The "Totally Off Topic" Thread

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Thanks for the link. Okay, now back to other Off Topic subjects.
raisincharlie said:
I'm not sure how it came about - I don't recall the article telling that. I'll see if I can find that again. I think this came up during a medical ethics issue but no criminal charges were filed. Back in a bit.

Here's the link:

Not sure why she would have brought it up either but money would be a good thought.
So Hospenthal had "bad judgement" at the age of 33 yrs? I bet THAT hasn't changed one bit. I think he should only be able to work with patients of a certain age and maybe on top of that...just males!

Interesting that he met Danica the same way (through physical therapy).

Off my soapbox. :cool:
Taximom said:
So Hospenthal had "bad judgement" at the age of 33 yrs? I bet THAT hasn't changed one bit. I think he should only be able to work with patients of a certain age and maybe on top of that...just males!

Interesting that he met Danica the same way (through physical therapy).

Off my soapbox. :cool:
Of course I must say, I do not approve. :crazy:
BarnGoddess said:
Jilly, that's really interesting. I've never heard of them going after other birds before. Must be awfully cold and not enough other game for them to eat. We have a few hawks around here. There aren't that many trees for them to roost, but there are enough field mice for them, so they stay around. Our neighbor's have a large group of pines as a windbreak and we've seen more pheasant than ever. They seem to be roosting there. They come out in the morning and search the snow covered fields nearby for corn. There were corn fields and in harvesting, some kernels have dropped. They love the corn.

Oh BG - I'm glad someone found it interesting :D because it was really something! to me anyways! hehe. Not particularly cold - around 40 deg. I was quite surprised about this myself. I figured this crow must have been sick or injured or something. Very odd.

It must be neat to watch the pheasant. Are they managing to find any corn at all? I find all this fascinating.

I used to know a game warden - some great stories out of him. He had a huge eagle - wings spread - stuffed on his bar. He'd shot it :silenced: as it had swooped down and picked up his poodle.
jilly said:
Oh BG - I'm glad someone found it interesting :D because it was really something! to me anyways! hehe. Not particularly cold - around 40 deg. I was quite surprised about this myself. I figured this crow must have been sick or injured or something. Very odd.

It must be neat to watch the pheasant. Are they managing to find any corn at all? I find all this fascinating.

I used to know a game warden - some great stories out of him. He had a huge eagle - wings spread - stuffed on his bar. He'd shot it :silenced: as it had swooped down and picked up his poodle.
It is better to eat pheasant than to watch them, and if JY is not guilty we are all going to be a bunch of swooping hawks searching for crow :crazy:

Smile Jilly - I'm teasing with you - it is very interesting to watch the birds.
raisincharlie said:
It is better to eat pheasant than to watch them, and if JY is not guilty we are all going to be a bunch of swooping hawks searching for crow :crazy:

Smile Jilly - I'm teasing with you - it is very interesting to watch the birds.

:) :) :) :) I know, I know. I still have a sense of humor! hehe Since this case is so slow I've taken up bird watching! lol Now that's desperation for ya!

Up close they are ugly in the face. Ours are the ringneck as above.

We have red-tailed hawks nearby

Out at the Bonny Dam we have Bald Eagles. I've seen one around here.

We also have Mule Deer around. A herd of about 15

Because extreme Southeastern Colorado is devastated by the extreme deep snows, Pronghorn Antelope have moved into our area.

This, I think is what RaisinCharlie sees on his rides

ARGH, our roof is leaking!!! It appears to be from something called an "ice dam" according to my just googled findings!!!! Any advice? We've had a ton of snow and the temps are still below freezing but somehow some still melts and drips UNDER the snow but doesn't have anywhere to go but IN my home.

It's leaking into our attic and then down to our living room ceiling very slowly. We found the leak in the attic and I stuffed some old cloths there to absorb some water before it hits the living room ceiling but it's still leaking! I guess we call our insurance co tomorrow and someone will come look at it and hopefully fix it?

Anyone have this happen and know what to expect? I'm freaking out!! This will be the first time we've had to call the ins. agy for anything home related. Guess THAT bill will be going up.

I'll check back later to see if anyone responds. :( TIA!!!
BG Thank you for taking the time to put up all those pictures. I enjoyed looking at them. I've never seen a pheasant nor have I eaten one! It must be lovely living somewhere that you get to see all this wildlife.

Thanks again!
Taximom said:
ARGH, our roof is leaking!!! It appears to be from something called an "ice dam" according to my just googled findings!!!! Any advice? We've had a ton of snow and the temps are still below freezing but somehow some still melts and drips UNDER the snow but doesn't have anywhere to go but IN my home.

It's leaking into our attic and then down to our living room ceiling very slowly. We found the leak in the attic and I stuffed some old cloths there to absorb some water before it hits the living room ceiling but it's still leaking! I guess we call our insurance co tomorrow and someone will come look at it and hopefully fix it?

Anyone have this happen and know what to expect? I'm freaking out!! This will be the first time we've had to call the ins. agy for anything home related. Guess THAT bill will be going up.

I'll check back later to see if anyone responds. :( TIA!!!

I've not had that problem as we don't get much snow but I would recommend that you get some plastic sheeting and place around those leaks so that you might direct the water into some kind of container or tub. The cloth will only saturate and start leaking again.

Wish I knew what to tell you but I have no clues.
Taximom said:
ARGH, our roof is leaking!!! It appears to be from something called an "ice dam" according to my just googled findings!!!! Any advice? We've had a ton of snow and the temps are still below freezing but somehow some still melts and drips UNDER the snow but doesn't have anywhere to go but IN my home.

It's leaking into our attic and then down to our living room ceiling very slowly. We found the leak in the attic and I stuffed some old cloths there to absorb some water before it hits the living room ceiling but it's still leaking! I guess we call our insurance co tomorrow and someone will come look at it and hopefully fix it?

Anyone have this happen and know what to expect? I'm freaking out!! This will be the first time we've had to call the ins. agy for anything home related. Guess THAT bill will be going up.

I'll check back later to see if anyone responds. :( TIA!!!

Oh dear! :( Never heard of an ice dam....sorry! At least you found the leak!! We had a leak once and had a terrible time finding it. That water can run from a totally different area across the roof to where it's leaking out - frustrating! We used buckets until we got it fixed.

I don't know how bad your leak is but do you even have to contact your ins company? Might be easy to fix on your own? We don't call our insurance co for anything. We had a robbery years ago & some jewellry was stolen. We put in a claim of course. The bill did not go up at renewal because they wouldn't even insure us at renewal time! I HATE insurance cos.
Thanks for the advice about the plastic, raisin. I've been checking the cloth and changing it, but it would be a good idea to put plastic/tarp etc under that. At least it's still just a drip. We lowered the temp inside too to help stop the melting on the roof. It's well insulated so I'm not sure how the heat is escaping but it is. Between the temp and the cloth, the ceiling has stopped leaking and is actually drying up! You can still see the damage though.

According to a few websites on the subject there doesn't seem like there's much you can do about it except for a few changes. Those will probably have to wait till spring!

Jilly, I don't really want to call the ins agy but I don't think we'll have the funds to cover this repair. Not sure though. We can have a repair guy give us an estimate first I guess.

Sheesh, I just got all the kids back to school FINALLY and now this. It's always something! :doh:
Smart A Answer #5:

A flight attendant was stationed at the departure gate to check
tickets. As a man approached, she extended her hand for the ticket and
he opened his trench coat and flashed her. Without missing a beat she
said, "Sir, I need to see your ticket not your stub."

Smart A Answer #4:

A lady was picking through the frozen turkeys at the grocery store,
but she couldn't find one big enough for her family. She asked a stock
boy, "Do these turkeys get any bigger?" The stock boy replied, "No
ma'am, they're dead."

Smart A Answer #3:

The cop got out of his car and the kid who was stopped for speeding
rolled down his window. "I've been waiting for you all day," the cop
said. The kid replied, "Yeah, well I got here as fast as I could."
When the cop finally stopped laughing, he sent the kid on his way
without a ticket.

Smart A Answer #2:

A truck driver was driving along on the freeway. A sign comes up that
reads, "Low Bridge Ahead." Before he knows it, the bridge is right
ahead of him and he gets stuck under the bridge. Cars are backed up
for miles, Finally, a police car comes up. The cop gets out of his car
and walks to the truck driver, puts his hands on his hips and
says,"Got stuck, huh?" The truck driver says, "No, I was delivering
this bridge and ran out of gas."

Smart A Answer #1:

A college teacher reminds her class of tomorrow's final exam. "Now
class, I won't tolerate any excuses for you not being here tomorrow. I
might consider a nuclear attack or a serious personal injury or
illness, or a death in your immediate family, but that's it, no other
excuses whatsoever!" A smart *advertiser censored* guy in the back of the room raised
his hand and asked, "What would you say if tomorrow I said I was
suffering from complete and utter sexual exhaustion?" The entire class
is reduced to laughter and snickering. When silence was restored, the
teacher smiled knowingly at the student, shaking her head and sweetly
said "Well, I guess you'd have to write the exam with your other

keep on a smilin :)

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Samiya said:

Smart A Answer #4:

A lady was picking through the frozen turkeys at the grocery store,
but she couldn't find one big enough for her family. She asked a stock
boy, "Do these turkeys get any bigger?" The stock boy replied, "No
ma'am, they're dead."


keep on a smilin :)

This reminded me of a smart answer - one of my favorite things to do especially to female clerks in a convenience store. I always have fun with this - when you go into a convenience store to buy a soda or something, the clerk at the register always asks "you got gas" ? My answer is always the same - "that's kinda personal isn't it "?
Taximom said:
ARGH, our roof is leaking!!! It appears to be from something called an "ice dam" according to my just googled findings!!!! Any advice? We've had a ton of snow and the temps are still below freezing but somehow some still melts and drips UNDER the snow but doesn't have anywhere to go but IN my home.

It's leaking into our attic and then down to our living room ceiling very slowly. We found the leak in the attic and I stuffed some old cloths there to absorb some water before it hits the living room ceiling but it's still leaking! I guess we call our insurance co tomorrow and someone will come look at it and hopefully fix it?

Anyone have this happen and know what to expect? I'm freaking out!! This will be the first time we've had to call the ins. agy for anything home related. Guess THAT bill will be going up.

I'll check back later to see if anyone responds. :( TIA!!!
Check this out tm, hope it helps.


WARNING! Performing ice dam removal is risking severe personal injury and damage to the roof if not done properly. Never walk on a snow covered roof and make sure if your using a ladder you follow the proper safety procedures. I highly suggest contacting professionals with the proper equipment and roofing experience to carry out this job.

Immediate action: Remove snow and ice dam from the roof this will eliminate the main ingredients necessary for the formation of another ice dam and will usually stop the water from coming in within an hour. Using a roof rake and push broom (not water) remove the snow by carefully pulling it down the slope of the roof line. Never pull snow across the roof or it may break off the shingles and other damages. Then carefully chip away a channel through the ice dam so the water will be able to flow through, just make sure you stop when you get close to the roofing. It's not necessary to remove all of the ice in the gutters or the ice dam itself if you have removed the snow from the roof, it will melt when the temperatures rise.
Okay folks, will be scarce for a while. Leaving in the morning to take the red pony to the Port of Miami for shipment to Bremerhaven. From there off to Homested to catch the IRL open test and then flying out to Germany. Will be popping in and out once I get my schedule fixed. Just wanted to let you all know in advance.

Pack_fan - very nice win this evening by the NC State ladies, was nice of NC State to rename their floor at Reynolds for Kay Yow - she is a very good coach and I was glad to see her back on the sidelines. Excellent !
raisincharlie said:
Okay folks, will be scarce for a while. Leaving in the morning to take the red pony to the Port of Miami for shipment to Bremerhaven. From there off to Homested to catch the IRL open test and then flying out to Germany. Will be popping in and out once I get my schedule fixed. Just wanted to let you all know in advance.

Pack_fan - very nice win this evening by the NC State ladies, was nice of NC State to rename their floor at Reynolds for Kay Yow - she is a very good coach and I was glad to see her back on the sidelines. Excellent !
You will be missed, be sure to stop in and say hello. Hopefully we can wrap this thing up soon.

What about that lady wolfpack basketball team. We have had a good run against UNC this season which is unusual. I'm glad that they could win that one for Kay Yow. She is a magnificent lady and a real class act. NC State has been fortunate to be able to have her. She is an inspiration to many and has continued her battle with cancer with dignity. Very involved with breast cancer awareness and the Jimmy V foundation. They don't come much better than her. I was glad that they named the court for her, she deserved it.
pack_fan said:
You will be missed, be sure to stop in and say hello. Hopefully we can wrap this thing up soon.

What about that lady wolfpack basketball team. We have had a good run against UNC this season which is unusual. I'm glad that they could win that one for Kay Yow. She is a magnificent lady and a real class act. NC State has been fortunate to be able to have her. She is an inspiration to many and has continued her battle with cancer with dignity. Very involved with breast cancer awareness and the Jimmy V foundation. They don't come much better than her. I was glad that they named the court for her, she deserved it.
The only bad thing about watching this game - was when they switched cameras to the cheer leaders - I thought about Michelle - it was sad.
raisincharlie said:
The only bad thing about watching this game - was when they switched cameras to the cheer leaders - I thought about Michelle - it was sad.
I didn't know Michelle that well, actually not well at all but I still think about here everyday. I can't imagine what her family and friends are going through.

Have a great time in Germany and enjoy that little red pony. I expect an invite next time.
pack_fan said:
Check this out tm, hope it helps.


WARNING! Performing ice dam removal is risking severe personal injury and damage to the roof if not done properly. Never walk on a snow covered roof and make sure if your using a ladder you follow the proper safety procedures. I highly suggest contacting professionals with the proper equipment and roofing experience to carry out this job.

Immediate action: Remove snow and ice dam from the roof this will eliminate the main ingredients necessary for the formation of another ice dam and will usually stop the water from coming in within an hour. Using a roof rake and push broom (not water) remove the snow by carefully pulling it down the slope of the roof line. Never pull snow across the roof or it may break off the shingles and other damages. Then carefully chip away a channel through the ice dam so the water will be able to flow through, just make sure you stop when you get close to the roofing. It's not necessary to remove all of the ice in the gutters or the ice dam itself if you have removed the snow from the roof, it will melt when the temperatures rise.
LOL, my hubby ignored all safety warnings as usual. :rolleyes: Men!!! (Sorry, guys.)

I stood by with the phone in hand ready to dial 911 though.

We've certainly learned something new. We'll be preventing ice dams in the future rather than being the victim of one. What a pain. Now we need to dry out the attic and get the living room ceiling fixed.

All this time I kept thinking my problems are nothing compared to some of the news articles I read here (after I got through the initial shock!).

Raisin, safe travels! I'm looking for any Nascar cheating comments you may have. I have only seen a few seconds of that coverage here and there these past two days and want to know what the heck these grown men are thinking!!! :slap:
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