). I had also talked to someone else there that day. I probably shouldn't be writing any of this, it's not even on my blog, but here is some of what I was told about that day:
"we knocked on Brewers door, and who answered but the mysterious "transient" ( I will keep his name close for obvious reasons, unless you show that you already know it) that was at Brewer's the night Shannan went missing (this is a little known fact)."
So when I read this long ago I figured it was th guy who wrote the book, and when I talked to the guy who wrote the book and he said he was not there the night Shannan went missing. This may all confuse things even more. I have recently reached out to who wrote the above about "knocking on Brewers door" and have gotten no reply. Again, there are people out there with stories, I have heard many of them first hand. Most want to remain unnamed, some may be crazy, but many got together, connected to Mari and others in this case and then twisted it all up, others saw this long before me and looked into them. I've spoken to those like Fluke, DPH, and MM7 who I feel was on the wrong side of it all and I have spoken to some of those who helped look into them. ( because families of the victims and LE did look into alot of these stories and those telling them. I've been accused of putting what people tell me up in public to easily and therefore I'm not to be trusted and yet I'm also known to not give out those who want to be left unnamed. It's a hard tight rope for me because I really am just some outsider who stepped into the middle of something. Those out there with the stories and those who checked them out behind the scenes need to all step up and end the madness.
Yes it appears more likely that Lenny is the real Drifter. If only we could find his real name. You are right Puggle, it could be a false name he gave to people snooping around. But we've got to get to the bottom of this
Zero ...

Thanks so much for all the above ....

As you obviously have the book...can you tell me what the character Vito supposedly did for work in his past...did he mention any type of work. Was he into Karate or Body building ..does the book give any insight into what he did ( work wise) after leaving the beach house.

Eta...does it say where he was getting his drugs.. does he mention any specific places that he went to in Islip...businessess, clubs...groups he hung with... sorry to bombard you Zero...
THY is a photog, but he got in a fight on some youtube comments. Do you remember the youtube video with the photo of the dismembered woman with chainsaw? I assumed this was a prank but wasn't THY in the comments? he also has burlap coffee sacks as his cover photo

If he got into a fight .... I totally missed it..or it was deleted. All I can recall...and its still out there - on the youtube for the Confessions of the oak beach drifter preview...There were some comments in the review section, someone obviously thinking they new the author and having a go at him and then one review by THY. I think these reviews were picked up by some on LISK and disected trying to make something of them....then someone sleuthed THY and came across his youtube video - the one you mentioned...further sleuthing the same person saw that one of his FB pics was of some burlap bags....Someone presenting themselves by username THY had either been contacted by the person on LISK or visa versa....and the username THY defended the pictures of the burlap bags saying "I told you where I got those pics from"

In all honesty the whole thing to me seems like one big set up to provide false leads and misinformation. ...... the question is...if Im right...Why? ..... and who behind it all......just some bored prankster with a sick sense of humor ..? Or a really clever plot by someone with something to hide....if the latter...then it most certainly has worked...and worked well.
so you remember the video with the chainsaw photo? what was the deal with it still up?
LL6 I read all that including the fight. Again, the drifter who I spoke to who I believe wrote the book said that wasn't him, but I'm not to sure. The argument on YouTube sure made it seem like it was him.
Zero, it all sounds so convoluted. What would you have if you put all of the above into a sifter?
Puggle, it's been over a year since I read it, but I'm getting the book out right now to take a look. If I remember right he mentions he got a job for his son with a friend who did construction. He got most his drugs from someone named Mario (all names are fake though, Brewer is called Damon) he says he kept in touch with Damon and called him about once a month after he moved out. This is puzzling to me because it emplys he had been gone for months before the night Shannan was there. The drifter also says that his girlfriend/wife stayed at the beach house with him most of the time. Everything about Brewer and staying at the beach house is all in one chapter. Chapter 59 in a 63 chapter book. Everything about Shannan and LISK is in th epilogue which is only 6 pages long. And it does indeed say what he did after he left the beach house. Same thing he did most of the time. A bouncer at a strip club. I'm gonna take a look at the book, skim back through it see if anything jumps out.
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