Theories on what happened to Haleigh #2

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I am not shocked Misty could sleep through it. If I did not have dogs to alert me, I am sure I would as well. I don't find anything strange about that.

Not sure which facts you wanted to discuss?
I have seen no fact that RC "hit" his children. There is no report made of Misty hitting a child so no that is not fact for me.

I believe the Sheffield family arranged for Haleigh to be taken. I believe they knew the work schedule, knew Misty had been out that weekend, knew the sleeping routine in the home, had the skills to lock bump the lock. I do not believe the abductor ever thought things would get this big, that all these outsiders would come in offering help. I think they thought this would all be over in a week or so and Haleigh could be returned.

I also have not ruled out that it was a stranger abduction, who had been watching the home and knew the routines. The bed being as close to the door as it was, I can see someone coming in taking Haleigh and Misty not waking up. You can pick a sleeping child up and they will not wake up, especially if that child is use to being moved at some point during the night.
It seems to me, that often what we see are theories of what didn't happen to Haleigh, rather than a comprehensive attempt to explain what might've happened that night.

ETA: Ah, I see that alternative theories have been presented about either the Sheffields or a stranger abducting Haleigh. Cool - posters who are willing to put their own ideas out there rather than to just continually contradict others are a valuable component in any discussion. JMO
Shaymus I have tried over and over, but I get told it is not logical and my theory needs to be thrown in the trash, but as stubborn as I am I keep typing my theory out over and over lol.

It seems to me, that often what we see are theories of what didn't happen to Haleigh, rather than a comprehensive attempt to explain what might've happened that night.
We need to start over because I asked for your theory, so far I got nothing but excuses for Ron and misty? Do you have one at all, was it the tooth fairey???
I have seen no fact that RC "hit" his children. There is no report made of Misty hitting a child so no that is not fact for me.

I believe the Sheffield family arranged for Haleigh to be taken. I believe they knew the work schedule,knew Misty had been out that weekend, knew the sleeping routine in the home, had the skills to lock bump the lock. I do not believe the abductor ever thought things would get this big, that all these outsiders would come in offering help. I think they thought this would all be over in a week or so and Haleigh could be returned.

I also have not ruled out that it was a stranger abduction, who had been watching the home and knew the routines. The bed being as close to the door as it was, I can see someone coming in taking Haleigh and Misty not waking up. You can pick a sleeping child up and they will not wake up, especially if that child is use to being moved at some point during the night.

Busy, HOW do we KNOW that the Sheffields knew this, if you don't mind my asking? :)
Shaymus I have tried over and over, but I get told it is not logical and my theory needs to be thrown in the trash, but as stubborn as I am I keep typing my theory out over and over lol.

Shoot, we all get told that. Not easy for me to read either - but I'm developing a tougher skin. That's good, I needed to.

ETA: Maybe we need a emoticon for "That's what didn't happen. What do you think did happen ?" Hmmm what would an emoticon like that look like ?
Busy ur theories are plausible also....the only problem with either is that the MH is to clean no a speck of evidence that we know of....the shefield theory might be a tight fit in the timelines as we have them.....
or reasonable explanation for the actions and behavior of these players. It's sad but it often happens that a family will rally around someone despite their role in the loss of a loved one. Logical analysis is one of the few tools we have in a case like this. Many of us here have used a logical process to analyze and understand the meaning of the actions of the principal players. That process brings us to the conclusion we've been discussing tonight. That might not bring us to a precise picture of specifically what happened but it certainly gives the direction.

I also unfortunately feel that if Haleigh were alive and well with some family member LE would have found her by now. There are too many electronic trails to follow these days for a person with ties to the family to disappear that successfully with Haleigh. And no way would LE let this go on that long if she was able to be brought back home.

Goodnight guys, I'm off to VT in the am for a weekend of lacrosse with my boys. I hope to return to some news although I know the chances of that arent very good. I wish all children were safely at home asleep like my boys are. Sadly, that isn't the world we live in.

Den, I'm afraid that Haleigh was injured, perhaps critically, in an accident. I don't know if it was in the MH or elsewhere. I think the Ron, Misty and other members of their families know what happened, and know where Haleigh is.

The abduction scene seems staged to me, their stories seem riddled with inconsistencies, their cooperation with LE and their efforts to find Haleigh seem lackluster at best.

For me, the Aha ! moment was the day Ron married Misty. After I heard about Misty's walk out of the LE interview, I thought "Well that's it - no wedding tomorrow." Nope - Ron was going ahead. He was going to marry a woman who wouldn't help LE find his daughter every chance she got.

Then I heard logistic problems that seemed as if everything was conspiring against the wedding happening that Thursday - their church's published refusal to marry them, problems finding an alternative location, difficulty in finding another officiant, for example. I thought, "OK, they'll postphone it." Nope - Ron was going ahead.

Then I heard about the LE search. More than 100 professionals searching a nearby field for little Haleigh. I thought, "Oh, now they'll be glued to the internet and to the tv, just like I was, waiting and hoping for some news about Haleigh." Nope, Ron went ahead. He got married while others were searching for "his heart".
Well we know Crystal knew RC's working schedule, she mentions the sleeping arrangements, we do have a discrepancy on Crystal being in the mobile home before, Marie says she has been, Crystal says she has not been so layout would not be a problem depending on which statement you believe, I also believe due to visitation schedule the Sheffields knew Misty was out that weekend, there are relatives with breaking and entering records.

Busy, HOW do we KNOW that the Sheffields knew this, if you don't mind my asking? :)
or reasonable explanation for the actions and behavior of these players. It's sad but it often happens that a family will rally around someone despite their role in the loss of a loved one. Logical analysis is one of the few tools we have in a case like this. Many of us here have used a logical process to analyze and understand the meaning of the actions of the principal players. That process brings us to the conclusion we've been discussing tonight. That might not bring us to a precise picture of specifically what happened but it certainly gives the direction.

I also unfortunately feel that if Haleigh were alive and well with some family member LE would have found her by now. There are too many electronic trails to follow these days for a person with ties to the family to disappear that successfully with Haleigh. And no way would LE let this go on that long if she was able to be brought back home.

Goodnight guys, I'm off to VT in the am for a weekend of lacrosse with my boys. I hope to return to some news although I know the chances of that arent very good. I wish all children were safely at home asleep like my boys are. Sadly, that isn't the world we live in.

O/T Hope they win (or have bundles of fun trying to) !
The main problem with the "Sheffield theory" that can NOT be explained away is how they would have arranged for the Cummings side to help them out by telling lies, refusing to answer questions for police, changing their stories multiple times, one of them saying a person WAS there that night while another one of them says absolutely not, etc. etc. etc. etc.
IF we are willing to accept the 50 or so unlikely to happen coincidences of the success of carrying this out and still insist on attributing the act to the Sheffields, then we still have to account for why the Cummings are doing everything in their power to confound the investigation and prevent LE from finding out that the evil Sheffield clan has done this atrocious act.
I havent seen any lies by the Cummings family, also seen nothing that states they are refusing to answer questions for the police. In fact LE has said they are cooperating. Misty has inconsistencies the police have stated, we just don't know what those inconsistencies are. The entire JO being there that night has been discussed many times, if you listen to the recording TN is answering yes as NG rattles off names, RC steps in and corrects after NG finishes up the names.

The main problem with the "Sheffield theory" that can NOT be explained away is how they would have arranged for the Cummings side to help them out by telling lies, refusing to answer questions for police, changing their stories multiple times, one of them saying a person WAS there that night while another one of them says absolutely not, etc. etc. etc. etc.
IF we are willing to accept the 50 or so unlikely to happen coincidences of the success of carrying this out and still insist on attributing the act to the Sheffields, then we still have to account for why the Cummings are doing everything in their power to confound the investigation and prevent LE from finding out that the evil Sheffield clan has done this atrocious act.
The main problem with the "Sheffield theory" that can NOT be explained away is how they would have arranged for the Cummings side to help them out by telling lies, refusing to answer questions for police, changing their stories multiple times, one of them saying a person WAS there that night while another one of them says absolutely not, etc. etc. etc. etc.
IF we are willing to accept the 50 or so unlikely to happen coincidences of the success of carrying this out and still insist on attributing the act to the Sheffields, then we still have to account for why the Cummings are doing everything in their power to confound the investigation and prevent LE from finding out that the evil Sheffield clan has done this atrocious act.

Great post, ITA!!!
Well we know Crystal knew RC's working schedule, she mentions the sleeping arrangements, we do have a discrepancy on Crystal being in the mobile home before, Marie says she has been, Crystal says she has not been so layout would not be a problem depending on which statement you believe, I also believe due to visitation schedule the Sheffields knew Misty was out that weekend, there are relatives with breaking and entering records.

See..I don't believe that Crystal knew much about sleeping arrangements, Misty's weekend and even Ron's work schedule (since it had just changed the week prior to HaLeighs disappearance) until she arrived in Satsuma.

Do you believe the motive of child support and/or custody? Why leave Jr? If not, what is your opinion on motive? (not being snarky, I promise :) just really am curious) tia! None of it fits together for me....just a different opinion though.
to the house as the children were exchanged at a public place? They also had not lived there very long so not sure how people in another state would know their nightly routine.

Honestly, the biggest reason I have always discounted this theory is that CS is not an action person. She is passive and IMO would never go to this type of length or this far out on a limb. Plus, there is no plausible reason for her to take Haleigh. She appeared to be very accepting,as always, of MC and the relationship with her children. I don't even want to get into the child support thing-no way is CS committing a felony over 4k-these people always have money problems-all of them-it's not like it's something unusual.

OK-really going to bed now.

Busy, HOW do we KNOW that the Sheffields knew this, if you don't mind my asking? :)
the theory about crystals fam stealing Haleigh away is tough also because they arent the kennedys....and the money part is minimal
and didnt LE clear the SO's almost immediately
to the house as the children were exchanged at a public place? They also had not lived there very long so not sure how people in another state would know their nightly routine.

Honestly, the biggest reason I have always discounted this theory is that CS is not an action person. She is passive and IMO would never go to this type of length or this far out on a limb. Plus, there is no plausible reason for her to take Haleigh. She appeared to be very accepting,as always, of MC and the relationship with her children. I don't even want to get into the child support thing-no way is CS committing a felony over 4k-these people always have money problems-all of them-it's not like it's something unusual.

OK-really going to bed now.

ITA with every word! :blowkiss:

I'm going to bed too, lol!
I don't believe it was directly related to the child support. I think the child support coming to a head might of put into high gear. I think it was more to do with someone wanting Crystal to have Haleigh and RJ, and she had not been able to do that the legal route. I think Haleigh was the easier to grab, and if both children had been taken it would of been very obvious. I think it was simply thought hey RC lost Haleigh while he had custody, go to the courts and will automatically get custody of RJ because he can't be safe in the home where another child was taken. Then Haleigh shows back up the courts cant very well go back and say well she is ok so we are giving custody back to RC. I honestly do not think it was Crystals idea, but I do believe she knows where Haleigh is at this point. Also RC worked that schedule longer than just a week prior to Haleigh disappearing.

See..I don't believe that Crystal knew much about sleeping arrangements, Misty's weekend and even Ron's work schedule (since it had just changed the week prior to HaLeighs disappearance) until she arrived in Satsuma.

Do you believe the motive of child support and/or custody? Why leave Jr? If not, what is your opinion on motive? (not being snarky, I promise :) just really am curious) tia! None of it fits together for me....just a different opinion though.
I don't believe it was directly related to the child support. I think the child support coming to a head might of put into high gear. I think it was more to do with someone wanting Crystal to have Haleigh and RJ, and she had not been able to do that the legal route. I think Haleigh was the easier to grab, and if both children had been taken it would of been very obvious. I think it was simply thought hey RC lost Haleigh while he had custody, go to the courts and will automatically get custody of RJ because he can't be safe in the home where another child was taken. Then Haleigh shows back up the courts cant very well go back and say well she is ok so we are giving custody back to RC. I honestly do not think it was Crystals idea, but I do believe she knows where Haleigh is at this point. Also RC worked that schedule longer than just a week prior to Haleigh disappearing.

I totally agree
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