Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh? #3

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Misty may have taken out garbage through that door and thought she locked it, but didnt' have it closed all the way so the dead bolt slid but not into the door jamb.

The A/C guy may have used the door and didn't think about locking it.

HC2 may have opened the door while he was there.

The kids may have opened the door while they were there.

Maybe Ron's normal procedure is to check the lock before he leaves for work, but didn't that time.

Whatever the case, I don't think it matters, because I think the intruder came in through the front door and used the back for the exit. I also think the doors were propped open because the intruder was going to empty the house of valuables down the ramp to an awaiting vehicle.
Before anyone says there was nothing of real value let me recount a true story. We had a used 2 bedroom mobile home on our farm land for weekends. It was filled with old furniture that would have been sent to the Goodwill. Everything in it was used and old from sheets to the rabbit ear tv. One weekend we arrived to find it had been emptied of everything, including bath towels and matresses. One man's trash - another's treasure.

I often wonder who was so desperate that they needed all of our old mis-matched, used furnishings. Apparently, someone did. Funny thing, if I would have known someone was that depserate, I had a lot more stuff that I could have given to them to set up a house. But, I guess stealing is better than asking for help. Who knew?

Gee, DotsEyes, you just hit me over the head with a motive I hadn't considered....robbery of stuff, not drugs or a gun! The bolded sentences make perfect sense, because it would have been a lot easier to carry stuff out the back door and ramp than out the front door, across the screened porch, and down steps. If a van was involved and the side door was open, this would have screened things from view to a high degree.

It may have been expected that nobody was home, but Haleigh woke up and so became a witness.
If the "intruder" is supposed to be HC2 (and/or JO) and he (they) came upon Haleigh, there would have been no reason to resort to child kidnapping (or murder even). RC had called Tyler St. and inquired about Misty's whereabouts. So before HC2 (and/or JO) theoretically backed up the van and started loadin' her up anyway they'd give at least a cursory glance around to determine if house was occupied. But even if HC2 decided to pick this of all times to rob the place--the one time RC would be sure to connect or suspect someone from Tyler St.--HC2 (and/or JO) had a built-in readymade excuse. So that whether Misty was there or not, he/they could've simply told Haleigh they were checking for her daddy who had been worried and was looking for or trying to reach Misty. Hardly a reason to abduct a child IMO... to say nothing of murdering or stowing away a child from there on out. :confused: I'm personally not prepared to accuse either of these individuals of a sexual motivation where a five year-old is concerned based upon Misty's allegations. JMO

Gee, DotsEyes, you just hit me over the head with a motive I hadn't considered....robbery of stuff, not drugs or a gun! The bolded sentences make perfect sense, because it would have been a lot easier to carry stuff out the back door and ramp than out the front door, across the screened porch, and down steps. If a van was involved and the side door was open, this would have screened things from view to a high degree.

It may have been expected that nobody was home, but Haleigh woke up and so became a witness.

It becomes clearer now, if you set aside alot of the assumptions about drugs. Which I don't see LE even concentrating on that aspect, if they are, they surely haven't said so to my knowledge as it being a part of this missing case as to motive or evidence leading them in any direction in the investigation.

I've never used alledged drugs as a motive looking at this case. You can see things happening more logically now, the perp being there either to take Haleigh, Misty or Jr. and or a robbery gone bad. Makes a whole lot more sense. Even with the van and scratching, it comes together and fits easier.

We know two different males had access and did enter the home of Ron while he was gone to work that late evening day. Either one could have premeditated a later set up to make the home easier access or after having been there, dreamed up the idea of returning later.

I haven't ruled out this ac guy and for the life of me can't figure out why LE hasn't stayed stuck on him just as much as Misty and Tommy. He was a stranger/male/and had been at that home that day for the first time. Then the exact day/night that he has been to Ron's home, his daughter goes missing? That's a big coincidence? Not in my eyes.

THe ac guy was there, that was an unusual occurance in the home and lives of this family. So often crimes are solved and committed because you look at "Whats different?" "What happened that isn't a norm in the home at or around the time?" "Who has the victim come into contact with and is those contacts a rarity?"

Normally a strange person having been in someones home would be the ideal number one suspect, why isn't the ac man? How has his alibi checked out more or better than Rons, Mistys, and Tommy's because he hasn't got a LE alibi either? Even if he was filmed being somewhere like a convenience store, atm, street cams, receipts, phone logs, whatever, theres still a long period of time making an alibi window of several hours to have to be proven and confirmed. :waitasec: Does LE have this ac man on video somewhere else other than the home for hours? He's not cleared in my eyes at all.

Unless he was admitted to the hospital at ten oclock til 3:00 a.m. or caught in the sheriffs office video this entire time. Did he go home, his spouse vouch for his alibi time? :waitasec: It's odd the ac man was there, was in the home and then something happened to Haleigh, odd enough he should still be a person of interest at least.
It becomes clearer now, if you set aside alot of the assumptions about drugs. Which I don't see LE even concentrating on that aspect, if they are, they surely haven't said so to my knowledge as it being a part of this missing case as to motive or evidence leading them in any direction in the investigation.

I've never used alledged drugs as a motive looking at this case. You can see things happening more logically now, the perp being there either to take Haleigh, Misty or Jr. and or a robbery gone bad. Makes a whole lot more sense. Even with the van and scratching, it comes together and fits easier.

We know two different males had access and did enter the home of Ron while he was gone to work that late evening day. Either one could have premeditated a later set up to make the home easier access or after having been there, dreamed up the idea of returning later.

I haven't ruled out this ac guy and for the life of me can't figure out why LE hasn't stayed stuck on him just as much as Misty and Tommy. He was a stranger/male/and had been at that home that day for the first time. Then the exact day/night that he has been to Ron's home, his daughter goes missing? That's a big coincidence? Not in my eyes.

THe ac guy was there, that was an unusual occurance in the home and lives of this family. So often crimes are solved and committed because you look at "Whats different?" "What happened that isn't a norm in the home at or around the time?" "Who has the victim come into contact with and is those contacts a rarity?"

Normally a strange person having been in someones home would be the ideal number one suspect, why isn't the ac man? How has his alibi checked out more or better than Rons, Mistys, and Tommy's because he hasn't got a LE alibi either? Even if he was filmed being somewhere like a convenience store, atm, street cams, receipts, phone logs, whatever, theres still a long period of time making an alibi window of several hours to have to be proven and confirmed. :waitasec: Does LE have this ac man on video somewhere else other than the home for hours? He's not cleared in my eyes at all.

Unless he was admitted to the hospital at ten oclock til 3:00 a.m. or caught in the sheriffs office video this entire time. Did he go home, his spouse vouch for his alibi time? :waitasec: It's odd the ac man was there, was in the home and then something happened to Haleigh, odd enough he should still be a person of interest at least.
ITA! I wish we knew what went into clearing him, as fast as it happened he would have to have an ironclad alibi. I mean was he on film working on the PCSO a/c all evening, is his side job @ a convienence store where he was on film all night? Or like you said admitted to the hospital. It's also very weird to me that they can clear him and NO ONE else.
Exactly CC. That part, about him being the only one cleared. If so, how? How can that be? Unless it's full proof without a shadow of a doubt. Like LE themselves said, "They can't rule out anyone that wasn't with them". I think that's how it was said. LOL

In any other case I've ever watched on tv, the real true crime stories, like forensic files, he would be the prime suspect. And like I said, unless he's clearly on video the whole time, or time stamped entering into a place and couldn't leave for a certain time frame, then it's not iron clad. Not to me. And not normally to LE.

See this is where I think LE started messin up in this investigation. From the very beginning, he was cleared, and it was Misty. If they had such an iron clad alibi for the ac man, why didn't they just say what the alibi was. And another thing. Why has his name been kept so elusively secret? Why? What's up with that?
KOOL Look - I am with you 99%. It would be 100%, except for the fact that we don't know if the A/C man went into the house.

He was there, nontheless. LE have stated that the only way they could clear Ron 100% was if they were with him during those hours. I could add if he were with them, in jail. But, the A/C guy is cleared within no time.

Maybe he has a night job and was at work. Maybe he was home with the wife and kids. Maybe he was on work release at a half-way house. But he is cleared. We should assume he has a granite alibi.

IIRC Misty said that Ronald's cousin's ex-husband worked for the same company as the man who showed up to attend to the MH A/C.

It was about 47 degrees that night, so maybe this was a heater issue? Would this be gas or electric heat?

I have a hard time visualizing the layout of the interior MH and furniture placement.
Anyone have a floor plan?
KiKi - Let's think about it. Haleigh sees 2 men she knows well, in her house and taking stuff into the van. She is going to tell as soon as someone notices the stuff missing, even if they can convince her for the moment that Ron gave it to them.

The back door wasn't an entrance, it was a ramp to unloade the house into the vehicle(s). It just makes sense to me. The neighbor to the left (as one is facing the house), wasn't in Satsuma that time of year. The house was not being used. It is the same side as the ramp. No one crusies by these houses, they are at the end of the line. The activity would be completely hidden by the MH they were burglarizing.

The front porch has steps onto the porch and then another step up into the home over the threshhold. Bad for unloading a house quickly. One looks for something to prop open the screen which shuts with a BANG and the wind is picking up in Satsuma now. The other gets in through the front door, unlocks the back door, props it with the dirty clothes that are on the floor and they start grabbing whatever they can. They turn on the kitchen light looking for stuff to pawn - microwave, coffee pot, toaster oven.

I wonder if the stereo, tv, cable wires run behind the sofa?

Was any of this rental furniture or appliances?
It has been said that RC told them the bed was never slept in. Has this been confirmed?

RC has told us all three were in the bed; then he told us Haleigh was in a different bed. He changed the story and so did Misty. Neither of these two can say what this child was wearing. In fact, they can't even give a good description of the events of the evening. RC conveinently left out that he called 20+ times that up with that?

If he had reservations (and he certainly should have) with Misty's story, why the silence for 8 months, going on nine? RC should be the one that has ALL the suspicion in the world concerning Misty. Not only does he not have suspicion, he marries her, and keeps her inside his GMA's house and far away from talking to LE. He has an attorney, one for her, two for up with that?
I thought it was Ron's lawyer who said that the only way LE could clear him was if they were with him constantly, not LE.
It has been said that RC told them the bed was never slept in. Has this been confirmed?

RC has told us all three were in the bed; then he told us Haleigh was in a different bed. He changed the story and so did Misty. Neither of these two can say what this child was wearing. In fact, they can't even give a good description of the events of the evening. RC conveinently left out that he called 20+ times that up with that?

If he had reservations (and he certainly should have) with Misty's story, why the silence for 8 months, going on nine? RC should be the one that has ALL the suspicion in the world concerning Misty. Not only does he not have suspicion, he marries her, and keeps her inside his GMA's house and far away from talking to LE. He has an attorney, one for her, two for up with that?

ahh..Whisperer, SO many important questions in a nutshell there! I'm sure someone will find a reason that they believe all these things seem perfectly logical, but the truth is these are many of the reasons that make some of us so suspicious and rightly so IMO. IF one is truly looking for their missing daughter and has nothing to hide, WHY so many inconsistancies and WHY leave out the tid bits of info that you choose? Nothing logical about any of it IMO and EVERYTHING about it screams 'hiding something'. I guess for me the question is hiding what and for what reason? Since HaLeigh is missing, I have to assume that it is all being done because there are things about her disappearance that Ron and Misty don't want known. WHY? Which brings me full circle right back to them being involved. That's just my way of thinking and jmho tho Whisperer. One would have to believe that Ron was an idiot if he believed everything that Misty said given all her changing stories. While I do not believe that he is the brightest crayon in the box, I certainly do not think he is stupid, so my question would be how anyone can square his sticking not only by her side, but marrying her so shortly after HaLeigh's disappearance, if he has no knowledge of what happened? This stuff they said about this is what HaLeigh would want just blows my mind, not only do I not believe it, but most adults know that children want ALOT of things (many of which are not in their best interest) and it is up to the adults in their life to discern between the two. :banghead:
Misty may have taken out garbage through that door and thought she locked it, but didnt' have it closed all the way so the dead bolt slid but not into the door jamb.

The A/C guy may have used the door and didn't think about locking it.

HC2 may have opened the door while he was there.

The kids may have opened the door while they were there.

Maybe Ron's normal procedure is to check the lock before he leaves for work, but didn't that time.

Whatever the case, I don't think it matters, because I think the intruder came in through the front door and used the back for the exit. I also think the doors were propped open because the intruder was going to empty the house of valuables down the ramp to an awaiting vehicle.

Before anyone says there was nothing of real value let me recount a true story. We had a used 2 bedroom mobile home on our farm land for weekends. It was filled with old furniture that would have been sent to the Goodwill. Everything in it was used and old from sheets to the rabbit ear tv. One weekend we arrived to find it had been emptied of everything, including bath towels and matresses. One man's trash - another's treasure.

I often wonder who was so desperate that they needed all of our old mis-matched, used furnishings. Apparently, someone did. Funny thing, if I would have known someone was that depserate, I had a lot more stuff that I could have given to them to set up a house. But, I guess stealing is better than asking for help. Who knew?

DotsEyes, I understand what you are saying, but for me the big sticking point with that scenario would be that your MH sat vacant during the week (and prolly was easy for someone to know that) but Ron's was not and many believe (I don't) that the MH was being scoped out. Most all burglars, although not all of course, will bypass a dwelling that is occupied vs one that is vacant for obvious reasons if the motive is simply theft. I do agree with you tho that people will steal anything that isn't nailed down, sad isn't it?
KOOL Look - I am with you 99%. It would be 100%, except for the fact that we don't know if the A/C man went into the house.

He was there, nontheless. LE have stated that the only way they could clear Ron 100% was if they were with him during those hours. I could add if he were with them, in jail. But, the A/C guy is cleared within no time.

Maybe he has a night job and was at work. Maybe he was home with the wife and kids. Maybe he was on work release at a half-way house. But he is cleared. We should assume he has a granite alibi.

IIRC Misty said that Ronald's cousin's ex-husband worked for the same company as the man who showed up to attend to the MH A/C.

It was about 47 degrees that night, so maybe this was a heater issue? Would this be gas or electric heat?

I have a hard time visualizing the layout of the interior MH and furniture placement.
Anyone have a floor plan?

unfortunately being with wife and kids isn't iron clad. Look at Tommy croslin. Only after he was arrested did he admit to being at the home at 10ish. Now his wife Lindsay never mentioned it prior to his arrest either? What's up with that? Then after his arrest, they re-question Lindsay at the Police dept. for hours. Why?

Unless the ac man had a gps tracker on him, or signed into a place that accounts or shows his physical appearance, we don't know. With LE clearing him the first day, makes me wonder just how they did that so fast.
Baz, I completely follow your line of thinking as far as the AC Man goes. He seems to be an eye witness that could offer some added commentary to the events and time line that happened in the late afternoon and early evening hours. If Law Enforcement truly wanted help from the public in this case I am concerned with the fact that they never gave us any idea..about what this AC Man could add. The investigators could easily have told us that Haleigh was last seen by this man during the time he was in the residence. But they didn't. I think it would have been an important aspect to know whether or not the AC Man used the back door or if he saw Haleigh and what she was doing. I am going to go back and listen to the press conferences that LE was giving daily and see if I can hear anything that my brain might have dismissed during that time.

On the other hand though, I can understand why this guy would not want his name released or details described if he indeed was a witness or had anything of value to offer. I know the first thing I would do would be run his name through databases and sleuth any possible connection to players in this case. That in and of itself peaks my curiosity. Take for instance the eye witnesses that were so crucial to establishing Somer's movements in the minutes or hour before she was gone. We have the crossing guards on the corner and perhaps others that were critical in establishing her whereabouts.

Ain't that the truth elle?! Heaven forbid if I was ever in a similar situation, I sure wouldn't want my name out there. Not because I had done anything, but not everything in my life am I proud of and you know EVERYTHING would be picked apart. All because I happened to be the one who worked on the AC that fateful day! :eek: Same with the others as well. You know for a long time I wondered if there really was an AC man and I'm still not 100% convinced that there was! I remember someone posting at one time that they knew him but never gave a name of course, but then again, you never know whether to believe whether a poster is really who they say they are either! Can you tell that I am a skeptic by nature?! Either way I'm really surprised that his name has not been leaked by the media or anyone else, but I'm glad it hasn't for his and his families sake. (even though pondering minds really, really want to know) While LE is under no obligation to inform us of anything (maybe they just don't understand our 'need to know' ,lol!) I too, would LOVE to know beyond a shadow of a doubt everything about his visit, ie...whether he saw HaLeigh, went into the house, if he did, what door did he use, what was going on at the time he was there, how he was cleared so quickly, etc. Those answers could clarify alot of things for 'us' I believe, but for whatever reason LE apparently sees the need to keep that under wraps for now...
Ahh, but Tommy hints that it looked like no one was home. Why?

Now what about Jr. leaving the room being the last thing she saw before she konked out? Maybe Jr. was investigating someone coming in the front door, got scared and got back in bed with Misty, Haleigh decides to investigate and voila' - they are caught in the house that they thought was empty, searching the kitchen for the gun and/or other treasures, maybe even taking out a big tv via the ramp, bricked door, clothes hastily stuffed against the bottom of the wood door to hold it open.

"Oh, man we gotta take her with us!"
"But, she's wet!!"
"It's ok, we have a blanket in the back."
"Now what?"
"I don't know, let me think."

"Oh, the van's scratched up. Look, it was moved."
"Oh, look - Jo slept in his clothes." (maybe the sheets were too dirty - who knows?)

I think Misty and Ron just assumed someone came in through the back, since it was obviously open. Whoever came in, came right through the front door. JMHO

So, who knew that Misty was supposed to be alone with the kids but was not answering her phone. RC and HC2.

Who went to the house to see what was going on? HC2.

When did he go there? Right in the same timing that Misty tells us she konked out, as Jr. left the room.

Who is a burglar? Jo.
Thief? HC2.
Who was hanging together that weekend and night within steps of the MH?Jo HC2

I understand what CS says she heard, but she didn't hear it from Misty. So, it doesn't count. Rumors don't count when we are adding up inconsistencies. So, I have to dismiss the things CS heard in the grapevine.

Also, who was at the MH when MC was making dinner and could have put something in her food to knock her out?
Then by his own admission he places himself back there after 9:30 that night.
He also had the opportunity to fix the back door lock so that it would open later that night.
Gee, DotsEyes, you just hit me over the head with a motive I hadn't considered....robbery of stuff, not drugs or a gun! The bolded sentences make perfect sense, because it would have been a lot easier to carry stuff out the back door and ramp than out the front door, across the screened porch, and down steps. If a van was involved and the side door was open, this would have screened things from view to a high degree.

It may have been expected that nobody was home, but Haleigh woke up and so became a witness.

That weekend before Misty could have bragged to her friends about something that Ron had in the MH and complained about how he was always werking at night.
Is there some evidence to support the robbery theory? I haven't heard that any property was missing except that one thing of Haleigh's that nobody will clarify, but I might have overlooked the info.
Is there some evidence to support the robbery theory? I haven't heard that any property was missing except that one thing of Haleigh's that nobody will clarify, but I might have overlooked the info.

I don't know about anyone else but I was thinking of property that would not be reported missing, such as drugs.
unfortunately being with wife and kids isn't iron clad. Look at Tommy croslin. Only after he was arrested did he admit to being at the home at 10ish. Now his wife Lindsay never mentioned it prior to his arrest either? What's up with that? Then after his arrest, they re-question Lindsay at the Police dept. for hours. Why?

Unless the ac man had a gps tracker on him, or signed into a place that accounts or shows his physical appearance, we don't know. With LE clearing him the first day, makes me wonder just how they did that so fast.

Does the fact that he has not admitted to being at the MH around 10 to check on Misty (per Ron's request) - does that explain the van being parked in a different spot in the morning? Maybe Lindsay did not know he left that evening.
I think its really important to look at the person who was with Annette Sykes the night she went over to the trailer- Misty says its Aunt Lisa- shes a nurse- why would she even bring up the aunts occupation? I think its a clue- I think Haleigh was in distress at this time, and Aunt Lisa was there to evaluate the situation-

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