The "Totally Off Topic" Thread

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We are expecting teens and single digits at least until thursday so this mess is not going to clear soon. Do keep in touch with you SIL. It is ugly.

Well, if you get a cart and start driving - you best have someone take some pictures - would love to see your Suffolks - they are beautiful creatures. I think you should do it - it will be great fun for you ! :)
I will keep in touch with her. Have a BIL in Joplin, but he doesn't answer anyone. He's a very troubled and bitter man. Blames everyone else for any problem he has. I administer a 10,000 fund for his son for college. He won't kick in a dime for his education. Divorce thing.

I do drive Charlie. I have an antique springboard, a lightweight metal cart, a 2 seated surry (yes it has a detachable top complete with fringe and a Pioneer cart you can attach implements to. We have a blade on it now. We can either use it for a team or for single draft or driving horse.

Cute story. Went to see how long the cattle sale was going to be on Thrusday night. Went into the area behind the sale ring where they wait with the horses for more cattle to pen. There's a white Arab that lives there and is owned by the manager. I said "Hey there Whitey" and that horse walked right up to me and started getting his nose in my pockets. He remembed I always came with horse cookies in my pockets. Unfortunately he was disappointed this time.

Going to turn in for the night. The BarnGod took a nap earlier and then hit the hay early. Spending the day out in that cold really did him in.
And we're off to another interesting week with warm chinook winds blowing in, an easy work schedule and a healthy household. Hope everyone has a great week. Sure hope we get to hear about some of the forensic analysis info in the next few days.
What a neat thought BarnGoddess, to go to bed and snuggle with a god. :D
lol, alright!...i'm not needed today for the call just now:)

i can hang out with my coffee & be lazy for a bit longer this morning :cool:
close_enough said:
lol, alright!...i'm not needed today for the call just now:)

i can hang out with my coffee & be lazy for a bit longer this morning :cool:
I'm with you, close. All the kids are back in school after that elongated holiday/flu break and science projects are DONE. I had two loads of dishes calling my name and now it's ME time. Whoo hoo!

We finally got snow! YAY! It's a little icy here, but otherwise it looks pretty to me.

I hope all of you that have had worse conditions are coming out of it soon.
Taximom said:
I'm with you, close. All the kids are back in school after that elongated holiday/flu break and science projects are DONE. I had two loads of dishes calling my name and now it's ME time. Whoo hoo!

We finally got snow! YAY! It's a little icy here, but otherwise it looks pretty to me.

I hope all of you that have had worse conditions are coming out of it soon.

same here (in bold)

wish we'd get snow TM, but it's kinda rare to get much here in mid TN, other than a dusting here & there....when we DO get snow, (real accumulation) at least the last several years, it's gone by the next day.....
Our arctic front is leaving on Thursday! :woohoo: We had a bit of snow last nite but it's changed to rain. HOWEVER, since we still have that front looming, it's going to freeze tonite so that should make the roads interesting in the morning.

I could have commit murder myself yesterday morning. Two days a week I use my hubby's car and yesterday was one of them. He is such a freak about all the salt from the road crews.

Well! Sunday he washed his car and it's below zero. I said, it's not going above zero today, so what the heck are you doin?

Long story short, I couldn't get into the car the next morning. The door was frozen solid!! This is not a matter of not being able to get the key in the door because it was unlocked! That entire car was a block of ice. I finally had to get some warm water and pour it around the door seams. It took all my strength to scrape the windows - I practically needed an ice pick!!! Finally, I got going - good thing I got up an hour earlier that morning!! But it was like driving a mobile igloo!!
Hey guys .... had to get an injection today and was on a nebulizer (WOW!!!) as my breathing & coughing just hurt too much! Heck I felt window panes were breaking in my lungs and shards of glass stabbing inside ---> out.

Ugh ... I'd never encountered the WORD let alone the 'machine' of a nebulizer... but have I to admit, some 9 hours later ... am feeling really good! The steam cleared my head & I truly feel better. Doc said that if there is ANY sign of return, to literally run the hot water tap in the bathroom, seal doors/windows & 'get in there' to clear the lung and nasal passages.

Sorry if most of you moms know this, as I expect you might with lil kiddie-winks (i didn't).... but heck - if you don't know....: RUN that hot tap and steam the bathroom - it's miraculous! I did and since wrapped up warm & had double vitamin-spiked drink:heading back for my LAST night with this cold.

To all: hugs & g'nite... Polk :)
So glad you are feeling better PSA. I know all too well about a nebulizer. I have COPD and have to use one on a regular basis for breathing treatments, what a pain in the butt. Wrap up when you go outside and put a scarf over your nose and mouth and breath through that, the cold air can really send your bronchs into spasms if they are already irritated from all the coughing, etc.
curious1 said:
So glad you are feeling better PSA. I know all too well about a nebulizer. I have COPD and have to use one on a regular basis for breathing treatments, what a pain in the butt. Wrap up when you go outside and put a scarf over your nose and mouth and breath through that, the cold air can really send your bronchs into spasms if they are already irritated from all the coughing, etc.

Hey curious :) :blowkiss: ... ugh I ... was bout to sign off .... saw your note (thanks) Geeezsh, I never NEVER had such bad respiratory problems ... never saw a Nebu before ... and funnily enough was only told today about COPD. My heart goes out to you .... your advice matches Doc's to th T.... they even gave me a roll of gauze to wrap over/around to breathe thru.

Apparently GLOBAL WARMING is to blame for changing global temps - and we're supposed to be in the hottest desert worldwide - but have received record-breaking cold rains and winter temps SINCE RECORDS BEGAN!

Well, I'm 90% over it ... headin to bed NOW to get rid of the rest. Am amazed at this Nebulizer 'thing', curious .... gee and steamin up bathrooms - also told NOT to eat/swallow ANYTHING cool as that chills the inside of our bodies ----> and even water should be warmed in hot water or the microwave..

Gulp! Can u can tell I haven't had kids or been this ill before! Even FRUIT ..... doc says stick to fruit and water and they should be lightly warmed if you've got a slight chill :eek: ??? Woe.... CAN you believe I never knew this??? :doh:

Off to bed with a warm banana (now now .... settle down ....) and a glass of warm fizzy vits!

Hugs: Polk :D
Yea, you lucky girl. A 'Warm Bananna'. :innocent: Haa Haa Haa Haa :D :D :D ;) Scandi

Oh Annie, forgot to say I am really thankful you're getting well. Sounds like you've got a good old fashioned doctor. You're a special sparkplug Annie and we all just wub you :blowkiss:
:laugh: :laugh: "warm banana" That's a new one, PSA. :p

Ouch, what you have sounds painful! My mom used to fill a small pan with water, make a tin foil type chute to go over it and have me breath in the steam from the boiling water. You have to be careful, but it feels good when your lungs feel like there is glass breaking inside.

Get better soon!

Many years ago, I knew a woman that was from "olde" Europe somewhere and she gave me this wonderful recipe once that kicked my cold out in hours. All I remember was that it had some alcohol in it, but don't remember anything else. Sometimes I wish I had it now, but probably couldn't take it around the kids. It knocked me flat out. (Hmm on second thought...)
PolkSaladAnnie said:
snip....Off to bed with a warm banana (now now .... settle down ....)
Now you know you can't put a statement like that in there and expect us not to comment. :D
Crack me up Taximom, and Curious, I was going to tell her to enjoy eating her fruit like a good girl, but thought twice about it.

Lordie Do, I'll probably have to delete this post! :D :p
scandi said:
Crack me up Taximom, and Curious, I was going to tell her to enjoy eating her fruit like a good girl, but thought twice about it. :silenced::D

Lordie Do, I'll probably have to delete this post! :D :p
curious1 said:
Now you know you can't put a statement like that in there and expect us not to comment. :D

:D :D :D .... Taxi, scands and curious .... errrrr.... bwahhhaahahaaaa yep: I aim to get a Golden Globe Award for this one next year. Tee hee - Hot Bananas, eh? Forget Hot Tamale!!! These are amazing, the bend is exceptional and there are no strings attached; full of potassium - ideal size and, er, has amazing 'a-peel', my-oh-my .... lol ... ROTFLMAO!!!

Scands ... oh indeed ... er... we sure have those 'old fashioned' docs (house calls 'n all - it goes on the tab - with the little leather bag 'n lil bottles, gauze 'n all , heh heh...).

Seriously: we've all had the worse bout of flu *ever* - was suggested to hubby that being migration time for all those Asia/Pacific/African birds: well did DID THEY bring this bug over? No-one's answering....

We're 24 hrs behnd and G Globes are on - Tom Hanks just on stage - and great to see the awards so close to actual timing. Last year we were a week behind! Now they've got a young W Beattie on with a younger Faye Dunawaye ... oooph. We've aged, eh?

G'night - loved the laffs. Hugz and kizzez: Polk :crazy: :D :) :angel: :p
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