Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh ? #5

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My theory is still that Haleigh got into drugs and they belonged to Ron. Misty was out, came back and Haleigh was dead. She called for help, most likely Timmy, and then Ron. I don't know who took Haleigh away but I do feel that MC and RC know she is dead and are just covering there butts. The MH was staged, the 20 calls was to establish an alibi and it goes from there. I just don't know who actually buried or disposed of Haleigh.
when is the last time any of them were questioned strictly about haleigh? i know this had probably been anwered but i can't remember and don't know where to look...not that they would answer, but somebody might be in worse physical shape than when questioned before...

I don't think LE has "announced" very many interviews at all.

We saw Ron and Misty being taken to PCSO by detectives for questioning back when Ron was living in the good samaritan's camper next to the tents.

We saw Tommy and Lindsey outside PCSO one evening around sunset and both told reporters they had each been questioned separately.

We were told told by Shoe that he and Ron went re: the phone records.

Unless the players themselves call the media and advise them, I don't know how else we would know if/when they are questioned.
I don't think LE has "announced" very many interviews at all.

We saw Ron and Misty being taken to PCSO by detectives for questioning back when Ron was living in the good samaritan's camper next to the tents.

We saw Tommy and Lindsey outside PCSO one evening around sunset and both told reporters they had each been questioned separately.

We were told told by Shoe that he and Ron went re: the phone records.

Unless the players themselves call the media and advise them, I don't know how else we would know if/when they are questioned.

One other time that we know LE questioned Misty was the Saturday night after LE drained L-Pond - Misty went on her own to the police station to talk. LE did acknowledge that time. I always found it significant that out of the blue Misty went to see LE - the timing was rather amazing since it coincided with the one search that GGMa Sykes also seemed to be interested in. LE must have been close IMO.
I was wondering just how many times Ron & Misty split up & got back together. I don't know what it has to do with Haleigh, but it feels like it does. Except for the 3 day binger, I don't know much about before, but right after Haleigh was reported missing, Misty went home to her mother's. That didn't last long. Then there was the fight @ GGS, where she almost left, but didn't. Then there was her stay with Donna Brock. Then the divorce. Didn't she move out of state for awhile? Then there was that bizarre episode of crawling out of the window-back to Ron, of course. & then it was reported that she & Ron were living together before they were arrested. I'm sure I'm missing some.

Well, Misty did say that "Ron gave her something she wanted/needed". I guess it was something she couldn't do without. LOL.
One other time that we know LE questioned Misty was the Saturday night after LE drained L-Pond - Misty went on her own to the police station to talk. LE did acknowledge that time. I always found it significant that out of the blue Misty went to see LE - the timing was rather amazing since it coincided with the one search that GGMa Sykes also seemed to be interested in. LE must have been close IMO.

I think Misty was sent in to LE by the "Cummings family" to glean any information about what LE might know. It appears to me that the Cummings got a bit nervous about the pond being drained. Maybe LE just drained the wrong pond.:waitasec:
I think Misty was sent in to LE by the "Cummings family" to glean any information about what LE might know. It appears to me that the Cummings got a bit nervous about the pond being drained. Maybe LE just drained the wrong pond.:waitasec:

I agree - GGMa Sykes was pretty forceful in her statement that Haleigh wasn't there. And yeah, they sent Misty to see what could be found out about it - mastermind that she is, as if she could remember what might have been said. :crazy:
One other time that we know LE questioned Misty was the Saturday night after LE drained L-Pond - Misty went on her own to the police station to talk. LE did acknowledge that time. I always found it significant that out of the blue Misty went to see LE - the timing was rather amazing since it coincided with the one search that GGMa Sykes also seemed to be interested in. LE must have been close IMO.[/QUOTEmaybe GGS made her go.]
I think Misty was sent in to LE by the "Cummings family" to glean any information about what LE might know. It appears to me that the Cummings got a bit nervous about the pond being drained. Maybe LE just drained the wrong pond.:waitasec:

Maybe if she'd in fact drowned there--but been moved by then... and possibly even from one, to another (or swamp, river, etc) body of water. By placing back into water elsewhere, maybe the thinking was that even were the body been found and recovered eventually--from a different body of water not "so close to home" or directly linked to their property eg--that a water disposal could still always be blamed upon a random abductor.

Maybe if she'd in fact drowned there--but been moved by then... and possibly even from one, to another (or swamp, river, etc) body of water. By placing back into water elsewhere, maybe the thinking was that even were the body been found and recovered eventually--from a different body of water not "so close to home" or directly linked to their property eg--that a water disposal could still always be blamed upon a random abductor.


When a body is in the water, it not only bloats horribly but more important, skin slippage occures. Think back to hurricane Katrina where those who had the unpleasant task of body retrival, talked about the horrible skin slippage on the bodies as they tried to get them. IMO, there is no way she was moved from one body of water to another.
Just a thought on my part but, I think they should pay attention to what CJ said on Levi's show the other night about the "muddin" party. He told a story about his brother getting stuck in the mud and RC pulled him out and then tried to charge his brother money for it. Where was this "muddin" party? Tells me it's around some water somewhere and familiar to them as a gathering place.
When a body is in the water, it not only bloats horribly but more important, skin slippage occures. Think back to hurricane Katrina where those who had the unpleasant task of body retrival, talked about the horrible skin slippage on the bodies as they tried to get them. IMO, there is no way she was moved from one body of water to another.

You have to remember that they only had about 7 hours that night to do what ever they did, after that LE was watching them like white on rice. I think she is about 2 to 3 miles of that MH. I think she is in water, because it was the easiest to do and fasted to do. I don't see any of them having a shovel at home ready to do some digging. JMO. These people weren't growing gardens if you get my drift. I do think Misty is at fault for what ever happened and she did get help. She could have met the the person and handed her off to that person and they got rid of her body. That is why she failed that question of knowing who took her or where she is at 42%. I think about Ron too. If Haleigh was my daughter, would I sleep with the enemy to keep them close, I don't know. I don't think I would be able too. But I am not Ron.
But Bern they could have been growing gardens, They say rc worked for Katrina that day. Katrina has a tree/lawn business in Satsuma. So there may be access to tools and more. Is there something about that day that Hope Sykes knows? Afterall she is Katrina's daughter. what amazes me is that Katrina was with misty when she was arrested but took off....

....we have heard nothing from Hope since the arrest.
But Bern they could have been growing gardens, They say rc worked for Katrina that day. Katrina has a tree/lawn business in Satsuma. So there may be access to tools and more. Is there something about that day that Hope Sykes knows? Afterall she is Katrina's daughter. what amazes me is that Katrina was with misty when she was arrested but took off....

....we have heard nothing from Hope since the arrest.

This is not any kind of a theory from me (sorry Kimster) but according to that last jailhouse tape that was Feb. 2 (12 days before Val. Day according to Linsy), Katrina won't give them Misty's phone or purse. What's with that I wonder? Can't LE get that from them and return it to her parents?
Katrina and tn are likely to review the stuff of mistys, imo. I don't know how LE can get it since it was in Katrina's car...but I would pursue it. Of course Lisa and Hand don't have the way or means to do it, imo. They need some help. It would be great to see the pics on that camera but doubt we will now. This is the second time misty lost her wallet, purse, cell phone, etc..
This is not any kind of a theory from me (sorry Kimster) but according to that last jailhouse tape that was Feb. 2 (12 days before Val. Day according to Linsy), Katrina won't give them Misty's phone or purse. What's with that I wonder? Can't LE get that from them and return it to her parents?

Maybe LE already has it. Katrina is Hope's mama, right? And her mama wants her out of jail? And we have yet to hear/see any jailhouse vids from them? Maybe they are cooperating with LE in exchange for a reduced sentence? Plus Katrina was there at the scene and fled, it seems like she could be charged with something if they wanted to.
But Bern they could have been growing gardens, They say rc worked for Katrina that day. Katrina has a tree/lawn business in Satsuma. So there may be access to tools and more. Is there something about that day that Hope Sykes knows? Afterall she is Katrina's daughter. what amazes me is that Katrina was with misty when she was arrested but took off....

....we have heard nothing from Hope since the arrest.

Your right about that (the access to tools). I forgot about the tree trimming business. And there was a shed in the backyard, No? I think there was as I remember the photos. But I still think that Ron was at werk. I go back and forth as to his involvement in this. I do feel that Misty left drugs out or wasn't home and Haleigh got into them. If Ron is covering for her, it is only because Misty can say they were his and he left the kids with her and he is negligent for leaving them in her care. For every point I can make for one of them being responsible or suspect, I can counter point it to make it not make sense. I just don't know, and I see why LE needs one piece of physical evidence to arrest Misty. The only thing I can't counter point is Ron tipping off Misty that Donna was a plant. That speaks volumes to me.
i have not read through this thread because just when i think i'm on to a good idea, i read posts from people smarter than me and i get confused and don't know what to think. therefore, anybody who finds fault with what i'm about to say is welcome to point it out and let me know why these scenarios can't be.

i have two theories: 1. Misty just doesn't remember. She was too drugged up or hungover and that night is simply a blur. I'd be interested to know if she can recall anything that happened after Ron got home. If so, then I change my mind and think chick remembers more than she's saying. Even if she doesn't remember, I don't think this could have been pulled off by her alone so somebody, somewhere should know something.

2. IIRC, back in the beginning of the case the cadaver dogs hit on the body of water nearby but stopped there. Then I read that there was a houseboat fire not long afterwards that completely destroyed the boat. Could someone have taken Haleigh's body and put it on that boat to hide it, then came back later and set fire to it? This certainly would explain why no clues and no body has been found after all this time.
i have not read through this thread because just when i think i'm on to a good idea, i read posts from people smarter than me and i get confused and don't know what to think. therefore, anybody who finds fault with what i'm about to say is welcome to point it out and let me know why these scenarios can't be.

i have two theories: 1. Misty just doesn't remember. She was too drugged up or hungover and that night is simply a blur. I'd be interested to know if she can recall anything that happened after Ron got home. If so, then I change my mind and think chick remembers more than she's saying. Even if she doesn't remember, I don't think this could have been pulled off by her alone so somebody, somewhere should know something.

2. IIRC, back in the beginning of the case the cadaver dogs hit on the body of water nearby but stopped there. Then I read that there was a houseboat fire not long afterwards that completely destroyed the boat. Could someone have taken Haleigh's body and put it on that boat to hide it, then came back later and set fire to it? This certainly would explain why no clues and no body has been found after all this time.

Hi shufly,

I go back and forth too as you can see from my post above yours. The reason I don't think she was passed out is this. I lived with people who did pass out from booze of drugs and when they wake, if they wake, they are not coherent enough to make a call, get out of bed and be looking for kid, they can't hide the fact that they had been so drugged or drunk they slept though a kidnapping. Misty is alert, if she wasn't I think the cops would have picked up on that and DCF would be notified the kids were left with her in that condition. JMO. I don't think she could have recited the story of the washing of the blankets, what happened that day, who came over. I think she went out, left the kids and Haleigh got into something. When she came home it was too late. The MH in my opinion was staged, and badly. LE knows that I am sure. I go back and forth about Ron and what his involvement was that day.
Is there any verification that Ron actually called Misty from work? witnesses? or is it possible that he called her & maybe Tommy from that general area? I've thought from the beginning that Ron is smart enough to have left his phone on the work premises & then gone back later, to retrieve it.
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