Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh ? #5

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I can certainly see an overdosing....just can't figure out why LE has to go back in time. Maybe they are looking for the source of the drugs. Maybe they found drugs near the scene and have to track them..heck, I don't know, anymore. I am getting overloaded.

I have been thinking all day today..oh why hasn't anyone sang yet? It just does not make sense.
Ron's making the headlines with his threats from jail and makes sure to mention "it's the same thing he said on the 911 call Feb10th".
Has it occurred to anyone else that his continuous vows to kill someone who might be involved in Haleigh's disappearance might actually be his way of getting word to Misty and the rest of the gang that they better keep their mouths shut or he will reach out and touch them somehow, some where, some day?

From what is said Donna B. also searched for little Caylee and was a member of TES before she got mixed up in the Haleigh search. When I read one of the reports from the UC sting, Misty mentioned to the UC that Donna was selling her prescriptions so DB could satisfy her needs, something to that effect.

I now wonder, if this Donna B. may know more. This would be a theory that Haleigh would be alive. What if she is staying with someone that DB know? (Far Fetch, I know just trying to find a positve.) Haleigh went missing the day of Caylee's memorial and that struck me so odd.
Then we have Ron's claims of a child telling him that a so Called "Larry" had Haleigh. Hank Sr. calls TM telling him that Ron said if he had $35,000 he would be able to get Haleigh back. What if the amount owed is much more than the $70,000?

What if this was a plot? What if these people are so money hungry that they plotted this whole kidnapping story and knowing Misty was out of it, well it worked out well because she really would not know who came in and took Haleigh if she was so drugged up.

What if Ron or one of the players owed some drug money and planned all of this and couldn't figure away out? Haleigh's reward was pretty low the first few weeks and even after Tim got someone to put up the other $35,000 no sign of Haleigh. But then we start hearing the story of the Rose, or was that before the Larry story?

Now, what I really feel happen was Haleigh OD on someones drugs and they are all covering for each other.

Or, this was a drug deal that went bad and someone owed some serious money and Haleigh had to pay the price. Thank God Jr. is not around any longer, I feared for his safety daily and still do. What if they go after Jr. next? Lord, please lead Investigators to whom ever took/hurt Haleigh.

It's possible that RC saw how much the reward was for Caylee $ 225,000.00 and tried to hatch some plan with somebody to take Haleigh for the reward money. Then later they would split the reward money, and get Haleigh back.
Nothing would surprise me with these people.
That house that Nay said they went to...with the mexicans has always intrigued me.

Were the mexicans the drug runners? Some how WBG or Lindsy (St Augustine) knew this house. WBG went with them. Nay claims misty and she huddled next to WBG as Lindsy did the work to get money (I say drugs).

Did one of the three steal drugs from these guys? Are WBG, RC and Jerome all connected by drugs or girls?
it's weird that you mention Nay Nay, because I noticed in one of the recent articles, Misty's dad showed A LOT of anger & bitterness towards her, (& Amber?, I think). I think he may suspect her of being involved.
Feb 10, 911 is called
Feb 9, a frantic day to get Haleigh to school, and a scene at the bus stop afterward.
Feb 8, Misty allegedly comes back to the MH to "stay up all night and talk" with Ronald.
Feb 7, Misty is out with her friends getting stoned
Feb 6, Misty is out with her friends getting stoned and Ronald is out searching for her
Feb 5, Misty is kicked out of Ron's house after a heated argument where he rolls her into a ball and throws her into a wall.
Feb 4, Misty and Ronald are apparently building up to a huge fight.

........after that, who knows.
this may be wishful thinking on my part...but i am getting the feeling that charges may be coming soon...does anyone else think this? or is LE as confused by all of this as many of us are? I have to hope not...maybe the few things they have not addressed are the key?
Feb 10, 911 is called
Feb 9, a frantic day to get Haleigh to school, and a scene at the bus stop afterward.
Feb 8, Misty allegedly comes back to the MH to "stay up all night and talk" with Ronald.
Feb 7, Misty is out with her friends getting stoned
Feb 6, Misty is out with her friends getting stoned and Ronald is out searching for her
Feb 5, Misty is kicked out of Ron's house after a heated argument where he rolls her into a ball and throws her into a wall.
Feb 4, Misty and Ronald are apparently building up to a huge fight.

........after that, who knows.

...oh I can take a "wild guess,"

Feb 3 Misty's out w friends getting stoned...
Feb 2 Misty's out w friends getting stoned
Feb 1 Misty and Ron have heated argument
Jan 31 Misty and Ron building up to huge fight
Jan 30 Misty's out w friends getting stoned
Jan 29 Misty's out w friends getting stoned
Jan 28 Misty and Ron have heated argument
Jan 27 Misty and Ron building up to huge fight

And so it goes... (not really but you get the idea :angel:)

Ok sorry, I'm no help at all

I still have a hard time believing that a nurse would check on a drugged or injured child & not summon help. & I think it's possible that GGS lied about going to the trailer-to bolster Ron's alibi. Have there been any reportings of Teresa Neves @ the trailer?because I think Ron would turn to her for cover-up help, before he would GGS. just a feeling that I get. There's a reason for their distance, & I think it's Ron. I see Teresa stepping in where GGS wouldn't-to prove that she loves him more? I can also see Teresa asking GGS to lie for Ron, (coming up with some excuse why she, herself couldn't ), & GGS, later finding out how deep that lie put her in this mess. That could be the cause of their rift. She may feel set-up by her own daughter.
Okay.... this may be far-fetched, but with the arrest of Jarred Harrell (24) of Orange Park as a POI for Somer's murder, any chance he's been sleuthed? Any chance that Misty was at a party with the kids and with Jarred, may not have known him that well, and something happened along those lines? Any chance Misty doesn't REALLY know who took HaLeigh but instead is keeping what happened/where she was at that night as secret?
this may be wishful thinking on my part...but i am getting the feeling that charges may be coming soon...does anyone else think this? or is LE as confused by all of this as many of us are? I have to hope not...maybe the few things they have not addressed are the key?

I've lost count of how many times I've thought that LE was getting close and an arrest was pending over the past year but I was struck by a statement made on one of the media outlets yesterday (sorry, can't remember if it was NG, or one of the local outlets - maybe someone else will recall). It was said that the PCSO would not be making a public statement (yesterday) even though it marked one year since HaLeigh's disappearance because the SA advised PCSO not to because of the recent drug charges/arrests - to avoid any overlapping of the cases, something to that effect...
My first response was :furious: that the recent arrests would take away from LE giving the public updates/information pertaining to a case of a missing child - I mean one would think that a missing child case trumps a narcotics case... :waitasec:
After giving it some further thought, I've come to the conclusion that LE is so close right now, as we speak, that, as careful and close-to-the-vest as they've been over the past year, every word that they utter from here on out will be for one purpose and one purpose only - and it's not to update and inform the public, if you know what I mean.
I see the two problems as being the pink shirt and her arrival at school. If misty walked her into the classroom, she would certainly know exactly what misty was wearing. So would rc because he drove 25 miles out of his way GMA's to get her outfit...yet the school doesn't have her as Tardy.

So misty being a teenage girl would remember clothing of a little girl VERY WELL....they are experts at describing what people wear when girls are that age. They are also very good at the little details that others never notice.

YET, it was described she wore the pink shirt (hanna m) and tan shorts to school. No shoe description was given that I know of. Tan shorts were located by the bed in the master bedroom....yet the pink shirt was not there. LE brought misty (only) into the mh one week after the event. Misty states SHE found that shirt in the laundry. LE does not confirm that.

I wish I had the link available but LE states that the pink shirt was NEVER worn outside the house.

......Big Problem here!

Ooh, the shoes.... according to Ron @ very, very beginning of case, Haleigh's shoes were still inside the m/h. He [or media] made it sound like she only had 1 pair.
Okay.... this may be far-fetched, but with the arrest of Jarred Harrell (24) of Orange Park as a POI for Somer's murder, any chance he's been sleuthed? Any chance that Misty was at a party with the kids and with Jarred, may not have known him that well, and something happened along those lines? Any chance Misty doesn't REALLY know who took HaLeigh but instead is keeping what happened/where she was at that night as secret?

The way I see it gibby, if anyone, including myself, finds a link between him and the area where HaLeigh lived - it has to be looked at. No link - no stink. JMO ~
I still have a hard time believing that a nurse would check on a drugged or injured child & not summon help. & I think it's possible that GGS lied about going to the trailer-to bolster Ron's alibi. Have there been any reportings of Teresa Neves @ the trailer?because I think Ron would turn to her for cover-up help, before he would GGS. just a feeling that I get. There's a reason for their distance, & I think it's Ron. I see Teresa stepping in where GGS wouldn't-to prove that she loves him more? I can also see Teresa asking GGS to lie for Ron, (coming up with some excuse why she, herself couldn't ), & GGS, later finding out how deep that lie put her in this mess. That could be the cause of their rift. She may feel set-up by her own daughter.

I don't know Aunt Elisa or know of anybody else who does either but based on public records stuff, it seems like she is pretty dominated in her marriage/family. [Basing this on the property she inherited and appears to have lost, DVR/TRO reports, etc.]

She comes from a big, well-established family. Her maiden name is, anyway. It's an old St. Augustine family, I believe.

omg, hold on, I might know her after all.
...oh I can take a "wild guess,"

Feb 3 Misty's out w friends getting stoned...
Feb 2 Misty's out w friends getting stoned
Feb 1 Misty and Ron have heated argument
Jan 31 Misty and Ron building up to huge fight
Jan 30 Misty's out w friends getting stoned
Jan 29 Misty's out w friends getting stoned
Jan 28 Misty and Ron have heated argument
Jan 27 Misty and Ron building up to huge fight

And so it goes... (not really but you get the idea :angel:)

Ok sorry, I'm no help at all


And on the 25th was supposedly Amb's wreck when she met WBG.

Just sayin'. ;)
I still have a hard time believing that a nurse would check on a drugged or injured child & not summon help. & I think it's possible that GGS lied about going to the trailer-to bolster Ron's alibi. Have there been any reportings of Teresa Neves @ the trailer?because I think Ron would turn to her for cover-up help, before he would GGS. just a feeling that I get. There's a reason for their distance, & I think it's Ron. I see Teresa stepping in where GGS wouldn't-to prove that she loves him more? I can also see Teresa asking GGS to lie for Ron, (coming up with some excuse why she, herself couldn't ), & GGS, later finding out how deep that lie put her in this mess. That could be the cause of their rift. She may feel set-up by her own daughter.

ITA - Ronald would be far more likely to turn to Teresa because she owes him and he never lets her forget it. (IMO of course)
ITA - Ronald would be far more likely to turn to Teresa because she owes him and he never lets her forget it. (IMO of course)

I can definitely hear him saying, "You weren't there for me when I was growing up, the least you can do is be here for me now". Yep, I can see this happening. JMO
This could have happened but doesn't explain, to me anyway, the strong support the Cummings family showed for Misty after that night. I just can't imagine Misty not getting beaten to death if events happened this way. But, we don't really know what the heck happened.:waitasec:

Unless there was a camera on Ron at work for every minute, I find it difficult to agree he was at work the entire time. He wasn't a crane operator, even his own lawyer admits he was doing various jobs that evening, which in my book leaves that door open just a bit further. This certainly does not rule out something happening before Ron even went to work.

Honestly, the only way I see a family having the kind of support the Cummings put forth for Misty is either Ron is involved; or b.) everything was an accident and instead of doing the right thing, they did the wrong thing and tried to cover it up or; c.) drugs and Ron's association was involved. I still believe drugs is a major reason behind whatever happened to Haleigh. I still believe Ron knows why it happened, as does Misty and neither of them are going to confess up to this because in the end it will have repercussions for them.
ITA - Ronald would be far more likely to turn to Teresa because she owes him and he never lets her forget it. (IMO of course)

Guilt complex.

The same way Cindy defends Casey because she feels guilty that she drove Casey towards Caylee's ultimate demise.

TN feels guilty for not taking a firmer role in stopping Ron from going off the rails and is doing her level best now to protect Ron and preserve the family image -- to make belated ammends.

Use the babysitter as a scapegoat, them Croslin's.
I think you're right tho lone, you're refreshing my memory now thinking it was GMS who claimed Haleigh was popping wheelies... er ye-ah... right... (my daughter's seven now and it's all she can do to balance her two wheeler which is fairly typical of a six or seven yr old I think--but certainly no five year-old pops wheelies--w training wheels no less. :rolleyes:


HaLeigh popping wheelies on her bike seems plausible to me because I believe HaLeigh inherited Ron’s athletic abilities and Misty observed this about her when she saw HaLeigh performing on her bike at a level beyond average. Misty likely isn't aware that HaLeigh inherited this gift from her father, but she acknowledged HaLeigh had outstanding physical strength and stamina despite her medical condiion and she was able to perform beyond what most people find believeable. I think Ron and HaLeigh are athletically inclined. Ron also performed stunts in his car so I think HaLeigh copied him and performed stunts on her bike like her father.
Pretty sure Haleigh could have done whatever she put her little head to do; but popping wheelies on a bike with training wheels would be impossible. Frankly, I understood the comment to mean she was trying to pop wheelies.

But then, I'd have to believe she was well enough at that time of the day to be doing so. I'd further have to believe Misty was watching her close enough to observe the activity. I'd even further have to believe that either of them were there at that time.
Let's see... I think GGS was @ the trailer earlier than she 1st reported-maybe as Misty was bringing Haleigh home from school? Maybe GGS stuck around to see Haleigh & or have words with Misty & Ron about her being back in the house. Maybe she did return some laundry, because somebody had been watching the kids while Misty was gone, & it was probably her. She then leaves. This is the point where Ron has been real sketchy with time. He claims he went to work, even though his lawyer claims his actual work time didn't start 'til over an hour later, & says Ron was just hanging around the job. This is the block of time that I think something happened to Haleigh. Ron, desperate for help, calls his mother. How much she knows, I don't know, but it could be as much as helping with the disposal of Haleigh. But whatever her involvement, they concocted a plan for her to be @ the trailer while the police were there-as moral support, but also as a credible adult. He then goes to work. Teresa instructs Misty to turn off her phone, (to avoid pings & missed calls), while they are taking care of business & rehersing their story. Where? somewhere besides the trailer. Ron calls & calls Misty.He then has Tommy check the trailer-because he either doesn't know that Misty's gone, or to cast suspicion on Tommy & Misty. But the trailer is pitch black. Misty returns home. Ron returns home & they call 911. LE arrives & then Teresa arrives. Since Teresa @ this time, never mentions being @ the trailer, she later asks GGS to move her visit time up. GGS thinking Ron is innocent of foul play, agrees.
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