The Smiths

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Ok, I am confused. I just read on TPS's Facebook where she said that LM is the one that told her how to get in touch with EJ in San Antonio. Didn't she say before that she is the one that told LM how to get in touch with EJ in San Antonio? Does anyone remember? Because she had a new cell phone that she got in San Antonio and after EJ called her she called LM and gave him the number?
Dairy...when did TS post this? Is it recent?
Has anyone done any research on Jack's family? I have a few Smith names in my notes and I'm wondering if they are related to Jack. Does the Jones name connect with Jack in anyway and if so, how? I recall something like Jones/Smith or Smith/Jones or that TPS had used the name this correct. TIA for filling me in.
Yes your so right, there are so many laws to protect the accused and so few to protect the victims so since she hasn'nt been charged yet how bout they just let her out,,,,, puhleez !
I'm saying that yes, her bail is too high. She has not been charged with murder, that I know of.

In fact, the only thing she is obviously guilty of is custodial interference, everything else is speculation at this point. Because they don't know where the baby is, and mom isn't talking, they are attempting to keep her in jail with a high bail for not cooperating with them, imoo.

My anger, and concern is that judges are doing this more and more. The common man cannot possibly attain that amount. The purpose of the high bail is to keep her in jail as if he judged her with no bail. So then why didn't he? Because by law her couldn't with the charges and evidence against her.

It's an abuse of power, and The Constitution set safeguards in place to protect the common man from such abuses. More and more judges are not respecting The Constitution, therefore, we should all be concerned.

Here's some history as to why our Constitution set these safeguards in place. :)

I'm sorry for this being o/t. I'll not bring it up again in this thread. :)
I'm saying that yes, her bail is too high. She has not been charged with murder, that I know of.

In fact, the only thing she is obviously guilty of is custodial interference, everything else is speculation at this point. Because they don't know where the baby is, and mom isn't talking, they are attempting to keep her in jail with a high bail for not cooperating with them, imoo.


Respectfully snipped.

I think LE should charge EJ with murder and call everyone's bluff and see who comes forward to save her ..... or not. EJ stated what she had done in texts and statements to Logan and Gabriel is missing.
Ok, I am confused. I just read on TPS's Facebook where she said that LM is the one that told her how to get in touch with EJ in San Antonio. Didn't she say before that she is the one that told LM how to get in touch with EJ in San Antonio? Does anyone remember? Because she had a new cell phone that she got in San Antonio and after EJ called her she called LM and gave him the number?

Oh brother...she said she got EJ's number when EJ called HER. She then called Logan and gave him the number....IIRC
Oh brother...she said she got EJ's number when EJ called HER. She then called Logan and gave him the number....IIRC

That is how I remember it. Why on earth would LM give her EJ's number? The Smiths were the ones calling him and telling him he would never see his son again if he didn't sign the adoption papers. They said they were giving him a message from EJ. They acted like saints for giving him her number when he had no way to contact her.
Ok, I am confused. I just read on TPS's Facebook where she said that LM is the one that told her how to get in touch with EJ in San Antonio. Didn't she say before that she is the one that told LM how to get in touch with EJ in San Antonio? Does anyone remember? Because she had a new cell phone that she got in San Antonio and after EJ called her she called LM and gave him the number?

Tammi previously said on NG that Logan told her about Eliz's myspace, she left her a message, and then Eliz texted and then called her. Rumor had this occurring around Dec 21.

Because of the 'grandma' call reported by the babysitter on Dec 23, I had that pegged as the earliest day identified that Tammi and Eliz spoke on the phone.

As evidence that this happened, Tammi offered NG a copy of the message - the one in which Eliz says she is 'ever worried' about being traced (contained in NG transcript).

A few things are curious about this.

First, the only message I know of that Tammi left Eliz is dated Dec 31 (titled 'Gabriel'). It could be that an earlier message was deleted. I don't think so, but it could be.

Second, the 'ever worried' message is dated Dec 29. (NG transcript)

Third, in Eliz's hearing, the county attorney indicates that Logan did not know that Eliz was in San Antonio until Dec 27, and that that information was determined by LE.

To add further confusion, Tammi stated that she had her attorney and also her friend call Eliz on Dec 26.

I suppose that Eliz could have called Tammi and blocked her number from showing, which would explain some of it. However, Tammi specifically said that she had those two people call Eliz on Dec 26, which means Tammi had the number then, and of course, could have given it to Logan then.

It's great fun trying to do timelines in this case.

ETA: Oh! I almost forgot! Tammi also said that the last time she talked to Logan was Dec 23, and that he had hung up on her, and therefore they didn't speak after that.

ETA again: I believe Logan, and I believe the county attorney, that Logan didn't know Eliz was in San Antonio until Dec 27, and that that was determined by LE.
I just reread the comment made by TPS and I was wrong, LM didn't give her EJ's phone number, he told her how to contact her while she was in Tx. Must have been the My Space page he told her about. I am sorry for making that mistake.
Tammi previously said on NG that Logan told her about Eliz's myspace, she left her a message, and then Eliz texted and then called her. Rumor had this occurring around Dec 21.

Because of the 'grandma' call reported by the babysitter on Dec 23, I had that pegged as the earliest day identified that Tammi and Eliz spoke on the phone.

As evidence that this happened, Tammi offered NG a copy of the message - the one in which Eliz says she is 'ever worried' about being traced (contained in NG transcript).

A few things are curious about this.

First, the only message I know of that Tammi left Eliz is dated Dec 31 (titled 'Gabriel'). It could be that an earlier message was deleted. I don't think so, but it could be.

Second, the 'ever worried' message is dated Dec 29. (NG transcript)

Third, in Eliz's hearing, the county attorney indicates that Logan did not know that Eliz was in San Antonio until Dec 27, and that that information was determined by LE.

To add further confusion, Tammi stated that she had her attorney and also her friend call Eliz on Dec 26.

I suppose that Eliz could have called Tammi and blocked her number from showing, which would explain some of it. However, Tammi specifically said that she had those two people call Eliz on Dec 26, which means Tammi had the number then, and of course, could have given it to Logan then.

It's great fun trying to do timelines in this case.

ETA: Oh! I almost forgot! Tammi also said that the last time she talked to Logan was Dec 23, and that he had hung up on her, and therefore they didn't speak after that.

ETA again: I believe Logan, and I believe the county attorney, that Logan didn't know Eliz was in San Antonio until Dec 27, and that that was determined by LE.

Tammi's 12/23 FB message "Pray for Gabriel.". Tammi knew they were in Texas....not sure when she realize the area code was San Antonio
My head is spinning a little on that Timeline Bean made-up... I guess this can be added to it if it hasn't been already.

Amster said: What date did TS talk about EJ traveling and the underground?


December 23rd on Facebook, Amster
Has the grandfather said in any of his interviews if he had met the Smiths? EJ borrowed his car. Would the Smiths know she had transportation and where she got it? She told the grandfather,iirc, that she needed it for a job interview. I believe she borrowed it on the 18th. So it is possible the only one who knew she had transportation was the grandfather.

I thought Elizabeth borrowed the car around the 15th?
Tammi previously said on NG that Logan told her about Eliz's myspace, she left her a message, and then Eliz texted and then called her. Rumor had this occurring around Dec 21.

Because of the 'grandma' call reported by the babysitter on Dec 23, I had that pegged as the earliest day identified that Tammi and Eliz spoke on the phone.


ETA: Oh! I almost forgot! Tammi also said that the last time she talked to Logan was Dec 23, and that he had hung up on her, and therefore they didn't speak after that.

I think the Smith's sent Logan this text message on December 22

"Can we get together tomorrow morning to talk with you and your dad? I'm afraid she'll be gone forever, cause she doesn't want to go to jail for kidnapping. She doesn't trust u or ur dad. The only way she'll come back is if my attorney faxes the signed papers to her so she won't get in trouble, and Gabriel b w/us".

Source: AZ Central 12

Just to add - this makes it obvious that Tammi is claiming she had contact with Elizabeth on the 22nd or before. Frankly, I think they were in contact the entire time, but here is more proof for one of those days.
Trying to put these few days together and this seems to be what we have so far

Dec 21

(?) Logan tells Tammy about Elizabeth's myspace, Tammi leaves a message on there and Elizabeth texts and calls Tammi​

Dec 22

Smith's sent Logan this text message:​

Can we get together tomorrow morning to talk with you and your dad? I'm afraid she'll be gone forever, cause she doesn't want to go to jail for kidnapping. She doesn't trust u or ur dad. The only way she'll come back is if my attorney faxes the signed papers to her so she won't get in trouble, and Gabriel b w/us.

12:31pm: Jack posts on FB that they are experiencing a 'hiccup' with 'the new baby' Gabriel. Jack writes that Elizabeth picked up Gabriel the evening of December 18 for a visit with Logan, and hasn't been seen or heard from since.([ame=""]ref[/ame])​

Dec 23

(?) Elizabeth is probably speaking to Tammi at ~ 1:30 pm on the phone (not Grandma).

Tammi claims this is the last time she talked to Logan

Tammi (on FB?) posts about Elizabeth traveling, the underground, message says "Pray for Gabriel" indicating they are in Texas​
I'm still confused about that whole myspace conversation that TPS had on NG too BeanE. The Smiths seemed to indicate that the first contact they had with EJ after she left AZ was on myspace but the only proof they appeared to give NG was the conversations that started on Dec 29th.

Interesting to note that EJ was signing in and/or updating her mypace status during her time in SA. A couple of screen caps from the following news video...



These show that she was updating or signing in to pick up messages on Dec 23rd at 1:37pm, Dec 24th at 1:00am and Dec 24th at 10:13am.

And those were just the ones I could capture. Obviously LE knows all of the dates and times when she was signing in and I'm sure has all of the private messages that were sent.

So this seems to be some random internet usage. Did she use the hotel lobby computer every time or did she have access in her room? There is free wifi at the hotel. I believe there is an app for myspace on the IPOD touch if she had one of those with her or is it possible that she had her own laptop with her?

Dec 23rd at 1:37pm is odd. Wasn't that the time she was supposed to be just arriving back at the hotel after her appointment, and around the time she was supposed to be talking to someone on the phone?
Kamille wrote:
Dec 23rd at 1:37pm is odd. Wasn't that the time she was supposed to be just arriving back at the hotel after her appointment, and around the time she was supposed to be talking to someone on the phone?

I'm still wondering if the 23rd is the correct date for the babysitter, was that verified?

What we have now is that she would have been on myspace within minutes of getting back to the hotel room.
"Kamille wrote: Dec 23rd at 1:37pm is odd. Wasn't that the time she was supposed to be just arriving back at the hotel after her appointment, and around the time she was supposed to be talking to someone on the phone?"

I'm still wondering if the 23rd is the correct date for the babysitter, was that verified?

What we have now is that she would have been on myspace within minutes of getting back to the hotel room.

Yep! And if this was right after the library visit...her status would be interesting to know. "Where there's..." Where there's a will there's a way???
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