Theories on what happened to Haleigh #2

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I agree, but not all psychopaths kill, we live with them everyday, and work with them. Psychopaths come in all degrees, some kill, but most just do things that we wouldn't dream of doing because we would feel guilty. Psychopaths do not feel guilt. Most don't feel anxiety or nervous. They don't know how to act so they mimic what others do.

I KNOW...don't ask how!
Does anyone know if an interview was conducted with Tim Miller upon his departure from searching for Haleigh. I have always been a bit curious about his thoughts on this case. All I have read or heard was that he made a comment something like: She's not here. Is there a link or additional information from other threads or sources where he gives additional information on why he left so suddenly?
not sure, I thought he gave a brief statement and let, FYI I emailed him and twice tried to get answers....nada...
well my theory remain the accident and Misty knows the truth and so does Ron and so does TN.....more likely caused by Ron and Misty saw or know what happen......that explains the marriage and TN's ringing endorsement of the senseless marriage......this was not premeditated otherwise Misty would have been let out.....cuz she cant remember her lines as it is
about no premeditation-I hadn't thought of that before but it clearly makes sense. Whatever happened MC was there or came in on it and thus became a necessary part of the coverup/staging. And, once involved, they were stuck with her.

All I know is it had to involve a Cummings as no way do they stick by MC if she was solely responsible. It's not like there was any good reason or need to praise her to the extent they did. She just came back from a bender and romp with WBG and crew so making her mother of the year and never questioning her after their beloved Haleigh disappears makes no logical sense. They didn't even care when she walked out on LE investigating Haleigh's disappearance. It's not even like RC & MC had a long term relationship and MC was well known to the family.They had just met and moved in together in what, November?

I don't know who is guilty of what or precisely what happened all I know is there is definitely a coverup going on.

well my theory remain the accident and Misty knows the truth and so does Ron and so does TN.....more likely caused by Ron and Misty saw or know what happen......that explains the marriage and TN's ringing endorsement of the senseless marriage......this was not premeditated otherwise Misty would have been let out.....cuz she cant remember her lines as it is
thats precisely how I looked at it....common sense dont need to look very far
JMO but I don't believe Teresa would ever support anyone who harmed HaLeigh, she seems like a very loving grandmother and mother, and I don't believe Ron or Misty harmed HaLeigh.
if you TN how could you sit for sunday dinner at the same table with Misty.....the last to see your baby, ......and lost your Grand baby......then praise her......not in this world could I
Jmo, Teresa knows Misty unlike most of us and doesn't blame her for HaLeigh being abducted.
she seems like a smart woman, and thats why I'm not believing her praise of Misty
I just gave my theory, and why.....feel free to share a another logical one
btw if mr theory is wrong and Ron didn't harm
haleigh, then explain to me how Misty could be 4 feet away and be so passed out that she heard Nothing and didnt wake until she either A) saw the light B)had to pee or C) get a drink....
glad to see everyone trying to add to the sleuthing theories

please share but try to base your theory on some sort of plausible facts, instead of how you want to feel.....I too would like to think Ron or Misty would or could not hurt Haleigh.....but you only have to pick up a newspaper and read how a parent kills there children....happened here in ohio a man slit the throats of his small children to spite his could they.....absolutely
for what, 3 months or so. No way do you not at least question that person, have doubts about them, this person who you don't really know, who can't tell the same story twice, who admits she can't and who even walks out on LE when they're trying to get the truth about what really happened on the night Haleigh went missing. It's not like she's too kind to say anything bad about someone as she has no problem trashing CS. No, you only do what she's doing if you're protecting someone else as I don't doubt that TN loved Haleigh.

if you TN how could you sit for sunday dinner at the same table with Misty.....the last to see your baby, ......and lost your Grand baby......then praise her......not in this world could I
glad to see everyone trying to add to the sleuthing theories

please share but try to base your theory on some sort of plausible facts, instead of how you want to feel.....I too would like to think Ron or Misty would or could not hurt Haleigh.....but you only have to pick up a newspaper and read how a parent kills there children....happened here in ohio a man slit the throats of his small children to spite his could they.....absolutely

Hey Den... I remember that story. Lots of weird stuff happens in Ohio that you don't always hear on the national news. (save for the latest, Donathan case)

Yeah, you never know what people will do out of spite. I'm not suggesting that is what actually happened in this case... evidence doesn't quite support it, unless it happened outside the home. Sad thought.
what gets me most is the denial by some folks even after things are found to be facts, like Misty.......they need to force her and Ron back in for more fruitful talks
Den, I'm afraid that Haleigh was injured, perhaps critically, in an accident. I don't know if it was in the MH or elsewhere. I think the Ron, Misty and other members of their families know what happened, and know where Haleigh is.

The abduction scene seems staged to me, their stories seem riddled with inconsistencies, their cooperation with LE and their efforts to find Haleigh seem lackluster at best.

For me, the Aha ! moment was the day Ron married Misty. After I heard about Misty's walk out of the LE interview, I thought "Well that's it - no wedding tomorrow." Nope - Ron was going ahead. He was going to marry a woman who wouldn't help LE find his daughter every chance she got.

Then I heard logistic problems that seemed as if everything was conspiring against the wedding happening that Thursday - their church's published refusal to marry them, problems finding an alternative location, difficulty in finding another officiant, for example. I thought, "OK, they'll postphone it." Nope - Ron was going ahead.

Then I heard about the LE search. More than 100 professionals searching a nearby field for little Haleigh. I thought, "Oh, now they'll be glued to the internet and to the tv, just like I'll be, waiting and hoping for some news about Haleigh." Nope, Ron went ahead. He got married while others were searching for "his heart".
At this point I am basing my theory on facts, not on rumors about Misty or RC. No matter how hard I try - I cannot fit the timeline to RC being involved at all based on the facts we have. Misty has time unaccounted for that no one can prove she was at home, because she is alone. If she did something to Haleigh, then she would of had to dispose of Haleigh before 3:25 am, make sure there was no evidence left in the mobile home. Misty has taken 3 different lie detector test and no charges filed, and she has not been named a suspect. I have a tough time believing that there would of not been something revealed on those lie detector test to point LE in the right direction if she was guilty of harming Haleigh or knew what happened to Haleigh.

There are no facts that prove RC or Misty have been abusive to the children, so I can't fit in one of them just losing control and hurting Haleigh. The only facts I have seen is DCF did not remove the children from RC's care in the past based on abuse allegations. The fact that Crystal stated RC would never hurt the children and that Misty was good to the children and the children loved her. I realize those statements changed after custody battle, but I can't give the changed statements much weight because there is motive there to make RC look bad.

There have been other cases that children are taken from their home while others sleep are not woken up, so yes it does happen. So yes I do believe someone could of come in and taken Haleigh and Misty not have woken up. If it was a staged abduction, the staging makes no logical sense to me. If Haleigh would of been sleeping in another room, light not turned on, damage to the door to show an obvious breakin - then that would make more sense of someone trying to stage it to appear like an abduction.

My feelings have nothing to do with denial or lack of logical thinking, in fact it just the opposite I logically look at the facts we have a go from there. Does not mean anyone has to agree with my thought process, just as I don't always agree with someone elses thinking.
At this point I am basing my theory on facts, not on rumors about Misty or RC. No matter how hard I try - I cannot fit the timeline to RC being involved at all based on the facts we have. Misty has time unaccounted for that no one can prove she was at home, because she is alone. If she did something to Haleigh, then she would of had to dispose of Haleigh before 3:25 am, make sure there was no evidence left in the mobile home. Misty has taken 3 different lie detector test and no charges filed, and she has not been named a suspect. I have a tough time believing that there would of not been something revealed on those lie detector test to point LE in the right direction if she was guilty of harming Haleigh or knew what happened to Haleigh.

There are no facts that prove RC or Misty have been abusive to the children, so I can't fit in one of them just losing control and hurting Haleigh. The only facts I have seen is DCF did not remove the children from RC's care in the past based on abuse allegations. The fact that Crystal stated RC would never hurt the children and that Misty was good to the children and the children loved her. I realize those statements changed after custody battle, but I can't give the changed statements much weight because there is motive there to make RC look bad.

There have been other cases that children are taken from their home while others sleep are not woken up, so yes it does happen. So yes I do believe someone could of come in and taken Haleigh and Misty not have woken up. If it was a staged abduction, the staging makes no logical sense to me. If Haleigh would of been sleeping in another room, light not turned on, damage to the door to show an obvious breakin - then that would make more sense of someone trying to stage it to appear like an abduction.

My feelings have nothing to do with denial or lack of logical thinking, in fact it just the opposite I logically look at the facts we have a go from there. Does not mean anyone has to agree with my thought process, just as I don't always agree with someone elses thinking.

Well said Busy, I am a stickler for facts, not rumours, and definitely not one for denial either. But of course I understand people have different opinions.
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