Travis Alexander's Journals and text messages

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This gmail chat also gives me even more reason to feel disgusted with the defense team. They clearly could see what we can see in these exchanges, yet they went for Travis as the battering womanizing pedophile (if there is such a thing!) when it is clear Travis had been manipulated and played by a pure sociopath.

I don't know how the defense team sleeps at night. This goes way beyond a job. But . . . karma, karma, karma.
That Gmail conversation makes me believe even more he didn't know she was coming to Arizona. He wanted her out of his life and she knew it. She knew she had totally blown it with him and he had her worked out. She had lost him as everything, a boyfriend, a lover and a friend. Poor poor Travis. He was being mentally abused by her big style.
That Gmail conversation makes me believe even more he didn't know she was coming to Arizona. He wanted her out of his life and she knew it. She knew she had totally blown it with him and he had her worked out. She had lost him as everything, a boyfriend, a lover and a friend. Poor poor Travis. He was being mentally abused by her big style.

I don't know what I know anymore about what happened May 26, except that she was manipulating him that whole chat. I think it's interesting that she didn't care about virtually anything he was saying to her EXCEPT his accusations about slashing his tires, and the suggestion she was violent. That she did not want on the record.

She sent him a separate email after this chat that she saved, again on purpose since she deleted others from the day. The email was short- it just said again " I did NOT slash your tires." Why care about that and only that? IMO it's likely because she had already decided before the chat began or early into it that she was going to kill him and wanted to downplay any suggestion she was violent or had recently used a knife in anger.
I don't know what I know anymore about what happened May 26, except that she was manipulating him that whole chat. I think it's interesting that she didn't care about virtually anything he was saying to her EXCEPT his accusations about slashing his tires, and the suggestion she was violent. That she did not want on the record.

She sent him a separate email after this chat that she saved, again on purpose since she deleted others from the day. The email was short- it just said again " I did NOT slash your tires." Why care about that and only that? IMO it's likely because she had already decided before the chat began or early into it that she was going to kill him and wanted to downplay any suggestion she was violent or had recently used a knife in anger.

Jodi's MO: Not jealous and not violent.

Hope at some point I can read the whole thing. Thanks for posting.
Thank you for compiling and posting all if this!!

Has anyone else ever wondered if Jodi went to Travis' house with a stupidly weak intent of either acting like she was going to kill herself with the gun, or maybe even truly was going to kill herself with the gun (I know, a stretch, we all know how cowardly Jodi is at actually killing herself), to punish Travis for not believing how bad she feels about herself, and Travis tried to stop her ("linebacker" lunge) and he got shot in the process, sending her into overkill mode to deal with a horrible idea gone awry? Maybe she had even thought that at worst he'd be stuck with a dead person on his hands, and all of these 5/26 messages talking about her worthlessness would make it seem like he did something to her (self-pity, drama, her crazy warped mind process glorying herself given she was pretty rock bottom at this stage in time)? Or maybe she just wanted to "show" him how she "actually" did "feel worthless" to selfishly vindicate her lies, or to guilt him and manipulate him even more into feeling bad for her, to punish him and make him think that he pushed her into this state--and he would prove he cared about her and feed her need for that by trying to stop her--and then when she shot him (if maybe she did shoot him first, I've always been on the fence about the order-it doesn't make her murdering him the way she did any more or less heinous, the order of gun/knife, in my mind) and he was understandably shaken, angry-likely fighting hard, realizing she had no intent to call 911 for him, she used her back up weapon to kill him to cover it all up (because no one could ever know her stupidity and she couldn't let him be alive, it would ruin her life)?

Feel free to cut holes in my theory, I've just always wondered why he let her back in that night– if he ever knew she was coming. Reading the messages from 5/26 really drives home for me that he was trying to get her to come clean and being extraordinarily firm and he was very upset about her lying more than anything else. He was really focused on her not dragging him back in by apologizing and doing the whole "I'm awful person" kind of thing, that wasn't going to work anymore.

She was there 6/4 to punish him in some way, maybe not originally to kill him at the get-go (but I could believe she intended to kill him, as well), but to still pull some kind of manipulative stunt. Premeditated with an understanding things could go wrong, and (because she is a distorted person) felt her escalation to pull this sort of stunt was okay.

This is by far the craziest case I have ever followed. I've never been more frustrated by such nonsense, from her original testimony, to the diaries, just the absolute weirdness of this freak. None of her explanations have ever made sense, no matter which story she tells. She's wormy - whatever end you cut off it's still grows. The extent of her self-justification is unbelievable!! I really believe that she does think something was justified that night.

I loved the juror question during the guilt phase, "Was Travis angry when you shot him?" I love that question, because a rational person would ask that – who would NOT be upset if they were unexpectedly shot in the head. And the defense tried to make that into why she killed him, "kill you b****" after being shot in the head made Jodi "fear for her life" due to Travis' "anger"--Honestly, she SHOULD have felt fear!! She mortally wounded someone who was not thinking that was their last day in Earth! For no reason we can think of!! He would have never shot HER, not even have beat her up, for that lame camera drop we were told about. He was shot in the head. Who would just sit there and take that, not be wildly upset by bring shot in the head?

What haunts me is what went through Travis' mind those last few minutes. And with this theory I've had for a while, nothing could be worse than him trying to help her – and realizing that she was so crazy and scary, trying to manipulate him into feeling like she's going to kill her self – and then being slaughtered trying to save her. I feel like she actually was trying to pull a stunt like that. These transcripts of their communication in May really drive that home for me.

The Yreka interviews: we all know that she always tells a little bit of truth with her lies. Didn't she say something like, "Travis said, 'Go to the neighbors, go to the neighbors, get help.'" I think she did something so stupid like the above and is way too crazy to ever give anybody any peace by explaining what the hell she was doing there anyways. I really feel like she went there to do something really stupid and childish like attempt suicide, to get his sympathies – and in trying to save her in the process was killed. All of the communications on this thread really hit that with me.
I've thought long and hard about what JA did to make Travis so angry on May 26. After putting all this together, I've reached my own conclusion, but know we'll never know, especially since we're missing so much info, and because of her hacking, we don't even know who wrote what and when.

I think she knew by early March that nothing she could do or say would ever convince Travis to marry her. She was broke, stranded in Mesa, now facing an increasingly alienated Travis unwilling and unable to help her financially. She was humiliated and she was furious.

The next to last straw for both happened on April 7, when Travis confronted her about making up a friend who knew details about his life, and when he threatened to expose her craziness to all the people she wanted most to respect her. He'd had it with her intrusions. She felt extremely threatened at the possibility Travis would expose her, ruining her precious reputation and more importantly, her chance of landing her next meal ticket, Ryan Burns.

She took that long detour to Gus on her way back to Yreka because she wanted a phone with recording capability. I don't believe her first thought was to use a sex tape to scare off GF's, I think she wanted to have a big something to hold over his head. As in, tell those folks I'm crazy and I'll play this recording so everyone knows who YOU are. Including your Bishop. You'll never find a good Mormon wife after that exposure.

I think the fake texts and Myspace posts and emails were all planted to make her lie about still being Travis' dirty little secret more believable, as context for the blackmail sex tape call she was setting up, as well as out of less patient spite, and to ruin his GF chances.

May 26.......


I'm only on page 2, but want to jump in here real quick and thank Hope4 for all the hard work!... It's way past my bedtime, but I can't stop reading.

I absolutely agree with you that April 7th was a significant turning point, putting the wheels in motion, that, ultimately, led to murder. She was invading his privacy, stealing, etc, and she probably messed up, revealing information to TA that she shouldn't have known (unless she was stealing/invading his personal info), and she was caught. So she lied, she made up someone who was supposedly "informing" her of all this, and TA knew it. JA knew it too, she knew that she blew it, and that was the beginning of the end...

And I also believe that the May 26th content, and the missing pieces, will tell us what pushed her past the point of no return. This is when she put her plans in motion, imo... I'm looking forward to what you all come up with, filling in the blanks. I don't doubt you'll disappoint, Websleuths has the smartest peeps...

Thanks again Hope4, great thread....:loveyou::heartbeat::rocker:

All jmo.
Where can the full exchange on May 26th be accessed? Apologies in advance if this has already been asked & answered.
Where can the full exchange on May 26th be accessed? Apologies in advance if this has already been asked & answered.

It's on Beth Karas's site.

Travis Alexander writes, "Tell me the truth: I hate you. Say it. I want the truth just once and then tell me why you hate me and desire to destroy my life. Why did you manipulate me into loving you? I was a good guy. Why did you have to do it to me? ...What was your objective? What was the point?...Even now you only talk but your actions show that you hate me."
Hope4More- thank you so much for compiling the May 26 conversation. I've always felt it was this conversation that pushed Jodi over the edge - she knew Travis was DONE with her and she just wouldn't or couldn't accept that. Also- he pointed out some of her sociopathic traits and pathological lying that hit just a little too close to home for her - to hear him voice what she herself had to have known about herself was more than she could accept. The pain she caused him just screams out in his words doesn't it? Such a decent man - even in his frustration and anger - he still was such a caring man - wanting her to own up and finally tell the truth something I really don't think she is capable of doing. She's definitely a twisted piece of work. The 5/26 conversation just makes me hurt all over again for the hurt and pain she caused him. :(
Thank you, Hope, for your work on this summary. After reading it through, I had this thought. Travis and Jodi had gotten to a very twisted, knotted place in their relationship - a place that was so intractable it was hellish. So much hate, anger, unrequited hope for both of them, and it looks as though Travis was still trying to elicit a human response (truth) from Jodi that she's incapable of giving. He is just too close to the situation, even though he's on the right track to figuring it all out. However, Jodi's personality is disordered and she sees their 'problem' as a Gordian Knot. She chooses to use a literal sword to cut through it and 'conquer'. An ancient dilemma throughout mythology & literature, appearing yet again in our time. So very tragic.

Just my take and opinion.
Thanks for doing all this work, Hope! This thread is full of sad and tragic information. His pain is palpable!

Could the "it is gone because of you" be Travis referring to his Temple Recommend, I wonder? Maybe she sent a letter or email to his Bishop to betray him. I don't think we would ever know about it due to confidentiality issues. He also had that sad voice mail on his phone from a friend who kept saying how sorry they were for something that happened (was one of the voicemails left after the murder and later recovered).
Maybe Travis had confided in that friend that he had heard from his Bishop?
Regarding the precipitating event, I've always thought it could have been Travis learning of the recorded sex call and her threatening to reveal it to others. I've also wondered if she may have sent a nude photo or two to one or more of Travis' GF's . The only problem I have with that , is she wouldn't want to make herself look bad. Maybe printed photos of Travis alone without her in them sent anonymously, ie, via snail mail.
Well...that's still about clear as mud. It's interesting he mentions the "disgusting phone call" specifically, and the facebook specifically. But otherwise it's rather general with LIES. I suppose this does tie into Jodi telling Det F that "it started the weekend before" and "re:trust". I wonder if she's on the other end giggling at how mad she made him. Bet she was.
Thanks for doing all this work, Hope! This thread is full of sad and tragic information. His pain is palpable!

Could the "it is gone because of you" be Travis referring to his Temple Recommend, I wonder? Maybe she sent a letter or email to his Bishop to betray him. I don't think we would ever know about it due to confidentiality issues. He also had that sad voice mail on his phone from a friend who kept saying how sorry they were for something that happened (was one of the voicemails left after the murder and later recovered).
Maybe Travis had confided in that friend that he had heard from his Bishop?

YES!! to it being about the TR. See incredibly long post below. :)

Travis sends her an email in response to a "disgusting" call she had made to him. He tells her in the text that if she had any feelings at all for him she would respond to his email. I don't think that meant just sending him an email response (which she says she is doing while they are on chat).

What did she say in the call to him that prompted his first email, and his misplaced hope that she would spare him?

{{7:59 TA: I sent you a response to your dire conversation that I hope you read because you need to read it. Maybe it will spark some human emotion in you something that seems to exist only when it comes to your own problems. But everyone else is just a part of your sick agenda.}}

In his email to JA Travis told her he knew she had slashed his tires. I think it’s likely his email listed all the things she had done to him, including stealing his journal (s) and the engagement ring. Most importantly, I think from clues in the text that he told her she was responsible for the loss of his second TR.

{{ Tells her she is evil, a liar from day 1, then says: “it is gone because of you.”
(earlier in chat) JA. “It’s my fault. I am 100% responsible for this.”

I think his demands all through the text for her to say she is NOT sorry relate to the loss of his TR. He accepts his own responsibility for the sex at one point, but she quickly says that she is MORE responsible for it. That leads him right back to his central allegation- that she is and always has been trying to ruin him on purpose. The ruin he is referring to is definitely related to sex.

What did she say to him during the call? I don’t think her call was FB related.

1. He doesn’t bring up FB at all until well into the chat

{{ TA: “and you after everything send some ******** thing down the pipe as you log into my FB.”

2. She denies knowing what he is talking about: “What does that mean???”

3. He asks her why she went on his FB, after he had forgiven her so many times for doing that. (Her reply: “Because I suck.”)

I don’t think her call to him was about the blackmail sex tape.

In the text SHE steers him to discussing that phone call (haven't diddled, except for the phone CALLS (plural). He didn't dispute the plural (I'm guessing because he was so angry he didn't even hear it). Here’s the context:

{{He talks to her about the cycle of harm-anger-forgive-harm, and says, “you do something to make any sane person shun you..” She doesn’t respond to any of that. Instead, she changes the subject to say she hasn’t been “whorring around..” }}

The diversion works. Travis then immediately asks her if she’s messed around with anyone else. She says no, she has had no sex drive, that she hasn’t even dittled herself.

{{JA:….“Except for the times when we were on the phone and did it together.”
TA: “well, it didn’t seem to be a problem while we were on the phone.” }}

If she had threatened him with the tape, or had even mentioned it on her call to him, there is no way he would respond to her bringing it up as he did. (I think she brought up the May 10 sex tape call on purpose, as a prelude. More below).

She deliberately manipulated him into anger (and more) with her call to him. She called rather than emailed or texted so that there would be no record of what she told him. During the chat she is clearly playing with him and stoking his anger. Making him wait for her response to his email is one example of that, and I think the cruelest.

My best guess is that her initial call was to tell him he was in danger of being exposed for sexual contact with her AFTER he lost his TR for the second time.

I don’t believe she made a direct, straightforward threat, because that wasn’t her MO, and the tone and content of what Travis says in the text suggest otherwise. It would have been an indirect threat, one that put the responsibility somewhere else.

Possibilities, most likely (IMO) to least:

1. She had reason to believe that there was proof of Travis being sexual with her after his TR loss, and she needed to tell him why she believed that.

2. Some imaginary person had contacted her telling her that there was proof out there that TA had sex with her after his TR loss.

3. That she had spoken to Rachel in confidence, and Rachel had just told she was going to talk to her Bishop about it.

4. Or JA told TA that she felt a need to confide in her own Bishop about the sex for her spiritual well-being.

Different possibilities, but all of them about exposing him for sex. That had been her plan since April 7 when he threatened to expose her as a tire slashing psycho thief.

Why tell him there were 2 parts to what she had to tell him, and make him wait for hours before she responded to him at all, then a couple of hours more to send him an email while he is losing it on GChat?

My guesses: To torment him by making him wait- a power trip, all the while relishing how much pain she was about to cause him. A revenge for daring to threaten her with exposure, and for the weeks she had waited, spying on him through his FB to see if he had followed through. And based on what DeMarte said about JA needing to completely demonize Travis to be able to kill him, it is possible she deliberately provoked him to extreme anger to convince herself she was justified in murdering him.

Her call, his email, and the chat were only part I of the game she was playing. Part II was the email she kept saying that she was going to send him, and I presume eventually did.

I think the chat ended because he received it.

I think Part II was about the sex tape. I think it was a follow up to her telling him in the call that proof was out there. I think she told him that she had recorded the call, just for herself, but that the Helio had been stolen with the tape on it.

It’s clear from the chat that what Travis expected to hear from her about the “dire” situation she was telling him existed was just more of the same. That an imaginary someone had told JA something. However angry that made him, imaginary friends didn’t pose a threat to him, and he had caught JA playing this game too often to be surprised that she’d pull it one more time. The sex tape would have been different.

Beyond that is speculation based on speculation. I can’t imagine a single friend he would have confided in about the possibility of being exposed. It doesn’t surprise me at all that he told friends he was angry about her going into his FB and left it at that. I can easily imagine that the depression friends described was his response to the thought of losing it all- his church, the friends who believed he was chaste or at least repentant for his lapses….all that on top of his financial difficulties.

The only hint of what his immediate response might have been to Part II is that JA texted or emailed him afterwards that she was going to see an attorney the following Monday. Perhaps he threatened her with legal action for taping him without this permission, or for the theft of his diamond ring.

The haste of her plans after May 26 suggest that he told her he was going to carry through on exposing her, and/or taking legal action that would expose her. Maybe he thought he had nothing to lose at that point.
Regarding the precipitating event, I've always thought it could have been Travis learning of the recorded sex call and her threatening to reveal it to others. I've also wondered if she may have sent a nude photo or two to one or more of Travis' GF's . The only problem I have with that , is she wouldn't want to make herself look bad. Maybe printed photos of Travis alone without her in them sent anonymously, ie, via snail mail.

I'm not sure what the precipitating event was, but I definitely think in these exchanges ta realized just how manipulated he was by ja, sexually and otherwise. In the 1st trial ja went into great detail about how hard they both fought off their urge to abstain, finally giving in. Translation: ta tried really hard and ja pretended like she was trying, all the while "innocently" luring him into bed like a predator on prey. But I think he now understood, and was coming to terms with, just how twisted and cunning ja was, everything she had been doing to him, and he's desperately trying to free himself of her. He was begging her to explain why. Why she would do this to him... His resentment of her continually luring him in sexually, knowing how much it was costing him, with his religion, his standing in the church, marriage prospects, friendships, past relationships (Lisa), reputation as a good guy, etc, is palpable in these communications. I think he felt his reputation in the church was ruined, blowing his chances with good girls like Mimi, etc... He knew ja set out to destroy him, continually interfering with other woman and destroying his chances to move on from her. Constantly luring him in, exploiting his vulnerability... She wouldn't stop, and he begged her to... I'm sure there's more to it, but his anger and resentment toward her and their sexual relationship (and the consequences of it) is what jumps off the pages to me... Using sex to get what she wants, and stopping at nothing to get it. The girl is pure evil, imo...

For me, reading all this, knowing the danger he was in, and all the pain she caused him, is heartbreaking! My heart goes out to his family, and to think they're probably reading these too...:cry:

All jmo.
Chronology, with texts/emails/chats/testimony incorporated, JA-TA
Part 1

Mid to end of February 2008, Lisa breaks off relationship with TA. Mimi enters the picture end of February. JA first mentions leaving Mesa in early March.

2/28 Email, JA-TA
JA: There are times I am overwhelmed about things to tell you. I just want you to know that I haven’t forgotten what I said more than a year ago; that no matter what happened, we’ll always have our friendship. … I fell deeply in love with you.. I sort of knew deep down you weren't the one. .... When I think of you now I have radiating feelings of warmth. I know it’s unconditional love. U know love w/o conditions is an interesting thing…We are each destined for extraordinary things…I wish I could wave a wand and make things right for you….This wish stems from unconditional love… our path is something to be cherished and remembered I love you, Jodi

TA: Wow, that kind of choked me up a little and I know our path hasn't always been roses but I am grateful for the time we have had and the amazing experiences we have had together as well .I’ve had more noteworthy things happen with you than with anyone. I’m not talking about the places I’ve been but the journey of the heart…I just missed a call from you so I’m going to call you now.

3/2 JA journal entry: Let's see, Friday I went over to T-dogg’s for a while to clean. Shortly after, he went out to go rock climbing with Mimi Hall, their 3rd date. He said it went really well. I accidentally fell asleep so I was there when he returned. I was supposed to go 4 wheeling but I was exhausted and fell asleep. (…) Anyway, on the way back I told him of my plans to move to Yreka…

3/18 Text, TA to JA, do you know what happened to my diamond ring

3/18 TA Journal entry: I’ve lost my journal, my Ipod, my diamond ring. JA says she has the ring for some reason.

3/19 and 3/25. TA journal entry: I want my lost journal back.

3/21 TA journal: Haven’t spoken to Mimi in a long while. Trying to play it cool.

3/26 TA journal: Mimi didn’t call me back. Getting discouraging. Leaning towards not proceeding with her. I have 4 months left in the ward.

3/27 TA journal: I really need more self discipline. I think Jodi moving will be good for me in a lot of ways. She is a great girl. But we are not good influences on each other. She has an uncanny ability to get under my skin. So although I’m used to having her around and I’ll most probably miss her. But I’m certain it will be good for both of us. But I need to get married and she can get in the way of that and does in fact.

3/30 TA journal entry: about sin bringing momentary happiness but followed by misery. Moral of the story: “wickedness never was happiness.”

3/30 Text, JA to TA

JA: (4:53) Nor should I have to.
JA: (4:53) I wanted to tell you something about today. Its important and time is of the
TA: (4:53) Too bad. You shouldn’t have hung up.
JA: (4:55) It was for your benefit- not mine. I only wanted to tell you because I care about
TA: (4:57) whatever Jodi.
JA: (4:59) I’ll whatever you in the nose Travis.
JA: (5:03) I was just trying to help you out. U’ve hung up on me several times before even
when I’ve asked you not to. It’s reasonable that I shouldn’t tolerate swearing
JA: (5:04) I am very sorry. Have a great day.

4/1 JA writes goodbye note in TA’s journal.

Thank you so much, H4M, for compiling and getting this down for us to go over. I've been looking at these exchanges, and the following is what comes to my mind. I am really beginning to think she premeditated this much sooner than a couple of weeks before. I'm sure everything I say below has been said a thousand times by a thousand people! Just wanted to share.

2/28, JA tells TA in email that she is fine with being friends, obviously they weren't meant to be a couple; she is fine with it and in fact friends is even better. I think she is using reverse psych here, trying to make him "realize" his love for her. He had just broken up with Lisa and started with Mimi, so she was feeling desperate to get in there.

3/2, JA writes in her journal and I think she meant for him to read it. She is all fine with his date, innocently went over to clean, fell asleep and oh by the way I might move far away to Yreka. Made sure to note she had plans, things to do, places to go people to see but she was exhausted. He needs to know she has a life and other people that want to spend time with her.

Dates skip from 3/2 to 3/18 and TA is asking where is my diamond ring, iPod and diary. So I draw the conclusion that JA is getting nowhere with making TA realize she is the one and the one is leaving. I think she read the journal and she has un-idolized him and has started feeling the hatred and need to get rid of him. Does anyone know what is in that journal? I wonder if he wrote about any fears or whatever about her?

3/26, Travis only has 4 months left in the ward.

3/27, Travis writes that it's a good think JA is leaving and it can't come soon enough. She is in the way of find a wife.

3/30, Travis writes, "Wickedness never was happiness", after noting that sin brings temporary happiness followed quickly by misery. Pretty much saying JA never made him happy, and a wife does not lie in that direction.

On 3/30 the they have a tense and unhappy text exchange, and JA tells TA goodbye in his journal the next day 4/1.

4/3, Travis writes that JA leaves for CA but turns up that evening at his house. Since JA wrote goodbye in his journal a few days before, he knows she reads this journal. He is now playing with fire by writing things in there for her to see, saying she's having a hard time leaving but he would be better off so would she if she would just leave. Oh and he misses and loves Lisa. He wants her to read this, he has said it and told her and she isn't getting it. I feel so bad for him. He tried to let her down nicely and she is just playing games that won't end.

Nothing from 4/3 (after that diary entry) to 4/7, and then the texts where TA is telling JA he doesn't want to hear from anyone but this Michelle K etc… so obviously JA was in full phycho mode during these days spinning whatever she was spinning to make TA jealous and whatever. Sounds like TA has reached the limit of his patience. This is when he tells JA he's going to make sure everyone knows what she has done and what she is.

4/8 JA leaves Mesa for CA. So she has finally decided she can't change his mind. I really think she would never have left if she had even the slightest chance. So, I believe that at least by 4/8 if not sooner JA was planning TA's death. That is a whole month. Who does that? Who could hold on to rage for that long? Thats unfathomable to me but I think she just got angrier and angrier.

On 4/18 "I took time to take care of crap for you today… I have let you have a car, money and a whole hell of a lot of time". Bless his heart, I think Travis was so desperate to get rid of JA, he gave her that car. Anything to get her away.
Thank you so much, H4M, for compiling and getting this down for us to go over. I've been looking at these exchanges, and the following is what comes to my mind. I am really beginning to think she premeditated this much sooner than a couple of weeks before. I'm sure everything I say below has been said a thousand times by a thousand people! Just wanted to share.

2/28, JA tells TA in email that she is fine with being friends, obviously they weren't meant to be a couple; she is fine with it and in fact friends is even better. I think she is using reverse psych here, trying to make him "realize" his love for her. He had just broken up with Lisa and started with Mimi, so she was feeling desperate to get in there.

3/2, JA writes in her journal and I think she meant for him to read it. She is all fine with his date, innocently went over to clean, fell asleep and oh by the way I might move far away to Yreka. Made sure to note she had plans, things to do, places to go people to see but she was exhausted. He needs to know she has a life and other people that want to spend time with her.

Dates skip from 3/2 to 3/18 and TA is asking where is my diamond ring, iPod and diary. So I draw the conclusion that JA is getting nowhere with making TA realize she is the one and the one is leaving. I think she read the journal and she has un-idolized him and has started feeling the hatred and need to get rid of him. Does anyone know what is in that journal? I wonder if he wrote about any fears or whatever about her?

3/26, Travis only has 4 months left in the ward.

3/27, Travis writes that it's a good think JA is leaving and it can't come soon enough. She is in the way of find a wife.

3/30, Travis writes, "Wickedness never was happiness", after noting that sin brings temporary happiness followed quickly by misery. Pretty much saying JA never made him happy, and a wife does not lie in that direction.

On 3/30 the they have a tense and unhappy text exchange, and JA tells TA goodbye in his journal the next day 4/1.

4/3, Travis writes that JA leaves for CA but turns up that evening at his house. Since JA wrote goodbye in his journal a few days before, he knows she reads this journal. He is now playing with fire by writing things in there for her to see, saying she's having a hard time leaving but he would be better off so would she if she would just leave. Oh and he misses and loves Lisa. He wants her to read this, he has said it and told her and she isn't getting it. I feel so bad for him. He tried to let her down nicely and she is just playing games that won't end.

Nothing from 4/3 (after that diary entry) to 4/7, and then the texts where TA is telling JA he doesn't want to hear from anyone but this Michelle K etc… so obviously JA was in full phycho mode during these days spinning whatever she was spinning to make TA jealous and whatever. Sounds like TA has reached the limit of his patience. This is when he tells JA he's going to make sure everyone knows what she has done and what she is.

4/8 JA leaves Mesa for CA. So she has finally decided she can't change his mind. I really think she would never have left if she had even the slightest chance. So, I believe that at least by 4/8 if not sooner JA was planning TA's death. That is a whole month. Who does that? Who could hold on to rage for that long? Thats unfathomable to me but I think she just got angrier and angrier.

On 4/18 "I took time to take care of crap for you today… I have let you have a car, money and a whole hell of a lot of time". Bless his heart, I think Travis was so desperate to get rid of JA, he gave her that car. Anything to get her away.

I think you're exactly right about her reverse psychology attempts in late Feb and early March. Thanks. Those journal entries were obviously BS, but I hadn't figured out that angle. Makes so much sense.
Hope4More: Many, many thanks for your work contextualizing the JA/TA exchanges.

And I agree with you: JA was threatening his Temple Recommend, impacting his ability to find a mate and marry with 'full' LDS blessings/status. In fact, I've always believed she drew him into their 'addictive' sex cycle on May 26th/June 4th, prior to killing him, for the sole purpose of leaving TA's 'redemption & grace' in limbo. {BTW: I am neither LDS nor Catholic nor much of anything ... So let's not discuss my "redemption/grace'/limbo verbiage.}

JA knew how to press TA's 'hot buttons' in more way than one. And she believed by killing him immediately after sex, his "redemption/grace/whatever" was forever lost (in her mind).

That said ...

HOPE4MORE: What did she say in the call to him that prompted his first email, and his misplaced hope that she would spare him?

Do we know what TA's Temple Status was in 2008 (leading into his murder)? IIRC, he lost TR following his 'confession' to sex with DR. And, somewhere, I thought I read he lost it again in late 2007, early 2008. ??? Anybody have info on this?

I also remember 'some report' that JA had talked to TA's Bishop (not hers) just after JA butchered TA. Is this true? {Sorry. Too much info, too many years, too many dead brain cells.)

Bottom line: I agree, as of JA's exodus from Mesa, she formulated the storyline of, "TA is a bad guy, (a bad Mormon) ... He hurt me, I'll get even ... and I'll make everyone else believe TA is a hypocrite within his circle of LDS friends."

Whatever happened on Memorial Day, 2008 ... He wanted her to admit, in writing, she tells lies. In writing. That's all he wants: Tell me, in writing, you lie. And lie. And lie.

That call? It must have been devastating. Far more than hacking TA's FB.

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