Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh ? #5

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Unless there was a camera on Ron at work for every minute, I find it difficult to agree he was at work the entire time. He wasn't a crane operator, even his own lawyer admits he was doing various jobs that evening, which in my book leaves that door open just a bit further. This certainly does not rule out something happening before Ron even went to work.

Honestly, the only way I see a family having the kind of support the Cummings put forth for Misty is either Ron is involved; or b.) everything was an accident and instead of doing the right thing, they did the wrong thing and tried to cover it up or; c.) drugs and Ron's association was involved. I still believe drugs is a major reason behind whatever happened to Haleigh. I still believe Ron knows why it happened, as does Misty and neither of them are going to confess up to this because in the end it will have repercussions for them.

BBM: I find it difficult to believe that Ron arrived at work on time, worked the entire shift and then worked overtime. Don't believe it.
BBM: I find it difficult to believe that Ron arrived at work on time, worked the entire shift and then worked overtime. Don't believe it.

Well, Shoemaker certainly has not been zealous in his defense of Ron everytime he appeared on NG. He even let us know Ron was still on the suspect list, albeit, a tad lower than #1. I don't know what to think about his work hours other than it is possible he was not at work from 5pm until 3 am.

The car check LE performed in the neighborhood one week after Haleigh went missing covered the hours of 5 pm through 2 am. There is a video of Captain Bowling confirming that if you want it. I always found it interesting given the so called important times reported. Especially the 2 am time.

HaLeigh popping wheelies on her bike seems plausible to me because I believe HaLeigh inherited Ron’s athletic abilities and Misty observed this about her when she saw HaLeigh performing on her bike at a level beyond average. Misty likely isn't aware that HaLeigh inherited this gift from her father, but she acknowledged HaLeigh had outstanding physical strength and stamina despite her medical condiion and she was able to perform beyond what most people find believeable. I think Ron and HaLeigh are athletically inclined. Ron also performed stunts in his car so I think HaLeigh copied him and performed stunts on her bike like her father.

Pretty sure Haleigh could have done whatever she put her little head to do; but popping wheelies on a bike with training wheels would be impossible. Frankly, I understood the comment to mean she was trying to pop wheelies.

But then, I'd have to believe she was well enough at that time of the day to be doing so. I'd further have to believe Misty was watching her close enough to observe the activity. I'd even further have to believe that either of them were there at that time.

ITA deb... as I've said numerous times and specifically mentioned in my last post re this, I can't even picture how this is physically possible to raise up on rear three (of four) wheels which form a triangulated base that's designed to stabilize and prevent this very sort of instability. :waitasec:

No I rather doubt Haleigh inherited some super genetics or superior dna which defies laws of gravity etc--even if it was from RC.

BBM: I find it difficult to believe that Ron arrived at work on time, worked the entire shift and then worked overtime. Don't believe it.

Completely agree. Especially based on the fallout from the weekend, the attempted reconciliation, major argument in evening, 20+ calls to Misty AND HaLeigh going missing.

We are expected to believe Ron worked an entire shift, plus 3 hours overtime, plus stopped by the convenience store -- as if everything is normal -- when it is far from it.

Also, we are expected to believe that Misty is asleep, I seen a 3, finds Misty is gone, and this is all timed for Ron conveniently coming home from work, including overtime, the store, etc.

Misty dials 911 and TN arrives within minutes of the call -- with photo?

Staged, staged, staged. Too structured on a very chaotic night. That means at least Misty, Ron and, TN are involved.
BBM Good Point...but we've all been wondering when Haleigh was last seen on Green. When was Misty last seen on Green? If MC did pick her up--she is said to have driven away from Green.. maybe she met up with Ron, told him she wasn't gonna babysit--what time were the calls TN made to Misty offering to pay?...Then Ron drove the kids home and AS was asked to check on them as they were left alone pending MC's return....from this point there are several fill in the blanks... JMO

I can believe this, but I have to ask, in order to make the theory fit, where does the AC repairman visit fit into this? If he was really there. But, LE would know that.
One Big thing IMO that everyone seems to be over looking is Ron's statement early on that if he had some amount of money that he could get Haleigh back. I can't remember how much it was it seems like it was somewhere around $30,000.....

I do not see why this was over looked. To me this is a big clue, it first tells me that if Someone did take Haliegh than Ron knows who, if he didn't know who than how would he know that this money would get Haleigh back. Or it could show that Ron owed someone money and that could be a motive for someone taking her... Or it could mean that he disposed of drugs before LE arrived and he had to pay the drugs off..Or he could have been hoping someone would donate the money so that he could pay someone off to for thier role in this, possable diposing of her.
Anyways my point is I believe his statement about this money was a huge clue and it seems as though it was over looked. I wish I was a better sleuther so I could find where he states this because I would like to review this statement agian myself.
this may be wishful thinking on my part...but i am getting the feeling that charges may be coming soon...does anyone else think this? or is LE as confused by all of this as many of us are? I have to hope not...maybe the few things they have not addressed are the key?

cluciano63, maybe it's just a hunch, but I'm with you. Something is going to fall into place soon. Maybe within the next month.
We are not hearing the entire tapes from the jailhouse visits or the phone calls. A lot is being kept back. I figure that anything that is redacted, would go toward the missing child case.
I think with the recent drug arrests developments, the cover-up plan this group (Ron, Misty, TN and GGM Sykes) have been living is falling apart. And, I still have my money on Hank, Jr. spilling some more information. He knows something. JMO
The idea that Ron is an informant is ridiculous to me , the reason I say this is because whenever there is a missing persons case the family is not allowed to help search, so why would they allow him to be an informant when he has not even been cleared muchless be an informant in his own missing daughters case.
I can believe this, but I have to ask, in order to make the theory fit, where does the AC repairman visit fit into this? If he was really there. But, LE would know that.

I wish I knew...just tossing out thoughts...really what do we know about the AC guy other than he was cleared (albeit by LE)--but who did he see at the house? If Misty got Haleigh at 3:25 or so and took off in a direction away from Green...where'd she go? To drop off the van back to Timmy and Ron at AS's house to swap cars...? Drop Haleigh at AS's house? Pick up Junior? many possibilities it is mind boggling...(One neighbor recalls RC's Nissan being there that night...Just wonder when Misty got home and again looking at the pix of the vigil from 6 pm on...was pretty cold out...hard to imagine having kids eating out on a porch at that time...why not inside? We know she didn't want to babysit and maybe she didn't....I can't get past the hours of 4 to 8:30....something was going on...IMO
ITA deb... as I've said numerous times and specifically mentioned in my last post re this, I can't even picture how this is physically possible to raise up on rear three (of four) wheels which form a triangulated base that's designed to stabilize and prevent this very sort of instability. :waitasec:

No I rather doubt Haleigh inherited some super genetics or superior dna which defies laws of gravity etc--even if it was from RC. :angel:


Furthermore, we know Misty and RC have told several stories to muddy the water, so imo, likely the opposite is closer to the truth, and either Haleigh was not at the mh at the time Misty specifies, and/or, she was not awake/active at the time specified. moo
I wish I knew...just tossing out thoughts...really what do we know about the AC guy other than he was cleared (albeit by LE)--but who did he see at the house? If Misty got Haleigh at 3:25 or so and took off in a direction away from Green...where'd she go? To drop off the van back to Timmy and Ron at AS's house to swap cars...? Drop Haleigh at AS's house? Pick up Junior? many possibilities it is mind boggling...(One neighbor recalls RC's Nissan being there that night...Just wonder when Misty got home and again looking at the pix of the vigil from 6 pm on...was pretty cold out...hard to imagine having kids eating out on a porch at that time...why not inside? We know she didn't want to babysit and maybe she didn't....I can't get past the hours of 4 to 8:30....something was going on...IMO

What do we know about the a/c guy?

Correct me if I'm wrong, or absent of info;

We know Misty said the a/c guy showed up around 5 pm, iirc, but since Misty said that, we must question, whether he was even there, and/or the time he showed up.

We learn much later that Misty says she called RC to verify he was even suppose to be there, iirc. I don't recall if RC ever mentions the a/c guy, or anything about him.

We know Misty says Tommy, and her nephews were there when the a/c guy was there as was Haleigh and Jr. Since Misty said it, we must question it.
Were they actually there, did they actually see the a/c guy, did they actually see Haleigh and Jr? None of these questions to my knowledge have been answered, and if Tommy did verify, is he to be believed?
Were the children questioned, if so, are they to be believed?

Was the a/c guy really there? If so, did he or did he not see Haleigh/ Misty, Jr, Tommy, and/ or Tommy's kids.

We have never heard or seen the a/c guy. No one has stepped forward saying, "I am the a/c guy, I was there at 5pm on that day. I did see Haleigh, Jr, Misty, Tommy and his boys. I did talk to RC on the phone as Misty said. Nope, we don't even know the guys name, and we have several sleuthers from the area. So, what's up with that????
It was good to see Maj Bowling speak. Here we go again with the 2:00am time. Greenwood said 2:13 in his interview. He addresses the pink shirt and will not say where they found it.
The idea that Ron is an informant is ridiculous to me , the reason I say this is because whenever there is a missing persons case the family is not allowed to help search, so why would they allow him to be an informant when he has not even been cleared muchless be an informant in his own missing daughters case.

RC, ggm, and TN make it clear, iirc, in the jail house audio/videos, and/or statements to the press, that RC is getting special priveledges from Sheriff Hardy, so either they are lying, or misunderstood what was said to them.

Why would they think RC would get special priveledges from Sheriff Hardy if he was caught selling drugs, as the rest of them were?
Is it because they think he is an informer? Only RC and PCSO know for sure.

To date, however, I haven't seen that he has had more priveledges than any of the others. But it could be I'm simply not seeing it. moo
One Big thing IMO that everyone seems to be over looking is Ron's statement early on that if he had some amount of money that he could get Haleigh back. I can't remember how much it was it seems like it was somewhere around $30,000.....

I do not see why this was over looked. To me this is a big clue, it first tells me that if Someone did take Haliegh than Ron knows who, if he didn't know who than how would he know that this money would get Haleigh back. Or it could show that Ron owed someone money and that could be a motive for someone taking her... Or it could mean that he disposed of drugs before LE arrived and he had to pay the drugs off..Or he could have been hoping someone would donate the money so that he could pay someone off to for thier role in this, possable diposing of her.
Anyways my point is I believe his statement about this money was a huge clue and it seems as though it was over looked. I wish I was a better sleuther so I could find where he states this because I would like to review this statement agian myself.

I don't know how far it can be believed for the simple fact, this is what Hank Croslin Sr. told Tim Miller. It did not come directly from Ron. However, Tim Miller did get a friend to guarantee a check for the amount, $30k, to be issued upon Haleigh's safe return. Nothing ever came of it. So Ron was aware the money was there were it true.
It was good to see Maj Bowling speak. Here we go again with the 2:00am time. Greenwood said 2:13 in his interview. He addresses the pink shirt and will not say where they found it.

Yes, this makes me wonder what RC's work schedule was.

Why, for instance, did Greenwood not say 3 to 3, or whatever, b/c RC says that he picked up Haleigh from the busstop, which AH says was at 2:31, to maybe 3, iirc, not later. RC says he drove her home on his lap, she jumped out, hugged, kissed, and said she would see him when he got home from work. So Haleigh is still up when he gets home from work? Haleigh wakes up easily to noise, so wakes up when daddy gets home from work?

But wait, he wants to know why Misty is standing in the doorway when he gets home from work b/c usually they are all sleeping when he gets home.

Well, whatever, Greenwood was expecting someone say they saw RC leave the area after 5 pm, imo, and he expected someone to say they saw or heard him return before 2 am. If the shift is an 8 hour shift as the pastor said, can we at least believe him? ok, let's do, then is RC's shift from 4 to 12; 5 to 1; or 6 to 2?

It would probably be silly at this point to bring up the statement that he went to work an hour early....:floorlaugh:

So, was Greenwood wanting to know if RC left for work late and/or came home on time?

But wait, we do have video of him buy beer and ciggies at about 2:15 am, correct? If so, then we know he got off work by at least 2, and possibly 1.

Perhaps, Greenwood thinks/knows his schedule is from 6 to 2.

Why did it take another hour to get from wherever he bought the beer, to his home? hmmmmmmm?

But, if that's the case, and it only takes 1/2 tops to get to work, why didn't he stay to meet the a/c guy? Or why did he leave right after Haleigh got off the bus, when he didn't need to be there until 3 hours later?


So many questions; so many lies.
Completely agree. Especially based on the fallout from the weekend, the attempted reconciliation, major argument in evening, 20+ calls to Misty AND HaLeigh going missing.

We are expected to believe Ron worked an entire shift, plus 3 hours overtime, plus stopped by the convenience store -- as if everything is normal -- when it is far from it.

Also, we are expected to believe that Misty is asleep, I seen a 3, finds Misty is gone, and this is all timed for Ron conveniently coming home from work, including overtime, the store, etc.

Misty dials 911 and TN arrives within minutes of the call -- with photo?

Staged, staged, staged. Too structured on a very chaotic night. That means at least Misty, Ron and, TN are involved.

You got that right, cyber. That whole thing was staged and I hope LE will be making more arrests in the near (very near) future. You cannot tell me that TN was not at that mh that night. IIRC wasnt there a red truck spotted sitting by the railroad tracks that night? Maybe that was TN waiting for the call saying they (Ron/Misty) had called 911 and the police were on their way. She said she got there in about 5 mins? Maybe she didn't lie....She must've been about 5 mins away then ( I say 2 or 3 mins- we know how she like to exaggerate) kwim? That would explain how she got there so fast and don't forget she showed up with a picture (not a wallet size but a 8x10!). IMO she had been to that mh once before she got that 911 call from Ron and had enough time to go get an 8x10 and make it back before the police. Who carries around an 8x10 photo of their grandchild. My mother loves my kids to death but she does not carry around an 8x10 (wallet sizes-yes, 8x10-no).
I am curious if there was an a/c guy. With misty it is hard to seperate fact from fiction.

Why would he have to talk to rc? I am sure the mgt service arranged for the check-up on the system.....nevermind..she is young so maybe she calls rc for everything. Did TC ever say he was there at 5:00pm?

There has to be good reason why every single thing was kept secret. PDM won't talk except with a general msg from their office in Michigan (?). Teachers don't talk. Has the bus driver spoken? At least we got a little bit of info from the neighbor...surprise!

From the first day, LE knew this was a home-grown situation and alerted all to keep quiet.
What do we know about the a/c guy?

Correct me if I'm wrong, or absent of info;

We know Misty said the a/c guy showed up around 5 pm, iirc, but since Misty said that, we must question, whether he was even there, and/or the time he showed up.

We learn much later that Misty says she called RC to verify he was even suppose to be there, iirc. I don't recall if RC ever mentions the a/c guy, or anything about him.

We know Misty says Tommy, and her nephews were there when the a/c guy was there as was Haleigh and Jr. Since Misty said it, we must question it.
Were they actually there, did they actually see the a/c guy, did they actually see Haleigh and Jr? None of these questions to my knowledge have been answered, and if Tommy did verify, is he to be believed?
We the children questioned, if so, are they to be believed?

Was the a/c guy really there? If so, did he or did he not see Haleigh/ Misty, Jr, Tommy, and/ or Tommy's kids.

We have never heard or seen the a/c guy. No one has stepped forward saying, "I am the a/c guy, I was there at 5pm on that day. I did see Haleigh, Jr, Misty, Tommy and his boys. I did talk to RC on the phone as Misty said. Nope, we don't even know the guys name, and we have several sleuthers from the area. So, what's up with that????

Good post yosande. My opinion on this is quite simple I must say. HE WAS NOT THERE. That's why LE claimed to have cleared him so fast. Misty's account of that timeline including the A/C man is sketchy too. She has no accurate details of how that day went. That's crazy to me. That whole day was so screwed up that you had to lie about ALL the events. From sunrise to sunset?..... Incredible.
I am having a hard time thinking drugs are involved and ron owed money to a dealer. rc is small potatoes. He nor misty are capable of handling money or distribution. They both eat up any profit and they mainly sell to support the habit. Don't see any dealer getting involved and hurting a child for ron. They would be more likely to hurt misty or ron, himself.
I am going back to simple. Misty may have killed her in the bathtub or by smothering. Haleigh also may have died another way (drugs) by misty. She may have told rc she drowned or od'd by accident. He may have helped hide Haleigh to protect himself from being held responsible for her death due to negligence.
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