Found Safe TN - Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas, 15, Maury County, 13 March 2017 #6

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Yes, that was the coworker saying that. I assume it was the coworker's non-clinical opinion - even if TC had such a diagnosis it would not strike me as the kind of thing one would share with coworkers at the water cooler.

My guess is non-clinical too, to be sure. I have zero medical training or expertise. My ex was diagnosed with his PD during his brief stint in the military - it was why they separated him from the service as it was deemed to severe for him to be able to carry out his assigned duties.

I can say there are things that sound familiar. The love-bombing, for sure. The inappropriate boundaries. My ex used to tell people that he was a Tech Sargent in the special forces and had been on a sniper/scout team in several armed conflicts - none of which was remotely true. A few other minor things.
I think the co-worker had a pretty good idea that it was narcissism. They were in the medical field together. Mr Hero, aka Tad C, told the doctors what to do.
Wait.. Were there two kisses? Is this correct?

ETA: oh wait, this says the student that saw the kids was his grandchild. Is that correct?

You can go to YouTube search Tad Cummins CPR class. There is a video of him teaching the students. I don't want to post due to TOS because of the students in the video.
Thanks is not enough. I married one at 21 years old. I ended up in an abusive relationship, with a baby to protect, and feeling like there was no way out. Thankfully, I had an amazing best friend who I could confide in and she came to my rescue. But he stalked me for a long time after. He'd drive by my house, my relatives' homes, constant crazy e-mails, constantly filed custody motions against me, called CPS on me and basically did everything he could to force me to acknowledge him. He just could never let me go, could never let me feel safe for a long, long time.

100% agree about love bombing. And about the lack of understanding about those types of personalities in general. It's a huge problem when it comes to addressing violence and abuse in or society.

I know the facade a true monster can put on all to well. My ex-husband was diagnosed with multiple personality disorder and as bipolar after we separated. This is someone I had known since high school and didn't marry until my late 20's. We didn't see each other for about 7 years, but when we reconnected we started dating and then got married. He was the life of the party and a "great guy". But behind closed doors he was a drug addict, an alcoholic, a cheater, and severely abusive.

After we separated he became extremely threatening and started stalking me. I had to get an order of protection (lot of good those do) and change my phone number to a private number. When we got divorced he got supervised visitation only with our daughter because of his history with drinking and drugs and because of his repeated stays in the psych ward for suicide attempts (but he never really attempted, they were cries for attention).

When he would come to our house to see our daughter he would spend the entire time fighting with me. It got so bad we had to make all communication with me and visits with our daughter go through my parents. He never called or tried to see our daughter a single time after that.

He stalked me for 4 years after we divorced. The only reason the stalking stopped is because I moved and he doesn't know where I live now. It's been nearly 15 years since he last saw our daughter all because he stopped making an effort to see her once he couldn't see or speak to me anymore. He's now married to a woman who doesn't have custody of her kids. Her kids live with their dad because they don't want to see their mom at all.

I can understand the people at school (students, staff, and teachers) not knowing what TC is really like, but his wife and kids have to of seen the real TC. I can't believe that at the very least his wife, who's been married to him for a long time, doesn't know what he's really like.

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TC probably used the fact that his grandchild was in the room to his advantage when he denied anything happened. I'm sure he convinced the administration that he would never even consider doing such a thing in front of a child. :facepalm:
That article is pretty bad with how the teachers handled it. Also a student texted the witness and and said it was her fault they left.
He probably monitors his kids Facebook page to see the grandkids. So can LE find him with a page visitor i.p address dump?
That article is pretty bad with how the teachers handled it. Also a student texted the witness and and said it was her fault they left.

First thing I'd be doing if I was that kid's parent would be pulling her the hell out of that school.
He probably monitors his kids Facebook page to see the grandkids. So can LE find him with a page visitor i.p address dump?
I don't know, but getting a VPN is no biggie. He could look like he was in Canada or any other country.
First thing I'd be doing if I was that kid's parent would be pulling her the hell out of that school.
Exactly, me too. It looks like it was possible he was also trying to groom her. They thought they were good friends and she spent a lot of time with him.

Teachers and administrators were reckless all the way around. I would really be contacting the state education about these teachers and administrators. They have no business near a school without extensive training in these issues.
No posts for several hours? How strange.
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