AMBER ALERT TN - Summer Moon-Utah Wells, 5, Rogersville, 15 Jun 2021 #28

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Yes. CW was hysterical about the mafia or Mexicans "killing" Don. Don is Mary's brother. CW knows that Don's father is very unwell. And, of course Don knows about the shaky health of his aged father. Who would do this to a sick old man and leave him hanging in the middle of the night with the wild accusations from their son's wife. That varying groups of people were going to kill Don.

BBM. It was sadistic and cruel. I believe that was CW's intent. JMO
I don't think CW is mentally competent. That's my main impression.

I also think nearly all her mangled "specifics" are things that she's heard Don (who is probably in and out of the house during this call) rant about. Cartels. Jeannie. Feds. He's ranting and she's gotten increasingly paranoid.

If she's like this all the time, or can sustain this for days at a time, it's very concerning.
Well several times Mary said she thought that "Summer is still out there", and once CW said but "where is she"? And CW did say that in her heart she believed Don was not involved in Summer's disappearance. Other yt channels have published the whole call in better quality than was done by Unmasked, who had a lot of internet problems.
When I first learned of this case, I wondered if it involved a custodial dispute ahead of a divorce. But more than two months later, I think that was wishful thinking.
I'm still waiting for the truth from either H or CW as to what really happened at the fishing hole on June 14. iirc, CM asked CW why they went to that fishing area rather than the designated area and she said she didn't like to be around crowds yet earlier they were talking about a water park. imo, the red flags continue to wave.
I don't think this is going to be a very popular opinion. The whole phone call is weird, including M's side of the call. I'm having a hard time believing she was just blindsided by this call in the middle of the night.

I agree with you. If M is truly a victim of DW and is going to file a suit against him, why in the world would she even want to answer the phone to either of them? And conveniently enough she records the call and then goes straight to CM to tell him? I’m having a hard time believing all this.

I agree with you. If M is truly a victim of DW and is going to file a suit against him, why in the world would she even want to answer the phone to either of them? And conveniently enough she records the call and then goes straight to CM to tell him? I’m having a hard time believing all this.

I think Mary is genuinely concerned about DW and is also concerned about their father and his frail medical condition.
CM is a retired detective M obviously trusts. To me, it is all very above board on their parts. JMO
I agree with you. If M is truly a victim of DW and is going to file a suit against him, why in the world would she even want to answer the phone to either of them? And conveniently enough she records the call and then goes straight to CM to tell him? I’m having a hard time believing all this.

Maybe she answered the phone because she was hoping to hear news of Summer. MOO.
I agree with you. If M is truly a victim of DW and is going to file a suit against him, why in the world would she even want to answer the phone to either of them? And conveniently enough she records the call and then goes straight to CM to tell him? I’m having a hard time believing all this.
As a victim herself, I think M was brilliant to record the phone call. And she kept her wits about herself too. And then had the sense of mind to not only save the recording but to turn it over to authorities. Bravo to her, IMO. I pray that everyone abused by DW finds justice, including M.
pt 3

Mary: Well Candus, I'm sure you're gonna get your kids back. If you didn't have anything to do with this and Donnie did, you will get your kids back, Candus. K ? Don't worry about that because you will get your kids back. They will find a , they will help you get your kids back, Candus, they will find a safe place for you and you will get your kids back
Candus: (unintelligible sobbing)...I don't know anything about Donnie...(unintelligible)...I don't know anything about that. (unintelligible)
Mary: Right right. Yeah, I know you don't, Candus. And that's why I'm sayin, try not to worry about it because you will get your kids back. So try not to worry about that, okay ? Just because they took Donnie don't mean that you won't get your kids back. Okay ?
Candus: (crying)
Mary: Are you okay ? I guess you're not, are you ?
Candus: No. (unintelligible)
Mary: Right. Yeah. Yep.
Candus: I can't, I can't even...hardly breathe.
Mary: You need to calm down and I don't know...smoke a cigarette and just sit there and calm down, Candus. You know? Try not to...I know it's hard but try not to worry, okay ?
Candus: ( a lot of gibberish I can't make out)...and and...they're killin him. They're gonna kill him.
Mary: Mmm. wow. I didn't know that. He didn't say anything to me Candus.
Candus: (hysterical sobbing)
Mary: yeah candus he hasn't said nothin to me so I don't know what's goin on. I mean, I did, I did read about that, about him owing money to people but I just thought it was just another rumor, you know ?
Candus: ( It's top secret, I guess. ?)...but he...(unintelligible)
Mary: I know. That's just crappy, Candus. I'm really sorry, Candus, to hear that they took him.
Candus: (something) where my babies are !
Mary: I know, Candus, right ? I'll bet you've been going crazy. I mean, I'm sure of it, you know ? And don't worry about your boys because you know, your boys are safe, you know ? And try not to worry about Summer because she's out there. I believe she's still out there, okay?
Candus: But where is she ?!
Mary: I don't know, I wish I knew. But I believe she's still out there and she's gonna find her way home. And try not to worry about your boys right now because they're safe, your boys are good where they're at , and you will get your boys back.
Candus: They're (something) him...(unintelligible) and they're beating him...they're beating Donnie up.
Mary : The cops ? The cops are beating Donnie up ? Is that what you said ?
Candus: (unintelligible...might be "yeah", I can't tell)
Mary: Well, I don't think they're gonna beat him up, Candus, I think they're probably...
Candus: They are...they are...(unintelligible)
Mary: I think they just want to pull him in and talk to him, Candus. I'll bet you 10 to 1 they're just gonna pull him in and talk to him and release him. Okay ?
Candus: (Unintelligible)
Mary: Huh ?
Candus: I don't think they are.
Mary: I bet they are. I bet they are just going to pull him in and talk to him about the rumors that are going around...
Candus: well then, why would he be going to Boston ?! It don't make no sense !
Mary: No, that don't make sense, does it ? But they coulda just been sayin that. You know ? They coulda just been sayin that, Candus. I'll bet you 10 to 1 they're probably just gonna pull him in and talk to him. And find out what these rumors are going around, okay ?
Candus: They're torturing him.
Mary: I don't think they will Candus.
Candus: They are, they are, they're torturing him.
Mary: Well you know what > if they do beat him up or something he can press charges, Candus, for them doing that to him.
Candus: (Inintelligible)
Mary: Right ? But I don't think they will, Candus. I really don't think they will because that's against the law. They can't do that. And I think they know that.
Candus: Yeah but Cops nowadays, they don't care about nothin' .
Mary: I know, I know they don't. But really Candus, I really do think that they probably just pulled him in for probably a few hours and I'll bet you 10 to 1 they'll probably end up releasing him tomorrow.
Candus: Well then, why would they take him all the way to Boston ? Why wouldn't they (unintelligible)
Mary: I think they were just saying that Candus. I think they were just tellin ya that, or tellin Donnie that to scare him , so I really do think they are just gonna pull him in for a few hours and release him. He'll probably be back home tomorrow morning or tomorrow afternoon. So try not to worry about it too much, Okay ? I think they were just trying to scare Donnie and stuff...they'll probably just pull him in and release him..
( Note: omg...this just repeats and repeats and repeats...sorry I ever started transcribing this now)
Candus: I don't know.
Mary: They probably will, Candus. You know, you gotta look at it logical, that's probably all they're gonna do
Candus : (something something something) Boston...(something)
Mary: Boston is a long ways away, but um, you know, I just don't know.
(Mary repeats again about pulling Don in and releasing him, blah blah blah)
Candus: I miss him. I love him.
Mary: I know you do, Candus. I know you love him. He's your husband, of course you do.
Candus: He's all my kids and me have ever known for 14 years (?)
Mary: Right ?
Candus: (Inintelligible)
Mary: I know, Candus.
(More repeating blah blah blah)
Candus: The cops are here.
Mary: Huh ?
Candus: The cops...the cops are here. They're outside.
Mary: oh, okay. Well do they wanna talk to ya ?
Candus: No.
Mary: Um, is Donnie still outside with them ?
Candus: No.
Mary: Oh. Huh. Well what are they doin just sitting in the driveway ?
Candus : They got him in the back of the police car and they said (unintelligible) and they won't let me talk to them...they won't talk to me at all...
Mary: Wow, okay. Well, I guess the best thing for you to do is just try and relax, Candus. And just sit there...
Candus: They're telling me to get off the phone.
Mary: Huh ?
Candus: They're telling me to get off the phone.
Mary: Oh, they did ? Okay. Alright well, I'll let you go. If you want, call me back after they leave, okay ?
Candus: Okay. Bye.
Mary: Bye.

Another phone call with DW - TIR
Phone call:

Mary tells DW Jeannies going to press charges, and Jeannies friend.
DW asks if charges are being pressed in juvenille court. Mary says Jeannie was 12 and he was 19. DW says there's now way.
Is Jeannie gonna take care of his kids. He would like to know what Summer thinks of all this.
DW says she ain't taking no blame on her part. Mary keeps reminding him she was only five. DW says she slept with all kinds of people.
You're a real trouper, @Mountain_Kat! Thanks so much for going to all that trouble! It is greatly appreciated!

It is ? Good, because you have no idea how badly I wanted to bail after the first part. SOOOOO much repetition. Ugh. But I didn't want to leave anyone hanging, in case anyone was interested. I no longer am. ;)
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