Trial day 31: the defense continues it's case in chief #86

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OMG.....O/T ---- Debra Jean Milke's conviction has been overturned!!! Thank God! I don't think she did it, at ALL.

I am sure this is exactly why this judge is acting on the cautious side..

Do not worry WS'rs..... DO NOT WORRY!
The jury is to use COMMON SENSE.

Jodi has demonstrated NO common sense for.... 5.... years.

Travis's Higher Power made sure that:
Those pictures were taken
Those pictures would be recovered.

The STATE'S PROOF is in the PICTURES and..

1) Pictures don't lie.

2) Jodi is NOT Travis's Higher Power

Remmber how kind and considerate Chief Judge Belvin Perry was to his jurors? He was/is a class act. Too bad we don't have that in this case.

Maybe Judge Perry was TOO kind and considerate ... to the point they weren't even angry enough to convict that Anthony. They have to go down as the dumbest, dumbass jury in history ... so lazy .. they didn't even deliberate. Don't get me started.

This jury will be so pissed about all this stuff that maybe they will be mad enough at the defense for draaaawwwwwing this thing out so looooooong ... that they will send her to death row after a couple hours of deliberation.

I share your feelings on THIS judge .... she gets the same respect from me as she gives her jury ..... she's abysmal!! No spine .... sustains and overrules objections at the wrong time. I'm not an attorney ... but some of her rulings are ridiculous (as far as objections) .... not sure if she's paying much attention at times. But that's just me .... whaddu I know??
Psychology is not the study of the brain, it's the study of the Psyche...hence the name Psychology. Right?
Alright... the ignorance of the defense has become too much and brought me out of lurkdom.

Yes, you are EXACTLY right. Psychologists study the psyche, not the anatomy of the brain, like a neurologist. Their "psychologist" should know better, I am only getting my master's right now and I know better as does the astute laymen watching.

And if I EVER brought in a Time magazine article as a reference my professors would make me redo the assignment. This is not validated professional research, this is propaganda and hype, at best.

Furthermore, I suffered from PTSD in my late teens after seeing my boyfriend shoot/kill himself while I stood a foot away and had blood and brains all over me. NO FOG HERE. And I could remember every SINGLE minute detail for at minimum 5 years. Your adrenaline makes everything profoundly sharp and slow and the smells, feelings, and out of body experience stay with you for a lifetime. Anyone who has experienced ACTUAL trauma will tell you this.
Not sure. The time to challenge experts is pre-trial, and I think Juan probably could have vetted this better and there are ways he could have raised the issue to limit the scope of his trstimony to whats in his 2010 report or to compel the defense to continually supplement their discovery based on information that became available after his report.

I'm really not sure without hearing more.

ok from what i am understanding, the premed. vs crime of passion were already disallowed in pretrial, expert can't talk about it and the power point was not given to PT till this morning and it is explaining the dif between instrumental vs reactive - which is the exact same thing and never given to the PT b4 - am i correct and would it be allowed?
My last job was with the residential program through the VA in Kentucky (before I became disabled). Many of the Vets had PTSD along with drug/alcohol addictions. They saw violence none of us have seen in our life time (most were Vietnam Vets). I don't remember them have the (fog stuff) as part of the symptoms of PTSD. That is part of their problem is they remember and can't forget reacting to civilian world as if the war violence is still around them NOT a "fog".

Something is wrong here.. really wrong.. Even in rape violence, homicide violence (witness), abuse (of all kinds) violence.. they terror won't leave which leads to symptoms of PTSD.

The syndrome is the mind/body stress immediate after the event and begins to go away as you heal and go with one's life. The symptoms turn into the disorder when, over time, the immediate stress of the violence continues to live in the nonviolent environment.

So I don't know where "fog" amnesia comes from. If it occurs in people it is so very rare and usually occurs from a very bad head injury.
A very bad head injury or brain damage from drugs and alcohol. Remember Jodi saying how these blackouts had happened twice before "because" she was drunk? She is so over-coached that it just leaks out all over the place. She should have stayed on script and left it to her experts to explain disassociation and fugue states.
Thank you. So is this guy a neurologist? How the heck can he be an expert as to cross sections of brains and what they show? And is he trying to say that Travis' brain shows he was abusive or something? That is truly beyond the pale. The judge just cannot let that in.

I'd also like to see the proposed exhibit list. Was the judge flustered with the defense or the state?

No.... :no: (bbm)

not to mention in the ME testimony the ME told Nurmi over and over again that he could not properly cross section the brain because it was partially decomposed (not to be gross or graphic but he had to scoop the tissue vs the ability to slice/cross section... I specifically recall this part of his testimony and will go find it)
Is it just me or does Casey Anthony start to come off like an OK person in comparison to Jodi?

Birds of a feather, in my opinion. The only reason CA may come off better is because we never got to hear her testify; plus, we had the whole summer 2008 of watching the crazy antics of her psycho parents and brother.
If I understand correctly HLN is explaining that at one the will present more legal arguments. To me that doe not mean she has let this in yet. Did I understand correctly....or am I in a total fog?

I did not hear her say she was letting it in. My impression was that Juan gets to interview Samuels again, and they will meet for a ruling at 1 p.m.
I will do my best, git..:

dt wanted their psychologist (who has a phd and his own website offering his testimony for your defense case no matter what the situation! :wink:) to present a powerpoint that was just made this morning citing TIME magazine as a professional source (or some sort of magazine). Also wants to compare sections of Travis' decomposed brain to other known samples (for real!).

Juan objects

Judge gets flustered and sends everyone to lunch until 1:15

I totally missed this. Must have dozed off!
I thought Willmott said that PTSD led to JA's actions (killing Travis - as in 'reactive').

I'll have to go back and read wenwe4 and Kmouse's transcripts on this since video isn't available yet.

I may have misunderstood, but this is what I heard, and it made my ears perk up - incredulously.

I have to go make are just so unwilling to go hungry for even one night! (Note: Check up on my Mother of the Year Award...still not come in the mail. ;))...

But I want to know too. PTSD can be caused by one traumatic event but every time I have seen it related to domestic violence it is, more often than not, a result of years of abuse and hundreds of violent incidents. You know, unlike Jodi's, um, four.
i think the judge is doing the right thing, if she just threw out the expert, it would be automatic appeal - by giving martinez time to get more info to throw out this stuff, it will stick

But she will get an automatic appeal anyway. So let the DT use this expert for JA's appeal. Like others, I'm getting ssooooo tired of the fear of appeal card to justify poor judging.
The Steubenville rape trial has an 11 hour day planned today...I don't think even seen an 11 hour WEEK yet with this trial!

Is it live streamed? I need something to listen to.
Is it just me or does Casey Anthony start to come off like an OK person in comparison to Jodi?

Sorry, but its just you... :)

JA is incredibly evil and vile, but killing your own baby child because you want to hang out with your boyfriend is as bad as it gets, IMO.
that "expert" is likely to end up as "doofus" instead of "expert", which I have no problem with. I really detest these paid experts who advertise themselves to defense attorneys. I hope Juan reads from his website in front of the jury:

An extensive evaluation of the respondent, in depth case analysis and research contributes to a succinct report which often will result in a more favorable outcome for your client.

If I were a juror in this case at this point, that would be enough for me to dismiss that testimony too especially if it is based in any part on what the "defendant told him". I have a feeling this guy may end up regretting he signed onto this case after Juan is finished with him.

Not to worry. Mr. Juan will rise to the occasion on cross. The jury will also get to ask questions and I hope one will be: How can you base your opinion on a pathological liar?
I'm sick and tired of all this court hubabaloo nonsense with the defense of Ms Arias.

She killed him because he broke up with her and called names she knew fit her well.

That's it. Case over. Next
I am sure this is exactly why this judge is acting on the cautious side..

Do not worry WS'rs..... DO NOT WORRY!
The jury is to use COMMON SENSE.

Jodi has demonstrated NO common sense for.... 5.... years.

Travis's Higher Power made sure that:
Those pictures were taken
Those pictures would be recovered.

The STATE'S PROOF is in the PICTURES and..

1) Pictures don't lie.

2) Jodi is NOT Travis's Higher Power

well....her case and JA's are vastly different. People are sentenced to DR and prison on little to no evidence sometimes. This is one of those cases if you do research. This jury was a reverse Pinellas 12. In JA's case there is so much evidence that no way will anything ever be overturned.

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