Things that make you wonder

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DNA Solves
Gosh, who knows with Cindy's mind set- she convinces herself of things no matter how crazy it may be.. her feelings create her facts. I sure hope Lee isn't home to stay!!

After seeing Lee at the memorial-I'm not sure he's emotionally strong enough to live on his own and he will probably get weaker the longer he stays with CA. He may become a younger version of his father. Then CA will be walking around with 2 pair in her purse!:rolleyes:
I brought up Lee's blogs again just yesterday too.. shows Lee as his true self, IMO. You are totally correct in your thinking about who was screwing who and when.. odd, Casey is with the husband while Lee is with the wife.

In the video you refer to, is it the same one where Casey say's back to Cindy "Do you mean Mark's (forgive me if I have his first name incorrect it's been a little while but I know who we are talking about, I promise LOL) crazy ex-wife?!"

Hi OneLostGrl! I have'nt bumped into you on a thread in a while, I've missed your opinions!
I doubt that either Casey's room or Caylee's room has been cleaned out. What's the hurry?

I doubt Caylee's room will ever be cleaned out unless the A's leave Hopesprings Dr.
I doubt that either Casey's room or Caylee's room has been cleaned out. What's the hurry?

What I meant in saying "hopefully they are changing Casey's bedroom to a den or something" was hopefully they are beginning to come to terms with their new reality because certainly keeping shrines to Casey and Caylee is not very healthy. Facing their life for what it really is, will begin their process of healing. It would be very sad if this family continued their life in the same manner they had been living it all this time.
I doubt Caylee's room will ever be cleaned out unless the A's leave Hopesprings Dr.

I agree. The A's would certainly not be the first family to leave a deceased child's room untouched. I can't begin to imagine how painful clearing out that room would be.
Hi OneLostGrl! I have'nt bumped into you on a thread in a while, I've missed your opinions!

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border=0 ></a>

Hey girl! right backatcha! :blowkiss:
After seeing Lee at the memorial-I'm not sure he's emotionally strong enough to live on his own and he will probably get weaker the longer he stays with CA. He may become a younger version of his father. Then CA will be walking around with 2 pair in her purse!:rolleyes:

You make a very good point! Except at least she taught this one how to hold a job it seems LOL
You make a very good point! Except at least she taught this one how to hold a job it seems LOL

It seems to me that Cindy, through example, taught both of her children the importance of holding down a job. She's not the one with a history of unemployment and/or letting other people support her.
I am stuck on the PI's and their trips down to Suburban before the remains were found. I would so like to know who knew what and when. My hunch is that Cindy and maybe Baez knew more than they have let on, but I wish it could be proven. My mind keeps going back to the sick, Caylee is alive, campaign they kept going, when it's very likely they knew better.
It seems to me that Cindy, through example, taught both of her children the importance of holding down a job. She's not the one with a history of unemployment and/or letting other people support her.

I think OLG was referring to LA and GA-not LA and KC. But, you're right-LA has remained employed it seems and even a help to his parents. And it looks like KC was very devoted to her imaginary job!:rolleyes:
It seems to me that Cindy, through example, taught both of her children the importance of holding down a job. She's not the one with a history of unemployment and/or letting other people support her.
Really Chilly? She (CA) may well have been working and maintaining her entire family (hats off to her) but I would strongly disagree with you that she managed to teach KC anything about work and responsibility.

I'm not sure about Lee. It's really hard to sort out what work he has had and how long he has kept at any of his jobs...

Now GA...Let's just put him aside shall we???

It seems to me that Cindy, through example, taught both of her children the importance of holding down a job. She's not the one with a history of unemployment and/or letting other people support her.

I see what she did as enabling. Now with no more Casey around Lee will get all that enabling attention.
I think OLG was referring to LA and GA-not LA and KC. But, you're right-LA has remained employed it seems and even a help to his parents. And it looks like KC was very devoted to her imaginary job!:rolleyes:

LOL... Casey did indeed work very hard at her imaginary job. I'm surprised she never received an Employee of the Month plaque.

As for George, he was all growed up when he and Cindy were married, if someone didn't teach him by then to hold down a job - the fault lies with that person, not with Cindy.
Really Chilly? She (CA) may well have been working and maintaining her entire family (hats off to her) but I would strongly disagree with you that she managed to teach KC anything about work and responsibility.

I'm not sure about Lee. It's really hard to sort out what work he has had and how long he has kept at any of his jobs...

Now GA...Let's just put him aside shall we???


Casey had two parents. One with a steady work history and one with with a tendency to not work and to live off the money other people earned. Why would we blame Cindy, who set the good example, rather than George, who set the bad example?

For that matter, why blame anyone other than Casey? She knew the importance of being employed - that's why she worked so hard at pretending she was.
LOL... Casey did indeed work very hard at her imaginary job. I'm surprised she never received an Employee of the Month plaque.

As for George, he was all growed up when he and Cindy were married, if someone didn't teach him by then to hold down a job - the fault lies with that person, not with Cindy.

True-GA was all growed up, but I think somehow their relationship turned into one where CA took care of him almost like a mother. Maybe that's what she meant at the memorial where she said that she had 3 children!:bang:
True-GA was all growed up, but I think somehow their relationship turned into one where CA took care of him almost like a mother. Maybe that's what she meant at the memorial where she said that she had 3 children!:bang:

It seems to me that Cindy, through example, taught both of her children the importance of holding down a job. She's not the one with a history of unemployment and/or letting other people support her.

Nope, you are correct. She's just the enabler.

The person who makes it so sick people can stay sick! I suppose it depends on who you are which offense you find to be worse but personally? I tend to have issue with enablers.. at least the loser is pretty transparent in their loserism's they don't work too hard to cover it up, they don't much care what anyone thinks, as long as they get whatever it is that makes them happy. It's how losers work (remember, I used to be one) as long as they have themselves a good enabler? It doesn't even matter- they can continue with their behaviors and far worse for years on end.

You are correct, she had a job.. she was the only person in the home who did have a job. Someone was doing the enabling and it certainly wasn't Casey or George.. or Lee, off parking his cars for baseball games or whatever he does. Sadly, "through example" as you say, this is obviously what she actually taught them.
Casey had two parents. One with a steady work history and one with with a tendency to not work and to live off the money other people earned. Why would we blame Cindy, who set the good example, rather than George, who set the bad example?

For that matter, why blame anyone other than Casey? She knew the importance of being employed - that's why she worked so hard at pretending she was.

Why do you think her parents worked so hard at pretending to believe her for 2 years?!
GA even stated in his LE interview that he suspected KC wasn't really employed because she never seemed to have any money. According to GA, he tried to broach the subject with Cindy, but she contradicted him with no evidence of her own to prove to him that KC was working. CA reportedly told her husband she would (essentially) "handle it".

I think being unemployed himself GA was more privvy and had more time on his hands to audit KC and Caylee's daily activities, yet according to him his wife wouldn't even consider his suspicions.
Casey had two parents. One with a steady work history and one with with a tendency to not work and to live off the money other people earned. Why would we blame Cindy, who set the good example, rather than George, who set the bad example?

For that matter, why blame anyone other than Casey? She knew the importance of being employed - that's why she worked so hard at pretending she was.

Why do you think her parents worked so hard at pretending to believe her for 2 years?!

Wow-Disney isn't the only world of make believe in Orlando! That seems like more work and exhaustion than just damn telling the truth and gettin a real job!:crazy:

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