Found Safe TN - Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas, 15, Maury County, 13 March 2017 #2

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From TC's resume:


He volunteered in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina and in the Panamanian rainforest

Given what is found in TC's resume and a last ping location indicates a southerly direction of travel, would it not be a stretch to assume a potential destination for the two?
This kind of thing rocks communities to their core. It's a stage of grief, denial. People are grieving this situation and how safe their children are so they deny that this could really be happening. I get it. But this is a child who is missing and is the hands of man who isn't stable. She's already missed out on so much of her childhood, if he really loves her then he'll let her go and have a chance at some small piece of childhood. She should have the right to buy a pretty dress for prom, plan her graduation, have her first year in college, her first job, learn to drive and feel the wonderful feeling of freedom the first time she drives alone. He's had his chance at being a child and a teen and a young adult and he's robbing her of her chance, her time.

Yes! I think you hit it on the head. I strongly suspect this is not the first time TC has abused his position and I think that people in the community must be very afraid that the 15 year old may not be the only victim. He has a history of overstepping boundaries, fabricating and lying (the FBI CIA employment and possibly black belt stuff), and his social media posts/behavior is immature and would appeal to a much younger population, not to mention his copious posts on religion, which I suspect he used as a smokescreen for his questionable behavior and a way to lure people into trusting him. I'm worried that is may be only the tip of the iceburg and that the school and community may learn that they have been living with a predatative monster in their midst. Makes me angry that he was not more closely monitored by his superiors.
IG account content: Some of the ET's posts are pretty suggestive to me, if you get my drift. As though she's deliberately trying to convey to TC, that she's 'worldly'. (I am trying to say that in the most discrete way possible). Kind of like saying, "I can be what you want'. At that point, I think TC knew he had finally secured the commitment he was looking for, and it was 'go time'.

School bullying reported by ETs sister: I speculate, that ET had friends, that followed her on IG. And once the $-it hit the fan at school (the kiss was reported), these friends pretty much figured out, who she was talking about, all this time. The posts are not very difficult to figure out. And school kids began openly ridiculing her, for being the instigator in all of this... of pursuing TC.

IG account followers; Ok, TC and ETs IG account posts, creep me out, big time. I completely agree with people here, who suggest that they have 'back up' or additional IG accounts. I compared followers, and the names of people who have liked or commented on posts. The IG accounts that are private. Remember, you can upload any photo, as your IG photo. It's too much to detail here, however, I hope that TBI has the capability to get these private accounts opened, and create a timeline for their lengthy contact.

The Car: I will consider the possibility, that some of the $4,500.00 secured by a title loan for his car, was used to buy another vehicle. A modest camper? And I will consider it possible, that he made the arrangements to buy this vehicle, before they hit the road. Paid cash. e.g. found it through Craig's list, etc. Maybe it wasn't even that elaborate of a vehicle. Just some low key 'beater', that would give them adequate cover, to get further down the road.

A little boat excursion to Florida or the Gulf: Someone up there, mentioned a cruise (I apologize, I can't find your post). Very interesting thought. I am snooping around, seeing if there are little 'excursions' for tourists, that leave from New Orleans, to say... Mexico or wherever.
IG account content: Some of the ET's posts are pretty suggestive to me, if you get my drift. As though she's deliberately trying to convey to TC, that she's 'worldly'. (I am trying to say that in the most discrete way possible). Kind of like saying, "I can be what you want'. At that point, I think TC knew he had finally secured the commitment he was looking for, and it was 'go time'.

School bullying reported by ETs sister: I speculate, that ET had friends, that followed her on IG. And once the $-it hit the fan at school (the kiss was reported), these friends pretty much figured out, who she was talking about, all this time. The posts are not very difficult to figure out. And school kids began openly ridiculing her, for being the instigator in all of this... of pursuing TC.

IG account followers; Ok, TC and ETs IG account posts, creep me out, big time. I completely agree with people here, who suggest that they have 'back up' or additional IG accounts. I compared followers, and the names of people who have liked or commented on posts. The IG accounts that are private. Remember, you can upload any photo, as your IG photo. It's too much to detail here, however, I hope that TBI has the capability to get these private accounts opened, and create a timeline for their lengthy contact.

The Car: I will consider the possibility, that some of the $4,500.00 secured by a title loan for his car, was used to buy another vehicle. A modest camper? And I will consider it possible, that he made the arrangements to buy this vehicle, before they hit the road. Paid cash. e.g. found it through Craig's list, etc. Maybe it wasn't even that elaborate of a vehicle. Just some low key 'beater', that would give them adequate cover, to get further down the road.

A little boat excursion to Florida or the Gulf: Someone up there, mentioned a cruise (I apologize, I can't find your post). Very interesting thought. I am snooping around, seeing if there are little 'excursions' for tourists, that leave from New Orleans, to say... Mexico or wherever.

I don't know how possible it would be for them to travel in a car they bought from Craigslist. Considering they would have needed to pay for a title and tag. And if they didn't have a tag, they would have definitely got pulled over. Too much risk in buying another vehicle.
It doesn't matter if ET's parents beat the hell out of her or starved her to death. (Not saying they did) It doesn't matter if she pursued TC for perceived help or romance. It doesn't matter if she left willingly with him. It doesn't matter if she plans to marry him. It only matters that she is a 15-year-old victim of a horrible crime! Stop minimizing what is happening to her. She was kidnapped and is likely being raped.

Yes it does matter. NO one is minimizing E's victimization. (well almost no one.),
It matters a great deal if she is willing or unwilling! If she is a runaway she will NOT want to be found, and that will make them harder to find. The context/back story of her kidnapping matters a great deal actually!
Confusion about the student or students, who reported the contact: This may be of interest to some, who noticed an inconsistency in the report of 'the student'. Sometimes, the news referred to this as a 'he', sometimes a 'she'. In yet another article I read, it seemed as though there were 3 different students. I began to be concerned about how much of it was accurate. This link kind of clears that up.
There was one student who witnessed the contact, and told another student....
I wonder if Canada is on their horizon? And I still do wonder if he has access to a boat to sail away somewhere. Jmo.

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Not with two guns, fake plates, and possibly forged passports. And if the border guards think for a second they're planning on staying they'll be turned right around.

My hunch is neither one has a valid passport.
the amber alert really needs to be extended to more (or all) states. especially those on the border.

i'm with bluesneakers, IMO this is more about ego/g-d complex and fantasy life for him than least, that's how it all began IMO...
Yes it does matter. NO one is minimizing E's victimization. (well almost no one.),
It matters a great deal if she is willing or unwilling! If she is a runaway she will NOT want to be found, and that will make them harder to find. The context/back story of her kidnapping matters a great deal actually!

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Dang, meant to reply to LadyBunny #786 above:
You bring up some good points: Not certain (maybe someone can confirm), if the vehicle has a current registration tag on the license plate, no worries. I'm thinking, they wouldn't need this vehicle long enough to worry about a DMV registration. Just the previous owner, signing the current cert of ownership. And then TC would have a certain amount of time, to 're-register' the vehicle, if he was going to keep it. But I am speculating, that he would not keep this vehicle for long.
agree again bluesneakers. plus all of this (fake passports etc) costs money...and they don't have and endless supply of it. once she realizes he's not a millionaire former fed, perhaps she'll run...I hope...
Would there be any campgrounds, children day camps, that are empty this time of year that he could have researched and be hiding at?

This is a very smart thought. There have been several cases where predators/kidnappers hide out with their prey at campgrounds. The young gal from San Diego county kidnapped by the family friend who killed her brother and mother, for example. (She was rescued).

I'm terrified for Elizabeth. This story has had a few days of pretty intense national news coverage and no on has seen them.The perp might like to play "secret agent" but he's sure as heck not one. IM worried that they have not been spotted because they are not moving. This girl deserves a chance at life. Please let this . be the day she is found unharmed

I had that thought too. Terrifying. I hope this wasn't a murder suicide situation. He must realize what he's done. I'm not going to write more in the off chance he might read here. I don't want to fuel anything like that.

I'm confused as to how exactly they would have been able to leave the country. Flights require ID's, and handguns must be registered and secured in luggage. Big paper trail that would not be hard to follow. Cross into Mexico? Not legally. That requires documentation, and minors must show ID.

Perhaps TC researched how to enter Mexico illegally, but that would require ditching the car and trekking a long, dangerous route on foot.

I'm just not seeing it.

You don't need documentation to cross into Mexico. Even with kids. You just drive across the border. They only stop cars to inspect if they have a need to. But I've never been stopped and cross a few times every year.

It's super easy to get in (they want our business - medical and tourism). Hard to get back in.

Crossing the border sounds like a super viable option for this creep.

It doesn't matter if ET's parents beat the hell out of her or starved her to death. (Not saying they did) It doesn't matter if she pursued TC for perceived help or romance. It doesn't matter if she left willingly with him. It doesn't matter if she plans to marry him. It only matters that she is a 15-year-old victim of a horrible crime! Stop minimizing what is happening to her. She was kidnapped and is likely being raped.

Thank you so much for this. I was starting to feel crazy.

Yeah, I just got off the phone. I told them everything I knew and what I saw. Hopefully it isn't too late and it helps find them. Maybe cause it's so close to home but this case is really bothering me. I'm obsessed, I just want to help so bad.

So glad you called! You never know.
We do. But wondering again if he obtained fake IDs or something.

I do wonder why they think they may have left the country. Did they find something to lead them to think that? I need to get caught up:)

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If they did I think they went to Mexico. Just thinking about how long Brenda Delgado and affluenza teen were there, and how Jenny (and others) seem to vanish.

I wonder how long 4k US would last down there?
My hunch is neither one has a valid passport.

Well he had to have one at some point because of his 'missionary' work. Do we have an approximate date of when he traveled to the Panaramian Rainforest?
Dang, meant to reply to LadyBunny #786 above:
You bring up some good points: Not certain (maybe someone can confirm), if the vehicle has a current registration tag on the license plate, no worries. I'm thinking, they wouldn't need this vehicle long enough to worry about a DMV registration. Just the previous owner, signing the current cert of ownership. And then TC would have a certain amount of time, to 're-register' the vehicle, if he was going to keep it. But I am speculating, that he would not keep this vehicle for long.

I forgot to mention, from experience the seller usually removes their tag before the buyer leaves with the vehicle. I don't think he would want to risk getting pulled over just to show LE a bill of sale.
Well he had to have one at some point because of his 'missionary' work. Do we have an approximate date of when he traveled to the Panaramian Rainforest?

Oh yeah, good point. If he heads north let's hope it's been flagged and the guards catch it.
There's a good reason I'm not any sort of authority figure in a school system because if I found out one of my teachers had innocently pecked a student on the lips, I would innocently escort his/her out of the building and into a squad car, possibly tripping him several times along the way.

Well, except for accidentally tripping them, that is what a school administrator is supposed to do!!!!!!!!
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