The SODDI Defense (Some Other Dude Did It)...If not KC, who?

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We have zero evidence. Because the state has not released any documentation of the local SO"s being investigated. And if they havent been investigated then JB is gonna jump on that at trial.

Tell me what evidence (not behaviour, but physical evidence) we have that shows that KC and only KC was responsible for caylees death?

My thinking is that the physical evidence could point to anyone who lived in or had access to that house. Its her behaviour and lies that make her look guilty as sin, and she only has herself to blame for that.

So if LE and FBI have investigated and eliminated known SO's, why have we not seen any of this in docs? We saw hundreds of pages of ridiculous psychic tips but no pages on SO's.

Exactly Right! The absence of investigation of SO's leaves huge holes in this case for the Defense to exploit.
There are some really amazing and plausibly theories posted here and thanks to those who thought them up. The defense team has most of their work done for them now! What doesn't make sense to me, when considering SODDI is that the A family "behaves" like they believe Kc did it even though they assert they believe she is innocent. That is only my perception, but based on their statements and behavior, I believe THEY believe KC did it. It has been their (and KC's) behavior that has pointed toward guilt on KC's behalf more than any of the actual "evidence" that has been released. Although behavior is in itself is not evidence because it is interpretive, as a juror, the weight of their conduct (who knows how much of this info will be presented at trial) would for me indicate deceipt and guilt and THAT would affect my view of other items of circumstantial evidence. It's impossible to view the actual evidence without the prejudice of my already having formed a personal opinion about the entire family, KC of course included. I guess my point is that NOTHING to me points to SODDI no matter how creative the story. Truth is usually stranger than fiction so as usual I may be 100% wrong in my opinion. I still think the squirrels did it (SOSDI) as opposed to SODDI.
Hi EV1, I am back...Thanks for welcoming me and for the responses to my earlier posts.

In a SODDI defense one of the pieces of evidence that would need to be countered or disqualified is the decomp in the trunk. (Unless it is shown that person had access to Casey's car.)

I keep reading posts using the decomp to negate the possibility of a SODDI so I have the following questions: (since my brain has cobwebs this morning)

1) Has the air sample research been used in a court room before since it is only 6-7 years old?

It has been used minimally because the science behind it is not considered to be 100% accurrate and proven at this time. I believe, several years from now, there will be much more acceptance and trust in this kind of evidence, but at this point in time, in court, it's disputable.

2) Wasn't there research done on the air samples from the trunk at another facility that had the opposite result? I vaguely recall that and have not been able to locate it.

This is correct. The tests conducted by the state labs and the tests conducted by the FBI labs were contradictory.

3) Is there DNA results on the stain stating that there was a match to Caylee?

Lee reported that the stain was there BEFORE he owned the car. I haven't seen any scientific test results on the stain.

4) Could this statement in their conclusions cast reasonable doubt?

I personally believe this statement is going to be an issue at the trial.

In addition, I think that the chloroform in the trunk of Casey's car is going to be called into question by the defense. I know the defense has tested one other car trunk similar to Casey's and found chloroform in it as well. This was on Nancy Grace and was so disputed by the comentators that by now, that test has probably replicated many times over by the defense team's forensic specialists.

Thank you so much for the links. I had read the news story about the woman from my home state but hadn't seen these. That the variablility and low success rate would be so low doesn't surprise me. It makes sense that the quality of the work would depend on the breading, training, integrity of the dog and partner. Also a dog wants to please his master and a gentle resistance on the leash would encourage the dog to obey what the handler wants to think is there. It could even be an unconscious resistance or encouragement, wanting to "get their man." That said, I found it most interesting that there is doubt that the scent of death would last a month or longer. It certainly wouldn't grow stronger after the body is no longer there. So, that leaves the question, why did Tony and George not notice the smell of death the 3rd and 4th week of June but it reeked, according to several, a month later? There was surely nothing but a bag of garbage in there during the 2 weekds at the tow yard.

Princess Rose, there seems to be many stones unturned in the investigation and this should have been top on the list. Even if their tunnel vision got the better of them in the beginning, they certainly had cause to explore other avenues after the remains were found, IMO. And I see some evidence in the phone records of her searching for someone during that first week. There are several numbers LE never checked out. they didn't even both to check the IP address of the mysterious work emails.
There are some really amazing and plausibly theories posted here and thanks to those who thought them up. The defense team has most of their work done for them now! What doesn't make sense to me, when considering SODDI is that the A family "behaves" like they believe Kc did it even though they assert they believe she is innocent. That is only my perception, but based on their statements and behavior, I believe THEY believe KC did it. It has been their (and KC's) behavior that has pointed toward guilt on KC's behalf more than any of the actual "evidence" that has been released. Although behavior is in itself is not evidence because it is interpretive, as a juror, the weight of their conduct (who knows how much of this info will be presented at trial) would for me indicate deceipt and guilt and THAT would affect my view of other items of circumstantial evidence. It's impossible to view the actual evidence without the prejudice of my already having formed a personal opinion about the entire family, KC of course included. I guess my point is that NOTHING to me points to SODDI no matter how creative the story. Truth is usually stranger than fiction so as usual I may be 100% wrong in my opinion. I still think the squirrels did it (SOSDI) as opposed to SODDI.

It's highly doubtful that we have thought up any new ideas that the Defense has not already come up with. :)

I am wondering, in what way do you think that the Anthony family "behaves" like they think Casey did it? Can you cite instances to support your comments and why you think that behavior indicates that they think Casey is guilty?
Wow! What a great post! I had no idea of the variability in accuracy! Thank you for posting that! :blowkiss:
But, the sad fact is that it isn't just the dogs, it's LE who smelled it, Cindy who smelled, George who smelled it, Lee who smelled it, and the tow yard owner. Often the judges will allow it in, not for the truth, but for the "reasonableness of the investigationm" i.e., did it direct the officers to look further in that area.

The dogs may get tossed, but then you would have to toss LE, the verbal testimony of G&C, Lee, and the twoyard owner. Pretty hard to do if you ask me. IT will be a HUGE uphill battle for the defense.

In Peterson, the dogs were tossed EXCEPT for the dog who hit on the Marina.

Also I believe there was more than ONE dog involved.
Nope. Sociopaths don't have the feelings to begin with. They are all about self. To the exclusion of everyone else.

Do you think she wonders why she's empty and doesn't feel like others? Do sociopaths know they're lacking something? Or do they just not care?


Do you think she wonders why she's empty and doesn't feel like others? Do sociopaths know they're lacking something? Or do they just not care?


They feel superior and entitled.

They can do what they do (steal, kill etc.) because they feel their desires are more important than other people's rights.


Do you think she wonders why she's empty and doesn't feel like others? Do sociopaths know they're lacking something? Or do they just not care?


They feel superior and entitled.

They can do what they do (steal, kill etc.) because they feel their desires are more important than other people's rights.


I think many posters have difficulty understanding what it is to live with a person like KC/CA/GA in their immediate family and cannot grasp the harm it causes and the issues these types of personalities inflict upon the rest of the family members. It is pure He!! living with one. Very toxic.

Which is why I can come up with my theories that Caylee was murdered by a member of the A clan.
It's highly doubtful that we have thought up any new ideas that the Defense has not already come up with. :)

I am wondering, in what way do you think that the Anthony family "behaves" like they think Casey did it? Can you cite instances to support your comments and why you think that behavior indicates that they think Casey is guilty?

Mostly what I am thinking of is their original spontaneous statements to LE e.g., CA's 911 calls, her statement to KC "What have you done?" "I don't know your involvement in this sweetheart..." the jailhouse interviews, their pussyfooting around KC instead of insisting on answers, the deceptiveness with LE, cleaning the car before LE inspected it (which I don't think has been proven, but I think is a strong possibility they did), their many interviews provide conflicting statements, their insistence on supporting the Zanny the Nanny theory now, still, their aggressive behavior when asked reasonable questions, I guess I could go on, but hopefully this gives you some insight as to where I'm coming from. It's an opinion only of course. I totally see a family in damage control - not a family seeking justice for Caylee's murderer. They don't visit her in jail - which, if she's innocent, who cares if the nation gets to watch? Just saying "Stay strong KC, we love you and will see you through this" wouldn't be some big deal if it was released. Again, IMHOO.

Do you think she wonders why she's empty and doesn't feel like others? Do sociopaths know they're lacking something? Or do they just not care?


They don't care. In fact, they feel superior, because they do not suffer from guilt or emotional pain.
Mostly what I am thinking of is their original spontaneous statements to LE e.g., CA's 911 calls, her statement to KC "What have you done?" "I don't know your involvement in this sweetheart..." the jailhouse interviews, their pussyfooting around KC instead of insisting on answers, the deceptiveness with LE, cleaning the car before LE inspected it (which I don't think has been proven, but I think is a strong possibility they did), their many interviews provide conflicting statements, their insistence on supporting the Zanny the Nanny theory now, still, their aggressive behavior when asked reasonable questions, I guess I could go on, but hopefully this gives you some insight as to where I'm coming from. It's an opinion only of course. I totally see a family in damage control - not a family seeking justice for Caylee's murderer. They don't visit her in jail - which, if she's innocent, who cares if the nation gets to watch? Just saying "Stay strong KC, we love you and will see you through this" wouldn't be some big deal if it was released. Again, IMHOO.

Yep! They can't save Caylee, but they're gonna try to save KC.
In addition, I think that the chloroform in the trunk of Casey's car is going to be called into question by the defense. I know the defense has tested one other car trunk similar to Casey's and found chloroform in it as well. This was on Nancy Grace and was so disputed by the comentators that by now, that test has probably replicated many times over by the defense team's forensic specialists.

Prolly the degree of gas concentration and the quality of testing will be a definative factor. And, yes, the air testing results from that lab (the top lab in the country) have been used, successfully, in court trials.

I imagine BOTH saids dublicated some of the tests, BTW. The FBI ran the DNA and compositional fluids throught tree different labs, IIRC.
There is NO WAY of knowing if Casey was looking for Caylee or not. In this theory, we have NO IDEA who Casey might have thought had Caylee. Casey might have been contacting all her friends trying to figure it out without making anyone mad at her by asking anyone a direct question - because she knew if she did, the secret that Caylee was missing would be revealed and parents would find out that Caylee was missing. But if this is what Casey thought - that a friend had her, but the truth was a unknown SO had kidnapped Caylee, Casey would NEVER find her among her friends.

While searching this way sounds very unreasonable and illogical to the average person, to an emotionally abused person, illogical behavior sometimes makes sense.

Lots of us, on this list, have been emotionally abused. But, we'd all call 911.

KC did not alert her friends to Caylee's absence until CA made her do it. She was not searching among her friends. She was partying with the same group, week after week. She knew THEY didn't have Caylee. She knew Caylee was not at those night clubs, or in any Hot Body Contests.

Now that Caylee can not be protected, what is preventling her from telling LE what happened/what she thinks happpened/what happened on the day that Caylee "disappeared?"
Prolly the degree of gas concentration and the quality of testing will be a definative factor. And, yes, the air testing results from that lab (the top lab in the country) have been used, successfully, in court trials.

I imagine BOTH saids dublicated some of the tests, BTW. The FBI ran the DNA and compositional fluids throught tree different labs, IIRC.

That would defeat most of the defense tainted thoughts. I was reading an article about the OJ trial, and one of the strategies by the defense attorneys was to go for the "speedy trial" thereby FORCING the prosecution to make errors which the defense then capitalized on. Too bad Casey's "team" is trying to drag it out, thereby giving the proseuction time to check and recheck their testing.
Hi EV1, I am back...Thanks for welcoming me and for the responses to my earlier posts.

In a SODDI defense one of the pieces of evidence that would need to be countered or disqualified is the decomp in the trunk. (Unless it is shown that person had access to Casey's car.)

I keep reading posts using the decomp to negate the possibility of a SODDI so I have the following questions: (since my brain has cobwebs this morning)

1) Has the air sample research been used in a court room before since it is only 6-7 years old?

2) Wasn't there research done on the air samples from the trunk at another facility that had the opposite result? I vaguely recall that and have not been able to locate it.

3) Is there DNA results on the stain stating that there was a match to Caylee?

4) Could this statement in their conclusions cast reasonable doubt?
The air sample is the same technique used in breathilizer tests on drunk drivers so it's not really new technology.
Which SOs? What evidence? All the registered SOs in FL? In Orlando?

Sex offenders are a ridiculous choice for SODDI since KC already claimed she turned the child over to Zanny, either willingly or unwillingly. Unless ZG is "now" a convicted sex offender, this will also not hold water imo
Mostly what I am thinking of is their original spontaneous statements to LE e.g., CA's 911 calls, her statement to KC "What have you done?" "I don't know your involvement in this sweetheart..." the jailhouse interviews, their pussyfooting around KC instead of insisting on answers, the deceptiveness with LE, cleaning the car before LE inspected it (which I don't think has been proven, but I think is a strong possibility they did), their many interviews provide conflicting statements, their insistence on supporting the Zanny the Nanny theory now, still, their aggressive behavior when asked reasonable questions, I guess I could go on, but hopefully this gives you some insight as to where I'm coming from. It's an opinion only of course. I totally see a family in damage control - not a family seeking justice for Caylee's murderer. They don't visit her in jail - which, if she's innocent, who cares if the nation gets to watch? Just saying "Stay strong KC, we love you and will see you through this" wouldn't be some big deal if it was released. Again, IMHOO.

Thank you for replying! I really appreciate it when people support their comments with facts! :blowkiss:

Yes, I agree with you on many of the points you have made above. In quite a few instances you have noted where they have acted as though they thought she was guilty.

The points I question are their deceptiveness with LE, their aggressive behavior and sticking to the Nanny story. In order to judge if the deceptiveness with LE was typical of them when they believe Casey is guilty, I would have to know, how much did they lie on a routine basis BEFORE the entire case? I'm not sure if lying is a way of life for these folks or not. We do know it was a way of life for Casey. So that's hard for me to decide on one way or ther other. I think that a lot the aggressive behavior was caused by the pressure cooker environment they were exposed to, first with their daughter being arrested, then the protestors at their house and now, when they are being interviewed about the civil suit. It could also be a sign of depression. Many depressed people become extremely defensive and irrationally so when asked reasonable questions.

I do think they are not visiting Casey in jail because Baez has told them not to because they are making Casey look even worse (if that's possible.) I also think their own attorney has advised them to stay away, possible to prevent getting themselves in trouble.

As to the Nanny story, who knows what the Anthony's are being advised to do by the attorneys? Perhaps they have been told to play dumb and act like they believe it? Eventually we'll get to see this play out in court and find out what the heck has been going on all this time. It's going to be a fascinating trial, IMO.
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