TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #29

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I don't see how these two accounts could possibly be confused at ALL.

Saying someone was "dragged" towards the woods is no way confused with what TBI said Clint really saw and even further away from what Clint himself claims he saw.

I can understand Clint and/or Karen being paniked when calling 911 but I dont understand why ANY "forceful" verb would be confused with what TBI said happened.

If Clint didn't realize she was in trouble at all until it was to late and he saw blood then what could he have said to the dispatcher that they would come up with him witnessing her being "dragged" away? She was missing and there was blood and a neighbor said they heard a scream (not verified by TBI) but reports indicate that he last saw her under no duress and Clint states that the suspect was not "dragging", "leading" or even touching her.

How do you drag or lead something without physically touching it?

wfgodot, you know I love you. :)

But do you say 'Honey, would you turn off the lights, please?"
Or do you say, 'Hon, could ya cut off that light before ya go to bed? Ima gonna head off now."

I truly think this is the case here, regarding the confusion of language- as reported by the media, LE, and family. KWIM?
In the first two days, $40,000 was raised by selling tshirts and bracelets. I realize that one has to subtract the cost @ wholesale but that is a pretty big chunk of change. When asked, Karen said she was hoping to give Holly a nice vacation is Holly wanted that. I believe the amount was $25,000 that was given.

Since then I have seen fundraisers at least x1 a month. Other organizations have also opened up their arms and given them help and money. I know I am going to come off as the Grinch here, but it seems like they should have enough money to get by at this time. I am put off by this. Maybe somebody can help me understand.

The only thing I do know is that the benefit that was scheduled for the 16th was to raise money for SAR efforts, not for money for the family. That's why it was so strange and sad that the family turned it down.
I am so sorry that Karen has to call the TBI every day. I would think her pastor would be able to get information since they are all connected to the local LE. The FBI affiliates are notorious for keeping quiet.

I have heard this complaint by many families of victims.

If the LE would come out and clear the family, so many sirens would ring and the media would be posting Holly's pic daily....looking for the perp. WTH could possibly be the strategy they are using?

The media would dig and find out everything they could on the Nichols (sp) guy. This is crazy.
The only thing I do know is that the benefit that was scheduled for the 16th was to raise money for SAR efforts, not for money for the family. That's why it was so strange and sad that the family turned it down.

How much does SAR costs? Everytime I turn around Equusearch is getting money from the public for food and drinks. I know because each time I send money, they close down the search....grrrr.

Did they state where they want SAR to search? This is the first time I ever heard the family state that it was for a search. I remember reading it was to benefit the Bobo family.
Can someone please post the SAR team the Bobo's are working with?
How much does SAR costs? Everytime I turn around Equusearch is getting money from the public for food and drinks. I know because each time I send money, they close down the search....grrrr.

Did they state where they want SAR to search? This is the first time I ever heard the family state that it was for a search. I remember reading it was to benefit the Bobo family.

I still haven't heard the familystate that it was for search, but that's what the women who were organizing it said on the FB page. They said they had organized other similar benefits in the past and that they were going to try to raise money for a SAR team for Holly, which was why they were so disappointed that the family shut it down.

As far as I know, Holly Bobo Updates and Prayers is a public FB page that anyoneo can see (I could be wrong about this), but they have taken down all references to the benefit now.

After reading the article in the link posted by Carla Lashelle, I am shocked that it appears they didn't contact the family before planning this. I assumed that they had.
Nevermind, I just found the SAR fb page. I will be reading there for awhile. Thanks to you all.
So far I am getting the impression that the team is pro-active and I like that.
Frankly, I don't care what Whitney Duncan says or tweets. I lost all respect for her. Personally, I wish Holly's family would avoid even bringing her up when discussing Holly's case.

Whitney Duncan:

She goes on about flirting with the guys on the show...

But whatever.....

I couldn't agree more, NT....Lost all respect for her, and I started following this case because I was a fan(sort of) of her and saw her post on twitter about it. I still don't understand her twitter post of the gun, or the fact that her youtube video could have lead any obcessed fan right to her families door...Ive posted this theory before...anyway this whole survivior thing just proves my point, she is a psychopath, and all she thinks about is herself and what she wants, reread her quote about the show and flirting...classic psychopathy. In fact she could even be a solid suspect, we know she had a gun, and obvious could have known the family routine, so there is the means, jealousy is a powerful motive...It has been stated from the beginning that Holly was an awesome singer, and I remember reading early on that she was scheduled to sing at her Church very near the time of her dissappearance. So my theory is
Whitney, who has always been jealous of Holly's voice, and with her big album having just flopped really bad is feeling like alittle murder or kidnapping might be in order for little cousin...
That just leaves Oppertunity...
This search team has made it perfectly clear they will not accept donations or rewards for their efforts....still reading...

New little bit... might explain why some local events were cancelled... things not done in conjunction with the family/family's wishes.

Also some inaccuracies... Clint is NOT younger than Holly.

Very Interesting! The article states "perhaps worst of all, Bobo said,are the vicious accusations against Holly's brother Clint."
"They don't know all the facts, because IF they knew the facts, they would not be pointing the finger"--What does that mean?

Obviously we do not have all the facts, because with what info we have now, I believe Clint is the key. Not directly but indirectly. I truly believe Clint knows more about what transpired that morning than we are privy to. As Karen seems to say we do not have "all" the facts.......and this is not Clint bashing. Let's face it, with the confusing statements coming from the family, how can one overlook a possible Clint connection.

Maybe "when" we get "all" the facts it will become very clear as to what transpired the day Holly disappeared. Until then, I am afraid all sorts of assumptions are going to be made. (not that we , the public, have any right to that info). Again with the "trying to be victim friendly" thing. JMO:innocent:
22? I thought she was 20 when she went missing. Maybe Spokeo hadn't been updated for a couple years, and she was a minor at the time it last was, so she wasn't listed?

Yes, she was 20 according to the story. I was so flustered when I could not find any sort of paper trail for this HB that I wrote the age of the other HB twice. Meaning the Ohio Bobo is the only one remotely in her age group at age 22.

Now what age was given for the brother, who is according to his records 26, that was referenced above. Was there some sort of effort to give him a rationale for not aiding his sister if she was being abducted by ambiguously giving the impression he was her YOUNGER brother?

Also, has he changed his story that he did not witness someone in a camo jacket with her recently. I apologize for trying to skim to catch up overnight and need the case's cliff notes.

I am having trouble with the name game on these folks. Dana listed as a male and a female? Donna K./Karen equally well when trying to find info? The town is listed as Darden when the address seems to be naturally associated with Parsons. Both are used interchangeably on records search.
681 Swan Johnson Rd. Parsons, TN. and 681 Swan Johnson Rd. Darden, TN.
The brother is the only one in media stories referred to as Clint Hunter Bobo.
Which I thought odd. Hunter is one of those names that can be a surname and a given name ambiguously also.

Editing to add: Ambiguity as to school attended. Why?
Is anything nailed down at all as immutable fact?
As I am reading...I am getting a definite drift in the Bobo camp. This team is really very, very active and are not letting anything pass them by. I had no idea there was such a group of people that are desperate to find Holly..
As I am reading...I am getting a definite drift in the Bobo camp. This team is really very, very active and are not letting anything pass them by. I had no idea there was such a group of people that are desperate to find Holly..

But why not make use of TES or Klaas Kids, at least for the advice they can give in dealing with LE as well as training searchers properly?
I couldn't agree more, NT....Lost all respect for her, and I started following this case because I was a fan(sort of) of her and saw her post on twitter about it. I still don't understand her twitter post of the gun, or the fact that her youtube video could have lead any obcessed fan right to her families door...Ive posted this theory before...anyway this whole survivior thing just proves my point, she is a psychopath, and all she thinks about is herself and what she wants, reread her quote about the show and flirting...classic psychopathy. In fact she could even be a solid suspect, we know she had a gun, and obvious could have known the family routine, so there is the means, jealousy is a powerful motive...It has been stated from the beginning that Holly was an awesome singer, and I remember reading early on that she was scheduled to sing at her Church very near the time of her dissappearance. So my theory is
Whitney, who has always been jealous of Holly's voice, and with her big album having just flopped really bad is feeling like alittle murder or kidnapping might be in order for little cousin...
That just leaves Oppertunity...

It has been stated that HB was an awesome singer? Is there youtube of any of her performances, by chance? Everybody puts their kid's piano recital on youtube these days. Just curious.
Very Interesting! The article states "perhaps worst of all, Bobo said,are the vicious accusations against Holly's brother Clint."
"They don't know all the facts, because IF they knew the facts, they would not be pointing the finger"--What does that mean?

Obviously we do not have all the facts, because with what info we have now, I believe Clint is the key. Not directly but indirectly. I truly believe Clint knows more about what transpired that morning than we are privy to. As Karen seems to say we do not have "all" the facts.......and this is not Clint bashing. Let's face it, with the confusing statements coming from the family, how can one overlook a possible Clint connection.

Maybe "when" we get "all" the facts it will become very clear as to what transpired the day Holly disappeared. Until then, I am afraid all sorts of assumptions are going to be made. (not that we , the public, have any right to that info). Again with the "trying to be victim friendly" thing. JMO:innocent:

THIS is a huge slip of the tongue, IMO.
Wow! Very telling indeed.
But why not make use of TES or Klaas Kids, at least for the advice they can give in dealing with LE as well as training searchers properly?

They have to be invited, cluciano. There is a very active local SAR, and I do mean active..I'm still reading..
It has been stated that HB was an awesome singer? Is there youtube of any of her performances, by chance? Everybody puts their kid's piano recital on youtube these days. Just curious.

[video=youtube;0q9B4MQVWRg][/video] Holly on left.
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