The Verdict - Do you agree or disagree? #4

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Like was said by LDB, 84, 84, 84 times? If you could prove someone made chloroform, bought chloroform, or bought the ingredience, then OK. But you can't, or the prosecution would have persued that. The prosecured even told you they didn't know if the chloroform was used, in the closing arguments. I think that was a BIG mistake, because if you (If you were a juror) were trying to use the chloroform in your decision, that gave a enough reasonable doubt right there. You can't say we only hope that chloroform......... That for me, while I was keeping an open mind and believing innocent until proven guilty, blew my mind. I remember thinking all this talk about chlorform, 84 times, and now they say, "We can only Hope."
I think it was pretty clear that chloroform was looked up because of the joke on the boyfriends facebook page. Or shall we say the joke on the facebook page caused reasonable doubt. Just MOO. It wasn't even proven that chloroform was made or used to the beyond a reasonable doubt. You can't focus on something unless you can connect it. That wasn't done by the prosecution. I don't really understand how/why people are holding on to this.

Forget the 84 times. It has no bearing here whatsoever. It only takes ONCE to learn how to make chloroform. How many times she looked it up is of no importance, but the fact that she DID look up how to make it....IS. If you equate every aspect as a "dot", let the chloroform lookup become a "dot". Then the scientific testing of the levels of chloroform in the trunk as a "dot". Then the decomp in the trunk as a "dot" with the knowledge that Caylee is dead - another "dot". She's found with the "Pooh blanket" and a laundry bag missing from the A's garage, two more dots. If you are able to connect the dots, it paints the picture. It's like a trail of crumbs and if you follow them, they will lead you to Suburban Dr. where Caylee was finally found. IMO, it's undisputable that the chloroform was researched not just to look up what it was but rather how it was made. This evidence I mentioned above tells me it was either made or gotten from a "friend" that knew already about chloroform (hint,hint IMO wasn't man enough to admit it was no joke but it was passed off as such) then in all likelihood it was administered, whether it was intended to cause death or not. If THAT was the accident, I can see why she kept it under her hat for three years as she would have surely gotten aggravated child abuse.

Most people are perceptive enough to NOT rule out any piece of evidence to come to a conclusion. You can't just disregard the chloroform search (singular) and testing and come to a fair resolution. It all fits together. Not a fake drowning, a father as an accomplice and/or sexual abuse.
Forget the 84 times. It has no bearing here whatsoever. It only takes ONCE to learn how to make chloroform. How many times she looked it up is of no importance, but the fact that she DID look up how to make it....IS. If you equate every aspect as a "dot", let the chloroform lookup become a "dot". Then the scientific testing of the levels of chloroform in the trunk as a "dot". Then the decomp in the trunk as a "dot" with the knowledge that Caylee is dead - another "dot". She's found with the "Pooh blanket" and a laundry bag missing from the A's garage, two more dots. If you are able to connect the dots, it paints the picture. It's like a trail of crumbs and if you follow them, they will lead you to Suburban Dr. where Caylee was finally found. IMO, it's undisputable that the chloroform was researched not just to look up what it was but rather how it was made. This evidence I mentioned above tells me it was either made or gotten from a "friend" that knew already about chloroform (hint,hint IMO wasn't man enough to admit it was no joke but it was passed off as such) then in all likelihood it was administered, whether it was intended to cause death or not. If THAT was the accident, I can see why she kept it under her hat for three years as she would have surely gotten aggravated child abuse.

Most people are perceptive enough to NOT rule out any piece of evidence to come to a conclusion. You can't just disregard the chloroform search (singular) and testing and come to a fair resolution. It all fits together. Not a fake drowning, a father as an accomplice and/or sexual abuse.

Yet another local example as to why the DT's opening statement theory was pile of manure and the drowning never happened.
Forget the 84 times. It has no bearing here whatsoever. It only takes ONCE to learn how to make chloroform. How many times she looked it up is of no importance, but the fact that she DID look up how to make it....IS. If you equate every aspect as a "dot", let the chloroform lookup become a "dot". Then the scientific testing of the levels of chloroform in the trunk as a "dot". Then the decomp in the trunk as a "dot" with the knowledge that Caylee is dead - another "dot". She's found with the "Pooh blanket" and a laundry bag missing from the A's garage, two more dots. If you are able to connect the dots, it paints the picture. It's like a trail of crumbs and if you follow them, they will lead you to Suburban Dr. where Caylee was finally found. IMO, it's undisputable that the chloroform was researched not just to look up what it was but rather how it was made. This evidence I mentioned above tells me it was either made or gotten from a "friend" that knew already about chloroform (hint,hint IMO wasn't man enough to admit it was no joke but it was passed off as such) then in all likelihood it was administered, whether it was intended to cause death or not. If THAT was the accident, I can see why she kept it under her hat for three years as she would have surely gotten aggravated child abuse.

Most people are perceptive enough to NOT rule out any piece of evidence to come to a conclusion. You can't just disregard the chloroform search (singular) and testing and come to a fair resolution. It all fits together. Not a fake drowning, a father as an accomplice and/or sexual abuse.

KC didn't make chlorform, there was absolutly not one piece of evidence to come to that conclusion, and the prosecution never even went there.
You say there are all these dots but you can't connect them to anybody. It is clear that speculation didn't work with the jury and IMOO anybody that watched this trial with the absolute thoughts of "Innocent until proven guilty"

I truly believe that from the beginning most people said KC was guilty from day one and continued to think so all the way through the trial. I'm not bashing anyone for doing that, they have every right, but it isn't the way that our court system works.
Here's the dilemma. What was the state's theory on how Caylee died? That she was chloroformed and duct taped by her mother, then thrown in the trunk? Now before everyone jumps up and says they don't have to prove how she died, why float a theory to the jury then? Why introduce the chloroform evidence if you don't have a theory as to how it was used in connection to the crime?
KC didn't make chlorform, there was absolutly not one piece of evidence to come to that conclusion, and the prosecution never even went there.

You say there are all these dots but you can't connect them to anybody. It is clear that speculation didn't work with the jury and IMOO anybody that watched this trial with the absolute thoughts of "Innocent until proven guilty"

I truly believe that from the beginning most people said KC was guilty from day one and continued to think so all the way through the trial. I'm not bashing anyone for doing that, they have every right, but it isn't the way that our court system works.

There is no evidence to show that FCA DID NOT make chloroform either. Since chloroform is made from bleach, ice, & acetone and all of those could have been present in the Anthony home. OCSO would have had to find a bottle of homemade chloroform to prove it. And IMO, FCA had plenty of time to ditch any homemade chloroform ... what would you do if you had killed your kid with chloroform ? Hand the bottle over to police ?

Obviously, you and I were not watching the same trial. You choose to ignore all of the "consciousness of guilt" evidence as well as the detailed forensics around the body and the car. You choose to ignore the jailhouse interviews, the tattoo, lying to police, the borrowing of the shovel, etc etc etc. None of those "dots" in and of itself proves that FCA killed Caylee and disposed of the body. But for those who choose to work the puzzle, it's actually quite simple to make the connection.

And most of us verdict supporters know how the court systems works ... sometimes innocent people go to jail and guilty ones walk. And sometimes a jury just doesn't get it, doesn't understand the jury instructions, and makes a mistake. In this case, it was a huge mistake ...

Always my opinion ...
My Opinion (and it wont be popular):

I think the prosecution did a very poor job, particularly at the end. In my opinion they focused way too much attention on some very questionable parts of their own case. Specifically, the internet seaches and the chloroform.

First, the web searches. Sorry guys, but anyone who is familiar with computers knew that ICA did not search out how to make this that many times. That's just ridiculous, and when the manufacturer of the damn software TELLS the prosecution that there is an error, and they ignore it, it's not ridiculous, it is bordering on criminal.

As for the Chloroform itself... it was found in the trunk using brand new and largely experimental science. It is also VERY hard to believe that the miniscule quantity of this volatile chemical required to subdue a child would persist for months. That they discovered high levels calls into question the the search methods. Further, the idea that this party girl was secretly making chloroform is pretty silly -- I suspect ICA is too lazy to make Mac and Cheese.

Moving along: JA's behavior in court, particularly during the closing arguments, was outrageous. I really like the guy, but that was beyond unprofessional. I believe it influenced the jury.

The defense's closing argument about what constitutes reasonable doubt was brilliant and unrebutted. It was technically correct, but totally misleading, in that they managed to paint a picture (with a nice sign no less) that beyond a reasonable doubt meant that every possible question was answered to 100% satisfaction. And, amazingly, the prosecution decided to let that slide. The prosecution sent the jury in there with THOSE instructions.

Do I believe the jury did their job? No. Not even close. They didn't bother to review anything. The did not bother to listen to or ensure they understood their instructions. They clearly got several pieces of evidence wrong. But there you go, and what do you expect when the freaking prosecutor is acting like a Kindergartener during the closing arguments. If he can't be serious why should they.
There is no evidence to show that FCA DID NOT make chloroform either. Since chloroform is made from bleach, ice, & acetone and all of those could have been present in the Anthony home. OCSO would have had to find a bottle of homemade chloroform to prove it. And IMO, FCA had plenty of time to ditch any homemade chloroform ... what would you do if you had killed your kid with chloroform ? Hand the bottle over to police ?

For one thing, I don't know of any household that has acetone just laying around. I believe that she would have had to have purchased it to make chloroform. Being broke as she was, I just don't see it. But still if she did purchase acetone, and make chloroform, nobody proved it or even tried to prove it.

Obviously, you and I were not watching the same trial. You choose to ignore all of the "consciousness of guilt" evidence as well as the detailed forensics around the body and the car. You choose to ignore the jailhouse interviews, the tattoo, lying to police, the borrowing of the shovel, etc etc etc. None of those "dots" in and of itself proves that FCA killed Caylee and disposed of the body. But for those who choose to work the puzzle, it's actually quite simple to make the connection.

I watched the same trial. Lying, Tatoo's, partying: are not evidence or proof, that she murdered Caylee. There wasn't anything surrounding the shovel that proved anything. Nothing ties KC to disposing the body.

And most of us verdict supporters know how the court systems works ... sometimes innocent people go to jail and guilty ones walk. And sometimes a jury just doesn't get it, doesn't understand the jury instructions, and makes a mistake. In this case, it was a huge mistake ...

Always my opinion ...

There are many that didn't like the verdict. I didn't like it but I am just saying I agree with it. I wouldn't want anybody to be sentanced to the crime of 1st degree murder, or the other 2 either, with the evidence that the prosecution had. I know it was a hard case to prosecute, but IMOO they over charged. I believe the KC had something to do with Caylee's death but I don't know the answer and I wouldn't assume anything. I really don't know if she acted alone. It all just didn't work for me and I would really like to know more. I will be really surprised if we ever find out the truth.
I think what is really interesting is the fact that CA was able to pinpoint that time when the searches were done as having serious concerns about the sleepiness and grogginess of her dogs. Wonder how long that was a problem? I guess if you were to test chloroform on the dogs and it did not kill them someone might think would be safe for a child. If you were included to use it, that is. jmo
I don't think they understood the instructions either and wasn't going to take the time to ask any questions. I think they wanted to go home and that was the bottom line. How could anyone with a half a brain in their head not find her guilty? If those 12 people had really listened to all of the evidence and looked at the whole pic it would have been impossible to have let her walk out of there. I hope they are all proud of theirselves and that they can sleep at night. This trial wasn't just about Casey Anthony. It was about a little girl being murdered by her mom because of problems between mom and grandmaw and because mom didn't want to be tied down by a child but wasn't about to give the little girl to the grandparents. Casey Anthony wanted to party and sleep around and live her life without a child hanging on her coattails. She murdered Caylee. There is no doubt about it. The thing that irks me now that the trial is over and that piece of slime walked is...why doesn't the media just forget about her? She is glorying in all of the attention. The media talks about her day and night. She wants millions to do an interview. Since when does a murderer get paid for murdering a little child. Since when is the murderer paid to do interview like she is someone special. She might be someone special in Baizs and the old man's eyes but that is about it. Oh and Dorothy the female attorney. I would suppose they are supporting Anthony and if so, more power to them if they want to waste their money on that lowlife. The media and other dense people need to stop treating Anthony like she is someone worth millions for an interview and treat her like what she is...a killer. The whole thing makes me sick and it starts with the jurors that had their heads stuck somewhere while the trial was going on. I hope they are all proud of themselves. It is just sickening.

You said all that I would want to say. It's taken me almost 4 weeks to be able to come in here, since I knew if I vented early on, I would recieve a TOS. I can't understand why I can't get over my anger, I have never felt this way about another person, especially one that I don't even know, but I do. She knows she's hated by so many and still wrinkles her nose at attorneys and they coddle her alittle more? She really doesn't bat an eye lash at the distaste for her, or what she's done. I guess I'd better quit here and try again in a couple more weeks. :banghead:
The subject of chloroform will not go away. I think that is because some posters who agree with the verdict continue to dispute the evidence of chloroform. I posted my thoughts on this yesterday at 1:26pm, it is #33.
I don't want to quote my entire post. What it comes down to is that if FCA did not use chloroform to render Caylee Marie unconscious before she applied the duct tape, this makes her one of the most evil people on this planet. Rip off one strip of duct tape to bind Caylee Marie's tiny wrists, so she can't reach up and pull the tape off of her nose and mouth. Those three strips of duct tape found embedded in hair, were overlapping. The purpose: to securely cover both Caylee Marie's nose and mouth. No, nothing shielded Caylee Marie's eyes from seeing who was doing this. Her big brown eyes must have first reflected fear, then horror, then agony, then nothing, dead eyes, as she took her last painful breath. Her eyes must have been pleading for FCA to stop, must have conveyed that she promised to be good from then on, begged, mommy, please don't do this, mommy, I can't breathe, it hurts, moooommmmm................. The end of Caylee Marie.
So, can we accept the above scenario as possible, as horrific as it is. It hurts me to think of this, I had tears in my eyes and still do, imagining that tiny helpless little babe fighting for her life and restrained from averting inevitable death. That Caylee Marie could, should, and now would die, was decided by the one who wanted her dead and gone and out of her life, forever.
Did mommy dearest look on with satisfaction, thinking she finally did it, as she watched her daughter struggle. How could she. How could anyone do this. How could a mother do this to her own child. I don't know how the body reacts to being suffocated, but I am sure that it is extremely painful, and is torture if the one meant to die is conscious.

So, back we go to the chloroform. Now that doesn't sound so bad after all, does it. Compared to conscious awareness, the chloroform would put Caylee Marie to sleep so the taping wouldn't be such a hassle for mommy.
This is so disgusting to contemplate. How. How could anyone do this. It is evil, and it can only come from an evil being.
This is all IMHO, and no I don't have proof that it happened this way.

I also hope that chloroform was used first, so Caylee Marie wasn't aware of what was going to be her last moments alive.
I think what is really interesting is the fact that CA was able to pinpoint that time when the searches were done as having serious concerns about the sleepiness and grogginess of her dogs. Wonder how long that was a problem? I guess if you were to test chloroform on the dogs and it did not kill them someone might think would be safe for a child. If you were included to use it, that is. jmo

It would be intresting to know if CA thought about that.
My Opinion (and it wont be popular):

I think the prosecution did a very poor job, particularly at the end. In my opinion they focused way too much attention on some very questionable parts of their own case. Specifically, the internet seaches and the chloroform.

First, the web searches. Sorry guys, but anyone who is familiar with computers knew that ICA did not search out how to make this that many times. That's just ridiculous, and when the manufacturer of the damn software TELLS the prosecution that there is an error, and they ignore it, it's not ridiculous, it is bordering on criminal.

I am very familiar with computers and know that you only need to search for a web page ONE time to get the information requested. (How To Make Chloroform). All you need is a paper and pencil or printer to retain that information. For that matter, you could save the web page contents to a file. The number of times it was viewed (not searched) is irrelevant.

As for the Chloroform itself... it was found in the trunk using brand new and largely experimental science. It is also VERY hard to believe that the miniscule quantity of this volatile chemical required to subdue a child would persist for months. That they discovered high levels calls into question the the search methods. Further, the idea that this party girl was secretly making chloroform is pretty silly -- I suspect ICA is too lazy to make Mac and Cheese.

A miniscule quantity of a volatile chemical that is detected months later is very significant to me. Who knows, maybe KC bought the chloroform from somebody else. Maybe she was looking up how to make it because she didn't have enough money to buy from her regular "supplier".

Moving along: JA's behavior in court, particularly during the closing arguments, was outrageous. I really like the guy, but that was beyond unprofessional. I believe it influenced the jury.

If this influenced the jury then they did not follow the jury instructions. They are told specifically not to allow their feelings about an attorney factor into their verdict.

The defense's closing argument about what constitutes reasonable doubt was brilliant and unrebutted. It was technically correct, but totally misleading, in that they managed to paint a picture (with a nice sign no less) that beyond a reasonable doubt meant that every possible question was answered to 100% satisfaction. And, amazingly, the prosecution decided to let that slide. The prosecution sent the jury in there with THOSE instructions.

Not so sure it was unrebutted, but with two different "definitions" of reasonable doubt, it certainly confused them. (IMO)

Do I believe the jury did their job? No. Not even close. They didn't bother to review anything. The did not bother to listen to or ensure they understood their instructions. They clearly got several pieces of evidence wrong. But there you go, and what do you expect when the freaking prosecutor is acting like a Kindergartener during the closing arguments. If he can't be serious why should they.

I think JA's giggle was wrong, but (IMO) both sides were acting like kindergartners.

Thank you for your input. My comments to your observations are embedded in blue. Unfortunately, there is a whole lot of other evidence/information that (should have) went into the jury's decision and when you put them all together should have (IMO) resulted in a guilty verdict (of at least manslaughter).
Like was said by LDB, 84, 84, 84 times? If you could prove someone made chloroform, bought chloroform, or bought the ingredience, then OK. But you can't, or the prosecution would have persued that. The prosecured even told you they didn't know if the chloroform was used, in the closing arguments. I think that was a BIG mistake, because if you (If you were a juror) were trying to use the chloroform in your decision, that gave a enough reasonable doubt right there. You can't say we only hope that chloroform......... That for me, while I was keeping an open mind and believing innocent until proven guilty, blew my mind. I remember thinking all this talk about chlorform, 84 times, and now they say, "We can only Hope."
I think it was pretty clear that chloroform was looked up because of the joke on the boyfriends facebook page. Or shall we say the joke on the facebook page caused reasonable doubt. Just MOO. It wasn't even proven that chloroform was made or used to the beyond a reasonable doubt. You can't focus on something unless you can connect it. That wasn't done by the prosecution. I don't really understand how/why people are holding on to this.

Ingredients for making chloroform were in the Anthony home according to search warrants and Cindy's own testimony about acetone usage on Caylee's fingernails. Casey did not have to purchase the items. The prosecutions' statement about hoping it was used was regarding mercy and the prayer that Caylee did not suffer. Moreover, Casey made the searches on two seperate days March 17th and March 21st. She did not get the idea from Ricardo's myspace. He did not upload the image to his myspace till March 18th. Refer below...

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Anthony's Computer Forensics[/ame]
The subject of chloroform will not go away. I think that is because some posters who agree with the verdict continue to dispute the evidence of chloroform. I posted my thoughts on this yesterday at 1:26pm, it is #33.
I don't want to quote my entire post. What it comes down to is that if FCA did not use chloroform to render Caylee Marie unconscious before she applied the duct tape, this makes her one of the most evil people on this planet. Rip off one strip of duct tape to bind Caylee Marie's tiny wrists, so she can't reach up and pull the tape off of her nose and mouth. Those three strips of duct tape found embedded in hair, were overlapping. The purpose: to securely cover both Caylee Marie's nose and mouth. No, nothing shielded Caylee Marie's eyes from seeing who was doing this. Her big brown eyes must have first reflected fear, then horror, then agony, then nothing, dead eyes, as she took her last painful breath. Her eyes must have been pleading for FCA to stop, must have conveyed that she promised to be good from then on, begged, mommy, please don't do this, mommy, I can't breathe, it hurts, moooommmmm................. The end of Caylee Marie.
So, can we accept the above scenario as possible, as horrific as it is. It hurts me to think of this, I had tears in my eyes and still do, imagining that tiny helpless little babe fighting for her life and restrained from averting inevitable death. That Caylee Marie could, should, and now would die, was decided by the one who wanted her dead and gone and out of her life, forever.
Did mommy dearest look on with satisfaction, thinking she finally did it, as she watched her daughter struggle. How could she. How could anyone do this. How could a mother do this to her own child. I don't know how the body reacts to being suffocated, but I am sure that it is extremely painful, and is torture if the one meant to die is conscious.

So, back we go to the chloroform. Now that doesn't sound so bad after all, does it. Compared to conscious awareness, the chloroform would put Caylee Marie to sleep so the taping wouldn't be such a hassle for mommy.
This is so disgusting to contemplate. How. How could anyone do this. It is evil, and it can only come from an evil being.
This is all IMHO, and no I don't have proof that it happened this way.

I also hope that chloroform was used first, so Caylee Marie wasn't aware of what was going to be her last moments alive.

I'm not a doctor or nurse even, but IMO if someone is put in a traumatic situation, I think they could be brought back to conciousness from the fright. It's possible, but either way she's evil. :sick:
It is extremely difficult for me to write what I am about to, because I believe with all of my heart that ,<mod snip>KC/FCA/etc is guilty of something that should have landed her in prison for at least the majority of her life.

The chloroform thing was always so hard for me truly believe. The only thing that made the idea a possibility for me was the number "84." I know that I love my access to the internet and that I will research *anything* that piques my curiousity. The only thing that stops me from googling everything that crosses my mind is the realization that some topics could be misunderstood by the authorities or else straight up crimes.

Sociopathy doesn't mean automatic criminal genius, and I have a very hard time imagining FCA bothering with making chloroform and subjecting herself to the dangers associated with the process. She had duct tape. She didn't need anything else to smother a 2 year old child.

Her father had access to industrial strength automotive cleaning products and I think most of us are absolutely certain that CA cleaned the living daylights out of that car. Chloroform, of course, would very likely be a component of such solutions.

I've said that I feel she is guilty of something serious, but let me also say I don't believe it for a moment that it was an accident. When the prosecution was talking about how Caylee would have most likely been restrained and mentioned that her arms might have been held in place ... I saw FCA clutch at her own wrist. And I fully believe, with absolute certainty, that the look on her face when she did so was the look of someone vividly remembering something to the point of almost reliving it.

I wouldn't have needed the chloroform to have convicted her, had I sat on the jury.

I thought the chloroform levels were discovered first,then the computer expert was asked to look for anything with chloroform on the computer.
If the chloroform levels were within a range they would typically find when a body decomposes in a car (yes,it happens according to the tow yard guy) then why would they look for chloroform on the computer? The detectives ,FBI and Dr. Vass wouldn't have thought anything of it .

Being left in a hot trunk in FL could have killed Caylee.Just being being left in the car in her carseat ,could have killed Caylee. LE and the SA's didn't need to look for something. It was just there. The duct tape sealed the deal,IMO.
It would be intresting to know if CA thought about that.

I wonder that too. Way back when this first happened, LP (The Bounty Hunter) made reference to KC being seen at a nearby motel that night. Either late on the the 15th or after midnight making it June 16th. Stands to reason that if her and Cindy had that awful fight, she would have left.
Never heard another word about that, but according to him, she was seen walking around the parking lot for awhile. It was close enough to her house where her phone would have pinged from the same tower as Hopespring where they lived.
That has always stuck in my mind, that she did this to Caylee, then stood outside the car so she wouldn't have to listen to muffled cries and kicking, until poor little Caylee was dead.
I wish someone would find that statement and bring it out to see if it's true.
Ingredients for making chloroform were in the Anthony home according to search warrants and Cindy's own testimony about acetone usage on Caylee's fingernails. Casey did not have to purchase the items. The prosecutions' statement about hoping it was used was regarding mercy and the prayer that Caylee did not suffer. Moreover, Casey made the searches on two seperate days March 17th and March 21st. She did not get the idea from Ricardo's myspace. He did not upload the image to his myspace till March 18th. Refer below...

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Anthony's Computer Forensics

The acetone on Caylee's fingernails would't be the same acetone that you use to make chlorform. It's not polish remover.
I wonder that too. Way back when this first happened, LP (The Bounty Hunter) made reference to KC being seen at a nearby motel that night. Either late on the the 15th or after midnight making it June 16th. Stands to reason that if her and Cindy had that awful fight, she would have left.
Never heard another word about that, but according to him, she was seen walking around the parking lot for awhile. It was close enough to her house where her phone would have pinged from the same tower as Hopespring where they lived.
That has always stuck in my mind, that she did this to Caylee, then stood outside the car so she wouldn't have to listen to muffled cries and kicking, until poor little Caylee was dead.
I wish someone would find that statement and bring it out to see if it's true.

Ingredients for making chloroform were in the Anthony home according to search warrants and Cindy's own testimony about acetone usage on Caylee's fingernails. Casey did not have to purchase the items. The prosecutions' statement about hoping it was used was regarding mercy and the prayer that Caylee did not suffer. Moreover, Casey made the searches on two seperate days March 17th and March 21st. She did not get the idea from Ricardo's myspace. He did not upload the image to his myspace till March 18th. Refer below...

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Anthony's Computer Forensics

If it is the Acetone that you purchase from a hardware store, I didn't know you could use it on your fingernails. If it is one in the same then I will have to think about the chloroform a little differently. Still, I don't that they (prosecution) followed through anough on it. JMOO
The acetone on Caylee's fingernails would't be the same acetone that you use to make chlorform. It's not polish remover.

Acetone is often the primary component in cleaning agents such as nail polish remover.

[ame=""]Acetone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Acetone-2D-skeletal.svg" class="image" title="Skeletal formula of acetone"><img alt="" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/f/fb/Acetone-2D-skeletal.svg/121px-Acetone-2D-skeletal.svg.png[/ame]
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