Things that make you wonder

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I totally agree with you, and it irritates me to no end that she was treated this way for so long...WHY? why is she so important that she should never be accountable for her actions?? UGH!

It's sad, parents like this do their children no favors! Hopefully parents who have followed this case can learn from it- why it is so important to hold your children accountable!
I whole-heartedly disagree.

Cindy knows right from wrong and also chooses wrong. She is a liar and a sneak just like her daughter- she SET that example for her children, that is obvious. Cindy is plenty bright, much more-so than her daughter is. She is also quite cunning and calculating (again, way more-so than her daughter is), she plays the victim when caught in her lies. Plenty of people fall for it but if they don't, she goes on a smear campaign- how soon some seem to forget the trash she spoke about Tim Miller's personal demons (which are a thing of his past and NONE of anyones business), Publicly- simply because he was searching for a possibly dead Caylee.

The only thing Cindy has limitations in is acting like a responsible parent and teaching her children right from wrong because she herself chooses wrong. I doubt Casey will ever "forgive" her mother she is far too damaged, as is her mother. MO

Bold mine...

Bravo, OLG, that is One Great Post!!:clap::takeabow::clap:
It's sad, parents like this do their children no favors! Hopefully parents who have followed this case can learn from it- why it is so important to hold your children accountable!

I sooo agree with you. The fact that she told such bald faced lies to police fully believing she would get away with it speaks volumes to me. IMO, because of her upbringing, KC stood little chance of being a normal young adult.
I sooo agree with you. The fact that she told such bald faced lies to police fully believing she would get away with it speaks volumes to me. IMO, because of her upbringing, KC stood little chance of being a normal young adult.

Ya know, and Cindy lied to LE too! Do you remember when after one of her interviews they asked her to raise her right hand and swear what she said is the truth? She said something like "Ohh, I didn't know I had to swear I was being truthful!"

Reminds me of her "Lying isn't a crime" smoke screen.
I, as well as many others, am curious about why the Anthonys never tried to get custody of Caylee. If Cindy was seeing a therapist who advised CA to seek custody of little Caylee and to kick KC out of the house, then there had to be some reason that the therapist made such a suggestion. CA must have been discussing KC's issues for quite some time for that suggestion to have been made. I would expect the therapist to speak with CA about her problems and to either offer an opportunity to try family counseling with KC OR to work with CA on developing a strategy to deal with KC more effectively. Once these approaches had proven to be useless, then I would expect the therapist to suggest legal action. Another thing....I don't think that anyone would wake up one morning and think "I'm going to start seeing a therapist today" when they don't have any problems or concerns to address in therapy. Something fairly significant had to be going on for CA to seek treatment in the first place. So, if my assumptions are true, I can conclude that there were problems between CA and KC regarding Caylee way before Caylee went missing. Otherwise, the custody issue would have never been discussed in therapy.
I'm sure that if the Anthony's could go back and re-do everything they would have come up with the money to gain custody no matter how they had to obtain the funds. This probably sounds mean, but we know they aren't opposed to profiting from Caylee's death, so why would they have a problem with getting money by other dishonest or unethical means if they weren't able to come by it any other way? They seem to have had plenty of dirt on KC to prove that she was an unfit mother (no job, no house, no vehicle in her name, no way to provide for Caylee). It doesn't seem like they would have had any trouble with convincing the judge that Caylee would be much better off in their care. If nothing else, they could have at least tried for grandparent's rights to visitation (or whatever you call it). If they were without money and they thought they were without enough evidence to convince the judge to grant custody, then why didn't they just TAKE physical custody without going through the court? Legal or not, if I thought that my grandchild was in danger or exposed to anything questionable I would snatch that baby up and take her home with me in a heartbeat! Would it have been considered a kidnapping if the Anthony's had forced Casey to leave their house while refusing to let Caylee leave with her? Caylee obviously lived with them because all of her belongings were in the house. I think KC would have had a tough time trying to prove that the Anthony's house wasn't Caylee's home. I mean, what could KC do about it? Can a child be "kidnapped" if they are at their home with their primary caregivers? Would the police have told the A's to allow Caylee to leave with her mother if they knew that KC had nowhere to go?
I hope I make sense with all my rambling and I hope I haven‘t been too confusing ( I‘ve managed to confuse myself a little, actually) J. I also hope that I haven't been too harsh about the whole thing. It's easy to make judgments and say "what I would have done" because I have never been in their situation. I can't help but think about how much heartbreak and regret could have been prevented if they had done just a little bit more to keep Caylee safe. I would argue that being in debt for the rest of your life, being charged with kidnapping, spending time in jail, or fighting with the legal system for years is an insignificant price to pay when you consider that the life of your grandbaby could be at stake.

I really enjoy reading everyone's thoughts and ideas....every day there is a new 'Hmmmmm" that gets pointed out that I never would have thought of! There are great minds at work here at Websleuths!
I think the A's all act like spoiled, calculating, mistruthed, brain not developed teenagers who expect entitilement of some sorts. I feel the murder of Caylee fuled those behaviors to a heightened state of "It's one for all or all for nothing so lets give it our best manipulating try. I truly don't think they are able of showing any form of authenticity when they speak. Well maybe millimouse GA has been alittle authentic but pitiful. I cannot get past how GA 3 wks. into what was considered a missing Caylee wanted to kill himself. He couldn't face the music then (although he did try at the grand jury, thankgoodness) and he is still struggling with the truth he holds inside. Hope the counseling is working and continues before trial or GA is going to try this episode again.
How about this: on July 4, KC partys at Will's house. He's the guy she lead on for a little while when TonE was out of town. She says to Will, "you know I have a daughter". I believe it's in Will's interview with LE.
Something I'm wondering about with C&G possibly fighting for custody of Caylee. None of us really know what went on between all of them prior to Caylee missing. Could there have been arguments in the past where Cindy threatens to get custody? Could Casey have dangled something to scare Cindy away from that? What if she counter threatened and said that she would then get Caylees father and/or his family involved. There could very well be another set of grandparents who if they had known about Caylee would have fought for her also and leave G&C in the dust. It just seems that Cindy felt there was something there to hold her back.

It sure would be interesting to hear from Cindy's councelor, but then I also have to wonder just how truthful she would have been with them.

What I just realized is that the As never asked KC for details on her complaints in the jail videos. At the most they would make small talk about her eating.
But she complained that she was sleeping a lot and coming down with something ... no response from the As or concern about that ...
She'd just gone through the worst day of her life and stayed under the covers ... no response or concern about that ...
The As always defend themselves but they never ask KC anything beyond the little surface things.
I realized this yesterday and think it was a definite message to her: you're on your own. We just want to find Caylee.

I think that's another reason she doesn't really see them anymore--they really are not worried about her, they are sending her that message in many ways.
What I just realized is that the As never asked KC for details on her complaints in the jail videos. At the most they would make small talk about her eating.
But she complained that she was sleeping a lot and coming down with something ... no response from the As or concern about that ...
She'd just gone through the worst day of her life and stayed under the covers ... no response or concern about that ...
The As always defend themselves but they never ask KC anything beyond the little surface things.
I realized this yesterday and think it was a definite message to her: you're on your own. We just want to find Caylee.

I think that's another reason doesn't really see them anymore--they really are not worried about her.

Absolutely! They were never worried about KC. At least in the FBI interview CA, for once, told the truth when she said,"I still don't care where KC's at." CA did not lie.
I think the A's all act like spoiled, calculating, mistruthed, brain not developed teenagers who expect entitilement of some sorts. I feel the murder of Caylee fuled those behaviors to a heightened state of "It's one for all or all for nothing so lets give it our best manipulating try. I truly don't think they are able of showing any form of authenticity when they speak. Well maybe millimouse GA has been alittle authentic but pitiful. I cannot get past how GA 3 wks. into what was considered a missing Caylee wanted to kill himself. He couldn't face the music then (although he did try at the grand jury, thankgoodness) and he is still struggling with the truth he holds inside. Hope the counseling is working and continues before trial or GA is going to try this episode again.

I think the A's all act like spoiled, calculating, mistruthed, brain not developed teenagers who expect entitilement of some sorts. I feel the murder of Caylee fuled those behaviors to a heightened state of "It's one for all or all for nothing so lets give it our best manipulating try. I truly don't think they are able of showing any form of authenticity when they speak. Well maybe millimouse GA has been alittle authentic but pitiful. I cannot get past how GA 3 wks. into what was considered a missing Caylee wanted to kill himself. He couldn't face the music then (although he did try at the grand jury, thankgoodness) and he is still struggling with the truth he holds inside. Hope the counseling is working and continues before trial or GA is going to try this episode again.

I agree with you about George trying to kill himself again.
I believe he knew what happened the minute he smelled that car. He basically said so in his interview with LE - and then had to vomit.
I am wondering about the diary KC wrote about killing CAYLEE.............
a mercy killing so CAYLEE would not endure Cindy????
Why does KC HATE her mother sooo much, and Kc not crazy about dad either.
Both Lee and KC seem to be a team inside this dysfunctional family unit.
Did CA make these kids crazy?
Did Kc really fear that CAYLEE's life would be better dead then living within CA family?
Was kc abused and thought CAYLEE was next?
Women can abuse just as bad as men, even sexually..........
This is worse than I ever imagined! JMOO
What I just realized is that the As never asked KC for details on her complaints in the jail videos. At the most they would make small talk about her eating.
But she complained that she was sleeping a lot and coming down with something ... no response from the As or concern about that ...
She'd just gone through the worst day of her life and stayed under the covers ... no response or concern about that ...
The As always defend themselves but they never ask KC anything beyond the little surface things.
I realized this yesterday and think it was a definite message to her: you're on your own. We just want to find Caylee.

I think that's another reason she doesn't really see them anymore--they really are not worried about her, they are sending her that message in many ways.

Are they, now.. How? by washing the pants that were in the car? By cleaning the trunk, by lying to police? By withholding the proper brush or comb to get DNA on Caylee? By changing her story all the time? Did you not hear Cindy speaking "to" Casey at Caylee's memorial? She is like a sick dog without Casey and Caylee and that message, IMO was her way of trying to make Casey "love her" again.

The letters from her mother speak of how Caylee was Cindy's only reason for living.. that she'd kill herself if not for Caylee. I imagine when Casey was little and times were tough, her mother would tell her that she was her only reason for living. Well, now that Caylee is gone.... She needs Casey. She's her secondary supply..

IMO, Unless Cindy finds someone else to "live for", she is going to begin to rot inside as she pretties up her outside.
Absolutely! They were never worried about KC. At least in the FBI interview CA, for once, told the truth when she said,"I still don't care where KC's at." CA did not lie.

She said lots of things but DID the opposite. She bitched her a$$ off until Casey got out of jail on bail! She'd start the fight with the reporter, they would call her on her lies or whatever and then she'd use the victim card again.. "Well, I just want to find Caylee so why are we talking about Casey? I don't care where Casey is!". Or the other that she pulled out of her sleeve more than once- "well, we are grieving grandparents!" .

Hmm, a minute ago you told us you think she is alive!? :censored:
What I just realized is that the As never asked KC for details on her complaints in the jail videos. At the most they would make small talk about her eating.
But she complained that she was sleeping a lot and coming down with something ... no response from the As or concern about that ...
She'd just gone through the worst day of her life and stayed under the covers ... no response or concern about that ...
The As always defend themselves but they never ask KC anything beyond the little surface things.

That's true, they don't ask KC much. After listening to KC b!itch a blue streak about "Nobody's letting me speak!!!" on the 8/14 video, where she goes off on a 20 year long kvetch about her herself and only her and how she's frushtrated, etc., (plus I've been in a relationship with a pretty-darn-close replica...) can you BLAME them? If you give KC an opening, you get a 2 hour a$$chew session. If you're emotionally healthy and uninvolved with this person you can tell them to go blow themselves, and leave them. If, however, you are enmeshed with them somehow, that you cannot leave, you're married, or the person knows where your beloved missing child is, or has some power - and boy, they know it and love it and use it!- you have to just sit there and endure the a$$chew until they are satisfied. When they get done, maybe they will be civil and or tell you where the baby is, or whatever, so you have no choice but to listen.

But, yeah, I totally get why they never ask KC much. They're gonna hear it anyway...
I, as well as many others, am curious about why the Anthonys never tried to get custody of Caylee.


Obtaining guardianship of a child is extremely difficult and very costly. How were the A's supposed to prove KC unfit? She wasn't strung out on drugs and there was no proof at the time that she had ever harmed Caylee. At the most, KC didn't have a job and couldn't provide for Caylee on her own. They knew they weren't going to kick KC out of the house because she would take Caylee, so what was the point?

As we all know, KC was very good at deceiving everyone around her. She had a nice appearance and spoke articulately. I don't see a court finding her unfit unless you could show a background and documentation of mental illness and/or abuse toward her child.

Therapists make it sound real easy to kick the daughter out and make her stand on her own and you take custody of the baby, but it's just not that simple. Hopefully, the therapist encouraged CA to bring KC in for some family therapy before giving her this last bit of advice. KC needed some "fixing" and it's sad for all concerned she didn't get it.

I don't think they are "protecting" and lying for KC for her sake. It's to get the blame pointed away from them as failed parents.
What I'm wondering about today is... How is Casey celebrating her Birthday? Is JB coming by for a visit?
Has she ordered some extra special snacks?
How are C&G marking her special day?


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