TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #29

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Dana E Bobo Male | 50s

****** Swan Johnson Rd
Darden, Tennessee 38328
Household: Dana E Bobo, Clint Bobo, Donna K Bobo, Karen D Bobo

This is from It's so odd that HB is not listed! Great find
You are right, this is not the same fundraiser. I was told by someone who runs the HBUP FB page that the event they were planning was to be held on the 16th.

So the one planned for tomorrow is still on?
Alternate language is used: first, Holly was "drug" into the woods; then, she wasn't, but merely guided, with the perp placing a hand on her arm, I think it was. There is some consternation as to whether Clint misspoke, or whether LE confused the matter.

Things are not off to a bright start.

There is said to be a half-hour delay as LE waits for tracking dogs to arrive.
wfgodot, you know I love you. :)

But do you say 'Honey, would you turn off the lights, please?"
Or do you say, 'Hon, could ya cut off that light before ya go to bed? Ima gonna head off now."

I truly think this is the case here, regarding the confusion of language- as reported by the media, LE, and family. KWIM?
wfgodot, you know I love you. :)

But do you say 'Honey, would you turn off the lights, please?"
Or do you say, 'Hon, could ya cut off that light before ya go to bed? Ima gonna head off now."

I truly think this is the case here, regarding the confusion of language- as reported by the media, LE, and family. KWIM?

Yes, dear heart, but it was an issue that confused matters from the git-go. You know I don't take language lightly. While in the grand scheme this won't be the kicker that points to a solution, it did skewer beliefs as to what the heck did happen that a.m., and undoubtedly - whomever's fault it was - hampered LE's ability to make a correct response to the situation.

Okay, who wants to handle the screams? (Not of Oriah's as she reads my tortured prose above, lol, but the one evidently heard by a neighbor.)
Yes, dear heart, but it was an issue that confused matters from the git-go. You know I don't take language lightly. While in the grand scheme this won't be the kicker that points to a solution, it did skewer beliefs as to what the heck did happen that a.m., and undoubtedly - whomever's fault it was - hampered LE's ability to make a correct response to the situation.

Okay, who wants to handle the screams? (Not of Oriah's as she reads my tortured prose above, lol, but the one evidently heard by a neighbor.)

I don't understand this, wfgodot. Please explain. Do you mean because of the multiple phone calls?

And yes, if you hear me screaming- it's not because of language and dialect translation.
It's because Holly has not been found yet- and now we at WS's have somehow managed to make a very bad situation worse, by contributing to rumors, assumptions, and judgements about her case. :(
I don't understand this, wfgodot. Please explain. Do you mean because of the multiple phone calls?

And yes, if you hear me screaming- it's not because of language and dialect translation.
It's because Holly has not been found yet- and now we at WS's have somehow managed to make a very bad situation worse, by contributing to rumors, assumptions, and judgements about her case. :(
The multiple phone calls! Had forgotten about them - the 911 calls, do you mean? No, simply this: if I'm the first responder officer person and Clint says Holly's been dragged off into the woods, I will form an opinion different from one I would form if I think Clint's trying to tell me she's only been led off into the woods. Boing! Skewered from the start, perhaps.

As for a discussion of a case making it worse - no, silence does, as it leads to forgetfulness and, eventually, forgetting.
The Bobos are the victims here and must not be critically discussed. Much else is available to us to investigate and attempt to decipher.
Dana E Bobo Male | 50s

****** Swan Johnson Rd
Darden, Tennessee 38328
Household: Dana E Bobo, Clint Bobo, Donna K Bobo, Karen D Bobo

This is from It's so odd that HB is not listed! Great find

Now I'm confused...I have a headache so maybe I'm not thinking properly. Can someone remind me who Donna is??
We have all discussed Clint, Karen and a little about Drew. One person who is always left out of this situation is Dana. Why didn't Clint call Dana? No one includes Dana in anything about this case. Clint calls Karen, the neighbor calls Karen but no one calls Dana..

As the father in the house, wouldn't he be the first one called? Was Dana left out of everything that goes on in the house? We just don't know.

From the PICS, we see that Drew, Clint and Drew's brother (?) are avid hunters. Seems like one duck isn't enough...*sigh* They all like Camo from what I see. I think Clint should be able to recognize Drew, regardless.

Dana was also replaced by the family pastor during the JVM interviewer. Strange.....
The multiple phone calls! Had forgotten about them - the 911 calls, do you mean? No, simply this: if I'm the first responder officer person and Clint says Holly's been dragged off into the woods, I will form an opinion different from one I would form if I think Clint's trying to tell me she's only been led off into the woods. Boing! Skewered from the start, perhaps.

As for a discussion of a case making it worse - no, silence does, as it leads to forgetfulness and, eventually, forgetting.
The Bobos are the victims here and must not be critically discussed. Much else is available to us to investigate and attempt to decipher.

Ok, I think I understand what you're saying wfgodot.

But I don't think the issue of semantics came into play until the media began having a, umm, hard time with them.

Let me use a personal example to try and explain my perspective on this:
Several years ago, we were heading to a job and came across a serious vehicle accident that had just occurred (rural road, dark, and no one else around.) We stopped of course, and called for assistance for the victim involved in the accident. The victim was alert and oriented, and also had a very heavy dialect which was common in the region. The victim told me while we were waiting for assistance to arrive, that "a dar done run cross and go off the crick. My medicine there."

Translation- a deer had jumped out in front of the vehicle, the victim swerved to avoid it and went over an embankment, into a creek. The victim had an inhaler in the vehicle.
The local FD responded first, followed by the SO, to whom the victim said the exact same thing. The victim was transported to the hospital.

The local media (must've been very bored that night) reported on the accident the following morning, with:
The driver of the vehicle was drunk, lost control of the vehicle, drove off the road, and then resisted arrest. In stable condition, will be charged with a DUI upon release. :banghead:

You know what was fact-based in that reporting? That the driver lost control of the vehicle and drove off of the road.
True story. Ask the deer. :(

That's why I hold media accountable for semantics- the responsibility to victims is huge.

(And I don't mean to imply in any way, shape, or form, that discussion about cases are a bad thing. Just that I feel we need to look at sources and conflicts in sources from a victim-friendly standpoint. mvho,of course.)
Oriah, we know that the first given account is this:

Holly Bobo was last seen by a family member being drug [sic] across the carport of her home on Swan Johnson Road toward a wooded area by a man wearing camouflage clothing.

(TBI press release, 13 April 2011)

We also know, via Clint, that this - according to him - was not the case, although, characteristically, TBI has never dealt with the issue again via press release (and thus has not in print cleared up the confusion).

The media has reported what it found. I see no problem of semantics from the media here. I also see no confusion of fact on the part of the media's reporting of the matter.
Oriah, we know that the first given account is this:

We also know, via Clint, that this - according to him - was not the case, although, characteristically, TBI has never dealt with the issue again via press release (and thus has not in print cleared up the confusion).

The media has reported what it found. I see no problem of semantics from the media here. I also see no confusion of fact on the part of the media's reporting of the matter.

wfgodot- I really do think I know what you are trying to say.
It just doesn't add up for me, I guess.

It would not surprise me in the least if Clint reported to LE that he saw Holly being 'drugged' away and was meaning to imply 'forcibly led'; and then after being questioned repeatedly by LE, said 'led' because he had been told his verbage was going to be understood improperly.
It would also not surprise me in the least that the media jumped on his initial account for the sheer sake of sensationalism- and then found some really easy prey with the Bobo family.

As for the TBI not clarifying, I agree that would be very helpful. But I also can appreciate the fact that they may have clarified facts themselves and with the other LE agencies involved and don't feel the need to clarify for anyone else.

I don't know. I give up. :(
Dana E Bobo Male | 50s

****** Swan Johnson Rd
Darden, Tennessee 38328
Household: Dana E Bobo, Clint Bobo, Donna K Bobo, Karen D Bobo

This is from It's so odd that HB is not listed! Great find

This info is somewhat confusing and disturbing...
Who is Donna K. Bobo? Where is Holly's name?
Does anyone know why Darden is considered to be the 'town' of residence when Swan Johnson Rd. is actually closer to and comes up as a suggestion on Google maps in association with Parsons, TN?

There is a Dana E. Bobo listed as a resident of Parsons, TN on Spokeo, but it refers to a female.
You are right, this is not the same fundraiser. I was told by someone who runs the HBUP FB page that the event they were planning was to be held on the 16th.

The tv station in Memphis that I contacted also had no information about a fundraiser on October 16th either. They had no information about any fundraiser for HB at all. The guy I spoke with was very kind and he commented on what a sad, sad story it is about HB. Perhaps they decided to have the fundraiser in a different city, but if so, I wonder why there is no press about it. Please post if anyone locates any details.
Greetings. I wondered why I can find no record for a Holly Bobo age 22 having lived in Tennesee? In a nationwide search I could only find a 22 Yr old Holly Bobo living in Pataskala, Ohio. All other Holly Bobos are too old to fit.

Is it possible she is not missing and this is a scam?
There is something off with this case.

In all public records for the family I could only find Dana, Karen and Clint listed as members. Is it possible to find any public records from the census bureau or SSI records to verify what her relationship is to this family? Do you think LE would check her birth certificate as a matter of investigation?


How about school records? Wasnt she in nursing school? Which one? Im sure they would need an address for her, preferably a local one considering most schools have lower tuition for in-state residents.
Also, is it possible she went away to college out of state before going to nursing school, so perhaops she wouldnt come up on any records/census done last year?

Still wondering who Donna K. Bobo is........
The tv station in Memphis that I contacted also had no information about a fundraiser on October 16th either. They had no information about any fundraiser for HB at all. The guy I spoke with was very kind and he commented on what a sad, sad story it is about HB. Perhaps they decided to have the fundraiser in a different city, but if so, I wonder why there is no press about it. Please post if anyone locates any details.

Is it possible that the confusion over the 'fundraising' train of thought is being further confused by this:
How about school records? Wasnt she in nursing school? Which one? Im sure they would need an address for her, preferably a local one considering most schools have lower tuition for in-state residents.
Also, is it possible she went away to college out of state before going to nursing school, so perhaops she wouldnt come up on any records/census done last year?

Still wondering who Donna K. Bobo is........

Donna K. Bobo age 50 is as far as I got. Maiden aunt? Father's previous wife, who knows?

I thought I read University of Tennesee Technical Center. Is that correct, and if so what kind of daily commute are we talking? If anyone knows knows offhand, I'll wait before checking it out.

Correction: The school is Tensessee Technical School. Closest one, Jackson??
Has this been definitively stated?
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