Tipster saw TH truck 6/4 AM near SI

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Hmmm, maybe they do know where she was from 9:15 to 9:45.

"Sources also told KGW Saturday that investigators have been creating a detailed timeline of what Terri did the day her stepson disappeared.

While Terri Horman has said she was in certain locations, investigators have placed her elsewhere using bank card records and cell phone pings, according to sources.

Investigators know that she left Skyline Elementary School around 9 a.m. on the day her stepson disappeared and returned home about 1 p.m. But they are trying to fill gaps that opened up from what she told them."

I just don't understand being out running errands or shopping for four hours while being that close to home with a small child in tow. I can't imagine the list of things I'd have to get done to consume up four hours. And then coming home at 1:00pm, getting there just before her husband does. I know it could be innocent, but I always avoided having young ones out that long. They tend to get quite cranky, or at least mine do :(
I just don't understand being out running errands or shopping for four hours while being that close to home with a small child in tow. I can't imagine the list of things I'd have to get done to consume up four hours. And then coming home at 1:00pm, getting there just before her husband does. I know it could be innocent, but I always avoided having young ones out that long. They tend to get quite cranky, or at least mine do

They may get cranky, but that is what Happy Meals are for! ;) I take mine everywhere. I work from home, and when I shop they come with me wherever I go.
Good Monday WS folks. Hoping that today or this week brings answers. On the "tip", some comments questioning the validity or the content or reporter. Remember that the Lt. said sometimes LE gets duplicates. Maybe someone else also reported seeing the truck/driver in that area around that time. While true that eye witnesses are the "weakest evidence", multiple sightings would lend strength to the tips.

Good catch on the quote of tipster that the truck turned onto to Hwy 30 somewhere just north of Logie Trail (rather than from it).

Thanks for the map links; they are very helpful.
I just don't understand being out running errands or shopping for four hours while being that close to home with a small child in tow. I can't imagine the list of things I'd have to get done to consume up four hours. And then coming home at 1:00pm, getting there just before her husband does. I know it could be innocent, but I always avoided having young ones out that long. They tend to get quite cranky, or at least mine do

They may get cranky, but that is what Happy Meals are for! ;) I take mine everywhere. I work from home, and when I shop they come with me wherever I go.


I agree. Well, we're vegetarians, so the McDonalds doesn't work for us, haha. But I agree, in general; My son is always with me, all the time. He has just learned to be tolerant of mommy and all her boring tasks.

ETA: And having the child in tow can possibly account for the four hours in and of itself - an hour's worth of errands can easily stretch out into two or three hours just from "baby factor" alone.
Sorry, haven't read the whole thread yet, but this guy saw Terri in the truck, but not Kyron or the baby in the truck, and it was at about 9:45. Is that correct?

Hi, OMG, I was up waaay too late ! LOL

If you listen to the video news link at the end he intimates there is more he knows or noticed but didn't say what it was. Like he was surprised they wouldn't want to hear all he had to say to them. Anyway that was the feeling it left me with.
I just don't understand being out running errands or shopping for four hours while being that close to home with a small child in tow. I can't imagine the list of things I'd have to get done to consume up four hours. And then coming home at 1:00pm, getting there just before her husband does. I know it could be innocent, but I always avoided having young ones out that long. They tend to get quite cranky, or at least mine do :(

Slightly OT, but your post just made think about KH's statement that TH was already on her laptop when he got home. I'm curious if, for example, she was uploading photos of Kyron then if she showed those pics to KH. I know if hubby came home or was around and I was doing picture stuff, I would call him over to take a look. I don't think we've heard if KH saw the pics she took that day prior to going to the bus stop. I don't know why I mention this except that I'm interested in that conversation and how that took place: "Look at Kyron in front of his project" , "Kyron was having fun when we looked at projects this morning. Look at this picture. . . ." Etc. Perhaps it would clue us in to TH's state of mind in that early afternoon and her attitude toward Kyron.
I just don't understand being out running errands or shopping for four hours while being that close to home with a small child in tow. I can't imagine the list of things I'd have to get done to consume up four hours. And then coming home at 1:00pm, getting there just before her husband does. I know it could be innocent, but I always avoided having young ones out that long. They tend to get quite cranky, or at least mine do :(

When you are a SAHM and Dad's at work, you usually don't have a choice but to bring them along - or else nothing would ever get done. At least that is the case with me.
DairyGirl, Interesting that T. was seen in this area between 9:15-9:45 am, possibly alone in the truck.
If T and K were at school that morning, this makes for a very tight time frame for K.'s disappearance...immediate comes to mind.

I read T. got home at 1:00 that day.

Have you heard IF there is a cell phone tower on Sauvie Island?

Is there a list of phone towers in your area, so someone can check?
Hi, I thought Kaine said he got home around 1 or maybe 1:30 and she was on her computer. We don't know what time she actually got home.
Just for me to go to a local grocery store, 15 minutes down the road, round trip with grocerys, 2 small children, a good 2 hours, thats with bringing stuff in... Mine are older, 2, and 5. I am not a fan for grocery shopping....
If I have to run to a few more stores, my day goes by very fast.

It must be very frustrating to send a tip in and not hearing if they got it or are looking into it..
A few reasons why I like this tip, based on what we know:

  1. The timeframe
  2. The fact that the tipster can identify the make and model of the truck, rather than simply noting "a white truck"
  3. The red hair
  4. The proximity
In the videos we've seen of TH, she's wearing her hair down. If that was the case on June 4th, it would've stood out. I don't find it hard to believe that once the tipster saw images of TH in the news, he flashbacked to that morning. Considering the layout of that road and the rate of speed the vehicles would've been travelling, I wouldn't expect the tipster to be certain whether or not children were in the backseat because he couldn't have gotten more than a quick glimpse. But that red hair would be hard to miss. IMO
They may get cranky, but that is what Happy Meals are for! ;) I take mine everywhere. I work from home, and when I shop they come with me wherever I go.

Your Happy Meals? Ronald MacDonald lurrrrves you!

Sorry, couldn't resist. <<LOL>>
Hi, OMG, I was up waaay too late ! LOL

If you listen to the video news link at the end he intimates there is more he knows or noticed but didn't say what it was. Like he was surprised they wouldn't want to hear all he had to say to them. Anyway that was the feeling it left me with.
'Morning, Scandi. I fell asleep on this thread late last night about the time you finished off the tequila. When I woke up about an hour or so later with the laptop sliding off my chest, you were still posting. So what are you doing up so early? :)
I'm finding it very difficult to believe this story because it was a month later.But I guess you never know.Anything is possible.
A few reasons why I like this tip, based on what we know:

  1. The timeframe
  2. The fact that the tipster can identify the make and model of the truck, rather than simply noting "a white truck"
  3. The red hair
  4. The proximity
In the videos we've seen of TH, she's wearing her hair down. If that was the case on June 4th, it would've stood out. I don't find it hard to believe that once the tipster saw images of TH in the news, he flashbacked to that morning. Considering the layout of that road and the rate of speed the vehicles would've been travelling, I wouldn't expect the tipster to be certain whether or not children were in the backseat because he couldn't have gotten more than a quick glimpse. But that red hair would be hard to miss. IMO

Also, remember how long it took the family to get on camera - that can account for his delay in reporting too.
'Morning, Scandi. I fell asleep on this thread late last night about the time you finished off the tequila. When I woke up about an hour or so later with the laptop sliding off my chest, your were still posting. So what are you doing up so early? :)

LOL I'm going to treat myself to 2 more hours sleep. Yawnnnnn, but heard nothing on the news about this when I woke up and came to see if there was anything new.

Wonder what's happening this morning at the cop shop ??? xox
I'm finding it very difficult to believe this story because it was a month later.But I guess you never know.Anything is possible.

I think we have to keep in mind that not everyone is as obsessed about this case as we are. I don't live anywhere near Oregon but when this case first broke I know a couple of people spoke to me about it. I guarantee you they probably don't even remember that there is a missing boy anymore.

People are busy. Some people don't watch a lot of television (I don't). Personally the only place I have seen TH's picture is through here (either directly on pictures here or through links). So it wouldn't shock me to hear that the first time someone saw TH and connected the dots was 10 days ago.

My hubbie could have had lunch with any of the people involved with this case yesterday and not have known it was them.

I think we forget that sometimes.
I'm finding it very difficult to believe this story because it was a month later.But I guess you never know.Anything is possible.

“Chas” said he's been following Kyron's disappearance since day 1, and when police released the flier asking the public to come forward with any information if they had seen Terri Horman or the white truck the day Kyron disappeared. That's when “Chas” remembered back to June 4th and called the tip line.

“The next day, I called again, and gave a little bit more detailed information because in the back of my mind I was thinking maybe I didn't give enough information."

Now 10 days later, “Chas” was left feeling a little frustrated.

I am getting the impression he called when the flyer came out.
I think we have to keep in mind that not everyone is as obsessed about this case as we are. I don't live anywhere near Oregon but when this case first broke I know a couple of people spoke to me about it. I guarantee you they probably don't even remember that there is a missing boy anymore.

People are busy. Some people don't watch a lot of television (I don't). Personally the only place I have seen TH's picture is through here (either directly on pictures here or through links). So it wouldn't shock me to hear that the first time someone saw TH and connected the dots was 10 days ago.

My hubbie could have had lunch with any of the people involved with this case yesterday and not have known it was them.

I think we forget that sometimes.
It is good tips are still coming in.

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