Theory Thread - What happened at Pistorius' house on the night of Feb. 13, 2013?

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That cracked me up, funny thing at first I also thought ankle monitor thingy would be a good idea. :giggle: :waitasec:
Not ignoring the sentence, what I am saying is that the Judge has discretion here (Will OP report for sentence?). Given the clear (At least to me) circumstances of the case she should revoke bail given that he is a flight risk.
He is a flight risk because he has means, motive (25 yr sentence) and opportunity if given bail.
If I had just seen him for the first time in court I would judge him as :
- Entitled
- Mendacious (Thanks Nel.)
- Untrustworthy
- Immature
- If not murderous then unhinged.
Just because he hasn't been caught fighting and drinking on his current bail conditions doesn't mean that facing 25 years in jail won't motivate him to use his power and money to disappear.
I would take him off the streets for the Steenkamp's and society in general. (But I am no Judge or law expert).

Anyway I hope that explains my assessment of this and my opinion only :moo:.

Agree 100%, 808.

If he’s found guilty (murder, CH, doesn’t matter) he is absolutely an extreme flight risk.

He has NO intention of ever spending one day in prison ... and neither does his family.

He has the vast money and resources to DISAPPEAR.

I have zero doubt the family already has detailed plans - and they will, of course, deny all knowledge.

I expect OP will dump the Bible-tweets and start tweeting taunting selfies of himself on the sunny Mozambique coast, grinning and slamming down tequila shots, surrounded by blonde babes.

But no worries - he will gather together his Mighty Army of Pistorians (there must be at least 100?) and triumphantly return to retake his rightful place as SA’s Golden Hero!

At least that’s what Uncle Arnie promised.
Oh my gawd... the joke is really on me now!! I just want to say DANG all of you who are belly laughing at my expense!!

ok... I'll have to DANG myself too. :)

We LUV ya, Fox! Your "ankle bling" was just too good! :D LOL
If OP is found guilty, might the judge consider putting him under house arrest... providing him with some ankle bling... while awaiting appeal?


I admit, I had to think about this for a few seconds :thinking:


Well done you! I saw this at the time and at first thought it looked as though there could have been a collection of "something"
on the floor. However, I put the photo through Photoshop and determined that the "mess" was in fact a hide with coloured patches on it that did, at first glance, look like items strewn on the floor. On the hide is a big leather cushion or similar. The hide can be seen in later photos.

EDIT I forgot to add that there is a person crouched down in front of the pouffe/large leather cushion.

I have attached my photo but it is no better than the one you have already posted once clicked.

Check this one out too, it shows the little lounge beyond the stairs where Reeva was found and there appears to be nothing obviously amiss.

and the original state : With the booze cabinet too?


Don't know if this was a crime scene photo or not but I think it looks messy, has the same guitar and what looks like a broken trophy?

This case has had everything, absolutely everything, couldn't be more gripping. Part of me is glad OP has been such an arrogant, obtuse and deluded defendant, it's made the trial incredible watchable and will make the guilty verdict even more satisfying when handed down.
I would love to see some of the other evidence presented to the judge which we didn't get to see and which she and the assessors can use in formulating their verdict. It would answer some questions too.

For instance:

The annexures to the Defence Heads of Argument. For instance, what mischief does Roux get up to in Annexure A,“Dr Stipp and the Chronology of Events”? Some of the other annexures also challenge witness testimony as well as present legal argument.

The Exhibits. For instance the witness statements (P1 and P2 are Dr Stipp’s original statements, Q2 provides the call time of Stipp’s later failed call to Secuirity). There are many others.

Reeva’s phone data. What time are the final WhatsApp or iMesssages? What was the exact contents of her message to Cecil Myers and at what time was it sent? What time was her last web access? This tells us she (or someone) was awake until these times.

OP’s phone data. None of this was presented in open court. What are the times of the WhatsApp messages to his cousin, for which there is no GPRS connection? What else is there?

Obviously there are more photos in the albums which might be informative and there’s Saayman’s autopsy report.

What else do the judge and assessors have that we haven't seen, I wonder?
I wonder how quickly his voice will return to its normal pitch after he's convicted? His whingy, whiny tones whilst in the court room were, IMO, partially a byproduct of trying to sound more like a woman when he talked (and thus make it seem more possible that he also screams like a woman).
I wonder how quickly his voice will return to its normal pitch after he's convicted? His whingy, whiny tones whilst in the court room were, IMO, partially a byproduct of trying to sound more like a woman when he talked (and thus make it seem more possible that he also screams like a woman).

OP's tone varies considerably throughout his testimony (EIC and X). It would be interesting to analyse it against what he's saying at the time (along with the pauses, hesitation, contradictions etc.) to see what this might tell us.
I think it's highly likely to take two days. She will be reading her reasons for judgment. This will, I would imagine, canvass both the reasons why she has chosen to accept certain evidence and witnesses as opposed to the other side's evidence and witnesses, i.e. say, why she has preferred the testimony of Mangena to that of Wolmarans. These decisions will be backed up by case law. Masipa has to do this because an error in law is a major ground for appeal. JMO

of the opposed witness evidence, can she choose part of each? i.e. some things mangena says, and some things wolmarans says... to use your example.

it will be interesting to hear her 'version' with the jostling for position of nel and roux, and the ticks and tricks of nel and roux stripped away, not so? i also imagine she has an easy to understand delivery/vocabulary, but it will be slow/methodical... so imo... two days.
BBM - Yes, I am. As of yesterday I've started feeling butterflies in my stomach.

I was googling something just before coming onbrd here and ran across a brand new article dated Sept. 3rd. !?!?retrial!?!?

“We were unable to call a number of witnesses because they refused, and didn’t want their voices heard all over the world,” he said.[/I]
” <snipped>

I found it astonishing when Roux said this, and still find it astonishing that a so called 'Legal Expert' might repeat this. It is utter garbage.

The defence can call anyone they like to testify. If they refuse, then they can be subpoenaed.
Like many, I await anxiously for the verdict to be delivered. Like many, I have reached my own conclusions on what this verdict may be. In all honesty, I would be amazed if Oscar was not found guilty of murder. Oscar's testimony alone was damning in itself and I do not believe that the defence raised sufficient reasonable doubt regarding the prosecution's case. The most damaging evidence, in my opinion, was that of the four 'ear witnesses' who heard a terrified female screaming. Whilst Roux did a very good attack job on them, I believe they withstood the barrage. The very fact that there were four of them adds weight to their evidence, even though they might have differed on some minor points, one must look at the big picture. The defence could not disprove the screams occurred, nor could they prove that Oscar screamed like a woman, although they alluded to it. In fact, their own acoustics expert conceded that the witnesses could have been correct in what they heard when cross-examined by Nel. Not long to go now......
I'm so :scared: of going to :jail: All I want to do is :hills:

:praying: :sorry: ... "Too late to be sorry buddy".

The family walk in. :therethere: Lots of :hug: Lots of :praying:

:praying: "Lord, please help me." "No. You only pray for yourself, what I can do for you".

:please: :tears: :panic: :countsheep: doesn't work.

:needdrink: :needdrink: :needdrink: :sick: :puke:

:bed: :jail:

Thank you! You are an artist!

Oscar Pistorius Trial: Timeline Of Key Dates With 7 Days Before Verdict
By Anthony Riccobono on September 04 2014 7:01 PM

With the trial coming to a close, a lot has happened that will affect the judge&#8217;s final decision. Below is a timeline of key dates in the Oscar Pistorius trial.

Trial Begins (March 3)
Pistorius Cries and Vomits (March 10)
Pistorius Takes the Stand (April 7)
The disgraced Olympic superstar zoomed in on an FHM cover girl at a party just 52 days after the Valentine's Day killing at his Silver Woods Estate home in Pretoria last year.

Bizarrely, the object of his attention, Kesiah Frank, bears a striking resemblance to the slain woman.
Mental Health Evaluation Begins (May 26)
Trial Resumes (June 30)
Bar Fight (July 12)
Closing Arguments (August 7)
Verdict (September 11)

There are several verdict possibilities, and Pistorius faces charges of murder, culpable homicide, illegal ammunition, and two charges of firing a gun in public.

With your permission, I have added the party event 52 days after the murder - April - Mylady may have seen/heard in the news/newspaper.
Here's an interesting piece from one of our National papers in the UK this morning.
It relates to the Police shooting dead a man in the early hours yesterday.
The quote below is from a close neighbour..................just goes to show eh !!

"Lyssa Barber, a neighbour who works in recruitment for a bank in the City, said: 'I was woken up to shouts and immediately afterwards to what sounded like four or five bangs. They were gunshots.

'I think I heard five gunshots, but a gunshot in real life doesn't sound like it does on TV. It sounded like loud bangs on a door. Bang, bang, bang. Then I realised, if it's somebody banging on the door, why can I hear it?"

Originally Posted by Jake18

"I saw it too, but ages ago, maybe just after Reeva was murdered, I'm sure we're not BOTH delusional.

I think there's going to be a whole heap of stuff that comes out after he's convicted. It's already trickling out now".

Published on 24 August 2014

“He completely freaked out. He started screaming and swearing. He even kicked the garage door leading into his house so hard that we got a fright. As soon as he went into his house I could hear him screaming even louder and swearing constantly.

"My friend and I were petrified. We jumped into our cars without saying a word and drove off because we didn’t know what Oscar would do next,” Francois told the magazine.

After the threat, Louw ended the contract and said he hoped it would be the last time he would see the murder-accused athlete.

Oscar’s management declined to comment on the story".


How much sedative he got over the trial time to never freak out???
Check this one out too, it shows the little lounge beyond the stairs where Reeva was found and there appears to be nothing obviously amiss.
View attachment 58193

and the original state : With the booze cabinet too?

View attachment 58194

Don't know if this was a crime scene photo or not but I think it looks messy, has the same guitar and what looks like a broken trophy?

View attachment 58195

Photo 3 definitely looks as though there is a broken trophy in the front of the untidy pile of boy's paraphernalia. Frank must have been on holiday :). There is every chance OP could break something in temper but I would expect to see mass destruction if I were to believe the newspaper story. Thank you for finding these.
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