Things that make you wonder

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Things that make you go hmmmmm.....?

There are so many things that we don't know, but LE does know. Hmmm....

Remember when the neighbor on Hopespring said that KC borrowed their shovel? Hmmmm......?

Wonder if they are the same neighbors next door to the Anthony's--the neighbor who took the Anthony's bags of trash? Hmmm......?

Still wondering what was in those trash bags! Hmmm.....?

Ms. Baden's messy, sloppy, worst case scenario hair "style", color job, personal appearance....Hmmmmmm?

WAS there any evidence taken of the insect activity in KC's trunk when they found it with the smell? Hmmmm.....?

Why the dickens does Cindy A. have to stroke GA's and LA's arms, legs, back, body, over and over like somebody strokes a dog? Does she only do this in public to appear "nurturing" (maybe so they will notice this nurturing ability at her work and let her keep her job, lol?). It really contrasts with her baseball bat and hammer. lol ....Hmmmmm?

If dogs could talk, what would the little dog at the Anthony's say? Dogs know the truth. ...Hmmmmm?
I'd like to know why C&G did not fight to get custody of Caylee. Sorry but their story of not being able to afford it just does not work for me. Casey was costing them thousands of dollars! If they finally got the balls to kick her to the curb they would save quite a bit. Cindy as a nurse would easily be able to make a bit more money and George could have fallen in and made more money also. What I'm wondering is, were they scared of what Casey could bring up in a court? What was she holding over them? imo there is something they want to keep hidden and it was enough that stopped them from fighting for Caylee.

I'd also like to know what the significance was in the place Cindy mentioned in the jail visit, was it Lake County she mentioned and asked Casey if there was anything there? Casey clenched her fists up then and had her little fit, why did she have to get away from that question? Casey looked like a trapped rat right then!

I'd like to know why C&G did not fight to get custody of Caylee. Sorry but their story of not being able to afford it just does not work for me. Casey was costing them thousands of dollars! If they finally got the balls to kick her to the curb they would save quite a bit. Cindy as a nurse would easily be able to make a bit more money and George could have fallen in and made more money also. What I'm wondering is, were they scared of what Casey could bring up in a court? What was she holding over them? imo there is something they want to keep hidden and it was enough that stopped them from fighting for Caylee.

I'd also like to know what the significance was in the place Cindy mentioned in the jail visit, was it Lake County she mentioned and asked Casey if there was anything there? Casey clenched her fists up then and had her little fit, why did she have to get away from that question? Casey looked like a trapped rat right then!


Bolded by me . . .
I know the housing market in FL is really slow, but they could have at least tried to sell that 4 bedroom house to have $$ to care for Caylee. I would have. Caylee should have been more important than a house or anything - stop paying credit card bills - whatever.

I truely believe that KC would have let them have her. She would have put up a big stinky show, but if she had the car and some $$ she would have walked. She knew how to steal and mooch of her "friends".
The thing is, I don't think Cindy and George wanted to "get custody" permanently.
My opinion is they wanted Casey to fly right! Since that did not happen, their choice was limited to throwing Casey out, and keeping Caylee until Casey eventually married or grew-up. (Marriage probably coming first)
Cindy and George more than likely wanted to enjoy both their old age and Caylee. But only the Grandparent part of having Caylee. The fun part, not the everyday responsibility, (that they had). They are too old to start over, raising a child if they didn't have too. Preferring not too.
My own feelings after studying this family tells me from LA staement to TL and Annie that KC has had a history of decieving people. I feel cA in her ignorance felt KC's pregnancy and birth of Caylee would change kC's thirst for the "Wild Side". I think this backfired leading KC to dig deeper into her risque lifestyle using Caylee as a pawn. It appears to me that when KC started to feel that her motherly side was suffocating her, I feel she killed kC in the same manner as she was feeling.
The initial interview with the police and Casey has always bothered me...If you listen to it closely, at one point she almost slips up and then quickly catches herself. She says something like (and I'm too lazy today to go back and find exact words) "My thing is this, no matter how it happened..." and then quickly says "I just want to find Caylee." No matter how it happened?! Isn't HOW it happened (if we're going by the Zanny story) extremely important? But, we all know what she was really referring to, don't we?

Also, the exchanges between Casey and Lee were very enlightening. I have a hard time justifying his statement in the depo. that he believes everything his sister says when I examine the conversations he had with her when she was first jailed and called home to get the boyfriend's telephone number.

I remember her saying that too, and thought that she slipped up...big time.
How long would KC have continued to hide from her parents and pretend that Caylee was with the "invisinanny" if CA hadn't gone to hunt her down? She had already been missing for 31 days when CA finally found KC, and KC had made NO attempt to contact the police about her missing daughter over those 31 days. She makes the "one more day" plea during the 911 if she hadn't found her Caylee by the next day she was going to call the police? What was she going to do with the extra day she begged for? From what I understand, Caylee had allready been killed, ductaped and dumped in the field by the time CA located KC (please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm very new to Websleuths). She obviously wasn't going to be able to bring her baby back from the dead. Was she planning to run/flee? Did she need a little extra time to perfect her lies...oops, I mean "mistruths"?
This may be harsh, but I wouldn't go five seconds without calling to report one of my DOGS missing. I can't imagine her not reporting it to police. Even if her story about being afraid for her family's safety if the police were ivolved was true, wasn't there someone....ANYONE...that she could confide in and get help from? Seems like a person as "popular" as she was would have had some friends that would help her look for her baby if they knew she had been kidnapped.
I do seriously think that. :D
Casey wanted to party and be with TonE, besides she needed the A's more than they needed her. Look how meek she was when Cindy called the cops on her. A little cash thrown her way, she would have been on her way, until she came back for more.
Casey did not want to grow-up and be responsible, simply as that.
Besides, she really really needed that car. She never screamed at Cindy for calling 911, to this day. She's not a fighter, she's a sneak.

bold -mine. You've got her number, Sister!!!!
Hmmm, by June '08 most of Orlando had heard there was a serial rapist lurking on the east side of town in the Blanchard Park area, then sure enough a woman was murdered while jogging in BP on June 10th, and on June 16th the local news stations ran a story about CSI teams working on the case at the park (yes, same park that witnesses say KC & Caylee enjoyed so much). A copycat crime? Or will this be the reasonable doubt? KS left her at the park? hmmmmmmmm...
I'd like to know why C&G did not fight to get custody of Caylee. Sorry but their story of not being able to afford it just does not work for me. Casey was costing them thousands of dollars! If they finally got the balls to kick her to the curb they would save quite a bit. Cindy as a nurse would easily be able to make a bit more money and George could have fallen in and made more money also. What I'm wondering is, were they scared of what Casey could bring up in a court? What was she holding over them? imo there is something they want to keep hidden and it was enough that stopped them from fighting for Caylee.

I'd also like to know what the significance was in the place Cindy mentioned in the jail visit, was it Lake County she mentioned and asked Casey if there was anything there? Casey clenched her fists up then and had her little fit, why did she have to get away from that question? Casey looked like a trapped rat right then!


Hey, yeah you're right. My parents don't have money, but you bet your bippy (wasn't that from "Laugh In"-I was really little when that was on) if my family was in that situation, they'd find a way to get custody-whether it was borrowing money, a 2nd mortgage, a 2nd job etc. I know, as a nurse, there's lots of extra ways to make good money-especially in FL-with all the older people there. You could easily make $80-$100K/yr by working 60-70hrs a week-George could've babysat since CA's earning potential was so much higher. I think people are so concerned with appearances, sometimes, they overlook the things that matter-in this case-poor little Caylee was what mattered and the A's had a million excuses not to do better by her.

Sorry if I veered O/T
Is there any reference in any of the TonE interviews that state how long Lee stayed at the apt that night? I thought he was there for a while, chatting up TonE. Probably trying to get an idea how long they had been together or when the guys last saw Caylee. Wasn't this the time that Lee told TonE if he had met him sooner he would have warned him to stay away from KC and given him a heads up about her other dirty deeds?

I'm sure TonE must have been feeling confused about what was going on after Cindy's little out burst, KC taking off with her and not coming back. LE showing up at his place to retrieve KC's cell phone. Finding Amy's checkbook in KC's bag, then Lee showing up to collect the rest of KC's stuff. What a night!

I don't think LE realized initially that bag held the contents of KC's whole life from the day Caylee disappeared on. Cindy was fully aware of this and I'm pretty sure she was hoping the clues to Caylee's where abouts would be found in it. I'm curious what George was doing during this time and why he didn't tell Cindy to leave it for LE, knowing what he knew.

bolded by me...
We think or assume he was there.. but I do not think there is anything in the docs that PROVES he was there for 2 hours. Seems like along time. I can see chatting it up for 30-45 mins... maybe more if it was a close friend. But these guys were strangers to one another. We do not know if Casey told Lee a line of baloney and he was out on a wild goose chase looking for the invisinanny.

How I wonder if he was really there for 2 hours!!
Remember all the escort service searches on the computer at the A's house? I thought it was probably Lee, until we found out from the most recent document dump that LE investigated a tip that KC was prostituting herself in Miami. Do we know any further about this?
I have read all the posts with interest and I really think that a person's opinion often reflects their experiences in life. I have several times had friends who have tried to get custody of grandchildren. It is NOT an easy thing to do and it is extremely, extremely expensive. In one situation the child was taken away before it even left the hospital and the grandparents were begged to take her in. The mother had already lost custody of two other children. The mother was provided free counsel, etc. while the grandparents paid tens of thousands of dollars in attorney fees, etc. for two years to have the mothers parental rights taken away. In another situation the child was removed by one state and the grandparents were called in another state to please come and get the child and now there is a huge mess going on. The states always want to give the mother one more chance regardless of what they have done. In this situation again she had lost other kids. I know of so many situations like that. Most people just don't have thirty to fifty thousand dollars and tons of time to appear in court over and over. The mother is obviously unfit and the grandparents in every case are examined as though they had been the criminals. So I am not so sure the Anthony's could have done much. At the least KC would have retained visitation since there seems to be no evidence that the child was abused. She could have even decided to work and not lost Caylee at all. Then in the end the family is split and you don't have a clue what she is doing with your grandchild or even where they are. It is not an easy decision. I am only guessing but they may have put up with KC to keep their grandchild in their home where she would have a semi normal life as opposed to flitting all over the place with a messed up, irresponsible mother. In most situations that works out, unfortunately they underestimated how very serious KC's problems were. I also think that sometimes the comments that one makes when under such horrible stress is just how you may feel at that moment. What parent hadn't made some comment about their feelings or thinking about something and then later realize they were just upset, angry, etc. and that isn't at all how they feel about it. I don't think you can take every statement made by the Anthony's and think it really means a whole lot all the time. JMHO
I have read all the posts with interest and I really think that a person's opinion often reflects their experiences in life. I have several times had friends who have tried to get custody of grandchildren. It is NOT an easy thing to do and it is extremely, extremely expensive. In one situation the child was taken away before it even left the hospital and the grandparents were begged to take her in. The mother had already lost custody of two other children. The mother was provided free counsel, etc. while the grandparents paid tens of thousands of dollars in attorney fees, etc. for two years to have the mothers parental rights taken away. In another situation the child was removed by one state and the grandparents were called in another state to please come and get the child and now there is a huge mess going on. The states always want to give the mother one more chance regardless of what they have done. In this situation again she had lost other kids. I know of so many situations like that. Most people just don't have thirty to fifty thousand dollars and tons of time to appear in court over and over. The mother is obviously unfit and the grandparents in every case are examined as though they had been the criminals. So I am not so sure the Anthony's could have done much. At the least KC would have retained visitation since there seems to be no evidence that the child was abused. She could have even decided to work and not lost Caylee at all. Then in the end the family is split and you don't have a clue what she is doing with your grandchild or even where they are. It is not an easy decision. I am only guessing but they may have put up with KC to keep their grandchild in their home where she would have a semi normal life as opposed to flitting all over the place with a messed up, irresponsible mother. In most situations that works out, unfortunately they underestimated how very serious KC's problems were. I also think that sometimes the comments that one makes when under such horrible stress is just how you may feel at that moment. What parent hadn't made some comment about their feelings or thinking about something and then later realize they were just upset, angry, etc. and that isn't at all how they feel about it. I don't think you can take every statement made by the Anthony's and think it really means a whole lot all the time. JMHO

Excellent Post and sadly very true. Child protective services and family court judges think grandparents are just meddling believe me I have been thru it and the sytem just does not care. I had police come to see the bruises on my grandson,the officer sent a crime scene photographer to take pics. The officer could see how badly bruised my grandchild was he called dyfus on the mother and made a report and sent the the photos.Nothing was done they said no proof of abuse.My son has been fighting for custody since then,family court in NJ has been a joke.So far he has not seen his son in a year, the mother is a con artist and not stable. I have only seen my grandson who is my heart only 2 times in the past year. If you saw the pics no way could the bruises on his legs in the shape of adult hands and his face it was just unbelievable and heartbreaking to me.
I still wonder about JP's missing Keys and KC's possible involvement with him prior to Caylee.....

I wonder about KC's mental state and how it seemed to change post Caylee....

I wonder about the anatomy of a lie.....
I have been thinking a lot about LA statement that he has to believe his sister. When you listen to what he says right after that it is very interesting. He says something about if you don't believe someone then they stop trusting you or some such thing. I don't know the exact words. If they ever hope to find out what truly happened to cause Caylee's death they will have to stay on the good side of KC. Now I for one just can't imagine her ever telling the truth about it but her family knows another side of her that we have not seen and they have hopes that someday that girl will tell them the truth. So they don't want to rock the boat and make her any madder than absolutely necessary. I saw that when they would question her. If she started getting upset, they would back off. To me they looked like scared people trying to handle her with kid gloves which is probably always what was done. I remember some analyst on tv said KC was a bully. I can just see her as a teen threatening to run away or kill herself if she couldn't have her way and they would get scared and back off. I remember once someone asked how family members can continue to back a murderer and it was explained that they probably never saw that side of the person so they can't imagine their loved one doing something so utterly horrible. We often think our families see us at our worst but that is with normal people. Murderers hide that side of themselves.
During one of the jail visits, the one with Cindy crying at the beginning and KC says "why's she crying already", Cindy tearfully says to KC "it's so hard to go into Caylee's bedroom" and KC replies "I saw People Magazine".
Her response is a sneak attack - a snarky thing to say. A backwards way of saying "I hate you".

I don't know- I think it's more like- "how upset are you really, Mom?" All these pictures, re-arranging my bedroom, all these TV shows you go on with your new figure, your new clothes, your new hair style....."Plastic surgery to get rid of that turkey neck she used to sport?!

Casey is many things, a liar, a sneak, a cheat, a *advertiser censored*, possibly a murderer.. trash more-or less. But she is also the daughter of that woman and was raised by her, she KNOWS the games she plays. IMO.... I don't see what she said as anything sneaky, she was being truthful for once!
I have been thinking a lot about LA statement that he has to believe his sister. When you listen to what he says right after that it is very interesting. He says something about if you don't believe someone then they stop trusting you or some such thing. I don't know the exact words. If they ever hope to find out what truly happened to cause Caylee's death they will have to stay on the good side of KC. Now I for one just can't imagine her ever telling the truth about it but her family knows another side of her that we have not seen and they have hopes that someday that girl will tell them the truth. So they don't want to rock the boat and make her any madder than absolutely necessary. I saw that when they would question her. If she started getting upset, they would back off. To me they looked like scared people trying to handle her with kid gloves which is probably always what was done. I remember some analyst on tv said KC was a bully. I can just see her as a teen threatening to run away or kill herself if she couldn't have her way and they would get scared and back off. I remember once someone asked how family members can continue to back a murderer and it was explained that they probably never saw that side of the person so they can't imagine their loved one doing something so utterly horrible. We often think our families see us at our worst but that is with normal people. Murderers hide that side of themselves.

I totally agree with you, and it irritates me to no end that she was treated this way for so long...WHY? why is she so important that she should never be accountable for her actions?? UGH!
I think most of us can see why CA would generate anxiety and anger from a daughter just by her personality. She is a very flawed person who actually seems proud of and flaunts her flawed nature, but I do think she was head-over-heels for Caylee and just a natural enemy of KC.

I wonder if KC will ever get to the point where she can accept and understand CA as wanting all good for her family. CA has always wanted good for her family, she is just not bright enough to work on herself first instead of badgering others, probably.

It's interesting to see the hatred KC has for her mother. It seems to be growing as she seems to blame her mother for her incarceration--perhaps because she called the police in the first place? I just wonder if she'll ever get to the point where she can accept that her mother always tried to do the right thing, although she has some limitations in understanding right from wrong.

KC knows right from wrong and chooses wrong purposely--this is different from mom IMO.

I whole-heartedly disagree.

Cindy knows right from wrong and also chooses wrong. She is a liar and a sneak just like her daughter- she SET that example for her children, that is obvious. Cindy is plenty bright, much more-so than her daughter is. She is also quite cunning and calculating (again, way more-so than her daughter is), she plays the victim when caught in her lies. Plenty of people fall for it but if they don't, she goes on a smear campaign- how soon some seem to forget the trash she spoke about Tim Miller's personal demons (which are a thing of his past and NONE of anyones business), Publicly- simply because he was searching for a possibly dead Caylee.

The only thing Cindy has limitations in is acting like a responsible parent and teaching her children right from wrong because she herself chooses wrong. I doubt Casey will ever "forgive" her mother she is far too damaged, as is her mother. MO
I have been thinking a lot about LA statement that he has to believe his sister. When you listen to what he says right after that it is very interesting. He says something about if you don't believe someone then they stop trusting you or some such thing. I don't know the exact words. If they ever hope to find out what truly happened to cause Caylee's death they will have to stay on the good side of KC. Now I for one just can't imagine her ever telling the truth about it but her family knows another side of her that we have not seen and they have hopes that someday that girl will tell them the truth. So they don't want to rock the boat and make her any madder than absolutely necessary. I saw that when they would question her. If she started getting upset, they would back off. To me they looked like scared people trying to handle her with kid gloves which is probably always what was done. I remember some analyst on tv said KC was a bully. I can just see her as a teen threatening to run away or kill herself if she couldn't have her way and they would get scared and back off. I remember once someone asked how family members can continue to back a murderer and it was explained that they probably never saw that side of the person so they can't imagine their loved one doing something so utterly horrible. We often think our families see us at our worst but that is with normal people. Murderers hide that side of themselves.

Their allowing the behaviors, never calling her on it, never holding her accountable is what helped create the Casey we now see. Every person in that house is f^cked up, all of them! As is often the case when a person with an untreated personality disorder raises children. You cannot raise honest children when you yourself lie.

You cannot raise mentally healthy children when you are mentally ill and chose to stay ill.. I don't care who ya are, it can not be done.

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