Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh ? #6

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LE has made it pretty clear that they don't believe that Misty was @ the trailer, the whole night. O.k., let's say she wasn't. She may not have even been the babysitter. Maybe Ron went to work, thinking his mom was gonna babysit, or she was gonna get Misty. Maybe Tommy knew that the kids were home alone & jumped @ an opportunity to raid their stash.(Misty may have been partying with him). Maybe Haleigh woke up, & something happened. Ron gets home & finds Haleigh. He knows he & his mom are partly responsible, because they left the kids alone with his stash. He calls Teresa, rounds up a drugged up Misty, & gets Timmy & his crew to help out. Misty has her 'dream' of 3-4 men. They take Haleigh somewhere. just another theory, but it does make them all culpable.
continuing on with that train of thought...some of you are gonna have a hard time believing this, but I know from experience, (perverted uncles & cousins), that when a group of men, who have questionable characters, get together, & they are feeling cocky & are fueled by alcohol or drugs, they urge each other on & can do unspeakable things to children. They laugh & think it's fun. That's life for certain kids. I'm not saying that's what happened here, but I know that it's not out of the realm of possibility.
No activity on the St John's river, even though they said it had nothing to do with Haleigh, and even though they said they would be back on the Monday after Easter to continue the search. No activity on Ronald Cummings jail house visits and phone calls. LE tells Misty that if she flunks this poly, they are saying goodbye to her. No information on Tommy's polygraph. LE tells Hank they will be wrapping this up in the next 2 weeks. There's a lot of secretive stuff going on right now. I wonder if LE was trying to tell Misty her last chance to prove she was innocent in all this was over, and she will be facing the same charges as the one she is covering up for? Wouldn't that be karma? She could have walked on the drug charges if she told the truth, instead she gets life in prison for aiding and abetting, and the cover up of a murder.

Ah, that was a good dream!
LE has made it pretty clear that they don't believe that Misty was @ the trailer, the whole night. O.k., let's say she wasn't. She may not have even been the babysitter. Maybe Ron went to work, thinking his mom was gonna babysit, or she was gonna get Misty. Maybe Tommy knew that the kids were home alone & jumped @ an opportunity to raid their stash.(Misty may have been partying with him). Maybe Haleigh woke up, & something happened. Ron gets home & finds Haleigh. He knows he & his mom are partly responsible, because they left the kids alone with his stash. He calls Teresa, rounds up a drugged up Misty, & gets Timmy & his crew to help out. Misty has her 'dream' of 3-4 men. They take Haleigh somewhere. just another theory, but it does make them all culpable.

I suspect she was with someone in the Cummings Clan since TN and GGMS have done everything within their power to prove she was at the MH that entire night...
Hopefully LE knows this too...JMO
No activity on the St John's river, even though they said it had nothing to do with Haleigh, and even though they said they would be back on the Monday after Easter to continue the search. No activity on Ronald Cummings jail house visits and phone calls. LE tells Misty that if she flunks this poly, they are saying goodbye to her. No information on Tommy's polygraph. LE tells Hank they will be wrapping this up in the next 2 weeks. There's a lot of secretive stuff going on right now. I wonder if LE was trying to tell Misty her last chance to prove she was innocent in all this was over, and she will be facing the same charges as the one she is covering up for? Wouldn't that be karma? She could have walked on the drug charges if she told the truth, instead she gets life in prison for aiding and abetting, and the cover up of a murder.

Ah, that was a good dream!

Her daddy said it best..
He labeled her a dummy...
Links to the in depth LVA stuff can be found here:

and here:

Links provided by Elle:
REL (69) "Haleigh's blanket smelled like pee" -probably false (P7)(P9)
Below written by VAT, Josh Kleinhuizen
This was very suspicious. There is something going on with the blanket.

I've always felt the blankets were involved in whatever happened that night. Either to scoop up evidence, or to wrap little Haleigh's body in. Misty called way too much attention to those blankets/sheets. They were hanging over windows, they had pee on them, her blanket was carted off in the van, she washed blankets. Did she think someone would know if a blanket was missing, or had been washed? It sure sounds like it played a big part in whatever happened.
Blankets, guns, fights and the van... how do they all tie in together with HaLeigh missing? From the start I've thought too much emphasis was placed on the above that I mention and made me go 'Hmmmm' more than once....
The last day Haleigh was seen...
I believe the kids had stayed at gmas or ggma's Sunday night. Misty returned to the mh on Sunday and Monday morning Ron and Misty rushed to Gma's or ggma's to get the kids. They grabbed Haleigh and possibly Jr also. Took Haleigh to school. Misty states she walked Haleigh in. She probably had to sign her in as they were late (hence the white out on the enrollment card). Misty signs her in and Ron and maybe Jr return to the mh. Did anyone verify Jr was seen before Ggma states she saw them in the yard? Wondering if Jr was dropped off along with clothes by Ggma Monday evening. Misty speaks with Teresa either Sunday or Monday during the day when she states she was asked to babysit Haleigh and Jr. Did Teresa have someplace to go? Is that why she was supposedly dressed nicey with a necklace on when called in the wee hours of Monday to rush over to the mh? Perhaps Teresa feels guilty she pawned the kids off on Misty and her granddaughter showed up missing. Maybe that is why she sticks up for Misty (or did). If Misty snuck out possibly she waited until the kids were settled in watching a movie, possibly drugged a little and contacted someone to drive over in the van and pick her up. Two scenerios: the kids were not asleep so she took them both in the van with blankets (I asked before if the van had a dvd player) and they were left in the van to watch a movie while she rode around with someone else driving the van (brother or Joe). Or she left the kids sleeping at the mh and left in the van with brother or joe. Either way, Haleigh dies. She could have choked on her own vomit if overdosed and the blanket has to be washed due to vomit and pee. I do not feel as though there is any blood involved in the injury Haleigh sustained. Misty discussed the blanket too many times - overkill as they say in interrogation. When you keep bringing up certain words or items or phrases that are not part of the question (such as "What were you doing?" - the appropriate answer would be laundry or cleaning not such a detailed story about the blanket. Liars tend to use too many details in order to deflect.
In the bus stop thread there are 2 witnesses who state Misty was there to pick up Haleigh and the boys (witnesses were Jerry and his GF). Both state they heard Misty talking to somone in another car stating the 'stuff I got the other night was and I ain't messing with those guys no more.' So we know a drug deal went down, and we know where she was the few nights before and there were drugs there. Did Ronald and the boys go back there to settle a bad drug sh*tty marijuana maybe? Is this where the trouble started?
One of the things that I find weird about this case, is that all of these couples stayed together. Misty stayed with Ron, Lindsey with Tommy, & Chelsea with Timmy. What does it take for these women to walk away? or are the women just like the men? Look @ what Crystal put up with & how long she stuck around. & I'm assuming Ronald left Amber-not the other way around. & from the things that Tommy has done, why didn't Linsey leave, years ago? She acts more defiant now, but is that because he's in jail & she wants her man by her side? It seems that people in their environment put a BIG emphasis on being a couple, regardless of how crappy it is. It's like jr. high, where everybody wants a girlfriend/boyfriend. except there are hungry, crying, needy children involved.
Why would RC send Misty to find the gun? Why not look for himself? Only answer I can come up with is to get her prints on the gun.

Not long after the 911 call was made, Misty went home to Tommy's house, I think, one of the brother's house for a while. Ron was camped out in the tent and seen with his mother alot. Then Misty returned and literally stayed under Ron's arm pit. Ron held onto her like his very life depended on it. It looked as though he was making sure that Misty would not talk with anyone. Ron could have been directing Misty during her time at her brother's house on where to find the gun. It has been reported that the gun was found on February 10th.
One of the things that I find weird about this case, is that all of these couples stayed together. Misty stayed with Ron, Lindsey with Tommy, & Chelsea with Timmy. What does it take for these women to walk away? or are the women just like the men? Look @ what Crystal put up with & how long she stuck around. & I'm assuming Ronald left Amber-not the other way around. & from the things that Tommy has done, why didn't Linsey leave, years ago? She acts more defiant now, but is that because he's in jail & she wants her man by her side? It seems that people in their environment put a BIG emphasis on being a couple, regardless of how crappy it is. It's like jr. high, where everybody wants a girlfriend/boyfriend. except there are hungry, crying, needy children involved.

All of this makes me applaud Crystal for getting out like she did. Apparently that doesn't happen much in these types of groups.

*I hope my post doesn't inspire a new round of Crystal bashing... that was not my intention. Reading the quoted post just made me think about her and what it must have took for her to finally break free. That is all. :couch:
Not long after the 911 call was made, Misty went home to Tommy's house, I think, one of the brother's house for a while. Ron was camped out in the tent and seen with his mother alot. Then Misty returned and literally stayed under Ron's arm pit. Ron held onto her like his very life depended on it. It looked as though he was making sure that Misty would not talk with anyone. Ron could have been directing Misty during her time at her brother's house on where to find the gun. It has been reported that the gun was found on February 10th.

I thought the gun incident was a week before Haleigh went missing? This case is so freakin' confusing :banghead::banghead::banghead:
Can I just ask please if everyone heard Tommy say misty had a gun under her pillow
( this thought makes me ill)and how believable is that?

I wish there was one credible person in this bunch, just one. I am really beginning to wonder if Misty left the home after putting the kids to bed at 8 pm. If you look closely at the LDT results or LVA results she did, there are several questions that registered truth for Misty, one was when she put the kids to bed. Then right after that she said she last saw Haleigh 10 pm when she went to bed....and that was a lie. 10 pm was a lie, they asked what happened next and she said she woke up to go to the bathroom....that was a lie.

She also stated she called RC freaking out and that registered truth. I know it kept being stated that she failed these tests miserably....but there were truthful statements in there at points and I think those statements are what LE are working their time line from.

Links to the in depth LVA stuff can be found here:

and here:

Thanks for the links. Very interesting. I haven't seen these yet concerning the LVA. Really has me thinking.
Not long after the 911 call was made, Misty went home to Tommy's house, I think, one of the brother's house for a while. Ron was camped out in the tent and seen with his mother alot. Then Misty returned and literally stayed under Ron's arm pit. Ron held onto her like his very life depended on it. It looked as though he was making sure that Misty would not talk with anyone. Ron could have been directing Misty during her time at her brother's house on where to find the gun. It has been reported that the gun was found on February 10th.
I can't quit laughing. That's exactly how I remember it too. Oh, the visual. :floorlaugh:
Thanks for the links. Very interesting. I haven't seen these yet concerning the LVA. Really has me thinking.

It had me thinking to Lone. What do you make of those results? I would love to know where your mind is taking you on this one. lol
Hi Doob, sorry I
am so behind today. I feel crappy because of all this pollen. Sweet home

I have tried to do a lot of research but i have to be honest and say that I get sidetracked very easily. I go looking for confirmation of one thing and come across something that peaks my interest and I lose all focus and concentration and end up off in nowhere land. Pain.

I found a charge for TiC in VA but haven't been able to get to the bottom of that. Nothing yet on Lisa, but I have strong opinions that she has always had sticky fingers but never got caught. You know how often this family moved around. Also, if you do a search of the father and mother and grandparents of many of these players, you will find very interesting information. I can't post the links because many of the people have never had their name mentioned in Haleigh's case and i don't want to break TOS.

Bottom line, I don't think Haleigh going missing turned The Croslin's into people who broke the law. I think they have always been people who broke the law and perhaps never got caught, or did depending on where the crime was committed. Maybe that will ruffle some feathers but its just my opinion. I have been working on a new theory, the past few days. Before we heard that Tommy may or may not have taken the LDT on Thursday, it will be rough to see all this play out from here on in....I think Justice for Haleigh may be closer than many think.

I have 2 great friends I keep in touch with. One has known me since before I was born, my mom's best friends daughter, she is 14 months older than me, and my best friend from Jr high school, 35 yrs ago. If I was accused of something these 2 friends would come out and say I do not believe she could do this or I know she could do this. I have not heard of one long time friend of the SR Croslins or the JR Croslins come to their defense. The Croslin family has moved around and not one person who has known them has come out. Normally in situations like this people want their 15 minutes of fame. No one has stepped up to the plate to claim it. Keep digging Elle, I'm digging also. I have a cousin who was a teacher in the MI area they are from I'm trying to get info from now.
Haven't heard anyone coming out and defending the Cummings either. Ron certainly doesn't have any friends speaking up for his character.
Concerning the results of the VSA...I don't think any of us were far off.

But it looks like Misty is either a sever Borderline Personality (still wondering if she cuts and then I would know) or she is dissociating, which is where I was repeating my observation of her delusinal thinking. I never went as far as MPD though. They are suggesting dissociation....makes sense if you believe in that. I will now have to go back and look at her more closely. I came across one of them before and they do things with their eyes are that are odd.

We can go back to keeping this crime simple. She either harmed Haleigh herself and disposed of her alone or she had help in the disposal.

Or she witnessed a murder and is scared and purposesly deluded herself or she actually is M.P.D. (Boy, that would bring out the skeptics)

I prefer to keep this simple. Misty may have been the one to harm Haleigh and may have disposed of her nearby using her sister-in-laws van or call a friend like Nay.

The analysis, if accurate, shows a mentally disturbed person, imo.
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