TN - Chris Newsom, 23, & Channon Christian, 21, murdered, Knoxville, 6 Jan 2007 #1

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mom3dd I respect your opinion, but disagree that I am in any way blaming the kids. I am just saying that I think there is more to the story and that the kids were in some way involved with the perps. Like I said, I heard stories through the grapevine and I have lived in this area all of my life. I even lived a stint in East Knoxville. I am merely bringing my perspective to the table. I just find it interesting that in this case, no one else seems to even want to look down that alley...
I don't know about blaming the victims (although all too often that's how it starts -then someone suggests that if they hadn't put themselves in jeapordy by using illegal drugs, they'd be alive today) - but it also has a flavor of speaking ill of the dead. Unless there's actual solid evidence the victims used drugs, I hate to see it said about them. I'm sure there are rumors - everyone wants this crime to be comprehensible - but that's not anything solid.
i understand the need to believe these kids must have done something wrong. we have really 2 choices. 1 kids did nothing wrong and are picked at random. tortured then killed for the hell of it. 2 the kids did something. anything that put them at risk and that explains the torture and murder. choice 2 means we are safe. go to bed and sleep in peace. you followed the rules and your family is safe. have no fear. this wont happen to you. choice 1.... any of us could have been taken. it could be your kid we are talking about. you are in danger every day and you cant keep your family safe only lower your risk. lock up your house and never let your family leave and maybe just maybe you will be ok.

who wants choice 1? who wants to think when you drive to the store tonight you may be next? picked at random for no reason. i wish it was choice 2 but until i see something even close to proof i am forced to accept these kids were unlucky and paid horribly for it.
i understand the need to believe these kids must have done something wrong. we have really 2 choices. 1 kids did nothing wrong and are picked at random. tortured then killed for the hell of it. 2 the kids did something. anything that put them at risk and that explains the torture and murder. choice 2 means we are safe. go to bed and sleep in peace. you followed the rules and your family is safe. have no fear. this wont happen to you. choice 1.... any of us could have been taken. it could be your kid we are talking about. you are in danger every day and you cant keep your family safe only lower your risk. lock up your house and never let your family leave and maybe just maybe you will be ok.

who wants choice 1? who wants to think when you drive to the store tonight you may be next? picked at random for no reason. i wish it was choice 2 but until i see something even close to proof i am forced to accept these kids were unlucky and paid horribly for it.

Given your choices, I my rational mind says #2 is the likely one.

mom3dd I respect your opinion, but disagree that I am in any way blaming the kids. I am just saying that I think there is more to the story and that the kids were in some way involved with the perps. Like I said, I heard stories through the grapevine and I have lived in this area all of my life. I even lived a stint in East Knoxville. I am merely bringing my perspective to the table. I just find it interesting that in this case, no one else seems to even want to look down that alley...

It's fascinating to me, as well, sariebell. We are, after all, a bunch of sleuthers - we should be able to look under any stone and speculate to our heart's content without fear of being labeled "victim-bashers".

I don't understand how considering that these kids could have been involved with these perps is in any way blaming them or disrespecting them or saying they bought their fate on themselves.

Of course, more evidence will come out as the case unfolds and goes to trial. Regardless of how or why it happened, it is tragic. I don't grieve or feel any less for the victims if they were copping dope or they were carjacked. They didn't deserve what they got - period.
Sairebell South & City Mom
I said In My Opinion first and foremost
I admit I was touchy last night tired of these senseless crimes come on why kill a pregnant woman, a child, young couple.
Why not kill a druggie that has the drugs you so deperately want or do something really worth while and kill each other?
Please excuse my ramblings this is why I usually do not post much in the way of speculation. Just prayers.
Sairebell South & City Mom
I said In My Opinion first and foremost
I admit I was touchy last night tired of these senseless crimes come on why kill a pregnant woman, a child, young couple.
Why not kill a druggie that has the drugs you so deperately want or do something really worth while and kill each other?
Please excuse my ramblings this is why I usually do not post much in the way of speculation. Just prayers.

No need to apologize, mom3dd! :blowkiss:

I definitely appreciated your perspective - just wanted to add my own.

It is heartbreaking anytime a human murders another human. We see a lot of that here and it can get overwhelming.

I for one am glad that you are here and just wanted you to know that I truly believe that justice will be served in the case of these two young people.
...East Knoxville is the KNOWN DRUG DEALER PLACE TO GO!..
Maybe, it would help me understand if someone could explain where the kids had been (location wise) and where they were (location wise) when they were abducted. I thought that they had left a friend's home to go to the video store. Of course, I have no idea the location of the friend's home or where the video store was. Were these kids familiar with the area?

If they just happened to end up in a drug infested area of town, I would be more inclined to believe the drug purchase theory. If they had to go through that section or were taking a shortcut, I'm not so sure.

I would be more comfortable thinking that these kids were not chosen at random. However, they sure looked like "innocent" and "drug free" kids to me. What do I know, though?

I just think of my stepchildren when I look at photos of these kids. My stepchildren are good kids, knock on wood. My stepson was leaving an event called "City Stages" in Birmingham, AL, with a group of his friends a few years back. They were two guys and two girls walking to their parked car when a gang of blacks came out of (almost) nowhere and viciously attacked them. The girls were able to run. The boys were cornered and beaten and kicked viciously. My stepson was an athlete, tall and in shape. He was able to kind of roll with the punches and cover his head the best that he could.

The cops were called and responded. Supposedly, this was a gang initiation. Thank goodness, these kids were not seriously injured. The event was in downtown Birmingham; and they had to park on a side road. However, the event was crowded. You wouldn't think that something like this would happen, but it did; and it was totally random. :eek:
First we hear a couple of guys want to go out and get some $$ so they decided to carjack someone. You don't carjack a car in a lower end of town. You go uptown.

We also hear there were body parts removed, and now we hear that is NOT true.

We see ramblings of some 'sick person' saying the girl WANTED this.

Now we hear they were found in this part of town because they were trying to score drugs.

Then we hear this girl had had a previous encounter with one of the perps.


IMHO, we should just wait until the trial and see what the real deal is. To those of you who think NOTHING BAD happens to those in the nicer area of town, you need to read more.

We live in an area of So Cal where there are multi million dollar homes, gated communities, well educated and street smart people. YET, it was years ago, but two of the victims of the REAL NIGHT STALKER (who's never been caught) were raped and murdered in their own gate guarded community home. The REAL NIGHT STALKER cruised the MORE well off communities for his victims.

If you think depraved individuals don't take their victims from a serene and safe location to another before they 'dump them,' you're wrong. Years ago we lived in Oregon. One sunny day two young girls were walking down a country path when along came a car with three guys cruising the countryside for trouble. They managed to grab one girl but the other one managed to get away. Several days later, maybe 100 miles from where she was abducted, the victims body was found at a small area off the road running along a river.

While we lived in this small Oregon town, at the time the population was 1000 and we had three police officers, including the chief. Murder was NOT part of our every day vocabulary. But just a few blocks from us, one night a wife decided she didn't want to be married anymore and killed her husband while he lay asleep. They didn't find him for days and by then she had high-tailed it out of town.

Were drugs in play of this crime? I have no doubt they were. But probably it was the perps who were the druggies, not the victims. Then there's the car being found close to where the second victim was found. People who would do such a bizzare crime don't think like you and I and they make stupid mistakes, especially if they're on drugs. I mean, why would they leave her body in the house they'd committed the crime? For the same reason they left the victim's car a short distance from there. The jails are full of these types of people.

I think people are just trying to 'justify' the crime in that the young couple put themselves in harms way and that's why something bad happened to them. Or, that where they were SUPPOSED to be is not a 'bad area' so it couldn't have happened there. That's not always the case. It's called 'being in the wrong place at the wrong time.'


PS.........Nowhere, and I mean NOWHERE is immune from something like this happening and NO ONE is immune from being a victim. You just need to have a plan on IF something starts going down and how you're going to react,.........different plans for different situations and hopefully you can get yourself out alive..........fran

PPS......If the girl wanted to be a forensic chemist, I highly doubt she was involved with drugs. To be a forensic chemist, you have to go through a very thorough background check. They even talk to your high school friends, your parents, etc.........

PPPS........Nan, I'm glad your step son was ok. What a close call! Phew!
...Nan, I'm glad your step son was ok. What a close call! Phew!
Thanks, Fran. My stepson is really a good boy. I'm glad that he was okay, too. It's amazing how anything can happen at anytime (as your post notes). :eek:

I just hope that the horrifying things that we read about these two young kids is not true! The description of events left me terrified and sick to my stomach. :(
While I've never driven a car that would appeal to car jackers, I must say that I have driven through bad areas of town during my life on numerous occasions. But as to my character as far as drugs and such, I proudly say that I've never taken even a puff of pot or any other drug other then RX medication as directed. I'd like to say that the times I'm in bad areas I am quite careful, but the fact is anyone could get grabbed. I agree, anything at this point is pure speculation. And I've had friends who did drugs of all types - never in my presence, and if they were going somewhere WITH me, it was agreed and understood they could not be "carrying" anything at all. But I'm sure there are folks who assumed in those days that since I spent time with known "druggies" I must be one too, but I never had any desire to explore that area in any way.
Thanks, Fran. My stepson is really a good boy. I'm glad that he was okay, too. It's amazing how anything can happen at anytime (as your post notes). :eek:

I just hope that the horrifying things that we read about these two young kids is not true! The description of events left me terrified and sick to my stomach. :(

That is so scary, nanandjim, and I am so glad those kids are okay. Things like that really can happen anywhere.
I don't know why this story can't be just exactly what the first report stated. I personally can see this happening to two innocent kids. Look at the pictures of the people involved in this horror. Do they look like anyone that these kids would have been involved with? If they wanted to get drugs I'm sure that their own crowd would have known someone to buy from. Seems like everyone is aware of the dealers in this day and age even if they don't use drugs. What young people say is "all you have to do is walk down any street and someone will offer to sell you drugs of every kind."

There are people in this world that are just plain evil and I think this bunch fit that bill. They murdered the boy first and then took the girl. I can see that too. I don't even want to imagine the horror and the terror that the girl went through before they murdered her. It is to much to bear. Those guys probably enjoyed every single moment of this horror and I hope they all burn for what they did.

My heart goes out to the families of these two kids. They are left to live with the horror of what their children went through. I'm sure they still suffer nightmares and will for a long time. They need prayer...not rumors spread about their children.
I don't know why this story can't be just exactly what the first report stated. I personally can see this happening to two innocent kids. Look at the pictures of the people involved in this horror. Do they look like anyone that these kids would have been involved with? If they wanted to get drugs I'm sure that their own crowd would have known someone to buy from. Seems like everyone is aware of the dealers in this day and age even if they don't use drugs. What young people say is "all you have to do is walk down any street and someone will offer to sell you drugs of every kind.".....

I did want to point out that when young, seemingly innocent, college kids are doing drugs, at least one of them is crossing over into true bad guy territory to get the drugs - because ultimately all illegal drugs come from men on the streets with guns.

You don't always just buy drugs from people who look like you - often you take risks and go to areas you shouldn't go to because the people who look like you say that's where they got the drugs.

In college (a reputable private one, I might add), I looked a lot like the girl in this case - and, more than once, I or friends of mine went to areas populated by people who look like the guys in this case to score dope.

I'm not saying that's what happened in this case; I am just sharing my own experience.
Until four years ago, my brother lived in an apartment complex less than five miles southwest of the crime scene. It was considered a safe area. The victims were abducted at an apartment complex less than four miles north of the crime scene. Dangerous areas are not far away from safe places in most cities, including Knoxville.

From my reading of this crime, I don't believe the victims were acquainted with the suspects. The accused were looking for victims and found them.
I did want to point out that when young, seemingly innocent, college kids are doing drugs, at least one of them is crossing over into true bad guy territory to get the drugs - because ultimately all illegal drugs come from men on the streets with guns.

You don't always just buy drugs from people who look like you - often you take risks and go to areas you shouldn't go to because the people who look like you say that's where they got the drugs.

In college (a reputable private one, I might add), I looked a lot like the girl in this case - and, more than once, I or friends of mine went to areas populated by people who look like the guys in this case to score dope.

I'm not saying that's what happened in this case; I am just sharing my own experience.

That might be the way it is in large towns...I don't know because I have always lived in smaller towns. Here it is the kids that looks like anyone else and some that look rougher but you can score drugs of every kind right on the streets of town or someone can point you to someone who has them. Most of the dealers don't carry guns or anything. I guess in larger towns they do but not in smaller places.
I did want to point out that when young, seemingly innocent, college kids are doing drugs, at least one of them is crossing over into true bad guy territory to get the drugs - because ultimately all illegal drugs come from men on the streets with guns.

You don't always just buy drugs from people who look like you - often you take risks and go to areas you shouldn't go to because the people who look like you say that's where they got the drugs.

In college (a reputable private one, I might add), I looked a lot like the girl in this case - and, more than once, I or friends of mine went to areas populated by people who look like the guys in this case to score dope.
Nearly 20 years ago, my then pastor's son who also happened to be in my confirmation classes went to a known drug area of Philly to buy drugs. He ended up a missing person for quite some days before being identified by his parents at the morgue. Nobody could believe it when we heard the news - not the handsome, athletic pastor's son. But it happens so much more than we would think.

I'm not at all saying that this is what happened to these kids. I find this case horrifying and senseless no matter what precipitated it and I am leaning towards the extremely frightening idea that this was a random crime. I SO want to believe that something like this can't possibly happen in a random fashion but sadly, I think that it does and there's something to the concept of "mob mentality". I find that so incredibly frightening because I just don't understand how it happens that in a group of people with sick, terrifying acts like these, not one person steps forward to stop the horror. I just finished reading this thread today after hearing about another story yesterday and I must say that I've been left with a nagging sense of fear. Most of you probably know this feeling; I probably need to step away for a day or two. In any case, it's probably listed here somewhere on WS but for those of you that haven't seen it, here's the latest of these types of crimes:

Mother Gang Raped by Ten Teenagers; Son Forced to Join In - The Crime library

"...a woman was roused to a knock on her front door. When she asked who it was, a young man told her his vehicle had a flat tire. Not wanting to turn away someone in need, the woman opened her door and offered her assistance. The moment the door opened, a group of gun-wielding suspects forced their way inside. According to the police report, the group consisted of at least ten teenage boys...

All ten of the suspects gang raped, sodomized and beat the woman in the presence of her son. The victim's screams only served to fuel the suspects' depraved acts. After having their fill of the mother, the suspects turned their attention to her young son, (12 years old), forcing him at gunpoint to have sex with her for their perverse amusement...

The victims were active in church, and neither had any connection to the two teens that have been arrested in connection with the crimes. At this time, police believe they were random targets..."

Please forgive me for using the thread devoted to these poor kids to bring up another person's horrible story but I find the similarities in these cases startling. It goes to show that random crimes DO happen and we all need to be aware of that. Sometimes, "regular" people find themselves in horrible situations based on nothing that they've done. That's so scary to comprehend.

ETA: I think I must be getting old because I never thought I'd hear myself say these words - I think that a large part of what's happening to these kids today is partly based on the desensitization that's occuring from video games, movies, gangster rap, horror punk, websites like, etc. Stuff that used to get an "R" rating in movies is now acceptable on t.v. I don't forsee a decline in these types of crimes because it seems like every day there is a song, a movie, or a video game that's even more disturbing than the last. People are seeking things that are more and more graphic to satisfy their sick desires. I think that this is a serious problem that's helping to warp the minds of our children and I have no idea of what we can all do to stop it. It seems to be getting worse & worse. In the case I posted above, the two arrested were 14 & 16. "The eight remaining suspects are believed to be between the ages of 14 and 18." These are our babies, the future of our country - and big corporations out there are selling things like Grand Theft Auto to these children that only fatten the corporations' CEO's bank accounts and put them in mansions behind iron gates while we all get to live with the repercussions.

Okay, getting off the soapbox. I've just heard too many stories like this lately. I'm completely freaked out.
Here's some updated articles from the local paper. Apparently the judge has just now released the house where the crime took place back to its owner.

Court records allege that Christian and Newsom initially were the targets of a carjacking but wound up being held hostage, beaten and raped. Newsom ultimately was shot to death and his body bound, set on fire and dumped alongside railroad tracks near Davidson’s Chipman Street home, records alleged.

Christian was strangled, her body wrapped in trash bags and discarded in a trash can, records show. Authorities have not revealed whether she was already dead when stuffed into the garbage can or died while inside it, nor have they disclosed the exact cause of her death.

More at above link.

On Monday, Knox County Criminal Court Judge Richard Baumgartner signed an order releasing the rental house to its owner. Both Assistant District Attorney General Leland Price and attorneys Tom Dillard, David Eldridge and Kim Parton and Russell Greene agreed that neither side had further need of examining the house.


Eldridge represents Lemaricus “Slim” Davidson, the 25-year-old man authorities contend was the ringleader in the January carjacking that turned, instead, into a kidnapping, rape and murder.


Authorities believe Christian was strangled. Newsom was shot and his bound body set afire along railroad tracks near the Chipman Street house. Court records indicate that both were repeatedly raped. Newsom was killed first, while Christian was held several more hours before she was slain, records show.

The judge also pushed back one week the deadline for prosecutors to announce whether the death penalty will be sought. That deadline now is Oct. 4.

More at link. Looks like May 12, 2008 is the first trial date.

And the last one

"Hate-crime label may cause problems it's meant to deter". This is an editorial piece.

Tenant living in Knoxville double murder house wants out

"The family sits relaxed on their front porch. They've come to terms with what happened inside their house. But, it's what's going on outside, 24-hours a day that has them fearing for their lives.
It was a gruesome crime. For two Knoxville families and the current occupants of the house, the nightmare is far from over.
Eight months ago Monday, East Tennessee was gripped by the unthinkable. A young couple was carjacked and murdered in Knoxville. The house where police say it happened was vacant until recently.
Now, the woman who moved in is fighting to get out."

Much more at link.
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