Theories on what happened to Haleigh #2

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Im sticking with accident.....the child custody seems like a reach
I have stated this before but I still think the simplest answer is the way to go. Haleigh was in bedroom alone watching movie. She got into something she shouldn't thinking it was candy---xanny bar maybe. Anyway it was something Ron brought into the house. Misty finds her dead when she puts junior into the bed. Calls Ron--somehow he sneaks out of work for awhile. Disposes of body. Something that was on or around her was dumped in the dumpster later--hence the cadaver dog hit. He returns to work to finish his shift and says they will call 911 at his normal home arrival time. Etc etc. He is responsible because it was his "stuff". Misty has him over a barrel--time to get married. Until we have some more evidence of her still being alive, I have to go with that theory or else a real abduction.
I have seen no fact that RC "hit" his children. There is no report made of Misty hitting a child so no that is not fact for me.

I believe the Sheffield family arranged for Haleigh to be taken. I believe they knew the work schedule, knew Misty had been out that weekend, knew the sleeping routine in the home, had the skills to lock bump the lock. I do not believe the abductor ever thought things would get this big, that all these outsiders would come in offering help. I think they thought this would all be over in a week or so and Haleigh could be returned.

I also have not ruled out that it was a stranger abduction, who had been watching the home and knew the routines. The bed being as close to the door as it was, I can see someone coming in taking Haleigh and Misty not waking up. You can pick a sleeping child up and they will not wake up, especially if that child is use to being moved at some point during the night.

Busy, I've bolded the part that concerns me. I know you want proof. etc., so how can you believe this? I don't believe there is proof for this, is there? So then I don't understand how you can believe this and totally discount other things you say can't be proven. This makes no sense to me....
I don't discount other things that can't be proven. I just can't base my theory on a timeline that does not work at all, or for reasons that I have seen no evidence whatsoever that points in that direction. To me facts point in the direction of the Sheffield family, next they point to a stranger abduction. Its very simple to me Marie wanted Crystal to have custody of those children, the Sheffields have proceeded to trash RC, there was a child support issue all facts that would show motive.

There is no facts of drugs being in the home, there is no fact of RC abusing the children, there is no fact that Misty was not home, no facts that say RC was not at work, in fact we have been told he worked his shift, PDM does thumb print security - it is kinda hard to slip in and out of work there, I can find zero motive for RC or Misty harming Haleigh.

Busy, I've bolded the part that concerns me. I know you want proof. etc., so how can you believe this? I don't believe there is proof for this, is there? So then I don't understand how you can believe this and totally discount other things you say can't be proven. This makes no sense to me....
I don't discount other things that can't be proven. I just can't base my theory on a timeline that does not work at all, or for reasons that I have seen no evidence whatsoever that points in that direction. To me facts point in the direction of the Sheffield family, next they point to a stranger abduction. Its very simple to me Marie wanted Crystal to have custody of those children, the Sheffields have proceeded to trash RC, there was a child support issue all facts that would show motive.

There is no facts of drugs being in the home, there is no fact of RC abusing the children, there is no fact that Misty was not home, no facts that say RC was not at work, in fact we have been told he worked his shift, PDM does thumb print security - it is kinda hard to slip in and out of work there, I can find zero motive for RC or Misty harming Haleigh.

BBM - Motive? How about accidental, no motive assigned.

All this grief on overly protective grandmas is simple, let them all air out their vendettas against one another at the sheriffs office, then strap them in for polys and see which one glows.

While everyone's at it, maybe RC and MC can attempt once again to clear up any issues that would lead LE to announce they're convinced RC and MC are not involved in Haleigh's disappearance.
I have thought about accidental a bunch actually. I just don't see RC being violent and hurt Haleigh, I don't believe drugs were kept in the home for Haleigh to get ahold of, I don't see Misty as violent. I can't figure out how Misty disposed of Haleigh if it was an accident, RC didnt have time to do anything before 911 was called. I think if some type of accident occurred 911 would of been called right then and there. I do not believe for a minute RC would cover for Misty. I do not believe TN would cover for anyone who hurt Haleigh accident or not.

BBM - Motive? How about accidental, no motive assigned.

All this grief on overly protective grandmas is simple, let them all air out their vendettas against one another at the sheriffs office, then strap them in for polys and see which one glows.

While everyone's at it, maybe RC and MC can attempt once again to clear up any issues that would lead LE to announce they're convinced RC and MC are not involved in Haleigh's disappearance.
I have thought about accidental a bunch actually. I just don't see RC being violent and hurt Haleigh, I don't believe drugs were kept in the home for Haleigh to get ahold of, I don't see Misty as violent. I can't figure out how Misty disposed of Haleigh if it was an accident, RC didnt have time to do anything before 911 was called. I think if some type of accident occurred 911 would of been called right then and there. I do not believe for a minute RC would cover for Misty. I do not believe TN would cover for anyone who hurt Haleigh accident or not.

Our opinions differ but it doesn't matter what you or I think anymore. There's your opinion, my opinion and the truth. Finger pointing always heads for the grandmothers on both sides. So I propose we settle it and call them in for interviews and polygraphs. Marie, GGMS, TN and you can name one more to keep it equal.

From the Polly Klaas web site

With approximately 77 abductions by family members for every kidnapping by a non-family member law enforcement will inevitably follow the statistics and concentrate on the child’s known universe. They will launch parallel investigations with a focus on the family and move outward. Like concentric ripples in a pond, they will look at family, friends and acquaintances, peripheral contacts, sex offenders registered in the community and finally the most frightening and daunting scenario of all: strangers.

As intrusive as it may become and as irrelevant as it may seem, fully cooperate with law enforcement and eliminate yourself as a suspect. They will ask questions that seem irrelevant and may even ask you to take a polygraph examination. It is not fair, but it is necessary. Remember, like you, law enforcement doesn’t know where your child is and the sooner they are able to gather and assimilate information and evidence, the sooner they are going to be able to direct their investigation toward the solution.
I don't believe it was directly related to the child support. I think the child support coming to a head might of put into high gear. I think it was more to do with someone wanting Crystal to have Haleigh and RJ, and she had not been able to do that the legal route. ...
Gee, that sure worked well for her, huh? What with Crystal bereft and grieving because now she not only can't see her child at all, but has no idea where she is or who has her.

I'm sorry, but this theory just doesn't work, on so many different levels.
Gee, that sure worked well for her, huh? What with Crystal bereft and grieving because now she not only can't see her child at all, but has no idea where she is or who has her.

I'm sorry, but this theory just doesn't work, on so many different levels.

I think there are varying theories on that, I think several believe Crystal does know where HaLeigh is now and who has her, I believe that as well, JMO.
I think there are varying theories on that, I think several believe Crystal does know where HaLeigh is now and who has her, I believe that as well, JMO.

What is the theory you've attached to the belief? I mean, how did Crystal arrange it? There were several things she had to do in order to assure getting HaLeigh out of there so successfully. The way I've attempted to make it work for Crystal to have arranged it takes too many chances, with too many variables put into play by Ronald, Misty, TN, and even GGM.

IF Crystal did it, for instance....She or her agent would have to have waited somewhere nearby. As we've all seen, there are woods all around, but people live in a lot of those woods. She or her agent COULD have found a spot (I'm guessing the twig chair would be a likely theoretical spy spot). HaLeigh comes home from school, loves on her daddy's neck, tells him she'll see him when he gets home, and Ronald leaves the playing field. Then, Misty is there with the two children and her brother and his children and maybe/maybe not her cousin. By 5:45, they're off the playing field as well. Misty is there with the two kids, and we can assume she is occupying herself with the domestic chores everyone has at that time of the evening. Preparing dinner, cleaning up from the guests, what have you. At sometime between 7 and 8, GGM shows up and hands Misty clothing to take into the house, views the children on the porch eating dinner (she also discusses in one of her videos being in the house and seeing HaLeigh playing and how distraught she is now that HaLeigh is gone that that's her last image of HaLeigh......gotta find that video again). So anyway, GGM finally leaves and she's off the playing field.

Now it is just Misty, the kids, and Crystal and/or her agent, sitting in that chair waiting and watching. Kids go to bed at 8-8:30, but not to sleep. They're watching movies in two separate rooms. Misty's location in the MH is never given. Was she doing the laundry, cleaning the kitchen? I don't know. Some say the 911 tape says she was cleaning. Her statements later says she was doing the blankets because the kids were down and HaLeigh didn't have a clean blanket. By 10-10:30, Misty herself lays down.

The stage is set for the watcher-in-the-woods (Crystal and/or her agent). The back door is locked (INSISTED UPON by both Ronald and Misty, acknowledged by TN and GGM). The front door's locked/unlocked status is never discussed. The back door, visible with no obstruction in an open yard and a vast expanse of grass with no trees on it is the preferred entry point to the watcher. Not the covered front porch which would at least provide cover while ingress takes place. The back door, up a creaky looking ramp, opening an equally creaky screen door, which is propped open with a cinder block presumably found by a pile of cinder blocks in the what time? Then? More time exposed in the open with the risk of being seen...anyway. Entry is made. Immediately they're met with laundry piled on the floor (confirmed by TN during her video walkthrough), and Crystal and/or her agent walk over those piles and turn on the kitchen light situated at the opposite end of the kitchen from the back door entry. Again, a light would blow the cover of secrecy an abduction would seem to warrant, but then Crystal and/or her agent is operating on an obvious agenda of attaining custody illegally, so......moving on.

Leaving the kitchen, light on and shining onto the floor into the living room, Crystal and/or her agent must make a decision about where the kids are. They're not in their rooms (INSISTED UPON by Ronald and Misty, acknowledged by TN and GGM) but instead are in the master bedroom. So now, Crystal and/or her agent, having exposed herself/the agent in the treeless yard to go into the exposed back door via lock bumping, stumbling over laundry and fumbling in the dark to find a light switch in a house she/the agent has never been in before, having looked in bedrooms for the children, realize their prey is in the master bedroom with the only other near-adult.....Misty. HaLeigh is sleeping right by the opened door. Misty is about 3 feet away on the big mattresses, Jr by her side. Crystal and/or her agent must make a choice now. Take HaLeigh (easiest) and leave Jr, or back out of the whole mess and hope she/the agent has not been seen and rethink the whole dang thing. Well, obviously, Crystal and/or her agent has thought that HaLeigh is better than nothing and grabs her. She made no noise, Crystal and/or her agent made no noise, and Crystal and/or her agent and HaLeigh head BACK out of the master bedroom, into the living room, through to the kitchen, stumbling through the laundry on the floor, through the back door which didn't quite latch when they entered, past the blocked open screen door, down the crickety ramp and back into the woods, past the spy chair and presumably to a waiting car, and off Crystal and/or her agent go with HaLeigh.

Now Crystal sits, the grieving mother, but not really....being watched constantly by everyone, judged by most, and unable to see her little girl she's just risked EVERYTHING to steal out of her bed.

That's where it all falls apart for me. To go through all that work to take her child, to have exposed herself and/or another person to the risks involved in EVERY LAST STEP OF THIS scenario, only to not benefit the joy of having HaLeigh????

Logic suggests that it must be discarded because in order for Crystal and/or her agent to have gotten into the house given the outline that Ronald and Misty have assured us is the only way they could have gotten can not have happened.
Great Post debs! :clap: Thank you for saying what I believe also, but can not type fast enough nor word so eloquently to say.... :bow::bow::bow:
The whole scenario changes if Crystal did not know initially about the plan, we know for sure at least a cousin knew the layout of the mobile home and possibly Crystal knew that as well as there is a discrepancy in whether she had ever been in the mobile home or not, lock bumping takes a minute, grab child in and out in just a few minutes. The front door had porch light and close to bedroom where everyone was sleeping, side door no light screen door propped open would block view partially if anyone walking down the street, woods immediately behind the home. So logically I can not throw this theory out anymore than I can throw out a stranger abduction.
I have thought about accidental a bunch actually. I just don't see RC being violent and hurt Haleigh, I don't believe drugs were kept in the home for Haleigh to get ahold of, I don't see Misty as violent. I can't figure out how Misty disposed of Haleigh if it was an accident, RC didnt have time to do anything before 911 was called. I think if some type of accident occurred 911 would of been called right then and there. I do not believe for a minute RC would cover for Misty. I do not believe TN would cover for anyone who hurt Haleigh accident or not.

how do you turn a blind eye to all the reports of Ron having a temper, known involvement with drugs and sex with underage general poor judgments and say its not possible? Your right Ron or TN wouldnt back Misty for a second, thats why it comes back to a Cummings.

Take a look at who would have the easiest opportunity and it comes to Misty and Ronald.....until we see the official police reports we dont know when Haleigh was seen for sure.....GGM has been exposed as not too reliable and inconsistent in her statements, the ac did he see heer or not? so we dont knoe when Haleigh really went missing except for Misty.....and just how truthfull is she.....we dont know that for sure yet either......we do know she could be subject to memory loss from drug use
The whole scenario changes if Crystal did not know initially about the plan, we know for sure at least a cousin knew the layout of the mobile home and possibly Crystal knew that as well as there is a discrepancy in whether she had ever been in the mobile home or not, lock bumping takes a minute, grab child in and out in just a few minutes. The front door had porch light and close to bedroom where everyone was sleeping, side door no light screen door propped open would block view partially if anyone walking down the street, woods immediately behind the home. So logically I can not throw this theory out anymore than I can throw out a stranger abduction.

Busy, may I ask...In your theory, WHY would a cousin go to this extreme without Crystals knowledge? For what purpose? And are they just hanging on to HaLeigh until ???? the end of time?? I am just not following the logic of this at all...jmo though. :)
how do you turn a blind eye to all the reports of Ron having a temper, known involvement with drugs and sex with underage general poor judgments and say its not possible? Your right Ron or TN wouldnt back Misty for a second, thats why it comes back to a Cummings.

Take a look at who would have the easiest opportunity and it comes to Misty and Ronald.....until we see the official police reports we dont know when Haleigh was seen for sure.....GGM has been exposed as not too reliable and inconsistent in her statements, the ac did he see heer or not? so we dont knoe when Haleigh really went missing except for Misty.....and just how truthfull is she.....we dont know that for sure yet either......we do know she could be subject to memory loss from drug use

Working off that and then adding to my post above yours.....IF Crystal and/or her agent are later shown to have taken HaLeigh earlier in the day, then the entire Cummings/Croslin family circle HAS LIED!!! Misty says her brother was there with his children (and maybe/maybe not the cousin). TN says she sent a family member over there and SHE insists HaLeigh was there. GGM indicates that she is the family member that went over there between 7 and 8 and saw HaLeigh. Misty says she put HaLeigh to bed at 8-8:30. Misty says she covered HaLeigh at 10-10:30.......

EVERYTHING would be a lie that they've told if Crystal and/or her agent actually snapped HaLeigh up earlier. Then why would the Cummings/Croslins be lying to cover that up????

I just cannot make it work for Crystal-as-perp. Where is my logic going wrong with it????
I have seen rumors of RC having a temper, I have seen nothing from RC that indicates he is violent, I know he had past drug involvement, I have seen nothing that shows he is currently involved in drugs. We all know he is with Misty who is underage, only rumors of other underage girls. I also do not believe for one second as I stated previously that TN would cover for anyone that harmed Haleigh and that includes her son.

I missed GGM being exposed as being unreliable and inconsistent in her statements - I will do some searching on that.

how do you turn a blind eye to all the reports of Ron having a temper, known involvement with drugs and sex with underage general poor judgments and say its not possible? Your right Ron or TN wouldnt back Misty for a second, thats why it comes back to a Cummings.

Take a look at who would have the easiest opportunity and it comes to Misty and Ronald.....until we see the official police reports we dont know when Haleigh was seen for sure.....GGM has been exposed as not too reliable and inconsistent in her statements, the ac did he see heer or not? so we dont knoe when Haleigh really went missing except for Misty.....and just how truthfull is she.....we dont know that for sure yet either......we do know she could be subject to memory loss from drug use
Well we know Crystal knew RC's working schedule, she mentions the sleeping arrangements, we do have a discrepancy on Crystal being in the mobile home before, Marie says she has been, Crystal says she has not been so layout would not be a problem depending on which statement you believe, I also believe due to visitation schedule the Sheffields knew Misty was out that weekend, there are relatives with breaking and entering records.

Busy, it still does not explain how Crystal knew Misty had been out the weekend before or why she thought that was a good opportunity to take one child and leave the other. I don't think she would do that, that's just me. Jr. would have gone willingly with no fuss. And if Misty was so passed out, and Crystal knew it, wouldn't that make it easy to grab one child under each arm and be done with it? So the argument that she somehow knew Misty would be still under the influence, doesn't hold water with me. She would not have left her son there in that case, she would have taken them both. If a person is going to be charged with kidnapping their own child, might as well go down for two rather than just one.
I believe Marie was mistaken. I will believe Crystal was in that MH at some point, when I hear Crystal say it, but you are free to believe otherwise. To my knowledge, she never had any reason to be there, since she picked the kids up and returned them at McDonald's. She might have known where it was, through her dad... but I doubt she was ever allowed inside it until after Haleigh went missing. Ron would have taken no chances, he was way too possessive of his "heart."
Nothing about this case makes sense, and IMO, it's fine for us to have different opinions... putting all our heads together might result in some NEW theory coming about, and the pieces falling in place. You never know!!
and lets not forget Mistys whack job of a cousin.....who was or wasnt there depending on who you ask.....the one with a motive fighting and stealing from ron,.....that too is subject as to who you believe.....did it or not happen....and we wonder why LE is having trouble
how do you turn a blind eye to all the reports of Ron having a temper, known involvement with drugs and sex with underage general poor judgments and say its not possible? Your right Ron or TN wouldnt back Misty for a second, thats why it comes back to a Cummings.

Take a look at who would have the easiest opportunity and it comes to Misty and Ronald.....until we see the official police reports we dont know when Haleigh was seen for sure.....GGM has been exposed as not too reliable and inconsistent in her statements, the ac did he see heer or not? so we dont knoe when Haleigh really went missing except for Misty.....and just how truthfull is she.....we dont know that for sure yet either......we do know she could be subject to memory loss from drug use

I totally agree Den...and while Misty was my first poi, as you said I don't believe that TN or GGM would cover for Misty (not her alone anyway)...which brought me to Ron (who btw I see as most likely having a horrible temper, jmo) and I dang sure believe that TN or GGM would cover for him in a skinny doubt about it *in MY mind* especially if they knew HaLeigh was no longer living. ...sadly shades of CA come to mind :(
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