Tire Tracks, Shoe Prints and DJH's cars

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So again looking from the outside, one could reasonably assume that: A)They are covering up their inability to solve the case, hoping that at some point it will all go away so they don't look like smacked behinds, B)Someone is covering up a dirty secret and has no intent on ever solving this case, at least until they retire/die, or C)They have something critical, but they can't do a damned thing with it due to one missing piece. Feel free to add a D) or even E)....

My hope is that it's C, but my gut says it's A.
I think it is "C" based on many cases on here. When the perp is finally on trial, it is amazing the info LE has.

I don't follow very many, but with the Josh Powell case I was amazed at how much info LE had which to me seemed more than enough for an arrest. Maybe LE was holding out to find his wife's body? What was horrible was that he had the access to his children which allowed him to kill them.

It is all a mystery to me re evidence. Who would have ever guessed that Casey Anthony would get off or that Jodi Arias can play the system for so long,
According to current public information, this footprint is Jacobs, and no others were recovered beyond it. LE was told to redirect their theories to someone local and on foot at one point in the investigation. With that and this capture of Jacobs last known footprint, what does it mean to you if a vehicle was not involved? What happened here?


And after more then a year thinking about this, the only thing I can come up with is that DR planted it, which I admit seems absolutely wild and a longshot.
According to current public information, this footprint is Jacobs, and no others were recovered beyond it. LE was told to redirect their theories to someone local and on foot at one point in the investigation. With that and this capture of Jacobs last known footprint, what does it mean to you if a vehicle was not involved? What happened here?

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And after more then a year thinking about this, the only thing I can come up with is that DR planted it, which I admit seems absolutely wild and a longshot.

haha wow that's a stretch, you can't be serious
I can't buy the planted print.

We do not know where the other footprints are so it is hard to develop a theory. To me, that tire track is too close to the footprint and so incredibly deep compared to a car which weighs so much more than Jacob. It does not make sense to me

Plus, the car would have to be stopped there and the track does not show any change because of deceleration and acceleration.
I can't buy the planted print.

We do not know where the other footprints are so it is hard to develop a theory. To me, that tire track is too close to the footprint and so incredibly deep compared to a car which weighs so much more than Jacob. It does not make sense to me

Plus, the car would have to be stopped there and the track does not show any change because of deceleration and acceleration.

I agree. We are only seeing a small blip of the track info that LE has.. and as Tracker pointed out they are not willing to share or entertain more help on the matter which is too bad. The simple fact of changing their main focus to a perp on foot after Kevin came forward is very telling in my opinion. We are not talking about people making guesses here...there have been experts from different departments involved in this over the years.
I can't buy the planted print.

We do not know where the other footprints are so it is hard to develop a theory. To me, that tire track is too close to the footprint and so incredibly deep compared to a car which weighs so much more than Jacob. It does not make sense to me

Plus, the car would have to be stopped there and the track does not show any change because of deceleration and acceleration.

One view does show an indirect register in the tire prints near Jacobs last print showing the front tire turned slightly to the left and then back into the same track. It suggests to me that a vehicle stopped in the same area as Jacob went missing. The driver made a correction in the travel of the vehicle, as one might make when backing up.

There is a chance that the car was backed up the driveway and was waiting until the abduction occurred. To me there is too much vehicle travel evidence to discount that a vehicle somehow was involved.
According to current public information, this footprint is Jacobs, and no others were recovered beyond it. LE was told to redirect their theories to someone local and on foot at one point in the investigation. With that and this capture of Jacobs last known footprint, what does it mean to you if a vehicle was not involved? What happened here?

View attachment 81639

And after more then a year thinking about this, the only thing I can come up with is that DR planted it, which I admit seems absolutely wild and a longshot.

I really don't think it was a plant. A plant would be an entire flat print...this is obvious to be a toe heavy print as we have discussed. It may not be as obvious to the rest of you..but to me it's a neon sign.

After SCSD coming out and saying no vehicle was involved, it would look pretty bad for them to come out and say...Ooops...a vehicle "may" have been involved.
Why is the print of a 75 pound boy so much deeper than a couple thousand pound car?
Why is the print of a 75 pound boy so much deeper than a couple thousand pound car?

Same reason you can drive a car across a lawn with barely an impression , but a woman's high heel can sink 6 inches
Same reason you can drive a car across a lawn with barely an impression , but a woman's high heel can sink 6 inches

Um, that makes no sense. Please explain

If you walk on a wet lawn vs dry you will have a totally different experience as you will with a car. Grass is a barrier, but if the lawn is wet, the tires will tear up your lawn
Um, that makes no sense. Please explain
If you walk on a wet lawn vs dry you will have a totally different experience as you will with a car. Grass is a barrier, but if the lawn is wet, the tires will tear up your lawn
Wet or dry was not a variable in your original inquiry , as far as I know everything was dry at the time of the abduction so I will stick with that

Grass is not a barrier , the grass itself is not relevant to the point I was making

It is simple physics ... if a woman weighs 150 pounds and is wearing high heel shoes and puts her weight on one heel it creates a pressure on the ground of 150 pounds per square inch and can sink into the ground

But a car will not sink much because

Each tire has a footprint of 5 inches by 6 inches = 30 sq inches X 4 tires = 120 sq inches divided by the weight of the car (3000 pounds) = 25 pounds per square inch which is only 1/4 the pressure of the shoe
Why is the print of a 75 pound boy so much deeper than a couple thousand pound car?

Fair question. Without having been on hand to look at the prints in person, I would venture to guess that since the car weight is divided up between four tires, the curb weight of a Monte Carlo is about 3580 lbs which is 895 lbs per tire, spread out over an area of about 8"+ in diameter...and Jacobs one print concentrates his entire weight on the toe area of the print....and given that the tires may have been sitting on a more compacted area as the ruts tend to be, and Jacobs print is in the dust next to the rut, Jacobs prints "could" look deeper than the tire prints. But then again, photographs do not tell the entire story. We have a small snap shop which for our purposes only serves to intrigue rather than inform.
Wet or dry was not a variable in your original inquiry , as far as I know everything was dry at the time of the abduction so I will stick with that

Grass is not a barrier , the grass itself is not relevant to the point I was making

It is simple physics ... if a woman weighs 150 pounds and is wearing high heel shoes and puts her weight on one heel it creates a pressure on the ground of 150 pounds per square inch and can sink into the ground

But a car will not sink much because

Each tire has a footprint of 5 inches by 6 inches = 30 sq inches X 4 tires = 120 sq inches divided by the weight of the car (3000 pounds) = 25 pounds per square inch which is only 1/4 the pressure of the shoe

That seems to make sense but not what I see visually. On a dry surface, shoes do not sink. When a lawn is wet, the tires of a riding lawn mower destroy the area. No problem when the ground is dry.

Lots of variables.
Arnie is correct. It has been stated it was very dry on the night of the abduction.
Arnie is correct. It has been stated it was very dry on the night of the abduction.

Yes, it was. But he was talking about a high heel sinks in grass to explain a physics problem. But a high heel is not going to sink in dry hard pack. There are more variables at play when determinng why Jacob's print is so deep next to the tire track
Yes, it was. But he was talking about a high heel sinks in grass to explain a physics problem. But a high heel is not going to sink in dry hard pack. There are more variables at play when determinng why Jacob's print is so deep next to the tire track

Find yourself a dirt and gravel country road or driveway ... typically the areas where the car wheels go will be hard packed (tires do not sink and footprints are hardly visible) ... but right beside those hard packed strips is the loose dirt and gravel , stand on the ball of one foot as though you were getting into a car , swivel your foot back and forth slightly ... and you will make a deep impression (footprint)

Summary ... there is nothing unusual about a shallow tire print next to a deep footprint on a road like that.
If the driveway has beenrecently graded, that works,maybe, but the tire tracks are way too light in comparison. On a newly graded surface, the tracks are deep as well.

My hubby said it could work on the shoulder.

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