Tim Miller Speaks Out

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You know it just dawned on me...it does not matter if Tim talked to Hank or Ron and Hank about the 35,000. Tim believes that Ron made the 35,000 remark.....now Tim is no fool, and he knows wayyyyyyyyyyy more than we do, so IMO........Ron made the 35,000 remark.......and I don't think it had anything to do with how much a search costs.
I think the $35,000 could mean that he thinks if they would just turn the reward money over to him (Ron) he would find Haleigh.
Hi Shaymus! wasn't RC reviewing some phone records with LE yesterday? I am wondering if that is in direct connection about the secret calls, maybe RC told LE that she is making secrect calls (maybe she is going into the bedroom and locking the door, so no one can come in and interupt the call) and that they should look into it. Maybe LE told RC to come down to the station so that he can identify some of the numbers for them.

something i just thought of while reading your post and thought i would throw it out there!

Hi back, lil momma !

IDK - you could be right. The whole phone issue has me totally :confused:.

TN made the statement about the "secret calls" to TM on August 18th. IIRC, Ron had stopped talking to LE long before that.

But, it seems as if Misty is going under the bus. So, maybe the sudden willingness to go back to LE and talk about phone records is additional fuel for that bus. IMVHO
Annie and tech-

hmmm...that made me think that maybe RC & MC hid HC out to collect money? this is all a scam? Wouldn't that be something. Yeah the 35K comment, threw me off. I am really wondering now, what was meant by it.

Is RC holding something back that he knows from LE, like maybe he is fully aware of who has HC?

darn it, now i am going to go back and think about all of my theories again. I still RC is involved somehow...
Annie and tech-

hmmm...that made me think that maybe RC & MC hid HC out to collect money? this is all a scam? Wouldn't that be something. Yeah the 35K comment, threw me off. I am really wondering now, what was meant by it.

Is RC holding something back that he knows from LE, like maybe he is fully away of who has HC?

darn it, now i am going to go back and think about all of my theories again. I still RC is involved somehow...

It would be wonderful if Haleigh was hidden away....sadly, I don't think this is the case. It sounds to me like someone wants some money....actually my first thought was money to run with.
If the 35K are supposed to be ransom money they're very frugal kidnappers. Almost seven months now, that's 5000 dollars per month for their efforts, and less if they took some time to plan it. Subtract the costs of keeping Haleigh hidden and nourished and if you split it between the four people that Misty supposedly saw in her dream, you get peanuts. I'm thinking if these presumed kidnappers thought they hit paydirt they oughta take the seventh grade maths course again. You can get more money with less effort by landing yourself a good job.
You know it just dawned on me...it does not matter if Tim talked to Hank or Ron and Hank about the 35,000. Tim believes that Ron made the 35,000 remark.....now Tim is no fool, and he knows wayyyyyyyyyyy more than we do, so IMO........Ron made the 35,000 remark.......and I don't think it had anything to do with how much a search costs.

Now you're cooking. I listened to it again and Tim is not talking about the cost of a search. He is offering to throw money in the pot, for this $35k. If it was about cost, wouldn't he just say, Heck I will do it for free or something to that effect? No he thinks this is about ransom and thinks it is bull...
Why would RC need 35K? didn't he make much much more than that doing the interviews on tv? When he bought the new truck, etc.....seems to me that if he had or MC had any kind of drug debt, it would have been paid immediately upon receiving that larger sum of $$.
Why would RC need 35K? didn't he make much much more than that doing the interviews on tv? When he bought the new truck, etc.....seems to me that if he had or MC had any kind of drug debt, it would have been paid immediately upon receiving that larger sum of $$.

Like I said, my first thought was money to run away with.......I think they know the gig if a fixin' to be up. I could be totally wrong, but stranger things have happened. And with this mess........nuttin" surprises me.
The days are numbered comment was odd to me. Did TM really say that or did Misty lie or misunderstand? If he said it, what did he mean? It sounds like a death threat to me but I assume TM wouldn't make those. Is it a weird way of saying you're going to end up in jail soon? A warning that someone could hurt her? I don't understand.

Here's my take on that - all MOO.

I saw yesterday someone posted where GGMS was overheard yelling about Misty or to Misty regarding taking the tests, and GGMS came out and said to Tim (and I cannot remember the exact quote, sorry) "I told the B*tch to take the test or she has two days..." something to that effect. It sounded like GGMS was maying threatening Misty to just take the tests already.

I'm thinking that afterward, maybe TM said something to the effect of "It sounds like your days are numbered here", after hearing that from GGMS.

Personally, I think Misty just 'omitted' that the treat came from GGMS, and not Tim. This is just my opinion, based on her previous 'stories' and how things seem to get twisted. I dunno if its true... but when I put the pieces together, that's what I personally come up with.

Hope that makes a tiny amount of sense.

Again, just MOO!
Oh.and those network tv peeps,they are not stupid.....I'm sure they knew that it would not take much, for these two to think it was alot...and they probably have blew through it already.
Misty loses a lot in translations...
How did Ron "know" that Haleigh would have said "I'm gonna tell Daddy"? Either it's just a lie...or he has used Haleigh as his spy............

If you review the interview between AH and Nay Nay - you will note that Nay Nay referrences this - she wouldn't go to see Misty because Haleigh would tell her Daddy - words to that affect. The interview is still over there. That was a long time ago that this was first mentioned.
It would be wonderful if Haleigh was hidden away....sadly, I don't think this is the case. It sounds to me like someone wants some money....actually my first thought was money to run with.

you know tech- i didn't even think about that. :waitasec:
Hope that makes a little more sense.

I snipped away too in order that everyone doesn't have to read over and over. I appreciate your explanation and makes sense to me.

I recorded the phone conversation for anyone that was unable to listen to the call off of the website.

YouTube - Tim Miller Speaks To TJ Hart - 9/1/09 Haleigh Cummings

Patty thanks so much, I was one that couldn't hear the phone call.

Now that I have, I would bet the farm that when Tim is referring Ron saying if he had 35,000 dollars he could get Haleigh back it means he's using a well known amount often spoke of in searches, and by Tim hisself in general terms. He means if he had the resources that 35,000 dollars could buy and afford, he would be able to make things happen with the result having Haleigh back.

Tim is upset with the family, especially TN as he stated she's the one that called him on the 18 or 19th requesting urgently for his help as they are now seeing MIsty making secret calls and not communicating with the family, especially Ron.

So this tells me, behind the scenes stuff has been breaking loose for a while and others like Tim have known, and not revealed the problems Ron and family have been having in the recent past. As he referes to this voicemail convo, it's apparent we can put two and two together and surmise these type of suspicions and convos have been going on for a while now unbeknowest to the public but Tim, Mark, some media, Ron and family and especially LE has.

Tim feels he's being called out in public and wants to clear his name, LOL and will disclose everything he has if need be to do so. Which I don't know if I agree with that because it might hinder the investigation itself and not worth taking a possible risk. If Misty completely shuts down and doesn't talk with anyone but her own lawyer, that would make things worse and we would grind to a halt. TN calling Tim begging for help proves he was aware Ron and family has been suspecting misty's involvement. You could hear TJ Hart saying, "Wow" as he learned. Tim spoke matter of factly with no surprise and armed with the knowledge with certainty in his voice.

So this taped convo isn't confusing to me at all. I think Tim may feel a little slighted that Ron made the statement he could get the job done in bringing Haleigh home if he had the resources as Tim does, though Ron didn't say it to that degree, but Tim being the one who spends his lifetime doing such things, I could see rightfully how it might cause a rub.

Misty is going to break, and I'm 100% convinced some outsiders are involved and she knows who. These people are who I want to figure out. A brother, that van being damaged and moved without the sister in law knowing til next morning, that's important. We have one or two players leaving town right afterwards.

I've not ruled out Amber and Nay Nay, as they have motive, especially Amber with the myspace message Misty left for her concerning having her child too now that she has her man. A woman scorned.
Here's my take on that - all MOO.

I saw yesterday someone posted where GGMS was overheard yelling about Misty or to Misty regarding taking the tests, and GGMS came out and said to Tim (and I cannot remember the exact quote, sorry) "I told the B*tch to take the test or she has two days..." something to that effect. It sounded like GGMS was maying threatening Misty to just take the tests already.

I'm thinking that afterward, maybe TM said something to the effect of "It sounds like your days are numbered here", after hearing that from GGMS.

Personally, I think Misty just 'omitted' that the treat came from GGMS, and not Tim. This is just my opinion, based on her previous 'stories' and how things seem to get twisted. I dunno if its true... but when I put the pieces together, that's what I personally come up with.

Hope that makes a tiny amount of sense.

Again, just MOO!

Welcome back Pope Jean- Missed ya! ITA that makes a lot of sense.
If you review the interview between AH and Nay Nay - you will note that Nay Nay referrences this - she wouldn't go to see Misty because Haleigh would tell her Daddy - words to that affect. The interview is still over there. That was a long time ago that this was first mentioned.

Wow, I didn't know this. I just posted about nay nay and Amber possibly having involvement and motive. Now with this known fact, interesting.

For those who feel like "How did Ron know Haleigh would tell Daddy? That's typical child behavior. My children told my hubby everything I would do the day long when he would get home from work every night. I can see Haleigh doing that, and I can see Ron surmising she would. I can also see Misty knowing that as she had gottent o know the kids better. Kids that age repeat everythign they hear and see, monkey see, monkey do.
you know tech- i didn't even think about that. :waitasec:

I thought of it because of the statement Ron made to Miller about the phones being bugged and having GPS on them......the GPS being mentioned made my ears perk up, seems he knows he can be located and he does not like it.
I thought of it because of the statement Ron made to Miller about the phones being bugged and having GPS on them......the GPS being mentioned made my ears perk up, seems he knows he can be located and he does not like it.

hmmmm....good thought! i wonder why he doesn't want to be located when his "heart" is missing? hmmmmmm
Wow, I didn't know this. I just posted about nay nay and Amber possibly having involvement and motive. Now with this known fact, interesting.

For those who feel like "How did Ron know Haleigh would tell Daddy? That's typical child behavior. My children told my hubby everything I would do the day long when he would get home from work every night. I can see Haleigh doing that, and I can see Ron surmising she would. I can also see Misty knowing that as she had gottent o know the kids better. Kids that age repeat everythign they hear and see, monkey see, monkey do.

lol...Oh I know that's typical behaviour, I raised six of our own and have 12 grandkids.......they love to tell Daddy, or Papa :crazy:....it just struck me as too much, but maybe that's just me.....I feel like they like to add details.
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