The Talent show

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I said it once but I will say it again...she was THERE with the truck at 8:45, the projects were set up on students desks, WHY didn't she take the project with her that morning when she left, so it would be out of the way for the days lessons? Did it sit on Kyrons desk all day as a "reminder" he was not there? Why did his teacher not say- hmmm he must not have gone to the batroom or gone to get a drink, where is he? Or did the teacher think, Oh, Terri must have meant TODAY is his drs appt, and then thought nothing else of his project remaining?
Either way, even if Kyron did have a drs appt it makes NO SENSE that Teri did not take that SFProject home with her that nmorning. She was in such a rush to get out of there- why? Was she hustling Kyron out a side door or something, no room to carry a project, have baby K, and maneuver Kyron out the door?
So many questions.....

You know, I never considered the fact that the projects were set up on the desks and would have to be moved. That's an interesting question.

However, she couldn't have taken it at 8:45, because it has been reported that the school kids were going to go around in small groups to view all the projects that morning, and school wouldn't formally start until 10:00.

In fact, some have suggested she might have actually intended to bring the project home that morning, not realizing that they would have to remain on display until 10:00.
I agree that the talent show may not be one of the bigger issues here...but we really don't know why the 9 yo was called to testify so we don't know if a teacher could have covered it...It might have been something completely different they were asking him about or trying to get info about...also, if they feel the school may be covering up some kind of negligence...they may feel a 9 y.o. would be a more unbiased source...hopefully they would take his age into consideration with a grain of salt...

It's not that unusual to call a child to testify before the GJ, IF they have important information that could help the case. I have a feeling this child testified to more than just the talent show, however.
Very often children who are the victims of a crime will testify, both in the GJ and at trial. An actual trial would be more traumatizing for them. In a GJ, it's a little less formal, more relaxed and they don't have to be cross-examined by the defense attorney. And they do take into consideration that it is a child, so they don't try to intimidate them.
See and I had the complete opposite experience at my step-daughter's elementary school. There was always something going on. Practice was during school hours and sometimes it was important enough to invite parents and othertimes it wasn't. Science Fair - now that was a big deal. There was several months of work leading up to the "day". Reports written, experiment conducted, the exhibit board compiled, etc. Anybody with a kid today understands how all consuming on an entire household a science fair project is. A talent show may or may not be that big of deal. If he was just involved in a group thing (like singing) - it just may not have been that big of a deal. A solo, couples thing...different story. I just wouldn't read that much into it until we know the details.

Then I'm curious why Desiree and Kaine didn't take time out of their calendars to attend the big science fair.
Then I'm curious why Desiree and Kaine didn't take time out of their calendars to attend the big science fair.

As someone with a flexible schedule and can often drop by the school for an hour - I do know it is not a luxury all parents are afforded (you see the same parents at day time events, over and over). If TH was going to school for it -then I'm sure they thought they had the parent thing covered. Maybe if he "won" for his grade and went on to some semi-final type thing...then maybe all parents take time off work to go? Anyway - every family has different circumstances and I don't think we can make any judgements one way or the other based on who showed up and who didn't.
Is there any info regarding what time the talent show was to take place?

timeline thread
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here is BeanE's post. It was at 1300
Long time ago, but my middle son was in a talent show at the school, where several other parents attended and which I knew nothing about. One of them commented later that he had a nice voice. When I questioned her, she said my son sang a whole verse solo. I was working, of course, and missed that opportunity, which really made me angry that I knew nothing about this talent show so that I could rearrange my schedule to be there.
Sometimes these talent shows are not a big deal... they're mainly for the kids and teachers, and they're planned at the last minute, sometimes just a few weeks before they are to take place. I do not put much into the fact that Kaine or Desiree knew nothing about it.
Long time ago, but my middle son was in a talent show at the school, where several other parents attended and which I knew nothing about. One of them commented later that he had a nice voice. When I questioned her, she said my son sang a whole verse solo. I was working, of course, and missed that opportunity, which really made me angry that I knew nothing about this talent show so that I could rearrange my schedule to be there.
Sometimes these talent shows are not a big deal... they're mainly for the kids and teachers, and they're planned at the last minute, sometimes just a few weeks before they are to take place. I do not put much into the fact that Kaine or Desiree knew nothing about it.

But they both admitted they knew about the science fair.
Then I'm curious why Desiree and Kaine didn't take time out of their calendars to attend the big science fair.

or the talent show for that matter as Kaine left the office and was home by 1:45pm. but to each his own as some parents just don't have any desire to attend their child's school functions.
I said it once but I will say it again...she was THERE with the truck at 8:45, the projects were set up on students desks, WHY didn't she take the project with her that morning when she left, so it would be out of the way for the days lessons? Did it sit on Kyrons desk all day as a "reminder" he was not there?

Were all the other parents supposed to show up at 10:00 to take their child's project home? I don't understand what you are saying.
But they both admitted they knew about the science fair.

Okay, I know about every event at my stepdaughter's school, but I can't always take off of work to go see her. My husband had to go out of town for work once, and he missed a school event because of it. Some people have the luxury of being able to attend every little thing at school, and some don't. For all we know, KH was in debt up to his ears and had to work hard to pay it off. We know DY had a lot of medical debt, so I'm assuming she couldn't just take off work when she wanted to for all school activities.

Just because a parent can't make it to school even if they know about an event doesn't make them a bad or negligent parent. In this economy, it could mean they're working their butts off to stay afloat. And some bosses aren't as nice about taking time off as other bosses either. We can't judge them as parents because they didn't attend the science fair. That is way harsh and out of line. I wish I could be a stay at home mom and do every little thing with my stepdaughter, but I can't. Does that make me a horrible parent for wanting to get myself to better financial security instead of wallowing in debt but hey I made it to all of her school events? Absolutely not. I do the best I can with what I have, and I'm sure KH and DY did the same.

Long time ago, but my middle son was in a talent show at the school, where several other parents attended and which I knew nothing about. One of them commented later that he had a nice voice. When I questioned her, she said my son sang a whole verse solo. I was working, of course, and missed that opportunity, which really made me angry that I knew nothing about this talent show so that I could rearrange my schedule to be there.
Sometimes these talent shows are not a big deal... they're mainly for the kids and teachers, and they're planned at the last minute, sometimes just a few weeks before they are to take place. I do not put much into the fact that Kaine or Desiree knew nothing about it.

sometimes schools do things like these at the end of the year just to fill up time (don't kill the messenger) as things are drawing to a close and academics tend to start going out the window this time of year as teachers have to begin sending things home, clearing their rooms out, etc.

my second point (and i'm hesitant to say this but wth) sometimes these talent shows are pretty bad! i've been to a few and it is sometimes not a fun way to spend your if a parent went to something important in the am and had a baby in tow as well, i wouldn't throw stones if they didn't prioritize making it back to the school a second time (especially if the kid didn't have a major solo or something...)...again, don't kill the messenger...i just don't think we should even give a 2nd thought to why someone might not show up at a talent show we're not even sure was meant for parents.
nosysw, you reminded me of the time I sat through a third grade flutophone recital. It was precious, but oh my ears.
Okay, I know about every event at my stepdaughter's school, but I can't always take off of work to go see her. My husband had to go out of town for work once, and he missed a school event because of it. Some people have the luxury of being able to attend every little thing at school, and some don't. For all we know, KH was in debt up to his ears and had to work hard to pay it off. We know DY had a lot of medical debt, so I'm assuming she couldn't just take off work when she wanted to for all school activities.

Just because a parent can't make it to school even if they know about an event doesn't make them a bad or negligent parent. In this economy, it could mean they're working their butts off to stay afloat. And some bosses aren't as nice about taking time off as other bosses either. We can't judge them as parents because they didn't attend the science fair. That is way harsh and out of line. I wish I could be a stay at home mom and do every little thing with my stepdaughter, but I can't. Does that make me a horrible parent for wanting to get myself to better financial security instead of wallowing in debt but hey I made it to all of her school events? Absolutely not. I do the best I can with what I have, and I'm sure KH and DY did the same.

I find it interesting that the same people who keep saying there's no information to make Terri guilty in any way take the littlest thing and want to condemn KH and DY. So how is that fair? Seems like an awfully big double standard to me, and we aren't supposed to sleuth KH and DY anyway.

So why would Terri not attending be further proof of her guilt ?
Okay, I know about every event at my stepdaughter's school, but I can't always take off of work to go see her. My husband had to go out of town for work once, and he missed a school event because of it. Some people have the luxury of being able to attend every little thing at school, and some don't. For all we know, KH was in debt up to his ears and had to work hard to pay it off. We know DY had a lot of medical debt, so I'm assuming she couldn't just take off work when she wanted to for all school activities.

Just because a parent can't make it to school even if they know about an event doesn't make them a bad or negligent parent. In this economy, it could mean they're working their butts off to stay afloat. And some bosses aren't as nice about taking time off as other bosses either. We can't judge them as parents because they didn't attend the science fair. That is way harsh and out of line. I wish I could be a stay at home mom and do every little thing with my stepdaughter, but I can't. Does that make me a horrible parent for wanting to get myself to better financial security instead of wallowing in debt but hey I made it to all of her school events? Absolutely not. I do the best I can with what I have, and I'm sure KH and DY did the same.

I find it interesting that the same people who keep saying there's no information to make Terri guilty in any way take the littlest thing and want to condemn KH and DY. So how is that fair? Seems like an awfully big double standard to me, and we aren't supposed to sleuth KH and DY anyway.

I am not condemning anyone. I was addressing the statement which said that a science fair was a big deal, the talent show not so much. That is all.
So why would Terri not attending be further proof of her guilt ?

I never said it was. Please don't put words in my mouth. I was talking about KH and DY, not Terri. Maybe she had things to do and couldn't make it back to the talent show. Or maybe she knew Kyron wasn't going to be in it, so there was no point in going. We just don't know anything for sure. Just because she didn't go either doesn't mean that that automatically makes her guilty. That also applies to KH and DY, which was the point of my post. We don't know much information about anyone in this case, so we can't condemn KH and DY for the same no info but then use that no info to say that TH must be innocent. That makes no sense.
I never said it was. Please don't put words in my mouth. I was talking about KH and DY, not Terri. Maybe she had things to do and couldn't make it back to the talent show. Or maybe she knew Kyron wasn't going to be in it, so there was no point in going. We just don't know anything for sure. Just because she didn't go either doesn't mean that that automatically makes her guilty. That also applies to KH and DY, which was the point of my post. We don't know much information about anyone in this case, so we can't condemn KH and DY for the same no info but then use that no info to say that TH must be innocent. That makes no sense.

No, I was going by a number of posts I've read (here and since the rumor started about the talent show). I don't think who attended what makes any difference. Kaine said that he had something special planned because he couldn't attend the fair; I wouldn't expect Desiree to attend whether she was working or not, as she lived so far away. I wouldn't have expected Terri to attend the show at that time of day with a toddler.

Where's that red herring thread, btw ???
Hi all :seeya:

I was away from the computer for a couple of hours and upon coming back and catching up with this thread, I've noticed that a clarification needs to be reiterated about today's news re the classmate being called before the GJ.

Also, I hope this will help anyone who is just catching up this evening.

I'm copying the posts I feel were pertinent earlier this evening (between 6 and 8:30 p.m.) that hopefully will clear some things up.

Because of the back and forth of the quotes, I'm attempting to simplify below for reading continuity. :read:

nurseratchett starts this thread:

Talent Show Confirmed 6:05 p.m.

a 9 yo testified @ GJ last week, confirms he was to perform with Kyron at the talent show, but never saw Kyron at school that day...

KOIN news at 6, no link yet

Channel 6 at 6 Posted 6:09 p.m. AvalonBlue ON TODAY'S NEWS THREAD

On KOIN Local 6 report about the search today.
Not online yet.

Reporter talked about (and residents were shown) re searchers getting permission to search wooded areas behind certain houses.

Also, "questionnaires" were handed out to people driving in the area. They were shown pics of vehicles (incl. white truck.)

Story also stated that a friend of Ky's was interviewed by the GJ for "about 10 minutes." The mother of this friend was on TV yesterday re the 300 balloon event.

Story states that Ky was supposed to (I believe according to this mom) perform in the talent show with her son that Friday and that son said he never saw Ky that day.

I will link when the info comes up.

More re Channel 6 at 6 Posted 6:16 p.m. AvalonBlue ON TODAY'S NEWS THREAD

I recorded this on my DVR and will go back through the story to make sure I'm as accurate as I can be until we have the link to verify story.

To me, it seemed like there was LOTS of info and I just couldn't keep totally up with it and be 100% certain that I was getting everything down correctly with just my ears.

Originally Posted by nurseratchett on this thread 6:28 p.m.

a 9 yo testified @ GJ last week, confirms he was to perform with Kyron at the talent show, but never saw Kyron at school that day...

KOIN news at 6, no link yet


Yes, I just posted this and some notes on latest news thread until I get a link -- or someone else gets there before. I just get so nervous and want to get everything down properly.

As I scan this thread for the last few minutes, I'll look for a post with what I heard and if not there will get my notes up. Also, I recorded the story and am going back through to get quotes, details down correctly.

nurserachette 6:57 p.m.

Originally Posted by Emma Peel

I'm sorry, I have to ask - why would anyone ever need to drag in a 9 year old to testify in front of a grand jury about Kyron's planned participation in the talent show at school? It's unnecessary. The teachers can do that.

If this is true about a 9 year old @ the grand jury - then I have to think there is more substance to the testimony than talent show chit chat... and I wonder what it could be.

Originally Posted by nurseratchett

I'm not so certain he did testify to that info.. seems as if mom/media report made it appear mom knew GJ testimony was secret, and what she told media was not r/t what her son actually testified about.
I need to watch that clip again to get a better feel, it was quite brief.

7:10 p.m. Posted by AvalonBlue on this thread

Yes, nurse, I agree as to the story not being totally clear about what was GJ and what mom was reported as saying about the talent show. When I watched it back (DVR) it was said that mom did not ask child about his GJ testimony.

Wow, that's so ethical, if true, and so difficult, IMO.

Posted by nurseratchett 7:33 p.m.

Thank You :)

Originally Posted by AvalonBlue

Yes, nurse, I agree as to the story not being totally clear about what was GJ and what mom was reported as saying about the talent show. When I watched it back (DVR) it was said that mom did not ask child about his GJ testimony.

Wow, that's so ethical, if true, and so difficult, IMO.


OMG...I "thought" I heard that too, but wanted to confirm before I commented on it...thank you so much, woo hoo, I am not crazy after all..

Re: Classmate's Mom Not Asking Son About GJ Testimony 8:20 p.m.

Well, nurse, we may ALL be crazy trying to figure this case out and read between all the lines however, I am grateful that if we are ALL crazy that we are all crazy in this together!

So, since the mom said she did not ask her son about his GJ testimony, yet she volunteered the info about the talent show to the Channel 6 reporter, it seems at this point that the reason for the subpoena (as far as we can know) was to get the child's testimony about more than the talent show -- although it could have involved the talent show as well.

The longer this case goes on, especially with the questionable reporting by MSM, the more I feel like Bill Clinton when he did that whole crazy business of saying, "Well, it depends on what the word 'IS' means," -- or something along those lines -- during the Monica Lewinsky impeachment hearings.

I would watch the Airplane movies to get a little levity around how hilarious we people are when we take things too literally, however, I don't want to get any more confused than I am now!

So, I hope all is about as clear as mud to you now that I've "cleared" things up........:slap:

P.S. KOIN still does not have up video from their 6 p.m. news. :dj:
That is frustrating to me because I wish everyone could watch it for themselves. KOIN, IMO, had the most news tonight about the case on every front than any of the other local stations.

Just a thought, you know me, I always have to muddy up the waters, but maybe the mom was truthful she did not ask her son what the GJ asked him, maybe the mom had asked her son like 8 weeks or so ago, "was Kyron at the talent show? What was Kyron supposed to be doing in the talent show?", etc??? So, not asking him what the GJ asked him, but relaying to the media or whoever videotaped her at balloon release that her son said thus-and-so. Hmmmm? Could be true!!!

Nope, that's not how I meant either of those statements. She went to the grocery and DID NOT drive "aimlessly around", obviously, but in that version committed a crime at some point that morning. Since we don't know how firm the evidence is, we don't know the real time line. My thought was that if she felt she would be called earlier in the day, she didn't have a full day of time-stamped activities, COULDN'T have a full day of time-stamped activities and therefore went about the rest of her day as usual - the gym, facebook, etc.

And the call she was expecting was not a standard "Kyron is absent" call - in other threads we've talked about this already - but a call that said, "Did you take Kyron home this morning because we KNOW he was here this morning and now he's gone." Whether or not a school regularly calls in absences they most certainly call in if a young child is there one minute and gone the next.

Especially when its glaringly obvious hes not there as his science project sat on his desk. I'm betting his teacher 'assumed' Kyron was at this mysterious drs appointment, but we don;t know for a fact or not if Kyron was on some kind of meds where the teacher would have to fill out a form for the dr before the appointment..if he was, the teacher might have wondered, "why didn;t Terri give me the forms last week if his appt was today?"

Also, I must say this, yes its snarky but here it goes- Terri has a lot of nerve saying that it was "Kyrons teachers first year of teaching, and she was hard of hearing" which seems, to me, to be a condescending statement. Terri has alot of nerve saying that, as if SHE had so much experience as a "teacher", sure she had gone through the education but according to her CV she had only been a substitute teacher during her short "career" as a teacher, so "who is she" to criticize a new teacher who, by the end of the school year, had actually logged in more time as a teacher (full time teacher) than Terri ever did as a substitute. There, I said it. And, I feel better!


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